"The Progres sive Farmer is a rood paper far above the ver gge and possibly the best advertit lam medium lo N. C.Tt Printers' Ink. lias the largest circulation of any family agricultu ral or political paper published between R i c h mond and Atlanta 5 THE IEDUSTEIAL AND EDUCATIONAL IKTEEESTS OF OUB PEOPLE PARAMOUNT TO ALL OTHEE CONSIDERATIONS OF STATE POLICY. Vol. 13. RALEIGH, IT. C., DECEMBER 13, 1898. Ho. 45 - k. PUBLISHED WEEKLY The date on your label tells you when your enbecription expires. Receipts for money on subscription will be giwn In change of date on label. If not properly changed In two weeks. notliy ns. D ISCONTI NU A.NC ES. If a subscriber wishes his copy of the paper discontinued at the -x-piratlpn f his subscription, notice to that effect Should be sent. Otherwise it is assumed that a. continuance of the subcriptiou is desired, ana all arrearages must be paid when paptr is ordered stripped. Money at our risOt if sent by regln' ered letter or money order. Plcaze, don't tend st amps. Be sure to give both old and new addresses In ordering change of postofflce. Basif of Advertising Rates: ten cents per agate line. Liberal discounts for time and space. Thi item is marked to remind you that you thou d carefully examine ibis hample copy and s-end us $1 for a ear's subscription. We want intelligent correspondents in every county in the State. We want facts of value, reeulta accomplished of value, experiences of value, plainly and brieflv told. One solid, demonstrated fact, is worth a thousand theo ries. The Edltort are tot responsible for the views of Correspondents. The Progressive Farmer is the Official Organ of the North Carolina Farmers' State Alliance. ' I am standing now just behind the urtain, and in full glow of the coming lunset. Behind me are the shadows on Ihe track, before me lies the dark valley ind the river. When I mingle with its lark waters I want to cast one linger ng look upon a country whose govern ment is of the people, for the people, xnd by the people.' Z L. Polk, July 4h. 1S90. EDITORIAL, NOTES. A9 a rale the average farmer who farms for a living, growing everything he can, gets a better living, and far more satisfaction out of the farm and out of life than the one crop man. The longer the manure lies in the heap, the greater the losa of fertilizing constituents; gratting, however, that there ia no loas, will there be as much time in the spring to do the hauling cf it, when there are forty other thugs to do daily ? m No animal takes more cemfort in a good warm bed than doea the pig. A damp bed is apt to be fatal to mm. a farmer who believed in giving his pigs warm sleeping qu&rters. allowed them to lie on the fresh horse manure, thrown out daily. Those pigs never went to market. The Wisconsin Experiment 8tation reports that about five pounds of ekim milk ar the equivalent of one pound ef corn meal in nutrition value. Bat t:rniik hold? the same relation a? ekitnoiilk. Much more, however, tbar. theu- actual nutrition valu, lifs in thjir relishsorne qualitic-3 and their bilacco as a diet. Reports from some of our sister States would seom to indicate that naiiy planters of the South are rea iz ing that an agricultural pecple canno; thrive who buy their grain and meat with the price of othe r farm product?. Next year will see some real diversifi cation of farm crops, and North Caro lina should j-in the r roces3ion. Sjcre'ary Wilson eays that the hog furnishes the beat market in which to b;11 the by products cf the mill and -airy. He assimilates more of the rnDit concentrated feed Bluff than any ether aniooal on the farm. In con junction with the cow he will redeem the worn out cotton and tobacco fields of the South. Select your breeding fjwj, he eays, from good milkers; that i is the beat indication of fecundity. m President Andrade, of Venezuela, issued a proclamation concerning a national exposition to bo held at Caracas. The Ministers cf Agriculture, Industry and Commerce will take the matter ia hand and afford opportunity for foreign governments and mer chants to participate and exhibit goods. American exporters will doubtless ob tain their full ehare of the increased trajV likely to re-ult from such an un dertaking: The exposition will open January 1, 19j0. Man? who h ave given the subject veful thought and study believes that the cow coming in fresh in the fall 3 about a quarter more profitable dur ing the year than one coming in dur the spring, other things being equal. The calves are dropped from September, to December and are car ned through the winter on ekimmilk rgely, with good shelter against the cold. When the pastures are ready, ley are turned out and need little at Nation till the following winter. GonsuUGeneral Holloway reporta to the Scate Department that the rice in dustry in Russia has largely increased of late years. The demand for this product is constantly increasing and it is now generally used by the peasants throughout the empire. The finished product ia packed and sold in jute bags ; the broken grains are made into starch and the "flour" is fed to hogs. The price in Russia for cleaned rice fluc tuates