A WBFK OF TALK IN CONGRESS. Congressman Linney iscusses Our lec tloo w and White Makes Himself C bnoxious. Washington Jin. 31 Under te Iaticuc e ttii ied in general debueup n appropriation billa, the Indian Appro pria'ion Bill in the Souse today was insd the occasion for tbe discussion of ft wide ran e cf puln qutiorjs Oar policy in the Philippine I land, tbe government of Porto Rico, tbe leading of our arid Hods and election method a in the bouth were in turn brought into the arena. Toe most interesting de bate occurred over the latter subj q; Hr L onpy (S. O ), a former D.-mo crat who j ioed the Republican party in 1884 -ind who U one of the breezy talkers of the H mee, used aa a text for the introduction of tbe surg ct the amendment to the Constitution of his State, wnich he claimed was designed to disfranchise the negro. Q ute a number of members were dran into tbe discission and Mr. Lmney'a statements provoked an elo qaent replj from Mr Williams, of Hiesi-sippi, who justified to the fullest extent the action of certain Smthern States on the ground that the non-par ticipation of the ignorant and illiterate was necessary to prevent the eub mer gence of civilisation. M-. WiilUns declared that not since 1876 lad a eiogle voce been suppressed ia &i;st?i-Hppi Hi said that while ne groes wore occasionally lynched in Mississippi, they were never shot down by wnolesle, as they were in Illinois, because they wanted to work. Hi op posed lyncbirgs and violations of tbe law everywhere. Mr. Whit- (M C ) the only colored representative in tbe Hju89, Slid: I have invesrigated tbe lynchings in the couth and I find that less than 15 per cent, of them are due to toe crime of rape. And I desire to an nounce here thai if it were not for the assaults of wnice men upon black wo men there would be less of the other class." The public galleries contained many colored people who applauded this ut terance vigorously. Sibley for Expansion. WAHiNtroN, Feo 1 R jpreaenta tive Joiepa di ley. ot Pennsylvania, whose eioqaent and earnest champion ship of free silver featured the Fifty fourth Congress, assailed his Demo cratic colleagues today for their oppo sition to expansion in a speech that made tbe floor and galleries roar. Mr. Sibley his recanted his views on free silver and U now generally out ot line with his colleagues on tbe Daaaocratic side. Mr. Sibley spoke for an hour. He had, be said, heard no argument against territorial ea argemenc wqicd was not urged ug-iinsc tha annexation of LjuisI ana an: Texas. "Is there any parallel! aaked Mr Cochran (M i.), "between the territory ia the Lmt-siana purchase, then prao tically without population, and the Pa'-liopineg?" 'Nothing has been said about the Philippine," replied Mr. 8i0ley. "whuh was no; said about the terri tory now Missouri. Yju in Missouri wera classed as barbarians " "Dj you bslieva the peopla in the Philippines are smcsptiole of the civil ization of the inhabitants ot the Louisi ana purchase!" "Iam not placing limitations upon the powers of Almighty God," answered Mr. Sibley, amid a round of Rjpubli can epplause. In reply to Mr. Cochran's taunt that ciyil zition was being shot into the Pnilippines. Mr. Sibley said that the history of civilization had been traced la human blood. Wendel Pmllips had said that every achievement of human j as'ise had gone irom rack to racLand scaSjld to scaffold. Mr. Pettigrew, despite the terms, "traitor" and "dispenser of treason." applied o him in the Sanate yesterday