The Progressive Farmer, April 8 1002 'TtfOSTH CABOLIKA AITTI-SALOOIT I 1 -ttt wn ITS WORK. . liU W ndence of The Progressive Farxper. Octroy" loaa than' two months n cas wcu . . the Anti Saloon League was Seized in Raleigh. Bat this short e h9 been used and used well; Jf9 peopla of the State, who are nosed to the saloon, re joioe. that re is on foot a movement to edu- S-ey realize that the hour has struck 4hig State for the temperance farce? to Set together in a united 4itrork.gpeir and wage a victorious warfare against the great enemy to lociety the licensed saloon. As a destryer of value, both in manhood money, it is without a parallel. tlQ saloon is a creature of our law our law i a creature of our lelves. The Anti Saloon League ka to show the people that the galoon has no right to exist. This gestention will be based upon the gject of the saloon on the home, the jjorch and business world. The esgue makes no personal fight igiinst saloon keepers. The fight is higher than this, it is a battle for a principle of right, regardless of men. Dr. J. B. Hawthorne says of this lime movement in Virginia : "Our movement is a moral one. We are not a political party. We have no fellowship with the men who would make a convenience of our sacred cause in gratifying their political ambitions. We need no political party to accomplish our purposes." The League has been organized in 33 States of the Union. In North Carolina it akes the name League because it is expensive and the fight till be to fit North Carolina cou pons and not to dove-tail into any er organization. The State organization is being sref ally perf eoted. Artioles 2 and J of our Constitution are as follows : Purpose. Its purpose is the abol iihment of the liquor saloon by any cd all proper means ; the creation ud crystalization of a righteous pablio sentiment, and the proper en forcement of all laws against the liquor Xature. The League pledges it- lelf to maintain a strictly inter-de- a?rninational and non-partisan atti- the, and will avoid affiliation with ay political paTty as sucn. The Offioers of the League are : President, N. B. Broughton, Ral eigh; Secretary, T. N. Ivey, D. D., Raleigh; Corresponding Secretary, Jno. A. Oates, Fayetteville ; Treas urer, I. C. Blair, Raleigh. Executive Committee. A. J. Mo Kelway, Charlotte ; J. A. Atkinson, Elon College ; J. W. Bailey, Raleigh ; W. G. Johnson, Kinston ; A. M. Scale?, Greensboro; J. I. Johnson, Sdeigh. Offioers are ex- officio mem bers. The Corresponding Secretary will be glan to answer inquiries, furnish literature, make dates for organiz ing Leagues and have the counsel ai advice of the Anti-Saloon work er! of the State. Treasurer Blair gladly receipt for funds for the Nation of the work. en, of Carolina, now is the time to fa this work. For miny reasons &ocght to strike now and strike krt- It is time to show your faith &7 your works. The prayers and solutions and speeohes and ser ins of the years should crystaliz9 into a united effort for the well king of the Old North State. Jofin A. Oates, Cor. Seo'y. Hyetteville, N. C. SOWAN COUKTY ALLIAHCE. The Rowan County Farmers' Alli ce will hold its next quarterly ting with Harris Chapel Sub. on 10th of April, 1902. All Sub Eiances in the county are re listed to send a full delegation. J. C. Bernhardt, 8eo'y. &e article in the April MoClure's kt to be read bv everv American zea. This is the account, by cola Steffens, of "The Over bed President." The conditions er which the President is forced tranaict his share of the manage t of the action are suoh as no fcess man at the head of a great jj&te enterprise would for a mo think of tolerating. Many 3Urs every working day are wasted interruptions of the most vexa y trivial nature, by questions visitors that should properly teSnld muh more effeotuaily be er5 ?ed by 8bordinates. It is li. tit? 6 that th8 President has 4Ue?. ? break off consideration or tit&n n of maters of the most ortanco to the nation for a Vim on lom8 matter that in a ftwi?e81 noern would get no r than the first clerk. THE HEW DUAL ALLIANCE. The most dramatic incident in re cent international politics is the con clusion and publication of a treaty of offensive and defensive allianoe between Great Britain and Japan.; It removes Great Britain from the position of "splendid isolation" which she has so ling occupied, and makes her the ally, not of any Euro pean power, but of an Asiatic gov ernment which only recently has been aooorded a place among civili zed nations. The treaty