from 93 cents to $1 per 35 pounds and the flour bran sells for about 15 cents per 36 pounds Quick fattening makes tender meat. But much nec?esarily depends upon the condition of the animal when the fattening process begins If it is lean and run down, forced feeding at first ia an evident mistake. The digestive organs will speedily become upset and not so good progress will be made in laying on weight as though the in creased feeding is more moderate. The animal's system must bo brought into a healthy state where it will easily digest everything it eat3, and ther its appetite must be kept up. The excre mem will not show all the undigested food. With the many methods of dehorn icg in such common use, from a touch of acid to a scientific cutter for the ma turn horn, it eeems strange that farm era will allow their cattle to retain their horns, jeopardizing the live cf the farmer and his family, endangering the lives of other stock, and keeping a condition of unrest and worry in the herd. Where a farmer or dairyman once practices dehorning, and see the benefit to his herd, he will never after allow a horned animal in his yarta Look in the advertising columns of The Progressive Farmer for good brands of dehornere. Aleike clover is a valuable forage crop and can be grown to advantage in many places vhere ordinary red clover will not yield profitably. It is a pe reDnial and has no hairs on the stalk so is net dusty Its bloom is sweet and makes good honey. It will ttand any amount of wet. Planted in wet swales and depression?, it will make abund ant growth and reeeed itself from year to year, tffording a vast amount of ex cellent feed. It does not; throw out and freez out as do red and mammoth c'overs. Farmers would do well to try a patch on any low lying land on the farm. It withstands cold well and haa made good growth in Alaska. The experiments of tho Cornell Sta tion go to snow very clearly that till age is fuiiy aa important a factor in g'owing 8ucces8rui crops as oven eoil fertility. For seven yean the station has been making careful experimpnts in tillage and eoil fertility. Potatoes were rown on a soil containing loss fertility than the average soil, yet by means of careful tillage, and without the uee of any commercial fertilizer or manure of any kind, crops have been grown hich are far above the aver age of the State. The crop raised this year is the fifth one removed from tho soil sinse fertilizers of any kind were applied; yet it is a very satisfactory one. The time for listing in a crop and cultivating it once has gone by. The President of the C)ntinental Company, of Chicago, btatea it is hi3 opinion that the Tamworth is the com ing hog. 4After semi experiments and quite a Utile experience," he eays, "I think that that breed possesses mere qualities of general utility than any other. If desired, it can be slaughtered at 175 pounds and makes excellent bacon; otherwise it can easily be brought to 5(0 or 600 before killing. The virtue of the Tamworth lies large ly in its uniformity. I have seen hogs, however, of the Tamworth variety, weigh as high as 1,000 pounds. Cana dian bacon, the popularity of which is undeniable, is produced almost exclu sively from the Tamworth. I am cer tain that as soon ae the merits of this breed are known to the American farmer and packer, it will be but a short time before it will be very large ly bred." m Mr. D G Fairchild, who has charge of the work of se2d and plant introduc tion of the Dopartment of Agriculture, has recently started on a trip to South America, where he hopes to find new plants which will be advantageous to thi3 country. Mr. Fairchild is an ac complished linguist, which smoothes over many difficulties in such an un dertaking, ia a botanist, and also a specialist on plant diseases. Mr. Fair child has strongly advocated seme measures being adopted by the United States looking to the shutting out of the many diseases and insect enemies which are constantly being imported along with foreign eeed3 and plants, through the ignorance of growers and merchants. It seems reasonable to as sume that action should be taken to keep out, by quarantine, deadly dis eases of plants, as well as diseases dan gerous to human life. A man's life may pay the result of cnrelessness in the latter instance; his fortune or means of a livelihood in the former AGRICULTURE. SOMETHING IN REGARD TO FER TILIZERS Mr. Q. B. Dillon, of Tennessee, who last week contributed a helpful article our Dairy Department, writes an ex change regarding the use of fertilizers. We quote: Different soils and d fferent crops require different treatment and differ ent elements of plant food. JUDICIOUS SOIL CULTIVATION. Ajudicicu? cultivation of soil adds to its producing capacity as the ele ments of plant growth contained in soils are unlocked and made available to some extent by proper working of the soil. It was formerly believed that it was necessary to add all the con stituents of plant growth to the soil be fore plants could be produced. That if we wished torais) wheat we must add the constituents of wheat. If we wished to raise potatoes we must add i he