- - - . ' Tho Progressive Fanner, Ilay 29, 1900. the morning tin til sunset on rise in the same aj, . ' h eiector whose name shall appear Roistered and who sha11 not 1)0 chal" jTnc-ed and rejected' saaU be entitled to. vote. A space of not more .than' fifty feet in every direction from the 115 or the rooms in which the elec on' is held, may be kept open and clear of all persons except the elec tion officer, herein provided, which may be railed or roped off, with a narrow passage leading to and from the polls. And each elector shall ap proach the polls from one direction through such passage ; and after his ballot is deposited in the box, vith as little delay as possible, shall depart by the passage leading from the polls. Only one elector shall enter the said passage leading to the polls at a time ; and after the elector has entered the pas sage no one except tho registrar or judges of election, or the challengers hereinafter provided for, shall be permitted to speak to him, or make anv signs to him, nor shall he be permited to speak to or make any signs to any one except the registrar and jndges of election, except incase his vote is challenged, as hereinafter provided, until his ballot has been deposited in the box, and he has passed out of the enclosure. The said railed or roped space shall at all times during the hours for balloting be kept open and cleared of all per sons, except the election officers aforesaid ; and it shall be the duty of the election bailiff, hereinafter pro vided for, to keep such space so cleared and opened. Each political party shall be entitled to have at each polling place a challenger, and if the vote of any elector shall be challenged by them or any other elector, or the registrar or judges of election, upon the announcement of ?uch challenge the said challengers, or either of them, and any of the witnesses that may be called for or against the elector whose vote has been challenged, shall be permitted to proceed through the passage or entrance aforesaid to the polling place, and remain while the testi mony is being taken upon the ques tion of challenge, and no longer.' Section 2i says the registration books shall be deposited with the register of deeds. Section 25 states that the registrar and judges of election "may appoint u many election constables or bailiffs, not to exceed three, as they may deem necessary for each pre cinct or ward to be present during the election to keep peace and topro- t-et the voting place. Sections 26 and 27 are unimportant, Mating to size and form of ballots. Section 2S provides that the County B..ard of Elections shall provide bal ! 't boxes. Boxes shall lx? examined " fore voting begins. COUNTING TOK VOTES. N'c. 29. 4 'That when the election -hall be finished, the registrar and -Iges of election, in the presence of .h of the electors as may choose to ittend, shall open the' boxes and iunt the ballots, reading aloud the :iu!ne of the persons which shall ap Iar on each ballot; and if there -lull be two or more tickets rolled ip together, or any ticket shall con tain the names of more persons than -uf-h elector has a right to vote for r shall have an ornament, symbol -r device upon it, or shall be mani frstly of different size and color than the size and color prescribed by the sratc Board of Elections, or shall be f un d in tho wrong box, in either of those eases such ticket shall not be lumbered in taking the ballots, but hall bo void. And said counting "hall be continued without adjourn ment until completed, and the result thr-reof declared.' M otion 30 provides that the regis ter and judges of election shall ap i" int one of their number to attend :W meeting of the Board of County -- L4,.-.-v X tXty Cb J- tilVA vuij -v. hull deliver to the member so ap " '-nted the original return or state- nt of the result of the election. Actions 31 to 38 inclusive, aro not i general interest, relating only to :; tin-s of County Board of Can- Vvtlon 30 provides that in case of " vte for a county officer, the ' ty Board of Elections shall de rmine which candidate shall be . Actions 40 to 4C inclusive, are un ;:nP'jrumt. relating to duties of irds for canvassing returns of w'tes for candidates for legislature. il. eC "Any reSistrar or judge of "ction, or any county canvasser or imissioner, register of deeds, erk or chairman' of the County The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease nrftvailino fn ' thi country most dangerous because so decep- u ve. M any sudden deaths are caused by it heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy rare often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the .kidneys. If you are feeling , badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain In passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizea bottles. You may have a sample bottle of , this wonderful new dis-1 covery and a book that tells all about it, both Home cf Swamp-Root. sent free by man. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Board of Elections failing to make the- returns and perform the duties required of him shall be fined not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than six nor less than two months, at the , discretion of the court." Section 48 mates Chairman of County Board of Elections failing to perform his duties guilty of a felony. Section 49 makes persons intend ing to commit fraud in voting guilty of infamous crime. According to section 50 persons corruptly taking oath of voters are guilty of perjury. Penalty, two years imprisonment. By section 51 Secretary of State shall furnish certain parties copies of the law. BRIBERY, INTIMIDATION, RIOTING. By section 52 persons breaking up elections by force or violence are guilty of a misdemeanor. Penalty very light ; $50 fine or 30 days im prisonment. Sec. 53. "Any person who shall treat with either meat or drink, on any day of election, or on any day previous thereto, with an intent to influence tho election, shall forfeit and pay two hundred dollars, the one-half for the use of the county, and the other to the use of the per son who shall sue for the same.' Sec. 54. "Any person who shall discharge from employment, with draw patronage from, or otherwise injure, threaten, oppress, or attempt to intimidate any qualified voter of the State because of the vote such voter may, or may not have cast in any election shall be guilty of a mis i ' ueuiuuuur. Sec. 55. "Any person who shall at any time before or after an elec tion, give or promise to give any money, property or reward to any elector in order to secure his vote, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and any person who shall receive or agree to receive any such bribe shall also be guilty of a misdemeanor." Sec. 56. "Any person who shall bet or wager any money or other thing of value upon any election held in this State bhall be guilty of a mis demeanor." Sections 57 to 73 inclusive, are not of general interest. Sec. 74. "That the registrar and judges of election in each ward or precinct, the Board of County Can vassers of each county, and the Board of State Canvassers shall re spectively possess full power and authority to maintain order, and to enforce obedience to their lawful commands during their session, re spectively, and shall bo constituted inferior courts for that purpose ; and if any person shall ref use to obey the lawful command of any such regis trar, .or judge of election, or board of countjcanvassers, or board of State canvassers, or by disorderly conduct in their hearing or presence, shall interrupt or disturb their proceed ings, they may by an order in writ ing, signed by their chairman, and attested by their clerk, commit the person so offending to the common jail of the county for a period not exceeding thirty days, - and such or der shall be executed by any sheriff or constable to whom the same shall be delivered, or if a sheriff or con stable shall not be present, or shall refuse to act, by any other person who shall be deputed by such town ship or precinct board of elections or . !T. .;:!-!.'! A board of county canvassers, or board of State canvassers, in writing, and the keeper of such jail shall receive the person so committed, and safely keep him for such time-as shall be mentioned in the .commitment." Sections 75, 75 and 77, relate to the filling of vacant offices ; Section 78 makes sale of intoxicat ing liquors within five miles of poll ing place on election day or for 12 hours preceding or succeeding, a misdemeanor. . . . The remaining sections are devoted almost entirely to the Presidential election to be held in November, to the meeting of Presidential electors, etc. . - - TEE GREAT STEAWBEREY CROP. Our truckers, we are glad to say, have thus far had a quite prosper ous season. Just here it may be said that a great many people in Central and Western Carolina have not yet woke up to the fact , that trucking in the East is a great big in dustry. For the benefit of these people, we present this item from the Wilmington Messenger, showing the amount received by Eastern truckers for strawberries alone. Says the Messenger : "It is expected that this week will mark practically the close of the strawberry season in this section, at least so far as profitable shipment in large quantities to Northern and Eastern markets is concerned. A gentleman prominently connected with the Fruit Growers' Express, by which such an admirable refrigerated car service is being given, says that, in his opinion, 98 per cent, of the crop has already been moved. And, too, it is gratifying to repeat the statement previously made in the Messenger that the crop has been moved at prices which have made the crop very profitable to