V a man a man . W1 muiuucwuoca iao mem no harm if noerood. Take the legislative can asses ot tne county. In 1S97 Orchard. Inrtenpnnt hp9t od.li roimfkr tin inee. Odell did not suit, Orel -d did. In 1881, Heilman, Independent, beat Means, regular nominee ; and In 1S87, Jim Long, a hog, in whom there could pos sibly be no harm was elected over McAlister, regular nominee ; McAlister did not suit, Long would do." The only formidable foe the ring ever had was Heilman, who turned viper in their bosom after being waimed into political life. ' A majority of the people of Cabarrus county are fearless, honest- and sincere, They have ever despised the ring. And when the Populist party made its advent. Cabarrus became one of its hot-beds, not because the people believed so much in Populism, but 1 BECAUSE THEY HATED THE RING Init di$cZr ll not be the pliant tool they desire, they beat him with ing, "robbing and stealing on every WrflhlSclas to enrich coroo- 1 nave resolved to cut aloof from that party and cast my lot with the ONLY PATRIOTS OF THE COUNTRY, the Populist Party, until the last one has renewed his covenant of justice and right. - Now, Mr Editor, I wish to ask a small favor of you, which I hope you will not refuse, as I do not wish to be annoyed any further. I have been a subscriber to the north Carolinian (Josephus Daniels' rehash of the News and Observer) and my subscription has not yet expired ; but I do not wish my family to again read any such an INDECENT AND SCANDALOUS SHEET, t which all the Christian people of the State ought to condemn, that its publication might cease. Please call at that office and say to the editor I want it discontinued. I freely give him all unexpired time. vWi.thothe best wishes for the success of the reform movement in the good "Old North State," I am, Yours truly, R. J. Corbett. SAW ENOUGH TO FIX HIM. DEMOCRATIC PARTY NO MORE FIT FOR BETTERMENT THAN HELL IS FOR A SUMMER RESORT. ' Apex, N. C, October 9, 1898. Editor Caucasian: While traveling through Richmond county I had the opportunity of witnessing one of the most humiliating scenes that I ever saw im posed on a free white man in my life. A gang, headed by John F. McNair, Maxcy John, Bob Covington, W. L. Fields and I heard that one of the preachers of the town chur. h, together with about forty of the ignorant poor farmers who are being used as tools and bedecked in red bhlrts, while the leaders wear their usual lanndried shirts, marched down the town street, in open daylight, and arrested a young white gentleman of humble birth, manly bearing, and a lawyer by profession, AND THREATENED HIS LIFE if he ever was caught again making speeches to negroes. I understand Mr. Cox was reared a Democrat, but a few months ago he decided to cast his lot with the Fusion party of North Carolina, and-because of that his neighbors and business men are imperiling his life. Now, sir, I have always been a poor man, but a Democrat, but when I witnessed that blood-curdling, humiliating and desperate seen.-, I DECIDED WITHIN MY SOUL that the Democratic party is no more for the poor man's pleasure and betterment than hell is for a summer resort. And since seeing with my own eyes this das tardly attempt to take away from a fiee white man in North Carolina THE RIGHT OF HIS OPINION, the fact is clear to my mind that this Democratic campaign is to the poor white men of North Carolina what the civil war was: "A rich man's war and a poor man's fight." In every county in the State the tickets are not even spotted with Door white men, and I am told in Richmond county the candidate for the Legislature is rich and oppressive, and spent hundreds and hundreds of dullars to prevent the poor people of Rockingham from having a graded school. What I saw in Laurinburg gives me a full taste of what we poor white men would suffer if the rich Democratic partv wins. Why South Carolina would be a Heaven to it. ' w. C. Dixon. Now I have always been a Democrat ; I have teen a silver Democrat ; I am a t V XriT-t . . uone as nam woric tor tne partv as any other man lias done. While this is a fact, I have never been in svmpathy with the ring, nor the nng with me. ' 6 Last May we held our primaries for the purpose of sending delegates to the County Convention The ring, lent on rule or ruin, did not attend these primaries. But the leaders of the Ring did their work well. To a silver man they would say : a,m. not SolnS to the primaries ; silver men ought not to bind themselves." To a goldbug the cry was : "lam going to take no more Bryanism and electoral fu sion with Russell's gang in mine. I expect to vote as I please this year." The consequence was, a very small attendance was given the May primaries. In order to put silver men on their guard, we instructed our delegates to the county convention to introduce a resolution reaffirming our allegiance to the Chicago platform and our faith in National Chairman Jones. When we got to the convention we found the Ring in full control. After the delegates to the State Convention were named, a resolution instructing them against fusion was