I THE INDUSTRIAL AND EDUCATIONAL INTEKESTS OF OUK PEOPLE PARAMOUNT TO ALL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS OF STATE POLICY. a. 15. RALEIGH, H. C, MARCH 20, 1900 Ho. G PUBLISHED WEEKLY "Tbe at oa your label tells you when your abecriptlon expires. Receipts for money on nbecription wifl be given in chanpe of date on libel. If not properly changed In two weeks, notify ns Ko pub crlptlom entered rn onrbo Its unlets cafih comu-i'l s onler Th e mon hs' sur g f p iois nre disc mii uea promptly at ex ira tlon of time paid f r. Dlf 'ONT1 NU A.NCES If a -ubscriber wishes hia copy of the paier discontinued at the x Dlratl'n "f his subscription, notice to that effect should be sent. Otherwise it Is assumed that a continuance ' the subscription Is desired, and 5j arrearages must b paid when paper is order'! st-ipped. Money at '"" rt8& 11 t5,ul wred ietter or money order. Plae don't tend Ktampa. Be ear to trtve both old and new addresses in ordain cbanjeof poetfflce. W'e waul intelligent correspondents In every ronnty In 'he State. We want facts of value. rnlti accomplished of value, experiences of vlue plainly and briefly told. One solid, demor. struts aot. Is worth a thousand theo ries Thla Item Is marked to remind you that you hou d carefully examine i his sample copy and end u- f 1 for a ear's subscription, iil also send iier on trial 6 months for 50 cents, or 3month- for 25 cents Or we will send your paper frte for one year If ou will send ns to In new subscript Ions, or free six months for $3 in Dew Tirrtptlm8 at these rates. Tbi fHMKE88iv Farmer Is the Official Organ T he orth Carolina Farmers' State FARM AFFAIRS. STRAW AT HOM AND FOR THB MARKET. Correspondence of The Progressive Farmer. Btr .rt been Hinder priced thia winter in the largp E stern c.t ea than almo; a fiber farm prodoc sellirg a3 bin a 8(' cents per hundred weght in Ne Y rfc for the beet lor g rye At such one a the straw crop, instead of beitgaa article to get rid of the best way r-oseioie. 19 b und to figure promi neml in he marfcet returns of tne farmer in the future O e of the reasons for tbe relative ecarcity cf straw has been ihe consumption of large quantities of it oy the straw boarc payer mills, which use thou sands of tens of it every year. But the straw tnte pays to rsije fo" mar ket i a 1 cg re straw cf an unusual length nod bright und goidenia appear ance. Tois straw is used by private stages, whee owners can afford to pay tae price font. Inord;r to secure such sira v it ia necessary to raie crepi of rye in which the gaio itself i3flriucUta Good rye is iroiuced on good etraw Without a goo J stand of the stalk tbe grain ia not apt to be good. Tare are seme varitiea that have a si 06 and weak straw which produced fairly good cropa, but it does no: pay to raise them when long rye straw is eellia? eo well in tbe cities. In order to matte this by product of tbe rye crop profitable it muss be sorted out and graded with the same care that tat bay firmer grades hia hay. There is such cloee discrimination shown by the mirket men between good and ordinary beddiog straw that it pay to do the sorting at heme care fully and conscientiously. Bui any of ihe straw crop tha fails to gride up to tbe beet ia demand can be u 1 iz d in profitable waj a at home Came et it, and it belpa to make valu ab!e frilz-r, while piper factories will o't -n py good pi ices for it by the ton Ia croer c o get the m sg for the best stra Tiinq ate essential thai it ehou d ba ktpt md( ora through th) winters a-on until redy for market Straw ecacksd and left outdoors through the wiutcr can never cue much figure in the city markets. It btccmt s bn ken, rusty, dirty and saft, ary cneof whih ia sufficient to condemn it. Housing of the straw should be a practice wher ever it is raided for market. Then if there U an overflow, leave the pooreet grades out of doors in stacks with at least a canopy or covering over the top. If possible this straw should be taken in bs soon as possible, for when left ou-. ill winter it tbaorba moisture, and cons-qien:ly it can absorb less liquii manure when used for bedding. A little more attention to the ftrav crop will not only prove a matter of small economy, but an important item of prcfi; to the owner. Will? am