the grow ers. It is safe to estimate that an average price of certainly not less than 10 cents per quart has been re ceived for the crop thus far. So that the amount of money which has been distributed along this section of the Wilmington and Weldon and the Atlantic and Yadkin Railroads assumes enormous proportions, when the authoritative statement is made that about 1,000 carloads or 9,280,000 quarts of berries have been moved by the Fruit Growers Express Com pany alone. Then the Southern Ex press Company has moved about 60, 000 crates, or 1,920,000 quarts. This gives a grand total of 11,200,000 quarts of strawberries. "Estimating that an average price 10 cents per quart has been received it will give a total of $1,120,000, which has been received for the ber ries marketed thus far." TOBACCO COMMITTEES MEET. The Executive Committee and the Committee on Plans of the North Carolina Tobacco Growers' Associa tion met in this city last Thursday. Secretary T. B. Parker had reports from tho various county organiza tions showing very, gratifying prog ress of tho Association in the State. He also read letters from adjoining States showing great interest in the movement. Reports from the counties in this State show great activity and that most of the tobacco-growing coun ties in this State are being satisfac torily organized ; though a few that seemingly do not understand the Jordan plan have not shown the ac tivity that was hoped for. The committee thinks best to push organization, until it shall cover each and every townip in the tobacco belt. The Jordan and several other plans were discussed by the committee, which still have them under consideration. From informa tion in the hands of the committee 'they are satisfied that by thorough organization they have the key to the situation and can accomplish the purposes of the association. Upon the whole, the outlook is most en couraging. Great and deep interest is being taken in the action of this associa tion by capitalists and manufactur ers, and ample capital is offered to back the various plans of the associa tion. . . ;. ; Charlotte celebrated in great style last week, and quite successfully., - . - r h We are requested to say that the Poupulists of Alamance county are to meet in convention at Graham, In kicks' Hall, at the hour of 10 a. m., Saturday June 2nd. There will be a public speaking in "the afternoon. Our trucking and fruit-growing friends, now that returns are com ing in, will please remember The Progressive Farmer. this getting Blue an i ,. It burns the cheapest fuel you can buythe same oil you burn in your lamps. .No ocior. If your dealer does not have them, write to STANDARD OIL CC&PANY. n are subject to becoliar Ula. Tho right remedy for r . l . - )' )worma and stomaclk disorders la Froy's Vcrmlf ugo ika cored children for & years. Bend for lllns. book about the Ills and tho remedy, om fetus miia4ts mm. Mice! FARMERS, Notice! For 50 cents, I will send you a guaran teed Receipt for Keeping Eggs fresh and sound all summer till winter, when you can get fancy prices. Send stamped en velope for reply. Mention The Progres sive Farmer. -:- -:- -:- W. J. BROTHERS, INSTITUTE, N. C. BILTftlORE FARMS. Biltmore, N. C. HEADQUARTERS FOR. THE BEST NATIVE r AND IMPORTED STRAINS OF A. J. C. C. JERSEY, Large ENGLISH BERKSHIRES and STANDARD POULTRY. We exhibited at five State Fairs in the fall of 1899 and made a record that has never approached by any other breeding establishment. The BILTMORE JERSEYS won 32 Sweepstakes, 5 First Herd Prizes, 3 Second Herd Prizes, 44 individual First Prizes, 25 Seconds and 6 Thirds. BILTMORE BERKSHIRES won 18 Sweepstakes, 119 First Prizes; 90 Sec onds, and 16 Thirds. The BILTMORE POULTRY won over 500 prizes, and mora firsts and seconds on each . and every variety we breedv than all our competitors combined. Apply to GEO. F. WSSTOH, Sapt. Jgr SEND AT ONCE FOR SPECIAL PRICE LIST OF BERKSHIRES AND POULTRY, ONLY GOOD FOR ONE MONTH FROM DATE. FACTS SUTCLIFFE & CO. Louisville, Ky. AROIIT Publish a book on use, selection AUUUI and application of paint It is of great value to any one having paint - - ing to do. Our readers can procure PAINT a cPyr by writing this firm for Book. fo 4 Qm To Repair Broken Arti cles use Remember MAJOR'S RUBBER CEMENT, MAJOR'S LEATHER CEMENT. OCCONBBCHJBB POULTRY YARDS "V7"lxite and Sil-srer-Laced Wyandottes, Barred Ply moutli Rocks, Brown Leghorn, Black Minorca, Black Lang- shan and Pekin Ducks. Stock of eggs of the above varie ties ; eggs for spring hatching $1.25 per setting of 13. Eggs from Light Brahmas and Golden-Laced Wyan andottes $1.25 per setting.1; Also several, finely bred registered Jersey brills from two to 12 months old. . - . If you buy of Occoneechee Farm you always get pedigreed stock and the BEST. ADDRESS: OCCONEECHEE FARM, DURHAM, N. C. Tk ) Major's dDcn Oeanliness is