ia connection with his tffjrts to have (he statement of AguinaUo printed as a publics document, bobbed up again today with another resolutioa which ha waatad priatad, entitled "The Pnil ippiaes C)aimission," and said he would spaaft on it to nor row. Ha asked what Had bacoma of his resolution of yesterday, and was informs! that it wa3 placed on th8 calendar. Tbe saasion closed with a speech by Mr. D niel on tha Financial bill, in whica aa supported bimasallian. Hi denied that tha United 8;ates was a gold country es claimed by tha bill, aad qio-ed fron tha plat'orm of Re publicans. Djoaocrats and Pjpulists in sipport ot cms contention. CUyton For rubn Independence Washington, l Qf Fjo. 2 A. briek debate occurred over tha bill giving to o-baa vessels the most favored nation treatment in American ports. Mr. Uayton (Ala ) said this was but a part f the piece-meal legislation which ingress was extending to Cuba. The rsporig of Generals Brooke, Wilson anl Le, ha said had ehown that tha C ibans wra cao"bloof ?lf govern ment, and that t.v time'e now ripe for the Anericn G vernmwt to re cognize thft iDd-poo'iVnt aovereinty of Cub. While 8U DorciDe tha bill. Mr. Clayton expresfd the hope that the legislation for Cuba would soon bo framed on broader lines and more in harmony with whan had been held out to the Cubans H s remarks evoked vigorous applause Toe bill was then passed as reported. The Nicaragua Canal Bilis Washington, DO F 3 Now two bills mtiRing substantially the same provisions for the construction of the Nicaragua canal have been intro duced in Congress, ono in the 8enate by Mr Morgan, and one in tre Hju-g by Mr Hepburn The provision that tbe canal shall ba constructed nd controlled exclusively by tbe Uaited States has brought forth protests from the pres of London and the Washington correspondent of the Chicago Times-H-rali eays that pro testa have baen lodged at Washington by E igland and Germanv against for ufi :ation of the canal. O i the other hand, the Washington corespondent of the Naw Y irk H raid eays that the State D parrm nt has received assur ances from Great Britain that she will not press txr rights under the Cleytcn Bulwer treaty. NEWSPAPER K riQUHTTK. The Proper Manner of Entering tbe fccitor's Sanctum Parties wismng to enter the printing ffice at thid season should De governed, by the following rules: Advance to the inner door and give three distinct raps or kick tha door don. The "devil" will attend the alarm. You will give him your name, posttflice ad dress and the number of years you are owing for the paper. He will admit you. You will advance to the center of the room and address the editor with the following countersign: Ex tend the rignt hand about two feet from the body, with the thumb and in dex Soger clasping a $10 bill, which drops into the extended hand of the editor, at the same time saying: "Were you looking forme!" the editor will grasp j our hand and the bill press ing it will say : " Y ji bat 1" After giving him the news concerning your locality you will be permitted to retire with a receipe tor au obligation properly dis charged. Mr ?u (lows) News. A TSAR OF COTTON MILLS Twenty-Nine New Factories Chartered Last Year The Dames and locations of the cot ton mills chartered by the S ate the pant year are as follows: Revolution, G-eansboro. T )lar, Han & Holt. Fayetteville. Bla, Cabarrus county. Fountain. Tarboro. R bbins, G ldboro. Gincoe, AUmance county. D igado, Wilmington. Dimel, L ncolnton. Patterson. Halifax county. 