Coitway. The students of tne A & M College in Rileiith ixpct to vuic Biltmore Farm -o)n. To make ht viait an in teresurg ore. Mr. Vandtrbilt han cfierea t50 in prg to bi distributed as follow: (l) Fiftem dollars to tbe bst j t go o' cattle; (2) T-n doller3 to Bsconi b -t j djze of cattle; (3) rM:een dollars to beni j ldg of awine; (4) Ten dollars to eccnd bfst j idga of swine. These pr;z s will be in te form of gold coin or silvsr cups, as the students may prtfer. THB ONE GRRAT NEED OF FARMERS. Dr. Nobles, Who Opened the Fight Against Jute lagging, Writes a Let ter 1 hat Deserves the Careful Consid eration of all Tillers of the boil. Correspondence of The Progressive Farmer. I have thought for sometime I wculd write you. I waa the first man to op pose the bagging trust, several years f go. We saw the need of action then, nd we introduced in our Alliance (No. 54) 1 resolution not to use a pound of ihej ite baggicg for cur cotton crop; that we would use cotton cloth or some other material to cover our cotton bales vith. We sent cur resolutions to our O'unty pater (the Southerner) ar d t The Progressive Parmer for publica tion, and in two weeks I saw cur reso lu ions in a Texas piper. Tney went u 1 over tfce South, and we all know with what result. We farmers were then partially organfz d. but we were ce cermined to use our influence. So, many cf us ueed cotton gocd , that cost ua more than the bagging would have coat. But we went in to win. Now, what I want to say to the farmers, and all who are favorab'e to ua, ia this : L-1 us get together, orgi.n X 3 and go to work with a vim, a de termna'ion, go to work for a cause, and let us not be afraid to let every -body know it. Abuse no one for failure to see as we do. Impress upon all farrrera the necessity of organising, or getting to aether. And then choose cut tte v ry best men we have in cur ranks to for mulate plan of action. Lt men from every county ba selected to drait what they think would be the best plan. Give them time to call on their counties for advice, and put their views down in writing. And then appoint a day when they will meet in Rileigh and have all plans reed and take the good out of each and form a plan, and then all agree to stick to it, and go to work for it, and stand solidly together. We can improve our plan as things develop. Have good solid men in each c unty at the head, and ycu need not fear evil. We can whip out evtry trust in the land, if we will so to do; only get together to work. I am aare that some fellow will say we "can't." I never did like to eay "I can't." Say we can and will, aud the oattle will be ours. It will re q lire work; so it is by everything that is worth having. I for one ( trich the many) would go into it to fight all trusts, tne Standard Oil Truss not ex cepted. I wculd use for lights any thing but the oil, if I had to resort to lightwood knots for lights. What we want and most need is to fight together, organize and go to work with a de termination. Wish no one wrong, help all you can, trust in the righteous ires of our cause, and should wa find we are in tha wrong, or h'ive made a mis take, get it right, for we are not in -fallible. But stand solid. I have read 3. Q. 8atterhite'a plan, Jordan plan, and m old Pitt county resolutions, and I find good in all. L3t ua have a plan that ia broad and open for improvemnts, for we will need im prcviments as we go along. We must, every one, be determined to succeed and let nothing deter ua. All we ark (if we stand together) ia hands off, or fair play, only use no combination of mcney to ouac u. If the men we eend to legislate for us do not recognize that they are our servants, sent to carry out our wishes, then turn them out, and try the next best man. Now, Mr. Eiitor, correct, leave out, or cas& ino the waate basket all I have written, if you should think it wise. I like your paper and have tried much to get my neighbors to take it. If I could make money as I have in years past, I wculd take a dcz?n of your papers and distribute them among my neighbors. But the truth is, we are not able. We have to do all we can to keep gcing. I am not a Solomon, and hwe sense enough to know it, tut if I could see the farmers thoroughly or ganised, and to eee things as I see