one virtue , OH Stove that good housekeepers appreciate. Perfect safety is another. Convenience and cool cooking are others. If you're figuring on saving money on fuel summer, figure oa a Flame T H't(!'r ,tH -.rtvr J:.. . . PREMIUM fit a n lls Susisiss Apst do doss tb msst ksbess through tha Yl I ' State Business Agency other than Fertilizers and Imi IP 1 U Machines, from SepUmher 1st, 1553, to August hi, ISC 0, $10. The Business Agent Doing the nest Largest Amount of Busi ness, under abo?e restrictions, will be given $5, The person ordering the greatest nnmher of the Improved High Arm Alliance Sewing Maehines through this office from August 1, 1899, to August 1, 1900, will be given FREE one Improved High Arm Alliance Sew ing Machine. To the person sending in the second largest number of orders will bo given FREE one Hillsboro Sewing Machine. To the person sending in the third largest number of orders will be given FREE either a No. 1 Set Buggy Harness or a No. 1 Boss Bashing Ma chine. To the lady sending in the largest number of orders for the above Sewing Machines will be given $5 in cash. This is in addition to the above Premium Offers. - Begin in Time Now and You May Win ! COW PEAS 200 Bushels Cow Peas for sale at reduced : price. Write to-day for prices as : : : : they will soon be sold. : : : THE BUSINESS AGEIJGV CfttI SUPPLT Fertilizers, Farming Utensils, Plows and Castings, Hardware, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Wagon Scales, Farm Bells, Cook Stoves, Feed Cutters, Harrows, Hay Presses, Corn Shellers, Heavy and fancy Groceries, Furniture, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Pianos, Organs, Barbed and Plain Wire, Poultry and Farm Fencing, Guns, Powder, Shot, Loaded Shells, etc., etc., etc. Write for prices on anything you want. All orders filled at prices ruling on the day the order is received. Send for 1900 Catalogue of Buggies and Harness just out. T. B. PARKER, STATE BUSINESS AGENT, HILLSBORO, N. C.J SPECIAL PRICES ul SO Trial.' Ouaranteed. Double and Combination Beam. UOUUUU mtOatrmlSt. Catalog Free. Write now. BINGHAMTON, N Y Proclamation by the Governor. $200 REWARD. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. WHEREAS, official information has been received at THIS DEPART MENT that some person (or persons) to the Executive unknown, did kill and murder one George Ritter, in the County of Moore and State of North Carolina on the night of March 23, 1900. And Whereas, it appears that the said person (or persons) has fled the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon. him : 1 NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel L. Russell, Governor of the State ' of North Carolina, by virtue of author ity in me vested by law, do issue this my PROCLAMATION, offering a re ward of Two Hundred Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said person (or persons) to the Sheriff of Moore County at the Court-house in Carthage, N. C, and I do enjoin all officers of the State and all good citi zens to assist in bringing said crim inal to justice. Done at our City of Raleigh, the 19 th day of May, in the year of pur Lord one thousand nine hundred and in the one hundred and twenty fourth; year of our American Inde pendence. DANIEL L. RUSSELL, By the Governor ; " Baylus Cade, Private Secretary. - lilt Paimis of the WIckless Blue Flame t 'hi? -jit i 3 - i , ' f ii ,n it ii 'I hi! u1 ' .in " 'ililW HI READ THE PREMIUM OFFERS GO TO WORK' AND ' WIH t ONE i 01" : THEE IN SO DOING YOU WILL HELP YOURSELF, THE BRETHREN AND TOE STATE ALLIANCE. OFFERS COW PEAS It is not so long ago that any stock article, however much of worth and durability it had, lacked as a rule all elegance of design In other words it had no style. Fortunately all this is now past. The article of moderate cost has a character and finish that could not be had a few years ago ex cept in high-priced, made-to-order goods. It is nowhere more notice able than in some of the modern lines of vehicles and buggies now being offered direct to the consumer by means of advertising. Take tho above, design selected at random from the catalogue wb , have just re ceived from , the Kalamazoo (Mich.) Carriage; &; Harness Company, their No. 325 Stick Seat Stanhope, since it llustrates the principle referred to. ... It equals in every way so far as we can see the product of certain facto- ; ries which cater exclusively to the wealthy and sell the vehicles by the old methods of high priced salesmen and expensive repositories in many leading cities. By such concerns, vehicles, apparently no better than this one are sold at double its price. M.KIUUSERS' LIQUID EXI.1ACI CF , Mad from hickory wood. Chaaper. c1sjmtw iwmU?, and mtw than tba old way. 8inO fot cuxoUx. .KUAt&i JUKO :Uta I'm, T 1 Hi i it i lEi1 ill l ii I'f 1 1 .

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