aw pBoaEmawn pxia&EB: januaby 30 uoo 7 wak county allice- MEN. ro To the, "cmen of Wake County: I DKA bRitTHKKN:-O lDg lO 1D- enj .. cv ' ,M weathpr. there a- 10 tjeetm hH Oounty Alliance h dat upt'o n e time. Aa there arp q i e iors v ntp c aa we 88 ' Vtai irrt- I otrarv fftrmpr that nnnnlH orit" ' - - - . c .dpiIptpcj nd discussed trior Migr- y, I hretv "all a meeting at Tne Pro- reppive Hnrm-r cmce on HHturany. ;he 10 ;n day of February, at 11 o'ch cfc. nd firn- ec y urge that every Sm b iepreepnt' d -nd that every Aliianc 2jan. wbe h r a delegate or not m et Vita u ' E Mc 'ullkrs PresY XLLIANCKSPEBCHHS IN DUPLIN i Bro T. B. Parker, Alliance 8tat jine-s Aent, will visit U iplin Unntv and PDeak at the following rj J w U 1 lOies anu piueu; Coi.c rd Oourch, Thursday, Feo. ;b. 11 m B H.l, Thursday, Fob. 8.b, 7 m Pasture Branch, Friday, Feb. 9 h, la m j 0fr a 8caorl House, Friday, Feb. j Friendship. Saturday, Feb. lOch, 11 a. rn IFai?on, Saturday, Feb. 10;h, 7 pm. B-ethren are rrq leated to assise Bro. Parkf r m ttiDg to bia appointments and let m-n. women and cnildren turn but and tear a sensible no -partisan Alliance speech from a Dmocratic 'AHisncf-m n ho knows whar he is 'talkie e a bone DUPLIN. TOBACCO GROWERS; TRUSTS. igorreapondence or The Progressive Farmer. J hK y ur i aper very mucn up ih'8 Wijr hdJ ooly wish the farmers 'could reahs pnough money from the ivrwi nrr.i rf rrmir t Armn to hftvo ic come into vpry h -rae. You give us every wefB q we a aiety for our entertain me t and in- ruction, but this writer would Iup r suggest a few things tht would doubUe add t3 the interest of jour ptper I eee tht ttieere was a big gathf rng at tne todaac growers in R .leigb last I week aodaDH organization formed for comoatt n th3 trust po ver. Will iyou pleae te I me why the Farmers' ' Alliance, c imposed of tobacco and cot Ion growers ouli not have acc imp liahed ail ena ba accomplished oy this now organization! (Jan two or gan sitioa" wiM more influence and I exert more piwer toan oae s-roDg fthorouarnlr organized one! The Aln I ance is orodr in ita conception of the ! . . . Bicuaioa mm this nev association and wouli ealiss many hearty sjm patbiz rs aod nupponera woo are not specially cooa JOD or cnton raisers, but wh i w uld KUdly embrace a cnanc I of helping to down the trusts that are today eo grievously oppressing ail elates of pr uucers and consumers I w is tliiug wich a gentle nan o intelligence uod experience today, ano hetaid, rtlKaoout liberty and free dom ia this country tnoaaands do no know anything about it " I believ the truth oar putting it stronger There are thousands in our land who dare not cUitn the time ihit Gxi has given the aa. I'n- trusts and mon poller cictace the h urs of labor, the price o product-, tne terms ol service and sometime wnether there shall bp anj service at all or not. Whatis the final outcome o' a monopoly cursed lan a and governm-nit Concentration cf wealch, discri omation in legislation, the eutHtuu iia of an oligarchy for the repuohc;dir spect for the laws of tne land, infuse and hatred for our National rul-rs and contempt for minor official-; and, lastly, we thai see conditions favorable for the d vel opmect of anarchism and communism The decline of morality, virtue and Patriotism must inevitably follow each conditions. Religion will ceare to restrain men from wrong and home will loe its sweetness in the same pro portion. I would not be pessimistic