serves formal notioe upon the rest of the world that the j two powers concerned have no de sign upon the independence of the territory of China or Korea, and that they will oppose aggression by other powers. In particular, the treaty is a warning to Russia to keep its promises as to Manchuria and to stop orowding Korea. Behind the faltering and vacillating Chinese court and the feeble Emperor of Korea it places, for the defense of their independence and territorial integrity, the resources of two pow ers whose combined fleets and armies are more than a match for any force which is likely to be arrayed against them in the far East. Suoh an alli anoe, itself pledged to pacific ends, is the best guarantee .of peace, be cause it so enhances the perils of war as to compel any power to think twice before going counter to it. The United States has peoulia rea sons to think well of the new alii ance, which, is formed to carry out the very policy to whioh this oountry ' is committed. When Secretary Hay "defined that policy, In his letter to- the powers in July, 1900, he enumerated identically the same same ends which are men tioned in the preamble to the new treaty: the seouring of peace; the preservation of the 'Independence and the territorial integrity of China ; and the maintenance of the prinoiple of the "open door" equal and impartial trade for all nations with all parts of the Chinese Empire. The new treaty extends the three principles to Korea and pledges both powers to mam tain them. It is unsafe to make predictions regarding the course of affairs in a country oT so many explosive possi bilities as China; but the new alli anoe will certainly tend to restriot the area of any internal disturanoes which may rise, and to minimize the ohanoes of aggression from without. Youh's Companion. The most considerable contribu tion to the April Review of Reviews is Mr. Carl Snyder's artiole on "American Captains of Industry.' " Reoognizing the impossibility of making an exhaustive and exaot list of the living great industri&l leaders who have given America its pre eminence in trade and oommerce over all other countries of the world, Mr Snyder has seleoted as fairly typioal the one hundred or more leaders in scienoe, invention, trans portation, and trade who were gathered in New York to lunch with Prince Henry of Prussia, and rapidly reviews these men, grouped with a view to giving the special field in which eaoh 11 Captain" has been notable, and his speoial significance in it. Not the least interesting part of the artiole are the photographs of no less than seventy-five of these builders of American industry. I did think I would have to give up The Progressive Farmer as I am away from home this year, but my family like the paper as well as I do. It is always a welcome visitor to our home and I often say it is the clean est paper in North Carolina. H. C. Briggs, Guilford Co , N. C. If you want the best, the most im proved and the most reliable binder in the world buy the McCormiok it is the unit of measure in har vesting machines. :: CHRONIC DISEASES successfully treated at home by a MEDI CAL SPECIALIST of mar.y years experience. Send 2c. stamp for sympton bUnk. 8." LOCK BOX, 124, liCrngt, i. C. i FOR SALE AT LESS THAN One-Fourth Value. -TWO BROWN COTTON GINS, FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS, with latest improvements; run as smoothly as when new, only sUght repairs needed; ginned 21 tSles wih them the last day they were used in December last. Ifrice, $65 for JSoth, Carsh or on time, if moved by 1st J une. A pow erful sacrifice. aw.BAMKY,- KITTBELL, N. G :: ? ALLIANCE SPEAKING IN WILSON. Mr. T. B. Parker, Secretary-Treasurer of the N. C. Farmers State Allianoe, will address the public on the benefits of organization and the principles of the ; Farmers' Alliance, at Rook Ridge, Wilson County, at 11 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, April 10th. TbMarkets. Raleigh cotton. Raliqh, April 5, 1902. Keceipts today. . . . . . ..... 25 bales Prices to day . r. : . : . . . . .. . . 89 Receipts this season. 9,811 bales Receipts last season to this date.... ....16,226. NORFOLK PEANUTS. Norfolk, Apil 5, 1902. Farmers' stook nuts are quoted a follows : Fanoy 3 3o pound Striotly prime 3o " Prime 2 2o " Spanish 72o bushel. CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. Charlotte, N. C, April 5, 1902. Onions 75 to 1.00 Corn 85 to 90 Wheat. 60 to 90 Rye. 1.00 Oats 80 to 85 Potatoes Irish. . . ... 