5? THE INDUSTRIAL AND EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS OP OUR PEOPLE PARAMOUNT TO ALL 0IHE2 COEXDSRAHOrB 0? STATE POLICY. "' mi MM II I I I f Vol. 1 . Raleigh, IT. 0., Harch 4, 1902. i i i i i Agriculture. HASET FABMEE'S TALES. LXIII. Correspondence of The Frogreaalve Farmer. On the fame trip that we men tioned in our last talk we saw sev eral large piles of compost soattered over the field. THIS COMPOST was made with stable manure, ditch bank, kainit and acid phosphate. As this farmer does not grow anything but regular field crop?, like cotton, corn, etc., he certainly does a vast deal of hard work for little profit. The fame materials scattered along in a furrow a few weeks before plant ing would give the fame results and gave the heavy work of loading and hauling the materials used in the compost. If a farmer wishes to get the benefit of the manure, etc, for pushing an early crop like Irish po tatoes or other truck, it might pay to go to the expense of composting, but for crops that grow all the sum mer, such as corn, cotton, sweet po tatoes, it is a useless expenditure of labor. We have a piece of land that we want to plant inUte potatoes (sweet) tat it dre not contain so much HUMC8 OR VEGETABLE MATTER ii we desire, and as it does not need gnj nitrogen, we are going to sow it in spring oat and expect to get a heavy crop. This land was in corn And peas last year. The peas were waist deep and the corn made a heavy crop. So by sowing the oats we will put a plenty of humus in the soil and will use a little commercial fertilizer and expeot a heavy crop cf potatoes. A SAVING OF TIME AND MONEY. This is much easier done than go ing in the woods and raking up a lot of leaves, straw, eto., and hauling ind scattering over the land. The roots and stubble of the oats will be nicely mixed with the soil, far better than we can do it with the plow, and the crop of oats will cost us nothing but the seed, plowing in and har vesting, and then be out of our way in time to plant the potato cuttings. We believe there are many farmers that oan do this very thing this ipring and summer, and when they have gotten two good crops with the labor that is usually put on the potato crop, they will wonder why they have not dene it before. When hay and other feed is so high, let us do our best and see if e can't get some cf th it money that ill te paid for this feed. Eave you some nice dry land on wbich you can PLANT SOME EARLY CORN ni m&fce a crop to be gathered early to the summer, so that yon oan fur bish that neighbor in nice new meal? Be will be glad to get it. You can aori to undersell the merchants a lltt a and get all this trade. A great &&ny are predicting $1 50 corn next !ntner. If this is true, you oan ell afford to sell at $1.35. Some ocewiii my that if everybody does the market will be glutted. Bless 7or lue, you nted not be afraid; ( o&e farmers will not think about it at:! . ev ee whut you have done. Thev .. ill trvr it TirTt TT-ftAr Rffcnr "vnTl iavo - to? i . .irned the cream; they will t a little cream themselves have the money in your the butter. It is such poc'kf-t n .-. tp-rtanities as these that make nanny i.t n succeed and get ahead in fc c "iitry. Harry Farmer. us Co., N. U. TV- f tilizia r.ner should not only save and straw for feed and fer r rposea, but he should care- his soil trotn wasteiui i cultivation and removing - hile returning nothing. the farmers' bank, but if : dly draws on his resouroes -nothing, the bank will 1 the farmer will be a There are plenty of 'nks of this sort in every thr country. But they can cm::. Th I(ir I, management, but it were ttl'F til hftVR TTnci rrnA V am art rr nd9r this expensive process fie:aary. Farm and Ranch. PITT COTJUTT FAB21 HOTES. Correapondence of The Progressive Farmer. The farmers are behind with their crops. Laborers are soarce and I fear too muoh tobaooo will be planted, but I have not muoh fear that too muoh good tobaooo will be made. The more planted the more common or low grade made, but less fine to baooo. More attention will be paid to corn than usual. Corn is scarce here. Less cotton will be planted in this vicinity, but more cotton seed have been sold this year than were sold in five other years oombined, the East Carolina Railroad from Tarboro to Farmville being the oause. We do not need good roads as badly as the middle seotion of the State. Still a great improvement might be made in our