8helby, Sieiby. Missclesfleld, Tarboro. Saniord, Sinford. Avalon, R )ckmgham. Indian Creek, Lincoln county. S20tlaud, Richmond county. Carolina and Alamance, both in Ala mance county. Winston. Winston. Central, Davidson county. Lula, G ston county. K'nston. K'oeton. Tuscarora, C ibarrus county. Wiademere, Stanley county. Neuse R.ver, Wake county. Catawba, Catawba county. R yall. Wake F irest. E zabethOity, Elizabeth City. Pembroke, Newbern. G bson. Concord. Melrose, R l-igh. National FinisM". G-eensboro. The Progress tvo .tmer is a dear, welcome visitor. I ntvr want to see the week when it does not come in my house. 8. F. Beverly, Hertford Co., N. C. Tae "New Lippincott" fcr January, 1900, begins the year with a complete novel, full of fresh sensations and am sing episodes, called "The Bread L'ne," by Albert B'gelow Paine. This is a tale of fua and love in New York's bohpmia. ttnrpiesUreaui oeparaioit- frctiia ble Dairying. Nothing 1m adds so much n to tbe charm or tne arawinj room or boadoir as the softly radi ant lifht from CORDOVA Candles. Nothing will contribute more to the artirttic success ol tne inncneon, tea or dinner. The best decorative candles for the simplest or the moot elaborate fnnction for cot tage or mansion. Made in all colon and the most delicate tints by STANDARD OIL CO. and sold everywhere. 3I9CORAIICK MACHINES are built in the largest works in the world manufacturing harvesting machines and binder twine. MtCORMICK holds Iheworlds record 2I3J629 machines built and sold last season!This enormous output has been created by buildina the BEST IN THE WORLD. MCCORMICK MACHINES are so easy to handle CAN OPERATE THEM SUCCESSFULLY IN THE FIELD. n? COMICK RIGHT HAND BINDER DAISY REAPER. COWICK NEW 4 OT-g 070 Sy" Ctp3 m r- L"l r &1 J G1 f 3 Wood's Seeds. Truckers and Market Gardeners Desiring to purchase Early Peas, Beans, Radish, Deet, Squash, Cucumber, Watermelon, Can taloupe or any other Vegetable to write us for special prices, stat- ( ing about the quantitiesrequired. WOOD'S VEGETABLE SEEDS 1 are specially grown with reference . . i i " i ; l ; j 1 1 r I" 10 ine aaaptaomiy ana neeas oi Southern Truckers, and have at tained the largest sale and a splen did reputation all throughout the South. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue gives full and correct information about all Seeds and calls attention to different varieties and crops likely to bring profitable re returns to Southern Garden ers and Truckers. Cata logue mailed free upon request, T. W. WOOD & SOUS, Seed Growers and Merchants, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. 151 DID YOU EVER IIOTIGE ? Our Stock Fence stands USE and ABUSE. Try it PACK WOVEN WIBE FENCE CO., ADIilAN, MICH. XJ S EFUL THE SEOBETARY-TREASURER HAS Jf . n- 1 r I li I flft Ami cwjpnCJJtSSSv T9 r 1 . I 1 T ! T T T T SHOULD BE IN EVERY SUB-LODGE. THE NAMES AND PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : Secretary's Roll Book nicely arranged, new kind . - Record of Membership . . . . Secretary's Receipt Book, for dues, with sub Secretary's Warrant Book, with stub Treasurer's Receipt Book, with stub Secretary's Account Book Treasurer's Account Book. . Minute Book, new kind Working Bulletins, State Constitutions, Rituals, National Constitutions, Application Blanks, Dimit Blanks, Withdrawal Cards, Delegate Credentials, Fraternally, (per dosen) it (in pads) it tt Petfv The Progressive The The Queen Free One One New TheAmeronQueen The regular pnee