passed. Then our resolution was rvfTorcwl ai FAILED TO GET EVEN A SECOND. And this, in spite of the fact that the men in control of that convention had been mad as wet hens because the last National Convention failed to endorse Grover Cleveland ! Our resolution was actually hooted at by most of the delegates, in cluding some of the gentlemen who have since become successful candidates for the Democratic nomination for office. The State Convention was held and, as might have been expected, Cabarrus county was represented principally by a GOLDBUG RAILROAD ATTORNEY. who, it is said, voted only a sect'on of the last Presidential ticket and who was not in svmpathy with even that small part of it. The platform adopted at that conven tion is, as you know, "a cowardly makeshift," bearing in almost every paragraph the most flagrant evidences of insincerity, and designed onlv to deceive. Our knees weakened when we learned that A. B. Andrews had named the State Chairman (a fact which is no longer denied) and when it became doubly evident that the ma chine would make one last determined, defiant, despairing effort to gain the legis lature, with the UNDISGUISED PURPOSE OF PLAYING THE DEVIL generally, in such matters as the enactment of laws to create a high rate of inter est, the disfranchisement of the negro in the East and the " poor unruly white" in the West, a perpetuation of corporation iniquities, the invention of a machine with the aid of which the next State Convention should send a Gold delegation to the National Convention for the two-fold purpose of striking down Bryan and Bryanism, and through the aid of which machine also the , RANSOM REGIME SHOULD BE RE-ENTHRONED, with the sure election of one of their school to the United States Senate in 1900. With a State Convention just held, in all respects exactly to their liking, the Ring in Concord began to move upon the " masses." I saw the rascality of the whole proceeding. So did most of the silver Demo crats. We of the silver persuasion did not stand a single chance of getting to vote for a silver man in the November election. For the general purpose of giving the silver men such an opportunity in the primary convention an , ; . .. EXCUSE FOR EFFECTIVE ACTION LATER, LOOK UP A PEOPLE'S PABT1THASD BOOK. YOU MAY BE ONE OF" THE MEN WHO HAS BEEN FOOLED BY THE DEMO CRATIC MACHINE. THIS BOOK WILL OPEN YOUR EYES. denied if the charge is true what may silver men expect in 1900? Will not the Clevelandites, who now contrpl the ma chinery of the party, use it to try to de feat the nomination of Bryan or any true silver man? And, if he should be nomi nated over their heads, would they not use the machinery of the party to try and defeat him and carry the State for ihe nominees of the Cleveland-McKinley-Palmer and Buckner combine? Certain ly they will. Some of them bolted in 18)6 to try to carry the State for McKin ley, and, failing by that method, they went to work to capture the machinery of the Democratic party for the same pur pose in 1900. This is a question for every silver man who is earnestly opposed to the rule of gold and monopoly to think about, and seriously too. There were some men at the recent Democratic State Convention who had been so bound and who seemep so pro nounced in their devotion to silver and in their opposition to monopoly, that the people thought they were sincere. But it seems that they all surrendered to the Clevelandites without even a struggle. They made no fight for their convictions, or, rather, their professed principles. Where was the editor of the News and Observer, the member of the National committee, the so-called representative of Mr. Bryan and the self-styled "Tribune ofthePeple?" He, too, surrendered at the convention to the Clevelandites. They put him on the platform committee. They told him that he might write all the silver in the platform he wanted, but that he must not insist on carrying the plan of Bryan and Chairman Jones for winning a victory for silver. They said to him, make all the silver and anti-monopoly professions you want to, but you must surrender the only weapon of success for those professions by the same act that you declare your devotion. And the so called 'Tribune of the People" stepped into the trick. Was he fooled, or did he think he could fool the people? Mr. Bryan foresaw, months ago, that this trick would be worked by the gold bugs and hypocrites in Statts where the silver sentiment was strong among the masses of the people. In an open letter and for the specific purpose of learning the stage of rottenness to which the Ring had' descended I, at the last moment, allowed my name to be used in the primary in connection with the legislative candidacy. My own township gave me an over whelming vote. ' Wonderful to tell ! we had ninety-five men in our primary on the 3d of September instead of four as in May. I had only two days in which to work and did not try to reach all of the townships, but in some precincts where I had been promised fair play, the Ring's lieutenants, fearing a revolt in the county con vention REFUSED TO ALLOW