roads at a comparatively small cost. A. J. M. Pitt Co., N. C. UUILFOBD FARM NOTES. Correspondence of The Progressive Farmer. Having inquired of many of our farmers as to the oondition of wheat and oats, I learn that some wheat crops are yet in good oondition ; some crops have not oome up so as to tell the real oondition ; some orops seem to be an entire failure. So also with oat crops. Some sowed late to avoid the fly in wheat and as they tried to avoid one danger they ran into a worse. Late sowed clover is a com plete loss. It is getting to be common for some farmers in these parts when done sowing wheat to haul out all his manure and scatter over his wheat on top and find the results good in many ways. He will then sow peas after the wheat is taken off, so he gets the full benefit of manure. Stook are in fair oondition. Sheep are soarce but in fair plight for com mon stook. Farmers are not making muoh headway in the preparation of land ; work on ditches and brier hedges is put off till spring. To farm properly there is no time to lose. Just now all mucks and anything that will make manure oould be brought to the compost heap at any time, where it may be thrown in stalls where wanted. My cabbage and lettuce have stood the cold fairly well. Spinaoh is fine ; winter mustard holds well. Of onions planted in August, some killed, tops frosted. We have a new comer who says he wants to put out thirty thousand cabbage this spring. He has muoh experience in cabbage growing. This is something new in this seotion. We are glad to have suoh men oome that are well informed in their business. R. R. Moore. Guilford Co., N. C. ENCOURAGING FARM CONDITIONS IN DURHAM COUNTY. Correspondence of The Progressive Farmer. The oondition of the farmers of Durham county has very much im proved for the last five years. A great many debts have been paid, while their homes, stook and farms have also taken on a new life. More of their sons and daughters are in the high sohools and colleges. Soci ety is also improving. This gratifying condition is partly due to the neoessary economy during the hard years whioh preoeded, and partly due to the fact that we have a better market. The growth of Dur ham, the great number of employees in her many factories, has created a demand for almost anything we raise. This has Degotten a spirit oi diversity in farming whioh cannot but be helpful in a large degree. Last year was a failure with our staple crops. All feed stuffs are high, but the farmers are braoing against this by hauling wood during the winter and are already sowing seed for early vegetables in spring. Irish potatoes and table corn will be largely planted ; also sweet potatoes and turnips for fall market. So that the wide-awake farmers in Durham county can about meet family ex penses without touching the main crop. Pleas. H. Massey. Durham Co., N. C. FEEDING VALUE OF CITRONS. Correspondence of The Progressive Farmer. Soma time ago I wrote our Experi ment Station in regard to the feeding value of oitrons and reoeived the f ol lowing reply : "Your postal in regard to the feed ing value of oitrons is received. We do not know of any experiments along this line and do not have any analyses of citrons. For this reason it is not possible for us to say defl nitely what the feeding value would be. I think, 'however, you would not be far wrong in assigning to them, practically the feeding value of pumpkins, and if stook like them, as you state, they should be quite serviceable and benefloial as feed." These oitrons, largely used for pre serving, are very prolific; cn rioh ground as many as 20 melons are some times found on one vine. If the tough rind is broken open, hogs eat them with avidity. I should like to know if Harry Farmer or any other Progressive Farmer reader can give me any information as to theft value. S. P. M. Chatham Co., N. C. LEGUMINOUS MEADOWS. Correspondence of The Progressive Farmer. It has been known for centuries that a crop of clover, alfalfa or other legume improves the soil for a wheat, corn or root crop. It has only re cently ben discovered how the legume improves the soil. It does so by adding to the soil nitrogen, taken from the atmosphere. Grasses, grain plants and root crops generally depend upon the soil for their en tire supply of food. These add nothing of muoh value so the soil whioh they did not take from it be fore. But legumes, while depending upon the soil for