The Progressive Farmer, March 13, 1900. 7 TOBACJO DEPARTMENT. 'GUILFORO COUNT? ASaOCIA TION. Correspondence of The Progressive Fanner. Tne tooaccj growera of Guilford met in Greensboro Mirch 3rd. Reports showed thit associations have been or ganiz ?d in all the tobacco- producing townships. A delegate submitted an amendment to the Jordan plan, providing that any farmer who may sell his tobacco to any coccern other than the Jordan 3ndicite shall forfeit his entire crop and sabjcs him to indictment for fraud. Tae amendment was defeated. The meeriog was well attended and entbustaet c Tae nex5 meeting of tae County Association will be hell oa the second 8aturday in April. One of the county's tobacco growers, Mr. W. J Qroomfl, has received a let ter from J G. Johnson, Vica Chair man of the D moratic National Execu tive Committee, saying the Jordan plan is the most practical method of dealing with trusts he has yet heard of. He say e: "It i3 practically the Fame thing as has been adopted with very satisfac tory results by tke grape growers in Western New York. Prior to their adoption of this scheme they were all at eea about prices, and nobody was making any money. Now, instead of selling the grapes in a miscellaneous way, they are turned into the mutual company which they have organized. There they are crated and sold by the company, and the total proceeds for the season d s:ributed among the grow ers, who are in the pool, in proportion to each one's production and the grade of his producs." Mr. Johnson didn't Fay fo, but the raiain growers of California, by a simi lar organization, by pooling issue-), stopping cut prices, abolishing mid dlemen aad reaching the trade dirtct, have raised prices from 1 to 2 cents to 3 to 5 cents per pound within three years, increasing the value of raisin lan is by $50 to $125 per acre. Gxsd luck to the Association and The Progressive Farmer. Tobacco Grower. Guilford Co., N. O. TOBACCO GROWttRS OF 'MECK LENBURG COUNTY, VA. They Will A ssist the Tobacco Grower' Association of This State--The Jor dan Plan Endorsed and Delegates are Named Oorreepondence ot the Progressive Farmer. Toe tooacco farmers in the Western part of Mecklec burg county, Virginia, met in Clarksvilla on the 3rd inst. to consider ways and means to increase the price of leaf tobacco ia the hands of the producer. Trie meeting was called to order bj T. Y. Allen ani T. A. Eppes was called So the chair. T. !d. Tisdale was elected Secretary. Mr. T. Y. Allen read from The Progressive Firmtr a letter frcm Mr. J. F Jordan giving an outline cf his plaa for increasing the price cf the farmers' touaico, and made Dome re marxa ia explaining is as he under stood it. sV.. J. Haphins ssid tfcftt be hau ridoea fc-veDty five miles to tt;ead th nieeiiag; said toe farmers m his sec tion, he tnought, ware willing to go into anything toai offered them an relief from tne tobacco trust. Oa mjtion, tb.9 Jordan plan was unanimously approved and Messrs. T. Y. Allen, T. J Haskins and T. H O.vea were elected delegates to tha next meeting of tha North Carolina Tobicco Growers' Association to find out something more of the Jordan plan Oi motion, a mass meeting of to bceo farmers was called at the nex: county court meetitg on the third Monday, to discuss the Jordan plan and organize the county. Oa motion, the proceedirg wes directed to be sent to the Ciase City Progress and Progressive Farmer for publication. T. M. Tisdale, Sic'y. Mecklenburg Co . Va. Beginning wica next woek we will Sive prices of tobacco on tha Danville market. HOUSS PAIN TING FACI'S. 