in my views, but can it ba that there is a similarity in tie ratios of the growth of the trust power and the ic crease of crioae, suicide, divorce, lynching, mur der, vagrancy, &3.I I would like to 3e some reliable statistics along this line. I suggest that in this study may be found a solution of some of our social and political problems. I eee from recent quotations that many thin3 naed by o r farmers have ad vanced from 1 ti 200 per cent., such as iron, B'eel and farming tools. Now. if such things advance and tobacco and other farm products do not in equal ratio, how long before the farmer will te in a worse condition than he i now! I have vieired the homes of a good rnanv people in the tobacco counties, iarfeon, O'iswf-ll. Rackinehim. Ala- rnanre and Guilford during the last year tiona ftiost oc them have plecty to at, but hme cimfnrta anc rduea- tional Joking Mr E iitor. tell us how these taints are to be remedied without ore money in the farmers' pockets, you will confer a favor upon a Ia'ge ciasa of pnoDle More annn. Jeremiah W. Holt. Alamance Co., N. C. NH WIDH AWAK8 The Brethren " here are Energetic and ' rue Blue torrmpouaeu-je of tHe ProCT-8lve Fanuw Toe N n O un y F r'n r-' A. nance met in regular spooion ar Elm (i"je Ofcurch, January 11 h. 19D0 and as ceiled to order and oppnea ia don form by our ever faith ul President, Bro P A May. Notwithstanding ih vpry un'avor able da, a goodly number of sturdy farmers were pres nt and every one semd greatly encouraged hs to thf future of the Alliance. N ne out of toe eleven lodges in the crunty in working order were represented and paid in fe s and dues; and we are sure the other two will cone up all right, for one of them has jut been reorgan ized and the other is the one ro which our worthy Lecturer, Bro B J Arch bell, belongs, and we are sure it will como in all O. K 8 m few duos seem to b9 on a stand but those reported show an actual increase of over 60 per cent, eince our October meeting. That's the way the Alliance is 'a-dying'' in this seotioul Three lodges hwe c m to life since our last meeting, and, ic is but just to state that Bro R T Matthews, our Steward, aseis ed by the "o d wai horse," B'o. W. H Ribbins, who made a house to h mse canvass, grta ly helped to bring about this result If a e f others of toe old guard" will go and do like wise, " we will eoon double our membership. Bro. Z T Strick land muse not be left out, for he is a "true bluV' and has succeeded in get ting his Sub Alliance in good shape again. Now wedil not intend to call the roll, (as Aunt Jennie says tometimes), bus we must say a good word for our faithful Djjr keeper. Bro. 8 S 8k"P, who has been absent only, we be lieve, in about eii years. And his faitnfulness was rewarded by five males being initiated in his Suo eiuce lass meeting Well, for fear my letter is, growing too long, I will say we had a g od meeting all through. 8-veral import ant things were discussed. We are sure the nex State Alliance will be re quested, from this ouoty, at least, to make some arrangements to gtt our Alliance shoes in each county o dis- triouied that the bretnren con see ai d examine before buying Of course this is the only way to ever get our shoe factory fully patroDS d. The guano q inacion was discussed at great leugth. uud a ter one coi stdera cioa ic was decided that bll nuy fertili zer for cash thnugn our State Buei--ie s Ag nt as far as po-s ble, and be tides, everybody