1.35 Hides dry salt 10 aides 9 to 10 Skins calf.. .40 to 50 Skins sheep. .30 to 30 Skins lamb 20 to 30 Skirts goat. 10 to 20 Skins full wool 60 to 80 Chickens spring 20 to 25 Eggs... 13 Hens per head. . ..... . .35 to 37 Ducks . . 18 to 20 Tallow 3 to 4 Sherlings ; 8 to 9 Tallow unrendered; 2. to 2 Beeswax , 18 to 22 Turkeys i 10 to 10 COTTON SEED, HULLS AND MEAL. Cotton seed meal, per ton. . . . ,$25 00 Cotton seed meal, per saok . ... 1 30 Cotton seed hulls, per 100 lbs., 30 Cotton seed, per bushel 22 WILMINGTON MARKET. Wilmington, N.C., April 5, 1902 N. C. Bacon Hams 11 15 Shoulders 10 12 Sides 10 11 Peanuts N. C. Prime 70 " Extra Prime 75 " Fanoy 80 Va., prime 60 ' extra prime 65 fanoy 70 Spanish 75 80 Chickens--' j Grown .20 30 Spring 15 20 Beeswax 26 Sweet Potatoes 70 75 Eggs, per dozen 13 14 Corn, white, per bushel.. 76 80 Spirits turpentine, per gal, 43 FERTILIZES INGREDIENTS. Baltimore, April 5, 1902. Sulphate of ammonia, (gas) $2.95 3 00 Nitrate of soda, spot Baltimore 2.30 2.40 Blood 2 37 2 40 Azotine (beef) 2.40 ($2.45 Azotine (pork) 2.40 2 45 Tankage (concentra ted) 2.25 2.27 Tankage (9 and 20) 2.35 & 10 2.37 & 10 Tankage (7 and 30). . 21.00 22.00 Fish (dry) 27.50 30.00 Grumbling and complaining will not take out the pain of an insect sting, but Perry Davis' Painkillei will do so every time. Apply it with your finger to the sore spot. Price 25o. and 50o. LOW RATES TO ASHEVILLE, N. G. ACCOUNT SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION MAY 8TH TO 15TH, 1902. On aooount above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Asheville, N. C, at the very low rte of one fare for the round trip. Tiokets on sale May 6th to 10th, inclusive, final limit May 21t, except by depositing ticket with Joint Agent at Asheville on or be fore May 15th, and on payment of a fee of 50 cents in extension of limit may be obtained to and including June 2nd, 1902 For the accommodation of dele gates and f riends of this Convention a special train will be operated from Salisbury to Asheville, leaving Salis bury 7:15 a. m., May 8th, and arriv ing at Asheville 11:15 a. m. same day. Double daily and excellent service is afforded in eaoh direction in addi tion to this speoial service. These rates apply from all stations on the Southern Railway exoept St. Louis Division. - Ask your agent for rates from your station. From Raleigh, $8.80. For further information and sleep ins car reservations write or call on T. C. Stubgis, C. T. A , Yarborough Housa Building. Ral eigh, N. C. WHAT A SAMPLE BOTTLE OF SWAMP-ROOT DID To Prove what Swarpp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and blad der Remedy, will do for Y0U,J Every Reader of The Progres V ' sive Farmer May Have a Sample; Bottle Sent Free by Mail. W. F. Lohnes, a prominent busi ness man of Springfield, Ohio, writes the following strong endorsement of the great kidney remedy, 3vamp Root, to the editor of the Spring field, Ohio, Republio : Springfield, Ohio, Feb. 21st, 1901. "Having heard that you could pro cure a sample bottle of Swamp-Root. free by mail, I wrote to Dr. Kilmer jP- T: -U a IT -cr o 1 uo vyu., uiuguaiiiiun, n. x.. ior a sample bottle and it was promptly sent. I was so pleased after trying the sample bottle that I sent to the drug store and prooured a supply. I have used Swarap Root, regularly for ome tima and consider it unsur passed as a remedy for torpid liver, loss of appetite and general derange ment of the digestive f unotions. I think my trouble was due to too olese confinement in my business. I can recommend it highly for all liver and kidney complaints. I am not in the habit of endorsing any medioine, but in this oase I cannot speaK too much in praise of what Swamp-Root has done for me." . 43 West High St. The mild, and extraordinary effect of -the world famous kidney and bladder remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing oases. Special Noticed If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the famous new disoovery, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convinoe anyone.- You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful remedy, Swamp Root; sent absolutely free by mail, also a book telling all about Swamp Root and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimo nial letters received from men and women who owe their good health, in fact their very lives to the great ourative properties of Swamp-Root In writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y , be sure to say that you read this generous offer in the Raleigh Progressive Farmer. 