of THE AMERICA QUEN i 50 CAnts a yer. The publishers have eivn ijp a re ducfl orica on ju pd-u -ixunMwuuo it in the homes of ONLY ONE TEraiOF OUR RE DERM Than nnaiftiraln Mfiiaa tn lefc tlfl HftVl mOf at tl9 Oaniai rft. U M THIS LRT IS FXHAUTFD we will and THE AMERI AN QUEEN n vear 'or nnv si Or we will P6nd TbE AMERICAN; Q1KEN frkk one jkab : ro ny oni ending u tl 00 in nw 8uboriDtinn to vv. pO M -IVE THE PROGRESSIVE F A.RMER, Raleigh., N". C. WCORMICK Biltmore Farms, BILTMOEE 1ST O. H -nuqu Tiera Cur tae oem native and imported atraina rf A. J. C. C. JFRSEY, Large ENGLISH BERKSHIRGS and STANDARD POULTRY. We nQib'pi at five Semite Fairs in the fall of 1899 and mado a record that has npver been approached by any othr hro'dine ps-bliehrnnr-. Tlie BILTMORE JERSEYS won 32 Hveepric-fcert. 5 P rat K ra Prize", 3 8ofofl Her Pnz p, 44 Individual Kirs' Priza 25 R nn nnd 6 rhirda BILTMORE BER KS HIRES won 18 BveepsiaK 119 IftreC Poises, 90 Beyond". nrt 16 T'r.irrtfl The BILTMORE POULTRY, won over 500 pr.zea, atid more flrate and seconds on each and every variety we breed, than all our competitors com bined. apply to go p. VESTOIL 8UPI BTSend at once for 8pe 8ial Price List of Berk cliires and Poultry, only go d for one month, from date. Grape Vines Descriptive and Price List free. Carrmnts, Gooseberries and other Small fruit Plants. Extra quality. Warranted true. T.S.UUBBAAD CO., VllEJDOM 1 A, M. V. 8end postal card with addreea and learn all about joining a colony of 5.000 Americans who are going to buy and settle in Cuba. A-dae: SA.MDEL ARRER. Mia ' K BO OK 8. SEVERAL USEFUL BOOKS THAT ? 15 25 10 10 15 15 25 20 50 ftO 50 nr.B . Free, tt tt tt T. R PVRKWR, F. 8. . Hi'lflnoro. N. O. TrP N. O. Farmer American Queen, Year asTa Premium for Subscriber! THE AMERICAN QUEEN is a high claaa, profusely illustrated woman'? home magazine, published monthly in New York. Bs'dps i s stories, poeme and sketches, everything of interest to the ladies is fully treated in each issue Evary month there are .helpful and in- Btructive articles on topics sach a? THE LTE3r F8HfON3, HOMF DRE AS MAKING. COOK 'NG, FANCY WORK CULTURE OF FLOWERS, MUdlJ, AR, THE NURSERY, COR RESPuNDEXCE. ETC. send TH5 PROGRESSIVE F iRMEP 'fet ORJ s CORMICK ALLIANCE BUSINESS WT? DAV THE tfrMfllTP 3 DELIVERED FRE'G-ir PD OaNYRAL- n n i xj. x x xx xj x xiuxuxx i, ( ROAD PE : SIS 50 -UlSra ALLIAHGE 0- IT HAS NO SUPERIOR IN RlNE AND QUALITY Of WORK. It is Finely Ornamented and Well Finished in Eveby Pabtioulab. L ' 1 m Lieht-Runn n. Almost Noiselepa, Etsily Operated, Self-Threading Shuttle Seit-tt6irig IN eale, Automatic BuDOiu wiaaer, ietsion neiease, jtosi tive Foed, Ec. Full Sec of Atiacomems Wita Ech Machine. The above is an exact cut of the Ftve Drawer Improved Alliance Sawing vlacbine, wnich we consider not only ihe beso for the money, Put the best m hiue evtr offered to the public at uen8 and atiacnaieits, run almost r ieie-elv. All the wearing parts are made of the lNEiT CASE-BURDENED 8TEEL and are guaranteea against any defects for tea years. O'-der ne, ten days trial, return it ana your m Rpspectfullv, Owing to rapid cnangts in prices of uearly all articles the oeiow prices can not be guaranteed We will give you the benefit of the lowest price ruling the market on the day your order is filled. Make money orders payable in Ralegh as that saves us a 1 ee. Don't snd silver by mail; 2c stamps taken for any amount less than $L. Sugars (At Market Prices). Standard Granulated Starch Lumu Starch 50 lb. boxes per pound, .... 