'Jorreapondence of the Progressive Farmer. Pure White Lsad is the best pint in VoQ world, and always has bean since paint was used. Floods of ink, cat goes of paper, and fortunes ia money are used in tryintr, to cmvinc3 the public that Para White Load fa th3 poorest paint, to maks it fi; ti U33 it must be ex'.eaiei" or mixad wit1! zinc or "inert" material (Diry tea, ch'na clay, etc ) Ti3 concerted attack all alrog the liaa is cUirxni to b3 ia the iatera6 of toe public; improvamsat in quality ba icg th3 prexc for it, but the facts waenahiwa diic'on a v.?rv diffirant re&ecn for all this mighty effort to con via3 c-irwimriof paints that what Mn can be cured privately and pos itiveV at home of &11 weakness and diaea5. Write for new free book. Dr. J. N. Hathaway, 22 South Broad 3t, Atlanta, Ga. they have experience to be the best in the world is really poor stuff. Tae reason may be divided into two parts. First, White Liad on account of its supsriority has come into such general use for all painting that it is preeminently the standard, and there fore is naturally the target at which the efirts of all WwUld-be paint sut stitutes are directed. S3coad, the cost of the "inert" material is one-half cent to one cent per pound ; so that a mix -ture of a little White Lmd, costing say five cen's psr pound, with the other material mentioned, yields a very large proflc when so'd at or near the price of Pure Wnite Load. No wonder that "combination leads" are so highly prais'-d and the pure article decried. If the pr( fit were ten tinra as great, the qualities ot tha mixta es would no doubc increase in excellence in same proportion (in the estimation of their manufacturer ) Fow people will be deceived after knowing the facts, for on general principles an article which c st one cent per pound ani lees c.n not be sold for six or seven cents, un less the buyer is deceived. A house when well painted with Pure White Lead and Pure Linseed Oil has to be repainted only at long inter vals, and tbea a single coat is usually sufficient to make it as good es new. If painted with zinc or barytes, or if these materials are largely mixed with the lead, the surface will soon check and crack, and the paint peel off in spots eo that it can never be repainted so es to make a good j )b. This has been the experience everywhere for fifty years or more, and tie apparently sudden discovery by makers of other material that Pare Wnite Load is the poorest kind of paint, while barytes. zino, etc., make the true paint, is really only a discovery of a new way to make big profits out of coisoraers As ehowiDg the real composition of the "combination leads" which are re ferred to in z no and barytes advertise ments aa containing a little "inert" material, an analysis of twenty-five different brands of those mixtures shows the following proportions: Wnite Load 651 pounds. Zinc 526 Birytes 1258 " or rv percentage, White Load 26 76 per o't Z nc 21 65 per c't Barytrs 51 6 J per c't This was the average of the whole twenty-five samples, but some con tained no lead at all, being principally barytes, but all sold under the brand "Pure White Load," The examination of the real quality of the goods eold to consumers of paints snows that, even if it were true that :he addition of ziac aad a little birytes improved White Lead, ia practice the proportioo of the cheap iagredieat will predomioato aad the coasu ner receive little value for hi3 money. Tae lesson to be drawn from jhis U: use oaly pure lead. It is the only safe standard. Adulterated leidj are good only for t : e seller 6 paratorePrcflta h!r D i!rv?pur. Eureka Harness Oil is the best preservative of new leather aud the best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black ens and protects. Use Eureka . Ifanoss Oil on your beet harness, your old har ness, and your carriage top, and they will not only look better but wear