is r q tested to try an xperimenc on some kind of home nade fertuz r and to keep an account and report tne rutuu as soon as prac icaole Tne Progressive Farmer is the best paper an AUiaucman and farmer can re id, bqi on true occasion u Dbdpleuty of adv icaifi I told tne orethren I ad 08 d a regular su ecriber for 12 years acd was going 10 c ntinue just eo loi g aa I could Find enclosed lift, for woioi please sbdU paper as directed Yours for betrr nma O H Baines bec'y Treas Na?h Co., N O. 8arples Crem a- prato? Prcfita ole Dairying. Eureka Harness Oil Is the best preservative of new leather and the best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black ens and protects. Use Harness Oil on your beat harness, your old har ness, and your carriage top, and they will not only look better but wear longer. Sold everywhere In cans all izes from half pints to five gallons. Utde by STAND ABU OIL CO. - Biltmore Farms, BILTMOEE 3ST O. Heaoqu rirc for tne best native and impO'ted strainp rf A. J. C. C. JERSEY, Large ENGLISH BERKSHIRES and STANDARD POULTRY. A. We exhibited at live Stnte Pairs in the fall of 1899 and mde a rrord that has never been approached by any Other breeding esriieHrrn' The BILTMORE JERSEYS on 32 Sweepsc-KH 5F't -i o Prizes, 3 8eond Herri p. p, 44 fnrlividu- 1 First Prz. 25 8crin nrd 6 rr.irds BILTMORE BERKS BIRES won 18 Sweepstakes. 119 Firt P zms, 90 8econdp, and 16 TVirn The BILTMORE POULTRY, wrn over 500 pr zes, end more firsts ard usconds on each and every variety we brofl". than all cur competitors com bined. appx-ytoGEO. F. 17EST011, FUPT r"Send at once for Spe sial Price List of BerJk claires and Poultry, only good for one month, from date. WONDERFUL CURES BY SWA MP-R.00T. To Prove What This Famous New Discovery will do for YoU, Every Reader of 'The Progressive Farmer" May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Aosoiutely Free by May. ANS; fc 66i.n Police P ecinct, Dr. Kimer & Oo., Bingham ton, N Y. Gentlemen: In justice to you, I feel as if it edgement of the receipt of the sample bottle of Swamp-Root the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy you eo kmoly sent me. I nave been troubled for the past five ears with kionev and bladder trouble. I bad our best hy cians pre scribe for me. They would relieve me for the time being, but the old com paint would in a short time return again. I eent for a samole bottle of 8 warn p Rxt and I found it did me a world of good 8ioce thsn I have taken eignt small bottles and I consider myself perfectly cured. I do not rtave to get up during the night to urinate as I formerly did, three aod four times a night, but now sleep tbe el-ep of peace My back s all right again, and in every vay I nm a new man. Two of my orother fiS;ers have, and are still using Swamp Rut They, lika myself, cannot say too much in praise of it. It is a boon to mnnkind. We recommend it to all of our friends, and we recommend it to all humanity who ae tunVrirg from kidney and bladder diseases My brother ffijer a (whose signatures accompany thisl-ttr) as well a myself, cnank you tor the Messing you have brought to the humaa race io the compounding of 8w mp- R oc. Y urs very truly, We remain, JAMES COOK HOGH E HOYLE. Ofnorpnf tbePK H P-.I.