'If you are already convinced that Swamp Root is what you need, you can purohase the regular flf ty-oent and one-dollar size bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. a LEN. H ADAMS, f mi mr.u kt r RALEIGH, N. C. 0CALCR ! Country Frcducs ani General Merchandise, Seed Chufas for Sale, HIGHEST CASS 7HICES PAID FOR PEA3. Ho matter when, where Harness, our uiustraaea catalogue wui rurrusn tou with the LOWEST FACTORY PRICES, com- pieie aesenpuons ana accuraie liiusirauons. it win guide you in buying right. It also explains cur plan oi seuing direct. , A Plan that Fully Protects Every Buyer Against Loss or Dissatisfaction. Factory Bad Gwrl Office. Colnobn, Ohio. TTeaterm Office and Dktributiag House, St. Leolg, Eo The Columbus Carriage & Harness Co. Write to the 8t. LonU. nearest office Columbaa. (1 01 eason's PROF. OSCAR GLEAS0N. Renowned throughoufe Amerion. and patronized by the United States Gov ernment as the most expert and successful horseman of the age. The whole wort treats of . Breeeding, Training, Breaking, Driving, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing Doctoring, Telling Age, and General care of the Horse This remarkable work was first sold exclusively by agents at $2 per copy. A new edition has been issued whioh contains ever word and every illustration in the $2 edition, but is printed on lighter paper and has a heavy, tough paper binding. OtTE GEEAT OFFER, We are prepared to make this great off : Send us $1 in new subscrip a.1 f t. mu ifl t"d nnopf (other than your own) and we will sf We will send any one a copy of t merone year for only $1.25. First cd Address : TE Weak , and unhealthy kidneys are responsible f or more siokness and suffering than - any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble is per mitted to continue, vaai results are sure to follow, r. :. -.r- s , We often see a friend, a relative, or an acquaintance apparantly well, but in a few days we may be grieved to learn to learn of their severe illness, or sudden death, caused by that fatal type of kidney trouble Bright's Disease. iL jj W. P. LOHNES. SPECIALTIES: PEAS, SHINGLES, II, C, MEAT, Special Attention Given to i Mail Orders. or how you buy a carriage or Ha 80S4 Buggy. Horse Book. " FARMER or $3 in renewal i a oopy free prepaid. and The Progressive Far jrst served. Order at once. .ROGRESSIVE FARMER, RALEIGH, N. C. i ALLIANCE mm mm li Delivered Freight Paid to any Rail road Station in North Carolina. -o- 20 Warranted for YEARS. PRICES REDUCED? -; o- Style No. 6, Seven Drawers, Box Coyer. $18X3 Style No. 4j-Five Drawers, Box Cover. .$17.C3 Style No 3, Three Drawers, Box Cover. .............. .$16X3 Our Five-Drawer, Drop Herd n Machine is a Beauty. ; V Pfioefonly $17150; ' v The above are all the Improved Allianoe Maohines. We are offering no other maohines now. Send for desoriptive oiroular. Now is the time to send in ycer orders for Plow and Plow Castings, vGnano Sowers and Farming , Utensils of every description- Farm BellsV Cook Stoves, Feed Cutters, Corn Shellers, Harrows, (Smoothing, Cutaway and Solid Dieo)f Wagons, Baggies and Harness, Barbed and Plain Wire, Poultry and Farm Fencing. Washing Maohines, Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Etc, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Lard, Etc. ."Granulated Sugar to- day is worth 4 oents per pound, but is sub jeot to change without notioe, as all other prices are. H7"Green Coffee from 8o. to lOo. per pound. far - fe JiBnJ6tJttiLZS5lS. s'" LI ILL B"JJ J-.T - r- FERTILIZER ? y ANNOUMCEMENT. We have again arranged with the Durham Fertilizer Co. for the manufacture of the Alliance brands of Fer tilizer : North Carolina Offi cial Farmers Allianoe Guano, and Acid Phosphate, and Progressive Farmer . Guano. These Fertilizers are too well known in every community where fertilizers are used in this State to require an ex tended description of them. They have been time tried and time tested, and always found reliable. Our arrange ment for this year provides for their being kept in stook by all Agents for the Dur ham Fertilizer Co 'a Guanos, who will furnish . them in any quantities at lowest prices. For further informa tion concerning them, ad dress : DURHAM FERTILIZER CO., DURHAM, X. O, Orders will be received for Fruit Trees, to be delivered next Fall. Make all Post Office Mon ey Orders payable at Ral eigh, but address all letters to me at HILLSBORO, N. C. Fraternally, T. B. PARKER, S. B. A. HILLSBORO, N. C. tar mrim-.m..m V , f ' ."j