THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER, MARCH 7, 1899. LET POSTERITY HELP. Xo the E litor of The Observer: Ihe action of the county commis sioners in petitioning the Legislature to autboriz3 the issue of $100,000 for ro3d bonds ia a eubjact that will bear vectilation and invito discussion. I will only cffcr one thought that presents jjaelf to my mind forcibly, and that ia ibis: If we, who are now building these route spend our livea and substance in ci:ikin improvements, those who euc ceed U3 will bo more benefited by them than we are and should share wich ua the burdens of those improvements. I livor the bond issue and would eug n Jt that wo make it double the amount Lkji far and make it $200,000 with cui aoie conditions aid eafeguards in corporated as to the amount of bonds to be fold and disbursed annually. If we will thus arrange for posterity to help U3 build the roads, then let us set convicts from outside sourcea to push the work, but it we are going to bear all the expanses now and levy a special tax annually of from $30,000 to f 35 000 a year to maintain and operate the convicts, let ua not go too fast. Lst ua not bore with too big augur, but if we were to issue bonds, payable say 30 years hence, the population in that time will perhapa more than double and the taxable property more than thribbie. The people then living could pav these bonds and not feel it much. If we build the roads and pay the in terest annually on the bonda we will well. Posterity will get the full benttiiol theae improvements and en oy the enhanced values resulting therefrom and it seems to me nothing but j J?c that poaterity should help ua to build these roada. H D Stow a. Simmon Ridg, F,.b. 11, 1S99 FARMERS' ALLIANCE MEETINGS- D V. N. S?awell, State Lecturer of Ihe Njrth Carolina Farmers' Alliance will meet the farmers, their sons, vc a and daughters and all others who wish to attend, and tell them someth ing of th.3 advantages of CD operation, with the politics left out. A full line of sample shoes will be on hand and an opportunity for all to make their orJers direct from the factory, nus aso place of meeting. Point Caswell, Pender county, March 7th, 3 p. in. Bethlehem, Pender county, March 8:h, 3 p. m. Colly, Bladen county, March 9th, 3 p. m. KAly, Bladen county, March 11th, 3 p. m. Register, Bladen county, March l3;h, 3 p.m. Abbottsburg, Bladen county, March U:h, 3 p. m. Prong, Columbua county, March 15 ;h, 3 p. m. Whiteville, Columbua county, March 17. h, 3 p. m. Town Creek, Brunswick county, March 18 h, 3 p. m. IMey'aCreek, Pender county, March I) h, 3 p. m. Cr ii quepia, Daplin county, March id, 3 o. m. Catharine Lake, Oaelow county, March 24 h 3 p. m. Tar Landing Oalow county, March 25rh. 3pm' Ii(oh!'nds, Onslow county, March -'7 n 3 p rn. Pink EIill, Lenoir county, March -n, 3 p m. S-v.n yprings. Wayne county, ll-.ri-h 29 h, 3 p m. Olive, Wayne ccunty, March Su n. p m. Fai-oD, Wayne county, March 3 1st, '5 p. ra. Whn you write to advertisers please mention this paper. PROOF. It an easy matter to c'alm that a remedy has wonderful curat. ve poer. The manufacturers of a leavit to those who have hen pernia-iinK-and positively cured of IiHKU M A I lM tumakHcNir s. Anions those !. i ave recently written us voluntary J t t.-r- i-ayin tDey haw- DrfU cured are: .1. . Foster. Huleikth. N.C; Mr. KoSins .n Kdit'T li 1 is oro. N.C. Daily ArUM Mr. A Daus a prominent merchant Maeou. Ha. and Mr. W H. iJuke a railway ruau. Kansas City, Mo. Rheumacide Will Cure You. 1 .. MMT1 TCKED UY llim D?.U5 CO , ?,:!:;?:, t C, l'r, i vi (t hottb:. -Jug VPPLE SEEDLINGS. M'-'LE AND PE iR GH F id, !-'OU SPRING PLANTING 1S99. INQUIRE OF - K -ON COUN I'Y NUR-ERY CO., Lk.c's rUMM'.T Missouri , - ii quarters for Upland Grown Nur Fery Stack. ;Our friends in writing to any of 1if vrrtiaera will favor.ue by men :i 'n,nK the fact that they saw the vlver isonent in The Progressive AUMKR. DB You Get 1 11 - '-'T..