MY NAME to be put in nomination. Why? Not because there was any objection, moral or intellectual. Not because they were pledged to any other candidate, because it was said there was no avowal candidate for the place. The reason was, I did not suit the gang ! It may be charged that I an "disgruntled" or "soured." These are favorite terms with the machine. But this charge would be absolutely untrue. I knew, when I started out, there was no chance of a nomination. I have some inside facts. I will not be personal here, but if anyone desires names or reasons, let him see me or address me, and he can be accommodated. One of the candidates told me that a certain " Richard Croker " of the Ring was for him and had triven him more eood points than any other man in the countv. In return for these "points" this candidate confided all his achievements in his canvass to the astute Croker ; and it so turned out that as fast as the candidate tied a knot, Croker slipped -long and gently untied it. In the primaries this candidate was not only slaughtered, he WAS SHAMEFULLY HUMILIATED. In the County Convention lie bit the dust, and instructed, in an eloquent fashion, that the nomination of his rival be cheerfully and unanimously given. Now, the irresistible deduction from these facts is that this candidate was either shamefully betrayed by a heartless and villainous Ring, the life of which ought to be crushed out in the righteous wrath of an outraged community, or that the said candidate was the HIRED SACRIFICE OF THE SAME RING, who, for a consideration, marched to the block for the two-fold purpose of keeping all other candidates "off the grass" in that .particular race and to secure the out raged candidate's peaceful approval of the infamous, detestable work of the Ring in their particular cases. I do not share in the latter belief, but I know many who do. In the race for Register of Deeds, Henry White, a good man, a good Democrat, but a man who was not favored by the Ring, was deprived of the nomination, it is generally asserted (and I believe) by a trick worked in the very last days of the campaign before the primaries. Henry White believes he was treated most shame fully. He was beaten by the Ring for a man who, so far as I have been able to learn, has not one single point to recommend him for the office. In the County Convention, Mr. White went down before the invincible onslaught of Ring forces. When every hope vanished, he was too overcome to speak, but asked a friend to express his approval of the Ring's disgraceful work, of his own political murder ; and while this friend was speaking, Henry White sat upon a seat just behind him and wept. , - There are many other disgraceful things I could mention, but I .do not desire to weary your readers. . Suffice it to say I am TOO MUCH OF A DEMOCRAT, too much of a gentleman, to endorse the work of the late Democratic Convention in its nominations for Cotton-weigher, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Clerk of the Court and Legislature. I think it is in the interest of the common people that these candidates be beaten, and I promise the most devoted assistance in bringing ahrmt this desired end. I WILL NOT BE WHIPPED INTO LINE BY THE CRY OF ".NIGGER." The white men of the East, if they are suffering so terribly under negro domina tion ought either to open their doors to Peg Leg Williams and get rid of the negro, or move themselves to other quarters. I am opposed to negro rule I will not submit to it but Democratic Ringsters CANNOT CONVINCE ME OF THE GENUINENESS OF THEIR SCARE lon as they continue to vote for negroes to hold office. In the last three elec- the Democrats had " reversible " experiences in the first, they bought him and got him ; in the two last, they bought him and got him not. Now, I do contend that the party that buys negro votes is equally rep rehensible with the party that puts the negro in onice. wma , or ouiu, that politics in North Carolina have reached the very lowest depths of corruption, and that a terrible debauchery has been wrought in our manhood. One thing more: I WILL NOT AID THE RING DEMOCRATS OF THE STATE in their attempts to place the State again in the hands of the Ransom-Jarvis-Sim-mons-Andrews-Henderson gang, with their oligarchic tendencies and their faith in their divine right to rule. If no other individual in North Carolina opposes them, I will take the platform of invincible, indestructable manhood and utter my protest against their long, clammy grapple of the throats of the oppressed poon Very respectfully, Jake Nkwku. CORBETT KNOCKS 'EM OUT. HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A DEMOCRAT BUT NOW CUTS ALOOF FROM A PARTY DECEIVING, ROBBING AND STEAL ING FROM THE PEOPLE. Sunbury, N. C, October 10, 1S9S. Progressive Farmer: 1 am now past my three score years, and have always been a Democrat, and think all political fights should be made upon truth and jus tice leaving the results to the voters of the country. But having seen what tactics the machine Democratic press of the State have resorted to, that they may