Has the Largest Circulate and is the Oldest, Larg est, and only all Home-Print Farm Paper in that Rich Farming and Truckit g section Between Rich mond, Va , and Savannah, Ca. Has the largest circulation of any family agricultu ral or politic! paper published between R i c h mond and Atlanta x9 ijm A f "V fv i VIL. xWj '"'1 i 4mJLb THE INDUSTRIAL AND EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS OF OUR PEOPLE PARAMOUNT TO ALL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS OF STATE POLICY. 7 ol. 14. RALEIGH, N. C, MAY 2, 1899. No. 12 10G1ESSIYE nTTDI ICHCn WPPTH v Th date on your label tells you when V ,ns-cription expires. Receipts for mon' s-'beeription will be given In change of n1. If not properly changed in twc aotlf y ns. - DISCONTINUANCES. If a subscrf O hes h'o copy of the paper discontinued K: f Nation if his subscription, notice to tba. jffect IfWd be sent. Otherwise It is assumed that a Continuance of the subscription is desired, and ill arrearages must be paid when paper Is ordered stopped. Money at our risk if sent by registered letter or money order. Please don't semi stamps. Be sure to give both old and new addresses In ordering change of postofflce. Hjwjit1 of Advertising Rates: ten cents per agate Aze. Liberal discounts for time and space. TM Item is marked to remind you that you v ,n j carefully examine ihi-s j-ample copy and 7-.,i us SI for a ear's subscription. Will also ril paier on trial 6 months for 50 cents, or :, "onths for " cents. Or we will send your . T'er free for one year if i ou will tend us So in "'V subscriptions, or free six months for So In subscriptions, at these rates. wint Intelligent correspondents in every rr ntv in the State. We want facts of value, -e-ulta accomplished of value, experiences of vOue. plainly and briefly to:d. One solid, demonstrated fact. Is worth a thousand theo ries. The Progressive Farmer Is the Official Or.:anof the North Carolina Farmers' State Alliance. " I am standing note just behind the urtain, and in full glow of the coming nnset. Behind me are the shadows on Vu track, before me lies the dark valley ind the river. When I mingle iwf A its iark waters I want to cast one linger ina look upon a country whose govern 22 is of the people for people snd by the people" L L. Polk, July tht 1890. PRACTICAL FARM NOTES. Written for The Progressive Farmer by the Editors and Hoa. Guy E. Mitchell Planting overgrown nursery stock, because it can be secured cheaper than young stock, is ft serious mistake. In the first place the cost of handling is much greater, and again, such trees npvpr make the sturdy and vigor oub growth of the younger trees. To use them at any price is poor esonumy Gleason'a Horee Book was first sold exclusively by agents at 12 CO per copy. A new edition has been issued which contains every word and every illustration in the 2 00 edition, but i is printed on lighter paper ana naa u heavv. toush Dacer binding. Erery J T CI K man who owns a hcrse should have a copy. Send U3 tl in new subscriptions to The Progressive Farmer or o m ro newals and we will send ycu a copy free pre-paid. D:n't fail to take advan tage of this liberal effer at once. m m IlnortH of the DeDartment of Agri culture, Washington, D. Q, show that in 1j2 there were in the United States 110 horses valued at f 65 01 each cr a total of II 0C7.E93 636, while in 17 the total number ol Horses was li 301 tiC7. their total value only f45, ittSK, or 31 51 per head. Where is the Biinnlv nnd demand argument in this? We find a falling cfi in number of 1,133 473, and a loss in value of I.J3 50 ner head, a total loss ol f 504, r ' ;i 9ia Whnpo loss is it. and why? Tne Progressive Farmer would like to know. Secretary Wilson states that the in VKJtitrdHnns of the DeDartment in to bacco ferments have already born fruit and that some important ana en tirely new ideas have been brought to lizht in rpeard to tobacco curiDg. The Secretary made a trip to Florida last year to see how the Cubans cured thpir tnboceo. He found, he says, 40, 00 Cubans in the Slate, who had come there to engage in cigar making rather than fieht. and he found that they knew nothing whatever about their ; racesses. They cured cigar tobacco a-cording to certain rules because -heir fathers had don9 sd before them, but he could find nothing as the scien tiflc reasons for doing eo. He states that something of high importance to tobacco growers may shortly be looked for from his Department. Ferments in cider is a subj c which "-cretary Wilson has caused to be in vestigated during the past year. Thou sands of tons of apple parings, corings find dried apple3 are exported annually to Europe where they are made into :i Jer, furnished with a ferment which European manufacturers have pro iuied after many years of experiment and study, bottled and shipped back to the United States and sold at high prices. The Secretary states that hi3 agents have been making a study of this subject for some time and bae now secured some of the ferment, and ho proposes that Americans shall nufacture their own nigh priced hampagne and beverages, give them the "coquet," and keep several mil lion dollars at home which now an nually goes abroad for these products. "If our people will drink these sorts of things," he said, in