-i Mti.'.llX ,w-.-vAV KIDNEY TROUBLE MAKES YOU MISERABLE. Dr. Kilmer's SWAMP-ROOT is the Great Remedy for Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid Troubles. By Special Arrangement, Every "Progressive Farmer" Reader, to Prove For Themselves The Wonderful Mer its of This Great Discovery, May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely FREE by Mail. Well people have healthy kidteys. You are in no danger of being eick if you keep your kidneys well. They filter your blood and keep it pure and Tree from disease breeding germa. Your other organs may need care, but your kidneys most, because they do moat. If you are sick, begin with your kidneys, because as soon as tliey are well they will help all the other or gans to health. The treatment of some diseased may be delayed wiihout danger, not so with kidney disease. Swamp R ot is the great medical triumph of the nineteenth century; discovered after years of untiring ef fort and research by the eminent kid ney and bladder specialist, Dr. Kilmer, and has truly wonderful healing ac tion on the kidneys and bladder. It will be found by both men and women just what is needed in all caefs of kidney and bladder disorders, lame back, dull pain or ache in the back, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, rheu matism, sciatica, neuralgia, uric acid troubles and Bnght'u D;eaee, wmch is tne worst rorm of negltcced kidney trouble. S.vampRoot C3rrfcts inability to .kold water and promptly overcomes that unplea9anc neceeeity of beiup compelled to go often duriasc the day and to get up many times during the night. FRESH GARDEN S BEST CO 5 w a PL, 1-4 Q o O -o- Special Prices 011 ALLIANCE SHOES AT IMPLEMENTS, SEEDS, FERTILI ZERS AND HARDWARE. 1KB Y & YOUNG, No 12 K. Martin St. Raleigh, N. O. THE FENCE ALL ISIj Large, strong wires, heavily galvanized. Tension Carve l every inter- fl,;'. . . . . , . . f j tion. s ne "American i-encc jornaf.c ci i--jct...:r oiutj mr.on ir.c advanced principles, lis tho'c: ;!.i ti:l:;.c.':cy JZzl. is proven unJer au C!rci:r..staiii z c.u , ... (once to turn cattle, horscf-. f:ivr ;.:?. CVEFiY ROD GUAiAHTtEL". INVESTIGATE the mer.'is or ihz AMERICAN FEMCE at our agency in your nearest town, if you can't find such an agency, write us fcr CGrc clete cataloaue and we will see you are r Cnnnl!nr4 AMERICAN FIELD American Steel & Wire r i . h t j r 3 J Lit Bffl? If your water when allowed to re main undisturbed for twenty four hours forms a sediment or settling or has a cloudy appearance, it is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need immediate attention. The way to be well is to took after your kidneys. To take Dr, Kilmer's 3vamproot when you are suffering from clogged kidneys. Tois prompt, mild and wonderful remedy is oasy to get at the drug stores in fifty-cent and one dollar bottles Blake a note of the name, SWAMP- ROOT, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and remember it 13 prepared only by Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Swamp Root has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in pri vate practice, among the helpless too poor to purchase relief, and has proved si successful that a special arrange men has been made by which all read of the "Progressive Farmer," who have not already tried ic, may have a sample bottle sent absolutely tree by mail. Also a book telling more about 3 .vamp Root and containing some of the thousands upon thousands of teati monial letters received from men and women who owe their good health, in fact their vry lives, to the wonderful curative properties of 8wampRoot. Be sure and mention the R ileigh ''Pro greesive Farmer'' when sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Uo , Bing hamton, N. Y. CO O 50 a CO 52$ a SEED SEED POTATOES. Cash Orders for REDUCED PRICES. o 5C CO THAT FENCES. - V , . ki i'- . !3t ij. j i p;;; FENCE, Regular Style, stays 12 or 6 ins. apart. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa (IWFM 5; RF FFHflF ts y La 1 3 life eazfcx a biisyi "C" Si ;;c- ALLIANCE PRICE LIST. SUBJECT TO MARKET FLUCTUATIONS. Make all Postoffice Money Orders payable T. B. PARKER, S. B. A., Raleigh, N. C, but address all letters toT. B. Barker, 8. B. A., Etillsboro, N. O. NOTICE. Place your orders in time for your Grass, Clover, Oita and Turnip Seed. Fertilizer Turn Plows, one, two and three horse. Yours truly, T. B. Barker, 8 B A GROCERIES. Coffee T'rime Laguayra Coffee, 10c per lb. Prime Rio Coffee, 10c per lb. Good Rio Coffee 8c per lb. Medium Rio Coffee. 84c per lb. Liow Grade Rio Coffee, 7&c per lb. Cheese Picnic Cheese, per lb 103. Full Cream Cheese, 60 lb boxes, per pound, 10i. Full Cream Cheese, 301b boxes, per pound, 10. Full Cream Twin Cheese. 2 30 lb. boxes, per 10ic; per case, $3 50. Blair's best flour, per barrel. $4.25. Fancy flour, per barrel, 14 00. Dandy flour, per barrel, 3 85 WiDner fliur, per barrel, $3 45 Princaes flour, per barrel, $3 25. Tjard, in tierces about 350 lbs per lb Pure Lard, in tierces 6c. per lb. Compound Lard, in tierc6s ,6J4c. " Relative prices various size pfcgs: 60 lb plain tubs " 1-8 over tierces 80 lb fancy tubs . . " 1-4 " " 20 lb wooden pails " 6-8 " 50 lb tins, 2 in case " 1-4 " " 201b " 4 " " 3-8 " " 101b " 6 " , " 3-4 " " 61b " 12 " 7-8 " " 31b " 20 " " lo " Molasses per gsl No. 4 Sugar Syrup, per gallon, 20c. No. 77 r ugar 8prup, per gallon, 13c. No. 17 8ugar Syrup, per gallon, 13c No. 1. Porto Rico Molasses, per gal. 20c. No. 2. Porto R'co Molasses, per gal. 18c. Fancy Porto Rico Molasses per sral. 28a. Fo. 1 N. O. Molasses, per gal. 333. . No. 2 N. O. Molasses, per gal. 35c. Vanilla Drips 8yrup, per gal. 20c. White Rose Crown Syrup, per gal. 20c. Soda Bi carbSoda, in 112 lb. kegs, per lb 2c. Sal Soda, in 150 lb. kegs, per lb., lie. Bi carb Soda, nickel packages, 60 lbs. to cise. pr case, $3 40. Bi-narb Soda, 1 lb. and i lb. packages, 60 lb3 to case, per case, $3 40. Bi carb Soda, i and lb. packages, 60 lbs. to case, per case, $3 60. Bi carb Soda, in 1 lb packages, 60 lbs. to case, per caee, 3 55. Bi carb Soda, in assorted packages, 60 lbs. to case, per case, $3 50. Starch Lump Btarch, in 50 lb boxes, per lb., 3i3. Corn Starch, in 1 lb. packages, per lb., 5c. Celluloid Starch, in cases, per i case, 12 50. Celluloid Starch, full cases, per case, 15 00. Elastic Starch, in cases, per case, 11 34 Elastic Starch, in full cases, per cases, 12 68. Ivory Starch, in full cases, per case, $5 00. Axle Grease (Richmond) 4k per gross, 3 50 It it per case, 90 SEEDS (F. O. B.) RICHMOND. VA. SEED POTATOES: Northern Grown; Early Rose, Beauty of Hebron, Burbanks, $2.25 per bbl. Purlees, Empire State. 2 35 Carman No. 3. C ark No 1 2.60. Second Crop Virginia Grown Crown Jewell. Bliss Triumph, 2.35. Erly Rose, 2.51. Wnire Kiia 2.H Woois Ear'.ie&t, 2.75. Maine Grown Bliss Tri mph. 2.70. White Bliss, 2.75. Beauty of Hebron, 2.85. Karl v Ohio 3.1. Houfton Rose, 3-20. Clover per bush Prime Red f?.75 Choice' Red $4 00 Mammouth . , 4.20 Lucerne 5 25 Crimson choice,.. 3 20 IBags charged extra 15 cents for above. "Grass (bags Included) per bush of lbs Prime Red Top or Herds 33 10 Fancy " " " 12 Prime Orchard Grass 1 05 14 Choice Ore hard grass 115 14 Extra Clean Ky. Blue.... 65 14 Fancy Kentucky .......125 14 Tall Meadow Oat 1 10 11 Fine Lawn grass 2 25 14 Meadow Ft scue 1 0 i 14 Perenial Rye Grass , 80 14 Italian Rye Grass 90 14 Choice Timothy, bag extra 1 30 45 Oats Va. Gray Winter, prime 44 Red Rust Poof, prime 45 Per bushel. Choice 45 Choice... M 48 "White and black spring oats, choice 39 cts per bushel. Millet Barley 98 per bus. Rye 70 I Barley 75 HARDWARE. Powder, best rifle, per keg.... $ 4 00 Hames No 2 hook. Iron bound, per doz. 8 50 No 3 hook. Iron bound, per doz . 