-P Precinct, Greater New York. JOBN J. BODKIN. Wliat a Womail Mrs H. N Whpeler of 268 Boston &.., Lvnn. SaVS Of Mass , writes on D c 11, '99: About 18 months .inn- lifint ngo I hd a very s-vere atia k of grip lwastx V llllJ""XtiOL tren ely sick for hree we-ks, and when I fiba'ly was bio u v uj oed I was I f' uh excruciating pains in mv baCK Mv WHittr at titles k"frpd very likncH -e c u d pas r.ut li tie at a nme, and then only after t-uff nnv great tain. My physical condition was eucn that I nad no strength ttid wee all run dovn Tne doctors sad my kidneys were not 6 fit -iei bur I ftlr cetai that ihev were the cause o my 'rouble My sis rr, Mrs C. E. L tfl'ld, of Lvnn, advised me to give Dr Kilmer' 8amp R tot a trial I jr cured a b tt e nd inside of three days c nitmenced to get relief I followed up tba bottle with another, and at tne o nop let ion of this one found I was completely cured. Mv strength returned, and t -day 1 am as well as ever My basinesa i mat of canvasser, I tm n my feet a great d al of tbe time aod nave ro ue mucn rnrgy in getting around My c ire is trier e fore all the more r martcable, and is exceedingly griti'ving t ore " MRS a N WBEELER Among the many famous cures of 8amp Hoot investigated by Tbe Pro gre-Bive Ferine', tbe ones which w publish tm wetk for tnt bent fi of our readers, speak in the highest urms y tne wot.dt-rful curative pt per ties of thio great kioney remedy. Ituei to dp CO' eider d that onl urinary and bltuotr rouoie were t be traced to ih idne h. out low modern ecii Ci proves that n arly all diseases hevn iheir begmn ng in tie disorder of ihse most important or gans Tne kidneys fil er end purify the biood- t at i rhesr wnk 8 j 'ei y-ur kidneys ae a cfe yon Cii urd-rsa' ro' qiicfclv your en tire body i- affect d and now every organ seems o f a i to d its duty. If ou BrP e nr fei baul," be gin tkinv D' KlcnerV 8nip-R m . because as h-.. as our Sidney- r tli ihev willh-lpnil n e otn r organs 0 nealth. atrial wilcoovmcev u und you my have t smpie brti free rr the asui k. Wr en our kid ney p are not oing in lr ork - of ih-ey mptorrM wnich pr;v l to v- n arp pain tr du 1 ache in the bt a ex C ps o1' unc aeid er-v I, rbe t a 'C painn, eoimnt in the uriru caniy rupp'v. ec ding irritation i panpii g i , obliged t"K' often dunn hn ca an"i t gn up na y t'tn dur ing th ip"t mi emn' np bladd-r; Wood's Seeds. Truckers and Market Gardeners Desiring to purchase Early Peas, Beans, Radish, Beet, Squash, Cucumber, Watermelon, Can taloupe or any other Vegetable Seeds in quantity ere requested to write us for special prices, stat ing about the quantitiesrequired. WOOD'S VEGETABLE SEEDS are specially grown with reference to the adaptability and needs of Southern Truckers, and have at tained the largest sale and a splen did reputation all throughout the South. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue gives full and correct information about all Seeds and calls attention to different varieties and crops likely to bring profitable re returns to Southern Garden ers and Truckers. Cata logue mailed free upon request, T. W. WOOD & SOUS, Seed Growers end Merchants, I RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. LSI THE COILS HI PAGE UinE have saved many BROILS among neighbors. PAGE 1T0TE3 WIBE FENCE CO., ADRIAN, HICH. Greater New York. Nov. 11th, 1S99. was my duty to send you an acknowl Btness, irregular heart, brea hlescnss. fllow, umealhy compl z a, pfTv O" dar& circles under the eves, some mes the feet, limbs or b l o oat, i ss t ambition, general w akoees ai d de htv- '8 mp R o is ued in be leading hospitals r camounded by skillful uu8icin8 