them, I think we soon would be the most independent people in the world Suppose we were to rai?e most of the meat we crnsume on our farms (nd we ought to raise all) and all the bread, and with etrict attention to cur stock by housing them, and raising all the manure we can, we wou'd not only save our meat bill, but would be en abled to cut cur fertil:z?r bill dovn I will say one half, if not more. Now give us the money spent for meat bought out of the State and the fertili zers bought, and wculd we not be far better efff Now when we get together and are in working order, I want to propose a plan to the formera for co-operation without coming in contact with th trust, letting them severely alone. No law compelling us to patrcn z3 them, not even necessity. Respectfully, A. B Nobles Edgecombe Co., N. O. Somebody ia alweya talking about keeping the boy a on the farm. The farm girl, says a writer, is fully bs im portant in the businees of the univers es the farm boy who ia so much talked about, and we don't know any philoso pher who is tryirjg to find a method of keeping the girls on the farm. EARLY FRUIT QUESTIONS. J irrespondence of the Progressive Farmer. It is advisable to gt the mulch away from fruit trees and vines aa early in sprirg as possible, but not until the danger from excessive fre zing ia past. A warm epo 1 in March will sometimes start the eap up, and then if the mulch is removed and the e round worked the roots may b3 severely damaged by a 1 ite cold snap. Fruit gro "vera ce not do better tfcan to remove the mulch early, work the soil 88 scon aa it is possible to do it, and then watch tbe weather rep ;rt8. Oa the flies indica tion of a :;old wave pur back the mulch at n'ght or give some protection to the early varieties of fruits Ia thia way one can have an early start with the fruits and sometimes harvest tbe first crop a week earlier. Thia means a Food deal, for the first picking of any fruit crop, if good, is the most profit able. Some in their desire to reap the benefits of these early high prices har vest their fruits before they are ripe and ship them to market, and in nine cases out of ten lose. There is a differ ence between an early harvest of ripe fruit and green, half formed fruit picked a week or two too early. In the matter of spraying it should be remembered that this must be done at the proper time to ba of any use. Spraying is cne of the meet wasteful practices on many farm.', eimply be cause the owners do not understand the use of it. We spray for scab early in the s:ason, just before the buds open. Later than this it ia of little cr no use. Ttia applies to all fruits. It on9 has reason to believe that there ia no trac9 of scab in the orchard what is the obj ct of spraying? None at all, for the codling worm and similar pests will Dot be reached by thia early work. The time to spray fcr this pest is after tbe bloom is over. Neither should the sprayirg be done while the blossoms are in full blocm. At such a time the spray haa a decided tendency to pre vent the setticg of the fruit, and the orchard may be materially damaged The blossoming period ia the cri:i?al time for the orchard, and nothing must be done to blight or interfere with the setting of the fruit. The sen si ivencsa of the blossoms is apparent when we consider how an east wind or a damp week may turn a premising orchard into an unprofitable one by blasting all the blosscms. Another danger that may arise from spraying during the period when the blossoms are in full bloom is that of poisoning honey bees. Tbe bees which suck cut the pollen are sure to take out some of the poison, and thereby suffer. AH orchard is ts do not keep bees, but they may injure their neighbor's property and indirectly themselves, because beea in an orchard distinctly help tbe fruit crop. S W". Chambers. Just at this season of the year thia following for decomposing bones may prove of value to some. Pack the bones with wood ashes in an old fah ioned hogshead or other wooden vessel and keep the mass well moistened for eeveral months. Or caustic lime could be used in the same way. Where there are large quantities to be treated trenches in the field may be used in stead of wooden vessels. M iCh heat is developed and the bjnes are dr com posed