3 00 No 16 hook, brass bound, per doz 6 25 Plow Lines Cotton, with snaps, 33 feet long, doz. . , . 1 85 Madras Hemp with snaps. Si leet .... l no Mattocks, Cutter, per doz 4 50 Bush Hooks, best No 1, per doz ,. 900 Pitch Forks, No 21 thimble i 3 00 " Strap and lock cap 400 No 22 straD 3 25 I No 24 strap 3 E0 Shovels, All Right Steel. No. 2 75 H & Co, Steel, No. 25 iu " Remington 760 Plow Bolts, 1x3-8, per 100 70 1 1-4x3 8, per 100 76 " 1 1-2x3-8. per 100 &C " 2x3-8. per 100 ' 21-2x3 8... 96 M 3x3-8, per 100 1 C5 Back Bands Hooks, per doz. 3 inch 80c I 3 1-2 inch 90c Single Trees hooks or rings, per doz Common 81 50 Extra ,J2 60 Webbing-per 100 feet No.0. 3 1-2 inch... $2 751 No.L 3 1-3 inch..J2 00 Axes per aozec Car Clipper, 4 to 5 lbs 4 5C Champion " 5 CO Red Warrior " " 6 Axe handles, straight, per doz 81 1VO 3 01 326 3 75 400 rlndstrmfia, per lb Flow traces, 8, 3, per doz pairs 7. 8. 3. 7, 10, 2, 7, 13.2, Cotton Rope, white, per lb 12H medium wmte ....... xu Farm Bells, 40 lbs, from stock. 110 140 2 75 50 - 75 lbs. $2 08 1 100 lbs. FERTILIZERS Alliance Official Quano, Progressive Farmer Quano, Alliance Official Acid Phosphate, Kainit, Muriate of Potash, ' Nitrate of Soda; Cotton Seed Meal. Procure from nearest Agent who keeps the Alliance Brands of Fertilizers, or write for prices. Reliable agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Correspondence cheerfully answered, T. B. PARKER, S. B. A., HILLSBORO, N. C. 2 hoop, painted... f 120 I 3 hoop , $ 1 35 2 hoop, brass bound, 1 80 I 3 hoop 200 Horseshoes, per keg, all sizes 2 90 Mule shoes. " " 3 40 Horseshoe Nails, Excelsior, per lb 10 " Anchor, per lb 12M Tobacco Flues, beat made, per lb iH Grub Hoes, No. 1, per doz No. 2, 325 350 4 00 460 900 6 50 6QC tu 2 60 1 60 1 91 2 25 2 9j 1 90 2 25 60 61-9 6 00 Kettles, 20 gallons it gQ 45 gaL $6 50 j 'fto'i'ai Blacksmith Bellows, 30 inch w Pinch , Plows No. 8, F F.. 3 00 " No. 6, " .. 1 20 Bov D 125 No. 7, tfF.... No. 11, Dixie. watt 1) Jfi Castings for above, per 100 lbs Stonewall Plow " Castings Plows, Double Shovel Southern. Malta Steel for same, Imitation ................ Genuine Grub or New Ground. Cane Mills, (freight paia; Corn Shellers Dixie, with fan ... 4 85 J Dixie, without f n. 4 60 Buckeye, with fan, 6 75 Buckeye " 6 22 Clinton or common 8 60 Black Hawk corn sheller..c 2 00 Feed Cutters (f. o. b. factory) Baldwin No. 1. 6-ln knives 13 50 propeller, cutters, 6-In. knives. ... 8 80 8-ln. " 13 76 Smith's patent lever straw cutter S 60 " Blades. 4e Hay Press, $25.00, fob Goldsboro. N. C. Cultivators (f. o. b. factory) Iron Age No. 1. plain 7t Iron Age. with plain wheel.............. 8 15 Horse hoe combined, with plain wheel 4 16 No6,5-tooth, plain " " ' 8 05 " H.H. combined " 4 1 Dixie, plain J ! with plain wheel 2 H. H. combined with plain wheel 3 00 Combined harrow and cultivator 8 70 Garden wheel hoe, complete- Double wheel 6 00 I Single wheel I Sf " Jewel..5 25 " Gem.. 4 21 I For lever adjustment attachments on above add 50c. Harrison Cultivator, adjustable Harrows Clark's cutaway 1 71 17 60 Roofing All kinds of Iron, tin and felt roofing at lo prices. Write for special prices. Stoves No 7 18-Inch 10 001 No. 7, 20-Inch...... 11 01 S: 5: 18-SSf:.. . . .u oo I no. s, 20-mch 12 w Fire backs for above v.v ' ' ' V V ' V The following ware goes with each stove above 1 Straight Pot, 1 Bulged Pot, 2 Bread Pans, ITe l UrriUlUD, X Jliun.v"' T and Lifters. Every Stove guaranteed. ORGANS (delivered at anyrailroad sta tion in North Carolina. Warranted for pSfos5leaO... 43 00 I Style ........... g Chapel " 20. .. 43 00 I Style 16, Chapel. . 