longer. Sold everywhere in cans all sizes from half pints to five gallons. Made bj 6TAXUARD OIL CO. THS '"SANG" DIGGER, C O o" the most picturec rrr uue Azures in America, is tne " Sing D ggsr" who roves wer the mountains e.f the Eastern Spates, hunt in for the root of the gin seng plant. In bis manner of living and habits, he re pembles ih9 careless bo bemian of the Eastern countries rather than the staid busin?? s-litce Ameri can. The Gnseng root whi "h he gamers is readily Gon?frttd into goods or . money, as the demand for riM uJat far exceeds rho supply, v aiers pay t o ana $6 par po ina tor tua dried roots. Moss vf America's output is shipped to 'Caiuft, wnere it l? held in high esteem oy tne u une-e on accouac ot its pup posei mdicmal properriea. Tne 4'S ng i)iv'gjr" hv s si dapletad toe native for er.fl o' the giosn plans tha iit is be mmjr s arc-r evrtry yasr. This fac1; nas iel to i s cuUvati;oa with very v.roitable results. F B. Milla, the well kno v s-edmao B x 129. R si Hill, N. Y , is rnfctag a special off r oa ginseng set'd and Dlaots Hi ismes a booklen oa tae siibj c". explaining the simplicity of its cul.iva'ioo and its uses. Tni. however, is only incidental to his reg ular seel line, whicfr embraces all the n'nndard varieties of flild, garden and fllower sepds, and many remarkab e noveltias originated by Mr Mills. Hii ad. which appears in another column offars soecial inducements which our readers would do well to in vestige te. Plflise snd for his regular seed cita ) Irgue, which is 83nt free. Kindly men- tion this pper. 2F "JLa Good am Wheat the JUili." i in 10 sizes. Catalogue explaining points in detail BRPMIIAIi r.n. S. W. Agricultural At loss Than Onrs ia not a mail order house, buying: from somt factory to sell again at an increased pne-e. nn l a lure and oompleiely equipped manutiacturine plant devoted ex clusively to this line. We control absolutely all the elements of quality, atyle and tinUh and are thus enabled to sell you better (roods for leim money than any other &Uns.the WE GUARANTEE EVERY VEHICLE OR HARNESS WE SELL as to quality of material, workmanship, style, etc. We have no dtnaatlafied cu-tomer Write at once for our large illustrated catalogue shows every article we sell. Mailed free. KALAMAZOO CARRIAGE AND HARNESS CO., Box 61 KALAMAZOO, MICH. "THEY CflU'T DE mm m -mwwwmw m mm mm w m m of,rr sunrreu urirsi l a . U the numerous tecta, trial and eompetitions with the many machines of the same class, r RELIABLE INCUBATORS Alin bDnnnenc f - www idtuq uiucab vaiue auuwu ttoot thf m and our larpe pare-nrea pop inrtamps. RELIABLE INCUBATOR TJB JK FUL B OOK8. THE SECRET ARY-TRKASURER HAS SEVERAL USEFUL BOOK3 THAI 8HOULD BE IN EVERY SUB-LODGE. THE NAMES AND PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : Secretary's Roll Book nicely arranged, new kind Record of Membership . . . T , . Secretary'! Receipt Book, for duos, with sub.M Secretary's Warrant Book, with stub Treasurer's Receipt Book, with stub . . , . . Secretary's Account Book. . Treasurer's Account Book . . Minute Book, new kind, . . . . ... . Working Bulletins, State Constitutions, Rituals, National Constitutions, Application Blanks, Dimit Blanks, Withdrawal Cards, Delegate CredHntials, Fraternally, per dozen) it (in peda) u (f Sec'y II dill Meat smoked in a few honrs with KRAUSERS' LIQUID EXTRACT OF SMOKE. Wade from hickory wood. Cheaper, cleaner, aweoter, and unrcr than the old way. S"nd for circular, i- KUALfJblt JL liiiO., Ulikuu, 1'av S HIGH GRADE n Seeds. Our busincsa in Farm Seeds i3 to-day one cf the largest in this Country. A result due to the fact that quality has always been our tirst consideration. We supply ell Seeds required for the Farm. GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, Cow Peas, Cotton Seed, Seed Oais, Seed Corn, Sola, Navy & Velvet Beans, Sorghums, Broom Com, Kaffir Corn, Peanuts, Millet Seed, Rape, etc. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue gives the fullest information about these and all other Seeds ; best methods cf culture, soil best adapted for difTer erent crops and practical hint3 as to what are likely to prove mo3t profitable to prow. Catalogue mailed free upon request. T. 17. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Va. THE MAN WITH THE HOE TRADE k- zi - 4- r-k-L? 'w- '. - W,lte&gSm Tme Durham Anti - -5, 'f-? i Notioa iz herebr Wzn that the undraiznod will apply to the General AiaaroMv o? amh Oinliaa at th? aij mrad flp3ion thereof on th 12 ;h of June, 1900. to oa a social A inrooratina, fhe Diirham Anfti-Trat i Tc bfoi Onmnr," with a coital stock Dot exdfnar Twenty-Five Milliors (125 000 000 00) Dillara to ba divided into hareq of the par value ot Ten Dollars ($10 00) eah, with m-vflr to buv, maaufaotura and eU obaco in ita various form at Darham. Nirth O.rolin, ani elsewhere in th United 8tateg. Noticg is hereby further ein that the corporator have adopted the abov desien tor the trade -nark f aad corporation for uae in ita business. Dated tiia February 19 ;h, 1900, at Durham. n. ,TW 3 GUHRTK & GUTHBIE. Attorney 8 for Corporators. it kites gathers tbash. it works well a AST SOIL. WK OFfKB TUK mum dbIll i with the confident belief that it possesses more -Tt Points of mi nprioritv than &nv nth fr drill tniulp The drae bar (a sinple flat bar which will stand any strain ) is on the concave side of the disk, giv tnir direct downward prewnre and making llirht draft. The dlck-bearlngf are practically dust proof. There are no cog -wheels, being entire chain driven. The trnot Hit admits of easy access to oil or examine the disk bearing's. It is nhanliitolv artntivAtA It maitm man aa Uf4A WILL BE SENT FREE. Works (nc., MJISVILI F. If PHTIIP.If Y Vhoicsaio Prices. BEAT." any rate they hare I . X . imuuiwrvi uuuegi Dooaoc z-co pages to tell aJ 1 !.; nry plant, ponltrv supdHos. etc. Sent on reoelDt of r"1 " and BROODER Co. Box b 92 Qoincy. Hl. ,2 ai 15 4 25 10 10 15 15 25 20 50 50 50 Free. it T. B. PARKER, F. S. A., HulDoro, N. C. Trea. N. O. To Repair Broken Arti cles use Remember MAJOR'S RUBBER CEMENT, MAJOR'S LEATHER CEMENT. $1,700 IN MONEY PRIZES ! Profitable Work! A Money Making Scheme for Men, Women and Young Folks!! No Investment Required and Returns Given for Every Bitof Work Done!!! THE AMERICAN QUEEN will give to he Acrnt sendi m 1" most subcr ptloan to THE AMERl.W QUEEM durinaf lvw 0, t500.00. rihe uisjriptlon Price is 50c. per year. will be given for the next largest list. 3tX) 200 " " " ' 101 " " " " 60 " " nxt two largest lists. 25 " " four tyThese ash Prizas will be given in addit'on to a 'Od, big cons mission for evrv subscribtir securea. Write at ome for particulars. The American Queen 31 East 17tli Street, New York. THE QUEEJ is the best Ste.-a-year home puoiicati n i-suerl. You should heaiietose- I cure a large number of subscriptions for it wiih ease. MARK. f v A mtZr AW, J fa . V J -W-" AATI AZ SA - Trust TobaccoXonpny: Majors Cement '7 ,44' $ysk. i-A's?- t:&iar. -a. C'. I fc ' 1 - -mW- CV",J Jf".:.mmZmmW 77 B POTATOES SECOND CROP WHITE BLISS (best extra early potato), per bbl. $3.10 EARLY ROSE, $2.90. CROWN JEWEL, $2.85 Bliss Triumph, $3.25. Thoroughbred, $3.25. NORTHERN GROWN. Early Rose, $2.85. Beauty of Hebron, $2.40 Early Ohio, $3.25. Peerless, $2 40 Burbank, $2.40. Rural New York, $2.50 Prices subject to market fluctuations. Field and Garden Seed of every description. Write for prices. Co Parties having Cow Peas to sell, or desiring to buy, will please write me, stating quantity, kind, etc. T. B. PARKER, S B A, Hillshoro. N. C. Owing to rapid changes in priees of nearly all articles, the below prices can not be guaranteed. We will give you the benefit of the lowest price ruling the market on the day your order ia filled. Make money orders payable in Ralegh as that eaves us a i ee. Don't a' nd silver by mail; 2c. stamps taken for any amount less than $1. Sugars (At Market Prices). Standard Granulated 6)4 Starch Lamp Starch 50 lb. boxes per pound, .... 