lime, phosphoric aoid and potash, take nitrogen in large quantities from the atmosphere. When the roots, leaves or stems of legumes decay in the soil, or are re turned to the soil in . the form of stable manure or animals' droppings, the nitrogen is given up to the soil in the form of ammonia. Exact ex periments have shown that one aore of alfalfa can in one year's growth draw down from the atmosphere $161 worth of nitrogen. That is to say, as muoh nitrogen as $161 would buy in the form of nitrate of soda. The oow pea will, c uring four months' growth, draw down nitrogen which would cost to buy over $50. Red olover soy bean, vetohes and other legumes act in the same way. The manurial value of legumes is in addition to their feeding, value. By plowing under the entire growth of a legu minous crop we return at once all the mineral foodlime, phosphoric acid and potash whioh the plant absorbed from the soil. We add in addition to this the nitrogen whioh the legume took from the air. This may be worth $50. Bui we lose the feeding value of the crop whioh for four tons of good clover or oow pea hay is about $50. If instead of plowing under the entire growth we feed it and return the droppings of the animals, whioh ate the hay, we get baok in the drop pings about four-fifths of the plant food contained in the hay. By com bining the feeding and fertilizing value we may under the theoretically most favorable circumstances make every aore of clover, cow peas or altalfa pay from $100 to $200 an nually. This may appear over stated, but it is not. In other words, if we had to buy the feed and the fertilizer at market price, we would have to pay for the sums just needed. In praotioe a farmer may waste the feeding value of the crop upon animals whioh neither grow nor fatten ; and waste the fertilizer by allowing it to leaoh into some stream or pond. But this is not the fault of the theory. The best farmer is he who in practice most nearly obtains the theoretical value of his orops. Legumes add largely to the value of the land upon whioh they grow and at the same time yield a great deal of valuable and . nutritious forage. Grasses and grains add nothing to the soil upon which they grow. The forage they yield is less valuable and nutritious than that of legumes. It is, therefore, oertain and reasonable that it is better and more profitable for the land owner to grow legumes than grasses or grains. Grains must, however, be grown for human con sumption because the public taste and oustom demands them. But there is no reason why grass, hay, oats and other animal foods should not be wholly replaced by legumes. There are many reasons why this should not be done. There is no reason but the foroe of habit why farmers should continue at a loss to lay down land to grass when a large profit can be made from legume meadows and pastures. It must always be remembered that though legumes oan draw abundanoe of nitrogen from the atmosphere, they depend wholly upon the soil for their mineral food lime, phos phorio acid and potash. Without plenty of mineral food the plants will be unable to draw to their full est capacity upon the atmospherio nitrogen. The exaot amount of min eral food neoessary to supply any particular leguminous orop upon any partioular field oan be determined only by special trials upon the field and crop in question. These trials are best done by means of trial plots of 1-10 acre eaoh. The three mineral foods above named oan be tried upon these plots alone and in various com binations until the most profitable combination is discovered. In praotice, however, we should not be particular about the lower limit of plant food. The best rule is to give the plants more mineral food than they can assimilate and to re peat the dose every year. The ex Coss fertilizer is not lost but remains stored up in the soil. When after a number of years the leguminous turf is broken up and grain or roots grown on the field all the plant food stored in the soil by previous fertili zation will be recovered in the new crops. Mineral plant food is com paratively oheap. Lime oosts about $5 per ton. Phosphorio acid as super phosphate about $12 per ton. Pot ash as muriate of potash about $45 per ton. A good general formula for all legumes is given below, but this is to be inoreased as many times as tons of the legumes are expected. In other words, the food given is sufficient for one ton of growth only. Muriate