3Kc Celluloid Starch per case,. .............. 2.60 Kla-tlc tftarcn per H caae x.oi Ivory Starch per case, . 6.00 Oil (Market Prices). Kerosen Oil, Aladdin, Pratts' Astial, Carn&alne Rrd. Spices and Peppers per lb Race Ginger, best quality 8 Cloves U8oAlsofce. 13 Black Pepper, best sifted, Richmond 12K Rice Rice, Head 6Hc I Good . .8 Fancy Meads.. i-JP Large Hominy, Richmond 2.60 Small Grlis. Richmond 2.60 Soap (Kichmond)- Borax rip on. 12 ox. 10 cakes 3.75 (Spoon with eveiy cake.) White Rose 12 oz UHoakes 2.80 Lenox. 12 oz. 100 cakes 3 10 Wnite Doz 6oz -0u cakes .. 3.00 224 ls Factory Filled LfO 110 lbs Burlaps, Liverpool SO Axle Grease (Richmond) " per gross 4.00 , Pr case 1 00 Molasses No. 4. Sugar -yrup, per gallon 23 No l7 H'igr Syrup Der gallon...... No. 1 Po to Rico Mo asses, pr gallon 25 No- 2 Porto ttlco Molasses per gal on 20 Fanc Porto ttlco M lasses p r gallon 30 Vanilla Drips Syrup per gallon 23 W bite Rose Corn a rup. per gallon 22 Soda Bi Harbin 11? lb kegs per lb. 1 Nickle Packages 6n to case, per case 3.40 1 lb and H lb packages. 60 i o case, per case 3.40 x lb and & lb packages, 60 to case, per case 3.60 Fish White Fish and Lake Herrings, per 100 lbs, 2.75 Sardines. American. 100 to case 3.26 Lve and Potash per case Potash. Nickle. . . . $2 0 I Star potash, $3 00 Lye, Mendleson's, 2 90 I Star 8 25 Groceries . . Coffee Laeuira 10c to lie Rio. .... .7Ho to 10c- Flour Blair's Bcsst 4.25 I . . Blair's Fancy f 4.0n Dandv 3.85 I Winner 3.50 Prlicess 8.2i Lard in Tierces...... W Compound in Tierces 5c In Tube or Tins: 6n lb Plain Tnbs over Tierces. 80 lb Fancy Tubs J4 over Tierces. 20 lb Wooden Palis over Tierces. 60 lb Tins, 2 in Case, M over rlerces. 20 lb Tins, 4 in Case. 9ft over Tierces. HARDWARE. Hames No 2H hook. Iron bound, per dos 1 60 Plow Lines Cotton, with snaps, 83 feet long, doe. .. 1 85 Madras Hemp with snaps. 33 feet .... 186 Poultry Netting, Galvenized Put up in rolls of 150 running feet. 2 inch nieeh, 3 In. wide, per roll 2 65 " 48 " 8 Hfi 2 60 M 4 20 2 M 73 60 Mattocks, Cutter, per doz 4 60 Bush Hooks, best No 1, per doc 9 00 Pitch Forks, No 21 thimble 8 00 Strap ana iocs cap No 22 strap 8 25 I No 24 strap 8hovels, All Right 8teel, No. 2 .., H A Co, Steel, No. 2 " Remington - Stonewall Plow Castings Plows, Double Shovel Southern Malta Steel for same, imitation 4 00 8 60 6 76 9 00 760 S 26 2 9 1 2 21 SO Genuine . 81-9 Grub or New Ground S Of Single Trees hooks or rings, per doz Common SI 60 I Extra t JO (grindstones, wr lb Plow r traces, 64 8, 8, per doz pairs 7.8,3. " 7,10,2, " " 7,12.2. " - 8 825 8 75 4 Of 12H 10 Cotton Rope, white, per lb M medium white Farm Bells, 40 lbs, from stock..... 120 50 " 10 75 lbs. S2 25 1 100 lbs 8 00 Grub Hoes, No. L, per doz 829 860 No. 2. Kettles, 20 gallons 0Jl 30 460 45 gal, S86O60al 9 00 Blacksmith Bellows. 30 inc h 6 M " 32 Inch ............. 600 Webbing per 100if eet No.0. 3 1-2 Inch.. .S2 751 No.1. 8 1-J lnch..S2 W Axe handles, straight, per doa 1- B- AGENCY PRICE-LIST. -TAHOV IN N )TB OAHOLN A. AGE ST -mm. SE17IIIG HAGillliEJ any price. Has all the latent improve- uni it you are not pleasea witn it alter cev wui rpiunea T B. PARKER cjtatb Business agent. Nalis, cut. Richmond. Va. Heaaed, (At Market Prices). COOK STOVES. ' No. 7, 18-inch 10 5UI No. 7, 20-inch.,,, 11 No. 8, 18-inch 11 5J I No. 8, 20-inch II 43 Fire backs for above , J The following ware goes with each stove abova: 1 Straight Pot, 1 Bulged Pot, 2 Bread Pans, 1T Kettle. 