talking on the Buoject, "i see no reason why we should not keep the industry within our own borders and work up the 8p pie coringp, etc., here instead of ship ping cu this raw material to Europe and then paying six prices for it when returned to us m the form of beverages t m wun toreign laDeis. Sanator Billy Mason secured permis sion from Congress, before adjourn ment, to investigate the food question during the interim between eeesions and look into food adulterations of various produce subject to inter state commerce. The Senator has goto into the eubjact with hia accustomed vigor and has secured the servicas of the Chemical Division of the Department of Agriculture for the purpose of an alyBes. He expects to have a report for the next Congress which will show to what extent some of our common foods are adulterated. All food which is shipped from one State to another, or abroad, is liable to come under his notice. Senator Mason early announced himself as a champion of pure food and this action shows that he is alive to the necessity of gathering evidence. The National Department of Agri culture is receiving a large number of requests and ir quiries from the islands lately acquired by the United States. From Puerto Rico, Hawaii, the Philip pines and even Cuba come requests for seeds of various sorts from Ameri cans and natives. Army officers who expect to stay in the islands for some time send home for grass seed and other products; they want their sta tions to look something like home. As far as is known Bermuda grass is the best grass for the tropics, but it isdiffi cult of propagation on an extensive scale, as this is carried on by means of cuttings. Secretary Wilson says that no ne knows much about propagating by seed, but the Department is now making investigations along this line It is proposed to find out what propor tisn of the seed will germinate, when it will germinate best and under what CDnditions. Mr. Wilson says that he expects to have this information soon, and then he will buy up all the Bar muda gra89 seed in the world for dis tribution among the islands. Investi gation, he thinks, will produce other va'uable grasses for those sections. Experiment stations should be estab 1-sbed, he state?, in all the islands, both for the sake of themselves and the S:ate8. The subject of conditions there is sjmething of which but little is known by the Department. There are a number of seedsmen in the country who are not satisfied with making a fair profit on the seeds they sell, but who resort purposely to adul teration. The seed section of the Da nartment of Agriculture is operated expressly for the protection of farmers and gardeners who buy seeds, and its officers invite the attention and co op eration of farmers to make its sphere a useful one. The adulteration of fertih zsra was at one time a paying business and farmers were defrauded of thou eanda of dollars by having their fertili zer3 adulterated with worthless "fill ing." This practice has been stopped almost entirely by State regulations, with severe penalties attached for ad ulterations and these regulations pro vide that any farmer can have a sam pie cf fertilizar analj zsd free of charge by the 8tate authorities or the Experi ment Station. The government eeed testing operations are conducted on the same order. Many seeds of entirely different plants are quite similar in aoDearance and it requires expert ex amination to detect the difference so that the farmer is likely to be imposed UDon. While the reputable seed houses use every precaution to protect their customers, thre are other dealers who are not only careless but who must de liberatelv adulterate their seeds. Ad ulteration is practiced in several ways; bv uaine similar but cheaper seed, Dy using "tailings" and by mixing trash and weed seeds. In some ca3es the seeds contained in the trash are killed, but in others, they are not, and in the latter case, the farmer not only actually navs dear for the good seed he gets, but he lays up extra work for himself by planting with his crop seeds, count less weed seeds. In some of the samples received by the Department only a small per centage of the true seed is found ; in some instances as little as 25 per cent. Mr. Peters in charge of the eeed section has recently sent out a circular to all Orange organizations re questing farmers to send him in sam pies of the seeds the seeds they pur chase, and this invitation the D apart ment extends to all other farmers. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized by Congress to publish the names of seedsmen who are found to be adulter ating seeds, and Mr. Peters states that without general co operation of farm era, it cannot be expected that much actual evidence will be obtained. An instructive remedial treatment for wheat smut is now being carried on by the Department of Agriculture. It involve s no new scientific discovery or principle but the process is interest ing. It was found that the various Siberian and Russian grains recently procured by Mr. Carleton and which are now being distributed for trial in various sections of the country, were all badly affected with emut. It be comes necessary, therefore, before dis tributing it, to cleanse it of this fungus, which is being done by the