of potash 80 pounds. Superphosphat e 100 " Lime 75 " Gerald MoCarthy, M. S. Wake Co., N. C TAKING SEED CORN SOUTH. A correspondent of Southern Iowa asks whether it will do to take seed corn from that looality two hundred miles further South. Why not? The people of Texas have for years depended largely cn Iowa grown seed corn. The larger and later varieties, however, should be taken in order to be given the full benefit of the long season. Corn naturally adapts itself at first to the length of the seagon where grown ; henoe, only the earlier varieties of corn should be moved from the South to the North and only the later varieties from the North to the South, unless it is desirable for some partioular reason to secure an ab normally early ripening, in whioh oase the earlier Northern varieties may be used. For example, Sibley's Pride of the North, or some other very early variety, might be grown this year where the objeot is to get early oorn for feeding pigs. If the varieties that mature in the latitude of Southern Kansas and Missouri are bi ought North say into Northern Iowa or Minnesota, they would not ripen before frost. They would- calouiate on a longer season and would be disappointed. If, how ever, some of the ears should be pulled .off before ripening, but still mature enough to produce seed, and this kept up for two or three years, they would adapt themselves to the new climate. In fact, oorn brought from tie South to the North never does as well the first year as it does a year or two afterwards, it neeas Bnmfl time to ad ant itself to the new conditions and, so to speak, feel at home. Wallace (Iowa) Farmer. THE PESJfNNIAL QUESTION OF FERTIL IZING. Dr. J. B. Hunnioutt, of Georgia, who occasionally contributes to the agricultural department of The Pro gressive Farmer, has a very timely artiole, and a thoughtful one as well, in the ourrent issue of the Southern Cultivator on the question of fertil izers for the farm. We quote : Very muoh has been written and spoken upon this subject, but the annual return of the season for plant ing brings up the subject again. So very few of those who write upon the subjeot seem to understand dearly what is desired and how it oan be gained, shows that muoh con fusion of ideas still exists. Nearly every one writes as if the objeot was to change the soil power of production by the use of ohemio ally prepared mixtures, oalled guanos, fertilizers, aoids and so on. This is a total misapprehension of the basis of the whole business, and has led to all sorts of mistakes. Manures from animals or decaying vegetation da enrioh the soil. They inorease its productive power more or less permanently. This is not the case with oommeroial fertilizers as generally prepared and sold. They are made with direot reference to feeding plants. They are used in the soil beoause we cannot feed plants direot. Plants take all their food from the soil. They take it in through the little spongiole rootlets after it has been dissolved and prepared by the soil. Henoe we first prepare some artiole of plant food so that it will dissolve in water. We then put this prepara tion in the soil and the soil feeds it to the plant, after working it over and separating the useful from the useless and hurtful. we fertilize crops, not soils. We get hundreds of inquiries what fertilizers, and hew to use them on suoh and suoh soils. The writers evidently think the soil is the thing to be studied. If a piece of land has a hardpan and the water cannot oiroulate through it, the owner wishes to know what kind of fertilizer he must use. If a piece of land is water soaked beoause the subsoil is too hard for the water to drain away, he at once wishes to know what sort of fertilizer to use. If his land has been skim-plowed and leaohed until all the fine partioles are gone and the sand is left, he wishes to know what kind of fertilizer to use. If bad management has destroyed the humus, he wants to know what fer tilizer to use. The idea prevails that if we just knew the right kind of fertilizer to get we oould remedy all the defeats of our soil and the errors of our fathers. Now what we really want to do is to study intelligently the needs of the orop we are going to plant and fertilize the orop, not the soil. THE MECHANICAL OONDITION OF THE SOIL. To farm successfully we need to get our soil in good mechanioal oon dition. This is the great essential point with all soils, whether