constituents of potatoes. Tnis is not now considered absolutely neces sary. If we use a fertilizer, rich in nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, with judicious rotation of crops, we may not only raise good crops inde fi nitely, but brit g the land up to a higher state of productiveness every year. On some soil we could safely leave out the potash, enough being yielded an nually by decomposing particles of soil unlocking the sand grains, as it were, to get these treasures. Oa some soils nitrogen perhaps would not be celled for at first, and on others, rarer still, phosphoric acid might for a time be found sufficient in the soil. CEREALS AND NITROGEN Cereal crops are especially benefited by nitrogen and nitrogenous manures. Generally from forty to sixty pounds per acre are required for full crop. I believe clover to be the best medium to use in charging Foils with nitrogen. It is a trap easy set and euro to catch. Clover may be ersiiftlly fertilized with plaetcr. For Indian corn phosphoric acid is perhaps the beat fertilizing element. LAND PLASTER Land plaster often does good eervhe. On some eoila potash proves valuable. Grass requires all theelemer ts of plant food. Well rctt?d manure is perhaps tho best special manure for it. Bone dust comes next. Either of these can bo used at see ding, or afterward as top dressing Clover requires nitrogen and phosphoric acid iu small quantities Potash and lime are its most valuable manures. Turnips require nitrogen and phesporic acid, the latter in solu ble form. potash f :r potatoes Potatoes are like the turnip and on most soils they need a supply of potash furnished. There is usually potash enough in our common barnyard ma nure for potatoes. One hundred pounds of good bone, thirty five pounds of sulphuric acid and thirteen pounds of water, mixed in a wooden tub or vat, will make one hundred and forty-eight of superphosphate dry. In mixing, however, much more water will be found neceestary to possibly properly mix the mass, and when properly mixed, if after standing a day or two it is too damp, may ba dried by add ing ground plaster or other material The bonedust should be wet with water first, then the acid added, a little at a time; by so doing the vessel in which the mixture is made is less acted upon, and the incorporation with an action upon the bone is better. Stir with a wooden hoe or mixer. Never attempt to reduce whole bones with the sul phuric acid. LIME ON SOILS The advantage of reducing bores or rock phosphate with sulphuric acid is to render the solubility in water the greater when applied to the foils. Liming soils really adds no plant food to the soil, but has a tendency to de velop it in the soil by the caustic, dia solving, breaking down t ffct that the action of the lime has upon the par ticles of the soil. G. B, Dillon. Eva, Tenn. MAKE WINTER LEISURE PROFITABLE. Winter should be the farmer's time of rest. Whether it is not depends largely on himself. If he is properly prepared for winter by having his feed stored handy to his live stock, his fuel stored in a dry place and his farm work done on time he may find many rest days during the winter. If feed must be hauled for the stock, fuel for the house and odd jobs of all kinds at tended to, winter may be a time of hard work at a time when work is hardest. It is not too late to prepare for severe weather and after this is done it would be well to take a little time to think how much the best of us fall short of doing as well as we know. We know we could make every field tillable by draining a few low places early in the spring. When you come to this just note it down in big letters. We know we lose a great deal of the value of the manure made by allowing it to leech away in the rains of winter, and we know we could save all this by u little preparation and a small amount of work every day. We know plows and cultivators work better if the bright parts are cov ered with tallow when they are put away in the fall, and if so it happens we have not put them away, we know wo are wasting money by letting them rot. Better attend to that to day, don't you think? We discover, when we come to think the matter over, that we have onr farm buildingf arranged that we are walking miles and miles needlessly every year while doing the chores. Ic isn't a very good excuse to say we haven't time to attend to all these things. D jing the best we know is the one sure way of making as much as we can, and to say we haven't time to do the best we can is very much like the excuse the man made who eaid he had so much to do that he couldn't attend to business. Let us take time this winter to make a plan that will allow us to do the beat we can next year. Tela would be a profitable way to use the winter leisure. Farmers' Vo.'ca. ODDS AND ENDS. Now is the season when there is no big jjb (hiving but there are a plenty small ones to keep the farmer out of mischief until winter sets in. Most of them will begin at the barn and more likely than not never get to the house ac all, but we will begin with the hou&e in reminding them of the things which they know very well