3tfo Celluloid Starchlper case 2. 60 Elastic Starch per H case, L34 Ivory Starch per case, ,,,.5.00 Oil (Market Prices). Kerosene Oil, Aladdin, Piatts Astral, Carnadine Bed. Spices and Peppers per lb Race Ginger, best quality 10 Cloves I2c Ala pice. 13 black Pepper, best sifted, Richmond,...,, U Rice Rice, Head 84c I Good ft Fancy Meads 04 Large Hominy, Richmond... ...2.3) Small Grits. Richmond 2.3) Soap ( Richmond) Borax Sp con. 12 ox. MX) cakes 3.75 (Spoon with every cake.) White Rose 12 oz. 10'J oakes 2.80 Lenox, 12 oz. 100 cakes 3 10 White Doz. 5 oz. fcOu cakes 3.00 29 i Inn Factor v Filled LfO 110 lbs Burlaps, Liverpool , 60 Axle Grease (Richmond) " " " per gross........ 4.00 " " per case......... 1 00 Molasses No. 4. Sugar ?yrup, per gallon 20 No 17 Sugar Syrup per gallon No. 1 Porto Rico Moiasses, per gallon 2 No. 2 Porto Rico Molasses pergal.on ......... 18 Fancv Porto rtico Molasses pt r gallon 28 Vanilla Drlpi Syrup per gallon 22 White Rose Corn Si rup, per gallon 21 Soda Bl Car bin US lb kegs per lb I9i Nickle Packages 60 to case, per case 3.40 1 lb and H lb packages. 60 to case, per case 3.40 lb and Vi lb packages, 60 to case, per case 3.60 Fish White Fish and Lake Herrings, per 100 lbs, 3.00 Sardines, American, 100 to case 3 7j Lve and Potash per case Potash. Nickle. ... $2 0 I Star potash. 2 75 Lye, Mendleson's, 2 90 I Star 8 25 Groceries Coffee Laeuira 13a I Rio 10c to 12c- Flour Blair's Best 4.25 I . . Blair's Fancy 54.00 Dandv 3.85 Winner 3.50 Princess 3.25 Lard-in Tierces...... 7gc Compound in Tierces 6$c In Tubs or Tins: 60 lb Plain Tabs H over Tierces. 80 lb Fancy Tubs 4 over Tierces. 20 lb Wooden Pails over Tierces. 50 lb Tins, 2 in Case, n over Tierces. 20 lb Tins, 4 in Case, Hover Tierces. HARDWARE. Harries No 26 hook. Iron bound, per doz 8 60 Plow Lines Cotton, with snaps, 33 feet long, doz, , ,. 1 85 Madras Hemp with snaps, 33 feet 185 Poultry Netting, Galvenized Put up in rolls of 150 running feet. 2-inch mesh, 3-i In. wide, per roll 2 40 fl ' 48 26 2 "60 " " " . 3 7 5 2 " " 72 4 40 Mattocks, Cutter, per doz Bush Hooks, best No 1, per doz Pitch Forks, No 21 thimble ' Strap and lock cap No 22 strap 3 25 I No 24 strap Shovels, All Right Steel, No. 3 " H & Co, Steel, No. 2 " Remington Stonewall Plow Castings Plows, Double Shovel Southern " Malta Steel for same. Imitation Genuine Grub or New Ground -. . 450 900 300 400 350 6 76 9 00 750 2 25 2 10 1 9t 2 21 fic 1 1-5 6 0C Single Trees hooks or rings, per doz Common SI 50 I Extra P 80 ttrtndfttonea, pr !b- lUc Plow traces, 6X. 8, 3, per doz pairs 8 0 " 7,8.3, .. 8 25 7 10, " 8 75 " 400 Cotton Rope, white, per lb 3 " medium white 2)4 Farm Bells, 40 lbs, from stock 1 2o so " ieo 75 lbs. $2 25ll001ba 3 00 Ornh Hoar. No. 1. !er dOZ....... 3 25 No. 2. " 850 400 Kettles, SO gallons " au ............................. 450 45 gal.. ....S8506(rgal oon Blacksmith Bellows, 30 Inch 60 aaincn oaj Webblng-per lOOeet No.0. 8 1-2 Inch.. .S3 751 No,L 8 1-3 Inch. .S3 CO Axe handles, straight, per doz........... U Houlton Rose, $3.25 New Queen, $3.25 JE? Nails, cut. Richmond. Va. Headed, (At Market Prices). COOK BTOVE3. No. 7, 18-Inch .11 2i I No. 7, 20-lnch.,,,e 13 25 No. 8, 18-inch 2 25 I No. 8, 20-inch 13 25 Fire backs for above.. 