again get control of the State, bv lying, villifying, scandalizing and cartooning the good people of the State, regardkss of sex, many of whom are personally known to the writer, and knowing their statements to be false, I feel that it is time that the good people of the State should stand together and DRIVE OUT OF EXISTENCE that old bourbon Democracy, which has swayed so long in North Carolina, deceiv- THE EGGS HAVE LONG SINCE " FAILED," BUT THE OLD MACHINE THINKS SHE IS BOUND TO SET TILL THE EIGHTH OF NOVEMBER. N. B. These aie not the rotten eggs thrown at Populist speakers in former campaigns. THE CLOVEN FOOT EXPOSED. MR. STEVENS EXPOSES THE HYPOCRISY OF THE RAILROAD LAW YER CONVENTION THE CRIME COMMITTED IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY. so tions Editor The Caucasian : Since the last Democratic State Con vention adjourned this writer has been expecting'to see some charges cleared up and set right before the people. It has been repeatedlj charged that the Con vention didnot represent the masses of Jeffersonian Democrats, but that it was captured and controlled by men who wouldprefer to see Cleveland President rather than Bryan. It has also been charged that goldbugs and monopolists who did not support Bryan and silver in 1896, and somewho supported either Mc Kinley'or Palmer and Buckner, were on hand as delegates helping to defeat a co operation of the silver and anti-monopoly forces, as recommended by Bryan and the National organization. Is this so? The people have a right to know, and they will know. There have been no positive and specific denials. The denials come by way of charging other parties with certain shortcomings. Does this answer the charge ! Surely it does not, but, on the other hand, it it not an adnvssion that a positive direct denial cannot be made? The sickening con viction is coming to the masses of the silver Democrats that the charge is true. Is it not shameful that 140,000 silver men, who stand for Bryan and the whole Chicago platform, shall be dominated and betrayed by about 5,000 goldbugs and monopolists, who are ag -ins. Bryan and silvtr, and many of whom bolted and openly supported McKinley orPalmei nd Buckner and that crowd? Yet it seems that these are the men who took complete charge f the Democratic State Conven tion on May 26, 1S98, and who now have complete control of the machinery of the party. They repudiated the policy of Bryan and committed the party to the policy of Cleveland. Bryan wanted the 140,000 Silver Democrats and the 40,000 Populists to join forces to co-operate, which would make a sweeping victory over gold and monopoly. Cleveland wanted these silver and anti-monopoly forces kept apart so that gold and mo noply might control the State. Thee 5.000 Clevelandites have captured the party and carried out his goldbug policy. They have not only done this, but these Clevelandites now control the machinery of the party. Will they nt use this ma chinery of Cleveland's till 1900 against Bryan and silver and in support of Cleve land's gold and monopoly policy ? This is shameful treason that has been committed in the name of Democracy, and this is the reason that the question is dodged and not answered, It was not thus in 1896, when by a union of the sil ver forces the State electoral ticket was carried for Bryan and silver over the heads of the Clevelandites. If the charge cannot now be positively in the New York Journal he warned the people that in States like North Carolina the goldbugs and monop olists would pretend to be for silver in order to get control of the conventions and the party machinery, but when in control they would refuse to do that which was necessary to win a victory for the people and good government. Did not thi - very thing happen at the late Democratic State Convention? And did not Mr. Daniels submit to it without a fight? But the people had not been warn ed of this danger, for a majority of the Democratic papers refused to publish Mr. Bryan's letter containing this warn ing. What does it mean? It means that the goldbugs and the pretended silver men (hypocrites) have fooled the people and have gotten complete control of the par ty machinery. It means that Bryan and the principles he stands for have been betrayed that the people have been be trayed. What can the people do ? Let them repudiate the traitors ! Don't silver men want success for sil ver? How can they win? By standing together by co-operating against gold and monopoly, as advised by Bryan, and Chairman Jones. And if the Democratic State Convention had been controlled by men who were sincere for silver and earn estly opposed to gold and monopoly, it would have followed this course. Don't goldbugs and monopolists want to win a victory for gold and monopoly? Don't they always pursue the course that will bring them victory? Certainly ! In this State they could not win by simply combining their strength, because the silver men, if united, are in a large ma-jo-ity; therefore, to win, they must first divide the silver men, and this is the ex planation of the action of the Democratic