ought to be done bat are very liable to overlook. Seo that the house is well banked if it needs it and triat the cellar windows are all right and fit snugly. Sea that some of them are windows, cot; plank, so that the women will not have to light a lamp or grope around in the dark two or three times a day. Have your cellar protected for you do not want to wake up scmo z?ro morning and fiod your 'garden sasa" fr.zen. You will miss your "biled dish" when you cannot have it. See thai; the house windows are well puttied and broken places replaced with new glass, also that they are snugly wedged up. It will save fuel and it may save your getting a ' Scotch Blessing" if the house plants do not fraez3 this winter. You will be pretty sure to get one if they do. Look to the stove pipe and chimneys. They have an inconvenient way of do ing mfschief in the worst possible weather if not kept safe and you do not want your insurance money just yet. See to the water pipes and tubs. You will use bad language if your water freezes up and you have to lug it from the brook. See if the kitchen floor does not need a coat of paint. If it does, put it on. Se that your shed U full of dry wood and some light stuff for kindling. Now you may go to the barn and tinker around there awhile. You will find plenty of places where a board, or some banking or a hinge or hasp will make things more comfortable for your cattle, and the more comfortable they are, the greater will be your in come from them, also your pleasure in them. Domestic animals have no life but at our will and spend that life serv ing us faithfully as they can. It is a sin not to treat them kiodly and make them comfortable and happy. If you make everything snug and shipshape about your premises before cold weather comes on, you can then eit down by your fire with a contented mind, but if you neglect these things, they will constantly remind you that they should be done and prove a source of annoyance to you all winter. Green Mountaineer. LIVESTOCK ? :L -;-K.'--- ---a-z -T- FEEDING HOGS AND CALVES. Valuable Facts of Special Intersst to Stockman. Correspondence of The Progressive Farmer. The Utah Station has been making experimental tests of the profits to be derived from feeding skimmilk and whey to hogs and calves. In bullet; n No 57 of that station, Prof. F. B Lin field makes the following statement of the orj33ts of these tests: Soon after becoming connected with the station, the writer, from observa tions made in various parts of the State, was impressed with the neces sity for investigation looking to the profitable disposal of the by-products of the dairy, both at the factory and on the farm. The common method at the factories seemed to be to feed hogs on milk or whey alone, and where grain was fed, it was only given to finish the hog for market. This method of managing did not appear to be sue cessful, for it generally took the whole season to get one crop of hogs ready for market beside s, in many instances, it resulted in too high a death rate among the hogs t) be at all profitable. In planning this series of experi ments, the object was to study the economy of feeding milk alone and milk in combination with grain, as compared with feeding grain alone. In several different experiments with hogs extending over four years of time, it was found that milk alone gave bet ter results than grain alone taking less digestible food to make a pound of gain, and also returning larger profits. But a mixture of milk and grain was found to ba far superior to either, by itself. When -fed alone 100 pounds of skimmilk produced 10 cents work of pork ; but when fed in connection with grain, 100 pounds of skimmilk pro duced 18 cents worth of pork, after allowing 70 cents per 100 pounds for the grain used with it. A point that should be noted here is that though 40 per cent, of the by pro duct fed was whey, yet the returns for the milk and whey were fully equal to that from previous experiments when skimtLilk alone was fed. This does not prove that whey is equal in fe(dtDg vualue to skimmilk, but it does show that whey is a very valuable by-pro duct when properly handled. But where the hogs ran on pasture, the grain alone surpassed the ration of milk alone; but even here the mixed ration was much better than either by itself. In this toet, where the hogs ran on pasture, thoae fed on a mixed ration of milk and grain were brought up from 50 pounds each to 200 pounds each ia 118 days, while tho3e fed grain alone required 174 days, and those fed milk alone required 220 days to reach 200 pounds weight, on an average. However, tha Wisconsin Experiment Station, some time ago, found that milk was more economically fed alone than in combination with grain. At that station, when the milk was fed alone 100 pounds cf milk proved equal to 27 pounds of grain, but when fed in conjunction with grain 100 pounds of milk was only equal to 21 pounds of grain. But in that case the hogs were very young. Prcf. Linfleld makes the following general summary of his long feeding tests: Skimmilk and whey, when fed in cor junction with crushed or ground grain, makes a