60 Of Prices Including instruction book au stool): PIANOS (delivered at any R- R. Station lnN. C. Upright, Stylel... 150 00 I Style 2 180 U uy 3.. .171 00 I Style 4 192 f Sewine Machines- Improved Farmers Alliance with fall set attaenmenus uu auwu-. winder. All latest improvements, fine ly finished, first-class In every particu lar. Warranted by manufacturers for 10 years, carefully adjusted, ready for Immediate use. Price, freight paid to any railroad station In North Care Una I IB W Furniture- No. 21, Suit Oak Antique, 3 pieces 110.6c No. 2, " tr No. 28. " " " I4- jn 40. " " A- No. 52. " i-ousaea No. 60. " ' 30-00 No. 70. " , " Beds. orvRe1n8p.""V-v::::.v::: $rlS S S Slats LOU to U6 Washing Machines Boss, No 1.. 7 00 " " 5 9 00 Eli " 3 : " " 2 8 00 " " 4 Wringers Boss No. 2..'... . ; ; Poss " 134 : I Relief " 22 ' Relief" 33.. ? Buggies Our Leader with top.. Our Leader, without top. Write for catalogue. Two-horse Dump Carts with Patent Ad- No. 7H, Side Springs, witnoui toy No. 7H. Side Sprit gs, Canopy Top.. No. 122, "Our Hummer," Canspy Top. . . . . ' i Ci Justable Saddles ana xoze Ocala Road Carts 9 . -o-5- OOALA WAGONS (Delivered) One-horse, 2 1-4 Inch thimble skein t fl One-hor&e, 2 1-2 inch thimble skein 22 CI Two-horse, 2 3-4 inch thimble skein 32 II Two-horse, 3 inch thimble skein 87 II One-horse, 1 1-4 inch steel axle , 22 CI One-horse, 1 3-8 inch steel axle , 2i CI Two-horse, 1 1-2 inch steel axle 82 61 Two-horse. 1 3-4 inch steel axle 11 All wagons are furnished with box bed la two sections, and one spring seat. If brak I wanted add $2.50. If bed and seat are not wantall deduct for bed $2.60, for seat 2L00. N. C. Official Farmers Alliance Guano, (2 pel cent. Phos. Ac, 2)4 per cent. Am.. 8 per cutt. Potash.) Progressive Farmer Guano. (8 per cent. PhGSr Ao 2 per cent. Am., per cent. Potash.) K. C. Official Farmers' Alliance Acid PhoephaUr (18 per cent. Av. Phosphoric Acid.) Write for prices. BUY NO OTHERI Mill Stones (best N. C. Grit), write for prl6V, The Agency handles the Genuine "Iron Ag" Cultivators and ;H arrows and can sav row money. Brethren having anvthihg id sell, as well M those wishing to buy will do well to consul Uut Agency. ORDER MW 8eed Wheat, Seed Oats,' Seed Rye, Grasa and Clover Seeds, Fer tilizers, Hardware, Farming Utensils, Plows and Castings, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Wagon Scales, Farm Bells, Cook Stoves, Feed Cut ters, Harrows, Hay Presses, Corn Shellers, Cotton Seed Orush- -ers, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Fur niture, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Musical Instru ments, Barbed and Plain Wire, Poultry and Farm Fencing, Gum, Powder, 8hot, Loaded Shell, Etc., Etc., Etc. WINTER SHOES Made in Our Own Factor; A SPECIALTY! WRITE FOB PRICESf T. B. PARKER, S. B. A. The is no doubt that ourORGANB are equal to the best made. In style, tone, finish, volume, essa of action and touch, durability, and ao knowledge no supe rior. Tney are madt by a thoroughly, re ibi concern and CESS IB , warranted for 10 TV T A n . a. 1 . jrnu i iuuiuif stooi ana mstruo tion book (delivered at any railroad stat ion in North Carolina). BUGGY HARNE33. (eood valun) fir t4 20 All styleF, grades and pri nt of buggy, car riage and waarm larnesa. - pm .m THE "A B C" OF BSE CULTURE. Thi splendid boofer, by A. I RioC is a cj clipdia of fiverythios; pertaining to th fre of the honey-bee It coa tain 400 pgo" iad 13 jbeautt'ullv illua tratfi by over 300 ongravingw, many of thpm full pee. The whole w rte is elfgantlv b mr'd in" cloth, 7 inchps wide by 10i inches long and enabled on eid and bank in gold If you raise bea, vou can't nfford. ti be wirhoq it. 8vo, cloth. Price, postpaid.' $1 25 , A4 dmfl all nrdprri to Tfae Prores3ive Farmer, Raleigh, N. C. Buckets

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