completely. Seme farmers re port best success from the use of cm e caustic potash Make a strong solu tion of this, heat until hot in a kettle, then pour over the bones in proportion of one part potash to four parts bone, turn over occasionally for several weeks, when it ia fie for uee. Care muat be exercised in handling the caua tica, for the? are liable to cause bad sores and ir j ire clothing. THOSE SCIENF1C TLRLIS A reider of The Progressive Farmer complains that too many scientific terma are used in farmers' bulletins, reports of experiment stations, etc., etc. For the bene fi ; of thia reader and othera holding the same views, we give the fc Uowing explanation c f scientific terms used in treating of fertilizers, food, etc. Our correspondent will do well to preserve this copy of the paper or clip thia article for hia scrap book. TEEMS USED IN DISCUSSING FERTILIZERS Complete" ferin zdr ia one which contains the three essential fertilizit g constituents, i. e , nitrogen, phosphoric acid and po aah. "Niirogen" in fertilizers ia in three aisttnet lorms, v z , as organic matter, as ammonia, and as citrates. It is the most expensive fertilizing ingredient "Nitrates" furnish the most readily available foima of nitrogen. The most iommon are citrate of eoda and nitrate of potash (saltpeter ) Nitrification" is a prccsa by which the highly available iii raes are formed from the less active nitrogen o? organic matter, ammonia, salt, etc. It is due to the action of minute microbe . pic or gamsms. "Phosphoric acid," cne of the essential fertil z og ingredients, ia derived from materials called phosphates. Ic does not exist alone, but in combination, mcst commcnly as phosphate of lime in the form of bones, rock phosphate, and phosp&atic slag Phosphoric acid occurs in fertilizes in three forms eoluble, reverted, and ineotuble. "Sjperphoepbate."- Is natural or un treated phosphate the poorpboric acid is insoluble in water and not readiiy available to plants. Sup rphoephate is prepared trom these by grinding and treating with sulpouricaciJ, which makes the phosphoric acid more avail able to plants. Superphcsphatea are sometimes called acid phosphates. "Potash," as a constituent of f ertibzrs, exists in a number of forms, but chit fi as cblorid or muriate and as sulphate. All for ma are freely, if not quite tq sally available, but it has been found that the chlorides may irjuriously affect qaality of tobacco, potatoes, and cer cam other crops. Tne chut aources of potash are the potash salts from Stas furt, Germany kainit, fylvinit, muri ate of potash, sulphate of potash, and sulphate of potash and magnesie. Wcod ashes atd cotton hull ashes, are elso aources of potash. TERMS USED IN DI CUSSING FOODS AND FEEDING STUFFS "Water" is contained in all foods and feeding stuffa. The amount varies from 8 to 15 pounds per 100 pounds of such dry materials aa hay, straw or grain, to 80 pounds in silage and 90 pounds in some roots, "Dry matter" is the portion remain ing after removing or excluding the water. 4,A8h" 13 what is left when the com buai ible part of a feeding stuff is burned a ay. It consista ctiefly cf lime, magnesia, posash, soda, iron, c'alorin, aod carbonic, supnuric, and phos phoric acid, and is used Ur-zely in making bones. Part of the a?h con stitaents of the food ia stored up in the animal's body ; the rest is voided in the uriEe and manure. Protein" (nitrogenous matter) is the name of a group of substances contain ing nitrogen. Protein furnishes the materials for the lean fL-sh, blood, skin, muscles, tendons, neives, hair, horns, wool, casein of milk, albumen of eggs, etc , and is one of the most imp or ant constituents of feeding stuffs. "Albumiooids" is the name given to cne cf the most important groups of substances classed together under the general term protein,, The albumen ( he whites) of eggs is a type of albu oiinoids. "Carbohydrates."