in their private practice; iDd ii. u tak"n by doctors tb em -elves wno nave kicney ailments, bpcuse Of y recogDiz in it tne greatest aod most euccts ful reme dy that science tax ever b en abln toe impound Topn)veit8 wonder ui curtifive prop ti- send vour nnnirt anr add-ps r.o O- KlmBr&'V).. Bmghamton, N Y. bu ynu wsll receive, free of all o Hge asimpie botloof 8 wamo R ot and a valubl- bo k by mail prepaid This b .ok contains many t f he thou upoD thou-an a of testimonial J re s ecived from men and women woo owe tneir gocd helth, n fact their very nv s to th wondprful cura ve oropTtiPS of 'ha world-famous k dnev remdv 8wmp-Rot ih po riiarKablv f-u wes u thatoa- reade'S re a ivised t wn e f r a free sampl O tt.le and to b pu aad meatton read g - m generous ffar in The Progres iv F rmer l y.-u are alread convinced tba -4 warn -Riot is what tu pd ou ia- purchase thi ngular fl'ty-cnt ltd oq" d 'liar .z bf'tto at tn drug rr v" V 1 How mucli do vou crrow? What's your garden going to yield thta rn a ii rfmuniii nn tun acM. ow rizn f ' and the chances are you'll reap rignu bow Gregory's Seeds and you'll get the greatest yield your erouna win wive, au ku junmuit. n f .AAA 1 . n I. VxeariioOK lor hwtoduiiiid uruu i euage; I offer to all who grow vegeta- Dies or nowers ior pleasure orpront. write ior it. J.J. H.Gregory & Son. juarbieneaa. Mm. Foiiilizors 0g Prico Nearly all the Fertilizer companies &re In a Trust, which means higher prices and poorer goods for the farmer. WHY NOT make your Fertilizers at home with Powell's Prepared Chemicals? No trouble. More than twenty years' unequaled success. Write for pamphlet. W. S.POWELL & CO., Deolert in Nitrate Soda, Muriate andSutphaie 1'otatK, and other Agricultural Chemicalt, Baltimore) lid. Grape Vines Descriptive and Price List free, i nrrnnti, Gooseberries and other Small ( run Plants. Extraquality. Warranted true. T- H. HUKUAAU CO. FHEDOMA, ti. Y. ON TO CUBA.. 8!nd otal ord with address and larn ill ab iti j iininsja colony of 5 000 .Tiriciaa who ar eoins; to buy and settle in Cuba. A.dw: ARCHER. Mica, n N. J 'On D Rockefeller waa wUd to flad ena ploy mens as an office boy for some yeara. ALLIANCE BUSINESS AGENCY PRICE-LIST. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. rlr I i I : sis 50 o I ;SSStfR ALLUIICE SE17II1B IJiGlllllE. I IT NO SUPERIOR IN RiNOE AND QUALITY 07 WORK. It is Finely Obnahsnted and Well Finished in Every Pabtioulab. Light- Rann n. Almost Noiselees, Easily Operated, Belf-Tn reading Shuttla, Self-oettiDg N'eaie, Automatic uoooiu wiuaer, uubiou niiewK, tww tive Feed, E3. Full Sat of Atcacnmema Wit a Ech Machine. The above is an exact cut of the Five Drawer Improved Alliance Sawing urAw.iA nhinh mo AAnairtcr Ttnt. nn iv ih besc for tne monev. out the besl m hine ever offered to the public at i.ene and attacr moots, runs aimoac niseiefPiv du mo wtjariujs. imrnwa made of the FINEST UA8El-a aRDESED 8TEEL and are guaranteed agamsl aoy defects for tua years. Order . ne, ten days trial, return it ana your moce? KaSDer',',Hf , I Owin to rapid cnanges tu pruea of oearly all aniens the oelow prices can not be guaranteed We will give you the benefit of the lowest price ruling tne market on the day your order is filled. Make money orders payable in Ralegh aa that eaves us a j ee. Don't a nd silver by mail; 2o stamps taken for any amount less than II. Sugars (At Market Prices). Standard Granulated &tt Starch- Lnmu starch 50 lb boxes per pound, .... 