red or gray, upland or bottom, clay or sandy. The soil to make a good root-bed and water supply must be deep and fine. The deeper and finer, the better. We insist that this is the foundation of all real success in farming. This will require deep breaking when dry, often harrowing, mixing in much vegetable matter, level oulture, heavy manuring with animal and vegetable manures, and suoh like. When you get your soil deep and fine, and filled with vegetable mat ter, then you are ready to take up the fertilizer question. God has so created and preserved the earth that praotioally all soils will make good crops when put in good condition. THE NEED FOR FERTILIZERS IS EVIDENCE OF OUR ERRORS. Bad farming has created the need for fertilizers. They are not essential. They are artificial wants Our lands need fertilizers to help the crops be oause we have misused the land. The washed hill sides need help beoause they have been plowed shallow and plowed when wet. Now plowwheia dry and stop the washing. They ar& lacking in humus because we have burned up or hauled off the vegetable matter. Change your plan, quit, burning and haul vegetable mattar on and you will soon have humus. Bad management has destroyed the normal amount of nitrogen. Grow peas, beans, and clover and oow ma nure and restore the nitrogen. The potash and phosphorio acid are already there ; make them soluble by good oulture and your soil will b& ready to make crops. WHERE FERTILIZERS PAY. Fertilizers do not pay on very poor land with two inohes of soil. Suoh soil does not furnish sufficient root bed or water. They pay upon deep soils with plenty of water to grow & plenty of stalk. They pay whan used to inorease the yield of fruit upon the crop, if the right kind and quantity is used. But when cotton needs phosphorio aoid to mature the seed and lint it does not pay to feed the ootton with nitrogen. When oorn needs phosphorio acid to fill out and mature the grain, it does not pay to feed it with a oomplete fer tilizer. When there is plenty of phosphorio aoid in the soil whioh has been made available, by good preparation and oulture, it is wasting money to buv and use more phosphate upon that crop. We wish to impress the idea that it is the nrevions trAfltmont n present mechanical oondition of the soil that decides what kind and how muoh fertilizers will pa;?. It is at last more a question of work than buying fertilizers. Ifyon have grown a orop of olover or peas or beans on a piece of land you do not need to buy nitrogen to put on. the crop that follows. Fertilizer s pay on good land whiofr is able to make good crops without them, rather than on poor land, just as extra food fed to fat and growing cattle or pigs pays better than when fed to stunted and lousy ones. Consider the oondition and strength of your land and the wants of the orop you wish to grow and you oan oome at what fertilizer ingredients to use. Set, printed formulas are useful only as guides but must not be fol lowed too closely. Poor lands had better be put in grass or peas or both, and plowed deeply until they are in good oondi tion before you waste fertilizers oru. them. HOW TO USE. We insist on farmers buying t&a material and mixing for themselves beoause it eaves money and gives better results. There is no secret about mixing. Indeed the mixing is only a convenience in distributing. They would do just as well sown separately. But it saves time to sew all at once. Stir well together with shovel and hoe. We say sow, because it pays better to use fertilizers broadcast. The plants get more of them. Put the old worn lands in grass. Cultivate only the fields that will pay. Then fertilize the crop if you. wish. In this way you will save ex penses and increase profits. But it is better to grow cattle, save manure, and make your farm rich, and be independent. Simply as guides, we suggest for ordinary fair soils, in good oondU tiun, about the following : FOR CORN. Cotton seed meal 20Q lbs. Acid phosphate 1600 " Kainit 200 " Use from 200 to 1,000 lbs. FOR COTTON. Cotton seed meal 200 lbs. Acid phosphate 1400 " Kainit 300 " Use from 200 to 800 lbs. FOR POTATOES, MELONS, ETO. Cotton seed meal 6C0 lbs. Acid phosphate 1,000 " Kainit 400 Use from 600 to 2,000 lbs. FOR SMALL GRAIN, GRASSES, ETC. Cottonseed meal 800 lbs. Aoid phosphate 1,000 " Kainit 200 " Uee from 200 to 600 lbs. On any and all crops nitrate of soda and land plaster pay well as top-dressings.