State Convention, If this is Democracy, then I do not endorse such Democracy and am out of it. Thus we see that the goldbugs and mo nopolists put forth tremendous efforts (supposing the letters of Mr Bryanand Chairman Jones) for no other purpose than to divide the silver and anti-monopoly forces. They worked this game wher ever they could in the last election ; they are working it even more successfully now. There are, probably, 40,000 Populists who saved this State for Bryan and free silver in the last campaign, and that, too under conditions that pat their patriot ism and devotion to principle to the se verest test. These are the men whom every sincere supporter of Bryan aud his principles should seek as allies. Did the Democratic State Convention seek the co operation of these men? No, but, on the other hand, it spurned the offer which the Populists had already made. What is the explanation? There are a few thousand gold and monopoly Democrat? who, acting under Cleveland's advice,' tried to defeat Bryan in the last campaign and carry the State for McKinley ; and these are the men who, with the hypo crites, captured the Democratic State Convention and now control the machin ery, and are using it to try to divide the silver and anti-monopoly torces. This is the explanation. Does any man need further proof that the convention was not composed of sin cere silver delegates? If so, I can be spe cific. Here, in Duplin county, at the county convention, a certain Cleveland ite offered a resolution condemning the last Democratic State cpmmittee for forming a co-operative electoral ticket in 1896, which was the only possible way to carry the State for Bryan and silver. Now this same Clevelandites was rewarded at the late Democratic State Convention by being r laced on the Democratic State Committee, and the State. Committee is now composed of such men, because the Clevelandites controlled the Convention. Thus the 5,000 Cleveland and monop oly Democrats, with the help of some hypocrites pretending to be for Byran and silver (who, by the way, are more numerous and more dangerous than the open goldbugs), have led 140,000 silver voters again in the goldbug trap. They have succeeded in dividing the silver forces (the object aimed at) which is a victory for gold and a defeat for diver. I believe that it is the duty of every true silver man and sincere supporter of Bryan to expose and denounce this trick of the enemy. The quicker the people repudiate these traitors the better. I hope in 1900 to see the true silver and anti-monopoly forces united. But the people must overthrow these Cleveland ites and hypocrites before the silver men can be united. These men are against the Chicago platform and every economic reform that means prosperity to the -people. Remember how these monopolists and goldbugs were dumbfounded and scatter ed with amazement when Bryan was nominated, but most of them hung on to the Democratic ship, some by voting for only a Democratic constable perhaps, hoping to recapture her. This they have now done by deception. Now.they intend to either scuttle the ship or land her into their goldbug and monopoly harbor. One of the two they will surely do, and the honest masses of the Democratic crew cannot now prevent it, for the ironopoly pirates control the machinery of the ship. Now, one word in conclusion about the recent letter of ex-Governor Jarvis, in which he attempted to construe or inter pret the action of the convention. Let it be remembered that Mr. Jarvis was one of the leading opponents of co-ojieraUon at the convention. He was Chairman of the committee which repudiated Bryan's plan for co-operation of all who oppose gold and monopoly. He was Chairman of the committee which not only refused the proposition of the Populists for co operation and further refused to make a counter propo ition, but which also de clared against ..nsidering any further proposition of any kind. Yet Mr. Jarvis says in his letter to Col. John R. Web ster (than whom there is no truer silver man) that it was not intended by the State Convention to prevent district and coun ty co-operation. If it was not district and county co-operation to elect silver Con gressmen and members of the Legisla ture, &c, that the State Convention re fused, then pray what was it ? There is no State ticket to be elected this year. The hypocrisy of this is too absurd to fool anybody. The State Convention is the only body that is a unit of the Na tional organization. The chief business before the State Convention was to con sider the question of co-operation as out lined and recommended by Bryan and the National organization of the party. But this convention repudiated the Na tional organization and betrayed the peo ple at home. Why? Because Bryan and Chaiiman Jones are true silver men, while the State Convention was controll ed by goldbugs and monopolists. Still the silver people are invited to vote for the candidates of this gold and monopoly machine in the districts and counties. Do they think the people are fools ? Yours, &c, , II. L. Stevevs. Warsaw, July 14th.