hot water process, as follows : The grain, in bags holding about a bushel each, is first soaked for five hours and then allowed to drain. Then a bag is immersed in a barrel of water at a temperature of 110 to 120 degrees and held there for a part of a minute, when it is removed and plunged into another ban el of water at a temperature of 132 to 133 degrees In this second barrel it is kept for five minutes, being constantly agitated. The water is kept at exactly the right heat by the introduction of steam through a hose pipe connected with steam pipes, running from a boiler. The grain is then taken from the bag and spread out two or three inches deep on wire bottom trays, and dried off rapidly. Toe grain, when it finally comes from the water has al most the consistency of stiff dough and to the uninformed would appear to be ruined for planting purposes. As a matter of fact, however, grain so treated is not only free fsom all smut, but it germinates more readily and surely than that which is untreated. GRICXJJL,TXJBE. GOCD ADVICE. Keep the hoe eharp by filing from the inside of the blade, leaving the side next the ground perfectly level. Keep the corners sharp and square as long as possible, and clean the blade before putting it away. A sharp, bright hoe is a comfortable tool to use, and one with which a great deal of work can be done, No farm tool has ever been invented with which so many kinds of work can successfully be done as with the hand hoe. When the hoe is bought buy a file to sharpen it with, and the first thing give it a good filing and then rub lin seed oil on the handle until no more will soak in. If linseed oil is not handy any kind of oil, or even lard or tallow, will improve it in flexibility and dura bility. Take pains to get the oil or grease well worked in at the shank so as to prevent water from getting in and loosening the handle. A hoe should be good for several years, and after it has been used for two cr three years it will be better than when new, as the blade will become worn thin and it will be lighter to handle, while just as serviceable aa when new. Ex. BERMUDA GRASS. Bulletin 44, of the United States De partment of Agriculture, "Economic Qrasses," contains brief descriptions of the most important grasses of this country or those which have been in troduced because possessing some mens. Of Bermuda grass the bulletin says: A grass widely dispersed over the tropical regions and warmer countries of the globe. It has a creeping habit of growth, extending over the surface of the ground and rooting at the joints. In poor soils the leaves are short and the upright flowering stems are only a few inches high, but on good land it grows to the height of 1 to 2 feet and yields a large amount of excellent hay. It may be cut three or four times dur ing the season. In the Northern States it does not afford a profitable crop and is of little value for pasturage north of Virginia, but in the Southern States and in the warmer regions of the South west and on the Pacific slope it is cul tivated extensively and is most highly prized, chiefly for grazing, all kinds of stocks being exc3edingly fond of it. It grows freely on sandy soils where other grasses will not thrive, and re sists extreme drouth and high temper atures. It is particularly a sun loving grass, and will not thrive in the shade. It is useful for binding drifting sands and the loose soil of embankments or those subject to wash. It makes a pleasing lawn grass, and is extensively used for this purpose in the hotter por tions of the United States, for it will thrive where the grasses ordinarily employed for lawns could not survive. The yield of hay under good conditions i3 from 3 to 4 tons to the acre, and as high as 10 tons to tho acre have been produced under peculiarly favorable circumstances. While this grass will survive the winters of the latitude of Philadelphia, the leafage is very sensitive to cold acd turns brown with the first frosts. This fact renders it obj actionable as a lawn grass, except in regions where the win ter season is very mild. In many por tions of the Southern States there is probably no grass rq ial to Bermuda for summer pa3turo3, and none which will better resist the trampling of stock. Bermuda does not mature seed except in the southern porticn.of our country, but seed obtained from more Southern latitudes is offered for sale by some of our leading seed dealers. The most direct and certain method of propagation is by transplanting which may be effected by cutting up Ber muda turf into small pieces, scatter ing these along shallow furrows and covering them lightly. When once established, Bermuda grass is very persistent and difficult to eradicate, and it should not be introduced upon land which is likely to used for other crops. UNNEIGHBORLY ACTS. It is not much trouble to be neigh borly, which is simply practicing the golden rule. But there are some things that some people do that are not con j sidered unneighborly and yet they are. I is a most unneighborly act to per mit a scrub male animal to run in the highways and break in among thor oughbred stock. There is scarcely anything a man can do that ia more vexatious. Certainly he will hardly do anything that is more seriously dis astrous to financial