valuable hog feed in all cases and especially for young hogs. The mixture of milk and grain is more economical than either alone. To make one pound of gain required 2 pounds of digestible nutrients in the mixed ration, 2 pounds in the milk alone, and nearly 3 pounds in the grain alone. When fed in combination with grain, skimmilk has 63 per cent, greater feed ing value than it has when fed alone, 100 pounds of skimmilk taking the place of 23 pounds of grain in the for mer case and 14 pounds in the latter. The hogs fed on the milk and grain ration made much more rapid gains than either those fed on milk alone or grain alone. The time required to make 100 pounds of gain was 79 days for the hogs fed on milk and grain, 116 days for these fed on grain alone and 147 days when the food was milk alone. When the ekimmilk and graic were fed in the proportion cf 3 pounds or less of skimmilk to one pound of grain, the return for the skimmilk was greater than when a larger proportion was' fed. When fed in the proportion of 2 pounds of ekimmilk to 1 pound of grain, 100 pounds of milk took the place of 31 pounds of grain, but when fed in the proportion of 4 pounds of skimmilk to 1 pound of grain, only 24 pounds were displaced. Hogs fed on milk alone gained very slowly and did not keep in good health ; in some cas38 they were tff their feed eo frequently that a chan?eof feed had to be made. The milk and grain fed hogs, however, without exception, kept in good health. Young hogs make a better use of milk alcne and poorer use of grain alone than older hogs. Hogs fed on grain alone or milk alone did much better when permitted to run on pas ture than when kept in small pens. The appetite of the hogs and the palatability of their food seemed to have a marked effect on the rapidity and economy of the gains. Young hogs are in every way the more economic producers of pork. The hogs fed milk and grain required 62 per cent, more to grow a pound of live weight when they weighed from 200 to 255 pounds than they did when they weighed from 33 to 100 pounds, and for those hogs fed on grain alone the dif ference in favor of the smaller weight was 56 per cent. In the calf feeding tests 16 calves in all were used, and the experiments were repeated four succossive years. The calves were in every case sepa rated from the cow by the time they were 12 hours old. For the first seven or ten days the calves were fed the whole milk from the cow, some of the calves being fed twice and seme threo times a day. The milk was fed warm from the cow and the amount given was about 16 to 18 pounds per day. It may be asked, why not let the calf help itself for the first seven or ten days? The experiment gives no an swer, but past experience had demon stratod that by the method followed both the cow and thecal gave much less trouble. When the calves were fed on the whole milk it wes gradually increased as they got older, till 20 tc 22 pounds were f d per day at a month old, when tho calves were disposed of. Those calves which received ekim milk were fed as follows : For the first seven to ten days o its life the calf got the whole milk from the cow; then skim milk was gradually substituted till at the end of one week, or when calves were 14 to 17 days old, the calf got half skimmilk and half whole milk. At the end of the next week the ration was three fourths skimmilk and one fourth whole milk, and as the end of another week, or by tho time tho calf 4 to 5 weeks old, the ration consisted of all skimmLk. If, however, the calf was not doing as well as we would like, a little whole milk was continued for another weeks or two. The amount of skimmilk was gradually increased as the calf got older, but the moat fed in any one day was from 25 to 27 pounds. The skimmilk ration was kept up till the calf was 5 to 6 months old, but aa they increased in age they, had what water they could drink in addition to the milk. We have found it to be of the utmost importance to make all changes of feed gradually, so as not to disturb the digestion of the young calf. Separator ekimmilk was used and in every instance it wes fed froah To prevent the milk from souring it wa3 boiled by having steam turned into it (which diluted it about 8 per cent ), and then it was cooled to about 63 de grees Fahrenheit in summer and to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit in winter. When treated in this way the milk would keep fresh for about three or four days in summer and about a week during the winter. The ekimmilk given the young calves was always fed warm, from 80 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The cold milk we learned from a little experience gen erally produed indigestion, with the resulting ecours. The milk, however, should not be hot. Our method of warming the milk was by the use of a lamp stove, only a few minutes being required to heat a pailful of milk. Ab scon as the calves would eat it a little grain was given to them. Chop ped grain was used, and it was fed dry in a box, and not put into the milk. No tests were made of the value of the different kinds of grain, though quite OOJJTINXJED ON PAQS 8.