1 Long Frying Pan, 1 Round Frying Pan, 1 Griddle, 1 Elbow, 3 Joints of Pipe, Pot OOTtz and Lifters. Every Stove guaranteea. Roofing All kinds of Iron, tin and felt roofing at low prices. Write for special prices. ORGANS (delivered at anyrailroad sta tion in North Carolina. Warranted ibr ten years. - . Parlor, Style 80... 43 00 I Style 40 tin Chapel A 20... 43 00 1 Style 16, Chapel.. U U Prices Including Instruction book axl stooD: PIANOS (delivered at any R. R. Station In N. C. Upright, Style 1... 150 00 1 Style S LSf H ' 3. ..171 00 I Style 4.. ISf U Sewing Machines Improved Farmers Alliance with full set attachments and automatic bobbin winder. All latest Improvements, fine ly finished, first-class In every particu lar. Warranted by manufacturers for 10 years, carefully adjusted, ready fox Immediate use. Price, freight paid to any railroad station in North Caro lina sun Spiral Springs $3.50 to S4.fl Woven " ................... 1.60 to S.0S Slats LOO to LU Washing Machines Boss. No 1 7 00 " " 6 9 00 Ell " 8 1 CO M " 2 ,8 00 " "4 i U Wringers Boss No. S Boss " 1 Relief" U 83 ea u Relief" 33 Write for catalogue. Two-horse Dump Carts with Patent Ad justable Saddles and Yoke ..........S4J Ocala Road Carts (U Harrows Clark's cutaway ..... IT Ocala Wagons (F. O. B.) Factory. One-horse, 2 1-4 Inch thimble skein.. ...... 123 One-horse, 2 1-2 inch thimble skein 28 Two-horse, 2 3-4 inch thimble skein... ..... 87 Two-horse, 3 inch thimble skein. 42 One-horse, 1 1-4 inch steel axle 2S One-horse, 1 3-8 inch steel axle. , 28 T wo-horse, 1 1-2 inch steel axle.. , 87 Two-horse. 18-4 Inch steel axle.. ... 4J a u it 83 63 U 68 C3 84 U All wagons are furnished with box bea ia two sections, and one spring seat. If teaks la wanted add $2.50. If bed and seat are not wastsl deduct for bed S&0. for seat SL00. N. C. Official Farmers Alliance Guano, (8 rtl cent. Phos. Ac, 2H per cent. Am.. 8 per etat. Potash.) Progressive Farmer Guano. (3 per cent. Pass. Ac, 2 per cent. Am..lM per cent. Potash.) N. O . Official Farmers' Alliance Acid Phocph&tX (13 per cent. A v. Phosphoric Acid.) Write for prices. tETBVY NO OTHELBI Mill Stones (best N. a Grit), write for prtsx Horseshoes, per keg, all sizes U.I. .. " Sit 4CJ Horseshoe Nails, Excelsior, per lb 19 M Anchor, per lb IZH Brethren having anything to sell, as well a those wishing to buy will do well to consult tS Agency. PLOWS. Plows No. 8, F F.. 4 60 " No.fi, " ..1 65 Boy D 125 Castings for above, per No. 7. F F in No. lL Dixie 8 If WattDE. ........ I ll 00 lbc 1 U 8EED3. Wheat Purple Stem...... fl.CI Fultz... 1XS Go den Chaff L13 M Ful ortu Lt3 Oats-Rust Proof ,. , 48 Virginia Gray Winter ; Ti Ry-Wmtr 77 Clover-R -4 good 4-W " Red Prime.... 4.T3 " Chice SX3 Grass 8 edof every deecriptton. Also Gatdea Seeds. Fruit Trees, Etc. Axes per do$a Car Clipper, 04 to SK lbs .$8 n Champion " . -. 8C1 Red Warrior" " 6 U Cultlvatorsf. c b. factory) Iron Age No. 1. plain Iron Age, with plain wheel.............. Horse hoe combined, with plain wheel No6,6-tooth, plain " " " ILH. combined " Dixie, plain M with plain wheel , , ' H. H. combined with plain wheel For lever adjustment attachments on above add 60c Harrison Cultivator, adjustable Feed Cutters (f. o. b. factory in i it 4 U s a txf ill l n Baldwin No. 1, 6-ln knives li it t tt lsn iu 3 propeller, cutters, 6-ln. knives.. a n " Rmlth's Datent lever straw cutter. . m . Blades, Hay Prees, $25.00, fob Goldsboro. N.O. HILLSBOBO, XT.

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