interests of his neighbor. The chronic borrower is not neighborly; far frm it. People do not like to refuse to loan things when asked, but usually they would prefer not to do it, especially if the borrower is a chronic one. But it seems that some people do not hesitate to borrow anything from an expensive piece of machinery to a rake or hoe. As a rule this is not the result of ina bility to purchase, but an utter care -lessness to provide himself with what he needs. It is unneighborly to live otherwise than with a regard for pub lie opinion. We may not believe as the rest or the community does in re gard to certain matters, and it is cur right to dissent from their belief, if we wish to, but it is unknind and un neighborly to purposely wound the feelings of other or to shock the com munity1 senae of propriety. Francis King. t m EXPERIMENTS IN CORN CULTI VATION. During 1897 the most exhaustive ex periment ever conducted by the Illi nois Agricultural Experiment 8tation in the cultivation of corn was carried on under the direction of Prof. Holden. From a circular sent out by the director last spring we learn that these experiments were undertaken in order to determine the effect of different depths of cultivation upon the growth, development and yield of corn ; to find the influence of several of the most im portant cultivators in common use upon the moisture of the soil ; to test their efficiency in removing weeds and their final effect upon the soil; to note the condition of the soil at the end of the season, and the yield of ears and stalks as the result of the various methods of cultivation. The plan of the experiment was as follows : A piece of ground waa selected that waa aa nearly level as possible. It was plowed about six inches deep with a three horse breaking plow the last of April and harrowed immediately after plowing. The corn was planted the 8;h day of May and after it came up the whole field was harrowed once and then rolled. Four rows running the length of the field were devoted- to each kind of treatment, and each treat ment of four rows was divided into twenty divisions, one of which was cut out to find the effect of the cultiva tions upon ground on which no crop was grown. In this way each experi ment was divided into twenty sections, in order that any difference in yield that might be due to a possible d ffer ence in soil could be detected and elim inated. Four rows on either side of the field were cultivated in the ordi nary way, about three inches deep with a small shovel cultivator through the season in order to get a standard for comparison. In finding the yield, the two inside rows of each treatment were taken and the outside rows dis carded, for the reason that they might have been influenced by the different treatments of the ro ws ad joining. The weight and number of ears, and the weight of stalks were found separately for each plant. The yields added to gether gave the total yield for each treatment. The per centage of moisture in the soil under the various systems of treat ment was found by accurately testing the amount of moisture of the ground for three depths nine, eighteen and twenty-seven inches, respectively. This was done for each kind of cultiva tion, once a week during the entire season, and the results here given are the totals for the season. TABLE 8HOWING EFFECT OF DIFFERENT DEPTHS OF CULTIVATION. 2 in. 4 in. 6 in. W't of earp, lb 466 5 466 437 W'c of stalks, lb 465 485 431 Numbers of ears. . . .1003 1086 1168 Per cent, of moisture 451 474 468.5 An ordicary email shovel cultivator with four shovels on a side, was so arranged that the shovels could be set to run accurately at 2, 4 or 6 inches in depth and maintain this depth through out the cultivation. The shallow, or two inch cultivation required hand-weeding, but the deeper cultivations thoroughly removed all of the weeds. - The deep cultivation left tie ground ridged at the end of the season, while the shallow cultivation left the soil in a level condition. The corn grew most rapidly during the early part of the season upon the deeply cultivated plats, but during the latter pare of the season the corn on the shallow cultivated plats developed most rapidly. The vigorous early de velopment of the corn on the deep cul tivated plats was due to the opening up cf the soil to the air and sunshine, while root pruning at the latter end of the season tends to retard growth. Briefly summing up the results of the different depths of cultivation we can say that these facts seem to indicate that deep cultivation removes weeds thoroughly and tends to conserve soil moisture, but that it leaves the ground in a bad condition at the end of the season, and by reason of severe root pruning injures the plant so much that the yield of ears and stalks is greatly reduced. Shallow cultivation does not thoroughly remove weeds, is not as efficient in conserving moisture, does not tend to induce as vigorous early development as does deep culti vation, but it leaves the ground in good condition at the end of the season, and does not injure the plant by root pruning aa does deep cultivation. HUMUS. All animal life is nourished and eus tained by what it eats and drinks' and the air it breathes. So is plant life nourished and sustained by what is