2S The following ware goes with each stove abov 1 Straight Pot, 1 Bulged Pot, 2 Bread Pans, 1T Kettle, 1 Long Frying Pan, 1 Round Frying Pax. 1 Griddle, 1 Elbow. 3 Joints of Pipe, 1 Pot OoTOrt and Lifters. Every Stove guaranteed. kinds of iron, tin and felt roofing ; lowets prices. Write for special prices, ORGANS (delivered at any railroad sta tion in North Carolina. Warranted for ten years. Parlor, Style 30... 43 00 I Style 40.... tt CI Chapel 20... 43 00 I Style 15, Ctapal.. ti U Prices Including instruction book txfl stool): PIANOS (delivered at any R. R. Station In N. O. Upright, Style 1. ..160 00 1 Style S ......m CI t 3.. .171 00 1 Style 1 JSl U Sewing Machines Improved Farmers' Alliance with fall set attachments and automatic bobbin winder. All latest Improvements, fine ly finished, first-class in every particu lar. Warranted by manufacturers for 10 years, carefully adjusted, ready for immediate use. Price, freight paid to any railroad station in North Caro lina I 18 60 Spiral Springs. i $2.60 to S4.fl 1 m a n m ...... ...... ....... X.UU MJ Slats LOO to LIS Washing Machines- Boss, No 1 7 00 " " 6 9 00 " " 2 ,8 00 Wringers- eii " 8 ...i n " - 4 Ill Boss No. 2H Boss " 1H Relief" 23 Relief" 33 IS S 3 S 3 S M Write for catalogue. Two-horse Dump Carts with Patent Ad justable Saddles and Yoke... ,..,.143 Si Ocala Road Carts ill U Harrows Clark's cutaway . 17 25 to 19 W Ocala Wagons (F. O. B.) Factory. One-horse, 2 1-4 Inch thimble skein.,...,.. ti 13 One-horse, 2 1-2 inch thimble skein.,.,,,,. 23 13 Two-horse, 2 3-4 inch thimble skein . ....... 8763 Two-horse, 3 inch thimble skein.. .......... 43 63 One-horse, 1 1-4 inch steel axle 25 Ki One-horse, 1 3-8 inch steel axle., ........... 28 C3 Two-horse, 1 1-2 inch steel axle... .......... 87 If Two-horse. 1 3-4 inch steel axle.... 43 S3 All wagons are furnished with box tea lv two sections, and one spring seat. If brakslt wanted add $2.50. If bed and seat are not wax toil i deduct for bed $2.50. for seat SLO0. 4 N. C. Official Farmers' Alliance Guano, (3 rai cent. Phos. Ac, 2& per cent. Am., 8 per atxt. Potash.) Progressive Farmer Guano, (8 per cent Fist, Ac, 2 per cent. Am., 1H per cent. Potadu) N. C. Official Farmers' Alliance Acid Phosphate, (13 per cent. A v. Phosphoric Acid.) Write for prices. SSfBUY NO OTHER! jVfMi Stones (best N. C. Grit), write for Prf? Horseshoes, per keg, all sizes...,....,...,,., 3 99 Mule shoes, " " 416 Horseshoe Nails, Excelsior, per lb , , , , , " Anchor. per lb ,,,, U Brethren having anything to sell, as wli those wishing to buy will do well to consult til Agency. PLOWS. Plows No. 8, F F. . 4 50 " No. 5, " .. 1 65 Boy D 1 05 N0.7.FF 8f: Nali,Dix!e 8 IS WattDE. ........ ' M Castings for above, per 100 lbs. 2 CO SEEDS. Wheat Purple Stem. 1.C3 " Fultz. LCI Go'den Chaff , L19 Ful-orta i L10 Oats-Rust Proof , 46 Virginia Gray Winter 7i Ry 9 Winter 77 Clover- R-l good 43 Red Prime 4.73 " Chice 6X3 Grass Sed of every description. Also Gardes Seeds. ..Fruit Trees, Etc. Axes Per dosss Car Clipper, iHbotM lbs , .tt 3 Champion " T Red Warrior M " 8 Sf Cultlvatorsyf. o. b. factor Iron Age No. L plain Iron Age, with plain wheel Horse hoe combined, with plain wheel Nf,5-tonth, plain " " " H.H. combined " -Dixie, plain " with nlain wheel 3 ft I If I II I CS 414 3 89 8 tt " h. H. combined with plain wheel 8 tt For lever adjustment attachments en above add 50c Harrison Cultivator, adjustable ......... 1 Tt Feed Cutters (f. o. b. factory) Baldwin No. L 6-ln knives 1 f propeller, cutters, 6-ln. knives..., l " " 8-in. " li II Smith's patent lever straw cutter. . ..... ill .. Blades, Zi. Hay Press, $25.00, fob Goldaboro, N.O. HELLSBOEO, XT. 0.

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