- The Eitrogen-free extract anl fiber are often classed to gether under the name of carboby drates. Tne carbohydrates form the largest part of all vegetable foods Chey are either stored up bb fat or burned in the body to produca heat and energy. The most common and irxpKtast carbohjdratea are sugar ana starch. Fioer, "sometime s called crude cellu lose, is tbe framework cf plants, ano K as a rule, the mcst indigestib e con stituent of feeding ettff j. The coars fodders, such es hay straw, contain a much larger proportion of fiber than ihe grains, oil cakes, etc "Fat,"or tbe materials di?sO' Vad from a feeding stuff oy ether, is a substance of mixed character, and may include, resides real fats, wax, tbe geea color log matter f plants, etc. Tbe fat cf food ia either stored up in tbe body as fat or burned to furnish heat and energy "Nitrogen free exract" includes starch, sugar, gums, and tte like, and forms an important part of alt feeding stuffs, but especially of mrst grains. MISCELLANEOUS TERVS. 'Micro -organism," or m croscopicor ganism, ia a plant cr animal too small to be seen wi houc the aid of a com oound microscope. "Fungus" (p ural, Fungi) ia a low form of plant life destitute cf green col oring matter; molda atd mushrooms are familiar examples Many uiseaees of plants are due to fungi 'Bactenum ' ( jlural. Bacteria) is the name applied in com men to a number of cifferenc or closely related micro scopic organisma, all of wbi;b cocei-i of single Ehorc cylindrical or ellipnca tell 8 or two such ctlts j md end to end and capable of epomtnous move ment. Many kinas of bacteria are harmful ana cause ciapapes and oth r injurious effects, but maty are bene filial, am ng the lauer are tnoee wbxen give flavor to buiter a d cheese, and these wmci enable leguminous plants to use the free nitrogen cf the air. 'Bacillus" (plural, Bacilli) is a genus cr kind of bacterium. eritizad" mitk or cream, properly speaking, is that in which all tne germ hav b.en ceitrovQ (asualiy by re peated heaung to 23 degrees F boil ing pom ), bUG m uairy pracace ihe term is applied to cream or mils, whicn haa been heated once 10 a temperature of about 212 Jegreeb F. "Pasteur z d" milk or cream ia that which haa been heated to a tempera ture (aoouc 155 degrees F ) whica does not kill all ihe bacteria, out o-ly those which are in a vegetating condition and ready to begin ihtir activity at oncd L ict ttlon "-The formation or secre tioa of milk. Tne "period of lacta tion" as applied co cows mjans the length of time since calving that they have ben giving milk. TuotrcuUn is a 1 q u& in which the groiS of tubufculcei 1 have been grown, bus trom which alt live germa of the dia9as3 have been carefully removed. Ic ia administered by hy podermio in jection a a test for tuberculoma inaci mal?, a rise of temperature after injee tion indicating the presence of the dis ease. At the Miohigan Experiment Station, 128 Iambs pastured fur eight weeks on fivn acres of rape, showed a gam of 2,890 pounds, or three pounds a week, at a to al cost of IS. COMMERCIAL, FERTILIZER. P ants that are gown under natural coaditions contain 13 elementary sub t'tanc s, three of which come from the air. cne from tbe soil and one from b -th air and soil, remarks a corre spendent of the Epicomist. . All, except three of these, do not re q lire replenishing as a rule, but nitro gen, potash and phosphoric acid, of which soils contain buc a comparative ly small supply atd upon which all crop- draw heavily muat be added to the fo 1 from time to time. All com mercjal fertilizers are principally com posed of rhtee three elements in differ ent proportiocs, and tte fertil z r do penda fcr its valua upon the qiantiiy and ouritv ' ds ingredients 1! a fertilizer contains salt of ammonia or nitrate cf S )da eourcea of nitrogen or organic nitrogen; potash, as, for instance, wood ashes or muriate of potash and phosphate of lime, it is a complete manure. Superphosphate is soluble in water and hence can be made immediately available by the plant Tne bone phosphate and rock phosphate are insoluble in water Wnen the plant first begins to grow phosphate ia very valuaole to it. It hasten 8 maturity of fruits. Among the several recemmf ndatioas for aid ing non bearing fruit trees to bear, -ometimes thfre can be a no mre im portant one than to adviee the applica tion of potash Bme meal will fur nish phosphate of lime atd nicro?en, and is fx;el!entaa atop dressing for grass, especially meadows that are omewhat cemp. Wood ahes, if they can be had pure, are among our very best fertil z ;rs They contain several eletnenta potash, phosphate and