3fc Celluloid Starch per case .... 2.50 1.31 6.00 Ela-tic Starch permease, Ivory eitart h per case Oil Mar feet Prices). Kerosen Oil. Aladdin, Pratts' Ast'al, Carnaulne R d. Spices and Peppers Race Ginger, best quality. ...... .......... Cloves .. 12c Ala Dice, black Pepjer, best sifted. Richmond.... per lb .. 8 ..13 ..12 Rice Rice, Head 6Jc I Good 8 Fancy neads... Largrt Hominy. Richmond S.n0 Small Grits. Richmond 2.50 aoap (Kicnmono - Borax Sp on. 12 ox 1 0 cakes 3.75 (Spoon with eveiy cake.) White Rose i2oz 10oakes 2.80 Lenox. 12 oz. 100 cakes 3 10 Wniie roz 6 r z 0o cakes 3.00 221 1 -s Factory Filled 1.10 110 lbs Burlaps, Liverpool 50 Axle Grease i Richmond " per gross 4 00 " " M per cane 1 00 Molasses No. 4. Sugar -yrup, per gallon 23 So l' s-igr Syrup per gallon No. 1 Po to Rico Mo asss, pr gallon 25 No 2 Port Kico Molasses per gal on 20 Cane Porto ttico 1. lasses p r gallon 30 VaniUni Drip Syrup per gallon 22 White Rose Corn srup. per gallon 22 Soda Biarbin lb kegs per lb. 1 Nlr.kle Pakaees 60 to case per case 3.41) 1 lb and lo package tfO o case per case 3.40 H lb and lb pacxages, 60 to case, per case 3.60 Fish White FIshanrt Lake Herrings, per 100 lbs. $2.75 Sardines. American. 100 to case 3 26 Live and Potash- per case Potash. NickJe. ... $2 90 I Star potash. $3 00 Lye. Mendleson's. 2 90 I Star 3 25 G"iocnls Coffee Lajruira 10c to 11c I Rio. . . .7c to 10c Flour Blair's dsst 4.25 I . . Blair's Fancy f 4.0 Dandv .... 3 85 i Winner 3.50 Pri coss...... 3.2i Lard in Tierces. .... "tc Compound in Tierces , 5J6 In Tubs or Tins: 61 lb Plain Taos over Tierces. 80 lb Fancy Tnbs H over Tices. 20 lb W.KKien Pal.s $6 over Tierces. 50 lb rins, 2 in Case. H over "ierces. 20 lb Tins. 4 in Case, over Tierces. HARDWARE. Hames So 2 hook, iron bound, per doz 8 50 Plow Lines Cotton, with snaps, 33 feet long, doz, ... 1 85 Madras Hemp with snaps. 33 feet 185 Poultry Netting, Gilvenized Put up in rolls of 150 running feet. 2 inch mesh. 3 in. wide, per roll ....2 55 48 6 2 " 4 60 " " " 4 30 2 " " 72 " " 5 0 Mattocks, Cutter, per doz 4 60 Bush Hooks, best No 1, per doz ,. 9 00 Pitch Forks. No 21 thimble 8 00 " Strap and lock cap 4 00 So 22 strap 3 25 I No 24 strap 3 60 Shovels, All Right Steel, No. 2 8 76 H & Co, Steel, No. 2 pl " Remington .... 7 5r Stonewall Plow J 25 Castings 2' Plows, Double Shovel Southern 1 Malta 2 V Steel for same, imitation 8c Genuine. Grub or New Ground 8 Of Single Trees hooks or rings, per doz Common $1 50 I Extra S2 60 '4rtnrtstnnes, r !b If4c Plow traces, 6i .8,8, per doz pairs 8 01 7,8,3, 8 25 7.10,2, ' M 3 75 Cotton Rope, white, per lb 12H M medium white. 10 Farm Bells, 40 lbe, from stock... 120 60 M " 1W 751DS. J2 25 1 100 lbs 300 Grub Hoes, No. 1, er doz , 8 26 -fcj 9 9U1 360 4 a 4 50 900 660 600 Kettles, 20 gallons 30 45eaL $5 60 I 60 gal. Blacksmith Bellows, 30 inch . . . u 82 inch... Webbing per 100.feet No.0. 3 1-2 inch.. .$2 751 No. L 3 1-2 lnch.,$2 CO Axe handles, straight, per doz ' S45.00. any price. Has all the latest lmprove- ana if you are not pieaaed with it alter win o rluu -u tJ. f AMIS. Ill rfc -TAT IB nuBlflKO'' Murxwi.. Nal s. cut. Richmond Va. Heaaed. (At Market Prices). cOoK STOVES. . No. 7, 18-inch lu5u Ho. 7, 20-inch...... 11 IS No. 8. 18-lnch 11 6 J I No. 8. 20-inch 12 89 Fire backs for above 21 The following ware goes with each stove abova: 1 Straight Pot, 1 Bulged Pot, 2 Bread Pans, 1 T Kettle. 