di gested for it out of solid substances, the moisture in the soil, and the air plants breathe through their leaves, which are the lungs of plant life. Until farmers comprehend the philosophy of animal and plant food digestion they are walking up hill, and backwards at that. The mistaken conclusions in the farm world to day is the result of trying to get at the truth by reasoning back wards and inwards from results and effects to cause. The progressive farmer reverses that begins with cause and reasons forward and out ward to results or effects. Humus is defined as a brown or black refuse of animal or vegetable matter. It is infinitely more, and the object of this series of papers is to in vest it with a dignity it deserves. When the farmer sees its usefulness and importance and his dependence upon it, and how easily and cheaply he can fill his eoil with it, then his pockets will begin to fill with gold. The earth is the first in importance in plant growth. The earth is the womb of the world for seeds and plant germs. Out of which they come in a form of life each its own. Next to the earth, humus is second in importance. It is the baais for the development of the forces that utilize the sunshine heat, light, air, organic life, electricity, nitrogen, the phos phates, potash in fact all the elements that enter into plants after and through the plants into animal life, and that help to build up the soil. Humus is also the seat of plant in telligence that guides and controls the forces that send the quality that makes leaf, stem, root, seed or fruit, to its al lotted places. Humus is the carbon (fire propertj) of animal or vegetable refuse. It is the coal of fire; burning very slowly, as it does, it assists in the oxydation or burning up of this refuse. It is the concentrated heat or stored up sunshine or "storage battery." The slow fire it keeps up makes a proper temperature to act as "culture" or "hot bed" for the germs of organic life, some of which are always present ex cept in soil absolutely barren. Humus is that which these forms of life can attach themselves to or cling to. It is a home for them a hive in which they can work. The presence of humus is an abso lute requirement in plant growth of the kinda farmers grow. These life mites have their digestive functions and a capacity for breathing air or fixing nitrogen. Therefore, a soil rich in humus, teeming with life, has the ability and raise the temperature of the soil several degrees. And we call it a warm, rich, live soil. On the other hand, a soil deficient humus does not invite this form of life. There is nothing for it to cling to, no basis upon which it can develop, no culture plant or hot bed to warm into life these dormant germs. And we call such a soil cold, clammy a poor, dead soil and speak the truth. It will be upon such soils (without humu?) you will find "toad hair," wire grass, sour sorrel and they only grow upon sour soils, acid soils. Each of the plants (there are many others) develop the peculiar conditions that brought them into existence, and at the same time develop other condi tions that destroy other better types of vegetation. And it is where the plants named grow the acids that sour the soil are developed. And ycu can't grow sweet, nutritious plants upon such land. The corn, wheat, oata or grass grown there partakes of like qualities. Aerate this soil by filling it with de caying animal or vegetable matter (humm), fertilize it, ond you kill out the "toad hair," wire grass and sour sorrel, and sweeten the soil, and the clovers come seemingly of themselvee. We must remember clover is somewhat of an aristocrat. It must have good food, clean eoil, pure air and humus. It won't grow on poverty points. If plants and animals live upon food, drink and air, how do they change them into animal forms, or plant growth? To know how will help us to see the necessity of humus, acd tho waste of plant food and animal food, and how it takes place. What the progressive farmer ought to be seeking for in these times of low prices and sharp competition is the way to get maximum crops at a mini mum expense. The mission of the agricultural prees and farm institutes is to help him. R. 3. Cook, of Kansas, took first prize at the World's Fair on "pigs' over five and under twelve months old. It was awarded to five of his "pigs" eleven months old; the average weight was 528 pounds. The most startling thing about it is that this phenomenal result was made on less rich concentrated food than the average farmer feeds out to get 200 to 300 pound "hogs." One purpose of these papers is to show farmers how Mr. Cook got 528 pound "pigs' and "why" the average farmer only gets 300 pound "hogs." Also why one farmer will get double the results out of the same quantity of manure or fertilizing materials, and often at a less expense. The secret of this is the "why" one farmer fails and "how" another succeeds Mr. Cook made and maintained al most perfect conditions. Other feeders do not educate themselves to their im portance and are indifferent as to re sults. If our animals are made out of plants, then, to get the most animals we must get the most plants. It fol lows that to get the most plants we must make and keep up the best soil conditions. CONTINUED OS PAGX 8.