car bonatea of liue that plaoo iheoa very nigh among the renovators of the toil. Nitrogen can be furnished by the roots o? the legum.3, S3lt3 of ammonia ni trate of scda, dried blocd, cot ten seed meal, fish ard stable manures. Lime, upon certain scila, is a fertilizer, and n others a mechanical agent fcr de composing muck and flocculate clay, chat is exceedingly valuable. Wher ever the water is hard, es we term it, the soil contains enough lime. The writer has conducted an experiment with lime on a clay soil that produced distinct beneficial reeulis for six years after its application. Oo a strip lOyarda wide and wi'-hGufc accurate measuring he quantity that waa applied, the sur face was well whitened. We should chick that it was applied at the rate of about 30 bushels to the acre. The land was in sod at the time of applica tion, which waa made in the falL In the spring the fL-Id was put in corn, aud whether in corn, potatoes, wheat or grass, tie soil to which the lime was npplied eooed distinctly for six years. t was always believed that the soil was ecmewbat sour, and thia condition was renedied by the liira That ia ne ot the valuab'e ffi 23 cf iicae. The ten ceat lcrg etapl catton sold Raleigh market thia renner waa r awd from seed of which the variety is unknown but th9 eeed c&mo orig:n aly from Memphis, Tenn. Mr. B S. Riidtck erew and sold thia crop. TOBACiffl DEPARTMENT. AKO'HaR plan for the TO BACCO ASSOCIATION. orrespondence of the Progressive Farmer. I see in your paper that you ask for the opinion of your readers concern ing the Tobacco Growers' Associaticn. I think that all farmers ought to or gan z 3 on terms fair to all. Do unto others aa y ou have them do unto you. There is unrest among farmers. They are mai with somebody, but cannot tell who it is; they want to do seme thing, but cannot tell what to do. Nearly every one is waiting to see what is going to be dene, but does not feel that it is his place to do as much as anyone else. Everybody complains of trusta and combines. Wa ought not to complain so much fcr they help in many thinga, though in many things are a curse, if allowed to continue in the future aa they have been in the past. I think that I bavo a plan in view that if adopted will get the most of the farmers to unite. Then they will be in shape to help themselves. My plan, I think, will test all classes, whether they are sincere cr not. Bat, let me say. first that I am not going to condemn capital, for that is what we need. Capital ia what the 8&aia needs, is what I need, and is what I am trying to get. But I want to get it fair and I want every other person to have a fair chance and I think everybody is like me in that re spect, if honestand I think the honest man can rule. The tobacco trust people say they w.nt to be honest with tbe farmer and my plan will test their sincerity. Let ua ba fair with them. I do not think it wise to drive eff of the tobacoo mar ket seventy -fl 73 or a hundred mil lion of dollars. We want more money in the trade instead cf less. There has been much eaid about the Jordan plan. From what I can learn from farmers with whom I have talked, I don't think they will organ:z3 on this plan. They, t seem to fear that they will be like the .monkey and rat when they had stolen a cake of cheese. When they were .trying to divide it in half they fell out about whish had the largess piece and agreed to call in uncle Tom cat to settle the matter. Uncle Tom brought in hia balances and said the monkey's piece waa too heavy and would slice eff a piece and eat it himself; then tried it again and found Mr. Rit'4 too heavy thia time. Bo he would piece eff a piece cf hia thia time, instead of Mr. Monkey's. The upahot waa tbe rat and monkey were not long in finding out where their cheesa was going. I am not accusing Mr. Jordan of not being sincere in what he says. I thick he is the farmer's frier d, but f armere have b?en fooled so often that they are suspicious of almost every thing that is presented to them. I think my plan will test his sincerity. My plan is, firsc, fcr the State Asso ciation to declare in plain words that the purpose of the Association i3 not to antaotiB3 the capitalist, but to eee that capral is fairly treated, the man OOSTESTUZD ON PAQSL 8 I!