1 LoDg Frying Pan, 1 Round Frying Pan, 1 Griddle, 1 Elbow.3Jolnts of Pipe, 2 PotUOTttl and Lifters. Every Stove guaranteed. kinds of Iron, tin and felt roofing at low prices. Write for special prices. ' ORGANS (delivered at any railroad sta tion in North Carolina. Warranted for ten years. Parlor, Style 30. .. 42 Ob I Style 40 41 tl Chapel A 20... 43 00 I Style 15, Chapel.. CI U Prices including Instruction book ami stool): PIANOS (delivered at any R. R. Station InN C. Upright, Style 1. ..150 00 I Style 2 182 CI J 3. ..171 00 1 Style 4 12 CI Sewing Machines improved Farmers' Alliance with full set attachments and autonjitio bobbin winder. All latest improvements, fine ly finished, first-class in every particu lar. Warranted by manufacturers for 10 years, carefully adjusted, ready for immediate use Price, freight paid to any railroad station in North Caro lina Sit II Spiral springs. $2.60 to $4.18 Woven " L50 to 2.CI Slata LOO to LI8 Washing Machines Boss, No 1 7 00 " 6 9 00 Ell " " a 8 00 8. 4. .I C3 ..8 U Wringers Boss No. 26 ,., 2 28 Boss " 1H 50 Relief" 22 2 83 Relief" 33 2 19 Write for catalogue. Two-horse Dump Carts with Patent Ad justable Saddles and Yoke... ,..,,,,,.,,,5 42 21 Oca) a Road Carts.... Ill U Harrows Clark's cutaway IT P Ocala Wagons (F. O. B.) Factory. One-horse, 2 1-4 inch thimble skein $2$ II One-horse, 2 1-2 Inch thimble skein....,,,. 28 W Two-horse, 2 3-4 inch thimble skein 87 83 Two-horse, 3 inch thimble skein.. 42 83 One-horse, 1 1-4 Inch Bteel axle ........... 28 63 One-horse, 1 3-8 inch steel axle . 28 C3 Two-horse, 1 1-2 Inch steel axle............ 87 83 Two-horse. 1 3-4 inch steel axle ... 4211 All weons are furnished with box bee ia two sections, and one spring seat. Ii brakt ll wanted add $2.50. If bed and seat are not waxtsl, deduct for bed $2-50. for seat $L00. N. C. Official Farmers' Alliance Guano, (I pt! centTPhos. Ac, 2tf per cent. Am.. 8 per exit Potash) Progressive Fanner Guano. (8 per cent. PhCS Ac, 2 per cent. Am., Ui per cent. Potash.) N.C Official Farmers' Alliance Acid Phoapaats. (13 per cent. Av. Phosphoric Acid.) Write for prices. 83JBUY NO OTHJERI Mill Stones (best N. C. Grit), write for pitta Horseshoes, per keg, all sizes...... 8 48 Mule shoes " ,.... 4C3 Borseshoe Nails, Excelsior, per lb , . . 18 H Anchor, per lb Uli Brethren having anything to sell, as wtii as those wishing to buy will do well to consult t&8 Agency. PLOWS. Plows No. 8, F F.. 4 5u " Nc6, " .. 1 65 Boy D 1 25 Castings for above, per No. 7.FF 8 a No. ll'Dljl..,,... 813 Watt D E 1 81 00 lba 1 U SEEDS. Wheat -Purple Stem. 21. C8 " Fultz. LC8 Go den Chaff L10 " Ful ortu Llfl Oats- Rust Proof 48 Virginia Gray Winter 78 Ry W'ntr 77 Clover- R d (rood .4.40 Red Prime 4.73 C'hice 8X3 Grass R ed of every description. Also-Gardes Seeds. Fruit frees, Etc. Axes Per dosea Car Clipper, 4H to m lba i Champion ff T 6ei Red Warrior M 6U Cnltlvators'ff. o- b. factory) Iron Age No. 1. plain Iron Age, with plain wheel , Horse hoe combined, with plain wheel No6.5-tooth, plain " " " H-H. combined Dixie, plain u with plain wheel M H. H. combined with plain wheel For lever adjustment attachments on above add 50c t ri I 13 4 18 1 CI 4 LI 2 83 2 33 I CI Harrison Cultivator, adjustable..,,.,.,. 1 Tl Feed Cutters (f o. b. factory) Baldwin No. 1, 6-ln knives If 61 propeller, cutters, 6-ln. knives., .8 81 8-ln. 1 J Smith's patent lever straw cutter ..... I 81 Blades 3 Hay Press, $25.00, fob Goldsboro. N.C. BXLLSBOBO, 1ST- O. aGET