Tuesday, September 1, 1903. 16 THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER POGHSSSIvS FARMER. Published Weekly at Raleigh. N. C. OFFICE : 106 West Martin Stbkst. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Single subscription, 1 year .. ..fl.OO Single subscription, 6 months 55 Trial subscription, 8 months... 30 NOTES ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 6. Death-of Saul and Jonathan. ' 1 Sam. 31:1-13. (Read 1 Sam., chaps. 27-31; also 2 Sam. 1.) Mem ory vs. 6, 7. Golden Text : There is a way which, seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death. Prov. 14 : 12. Intervening Events. Tired of their outlaw life, David and his men go with their families to the land of ,the Philistines, and settle in Ziklag, remaining a year and four months (1 Sam. 27: 1-7). David's deteriorat ing character displays itself in acts of cruelty and duplicity (27:8-12). The Philistines invade Israel, David being among them (28: 1-2; 29: 1-11). Israel is demoralized, numbers com ing to join David (1 Chron. 12 : 19 21). Note the horrible position in which David has thus placed himself. Providence helped him out. The Philistine lords distrusted him. He went back to Ziklag, and had to pur sue the man who had burned it (1 Sam. 30:1-25). Returning, he com plimented his acquaintances in Judah with presents from his spoils (30: 26-31). Meanwhile Saul consulted the woman of Endor (28:3-25). The next day (19) the battle of Gilboa was fought. Time The year that David be came king of Judah, perhaps 1063 B. C. The Ussher date is 1056 B. C. Many give the date as more than fifty years later. Place. The Gilboa hills, rising from the valley of Jezreel. Parallel Passage. 1 Chronicles 10:1-14. There is another account in the first chapter of 2 Samuel. Verse 1. General account of the 1 Ail. "XT tin i .t oaitie. xx ow: vnne tne various experiences just recounted were hap pening to David. Perhaps the battle occurred the day when David reached iklag with his spoils, and sent com "imentary presents to his friends in idah (comp. 1 Sam. 30 : 1 and 2 im. 1:1-2). Fled, ... and fell: at after a resistance so stubborn that the Philistines seem not to have been aware of the magnitude of their victory until the next day v. 8). Verses 2-5. Details of the death of Saul. The battle went sore against Saul: Literally, "was heavy "unto." That is, the fighting was se vere. This clause says nothing of disaster. The archers found him: This is the literal and correct trans lation, as opposed to "hit him" and "overtook him" in the versions. Probably they discovered where he was, and began to shoot at him. He was greatly distressed: Much an noyed, not "sore wounded" (Old Ver sion). What is here said concerning the archers does not contradict what the Amalekite told David concerning "the chariots and the horsemen," foT that belongs to a later point of-time (2 Sam. 1: 6). Saul said, . . . Draw thy sword, etc.: Thanks to the wo man, of Endor, Saul has come into the battle disheartened. Otherwise he would have preferred to die fight ing, and in that case he might not have died. Eell upon it: Why stab himself in this fashion, rather than in some more exact and skilful way? His armor-bearer saw that Saul was dead: That is what ho thought he saw. The Amalekite told David (2 Sam. f : 6-10) that he found Saul supporting himself on his spear, ap parently in a reclining position, in danger from .the Philistine chariots and cavalry, and that Saul said, "Stand, I pray thee, over me, and slay me ; . . . for my soul is yet whole within me. If this is the truth, Saul's attempted suicide was unsuc cessful, and he died by the hand of the Amalekite. Verse 6. However he died, his dynasty perished with him. All his sons who had any fitness for reigning died in the same battle. And all his men: Those who held official posi tions, perhaps. Verse 7. A result showing the de cisiveness of the defeat. The other side of the valley: To the north of the valley of Jezreel. We have no account of the Philistine occupancy at any other time thus extending to the north of Jezreel and to the east of the Jordan. Came and dwelt: This denotes unresisted military oc cupancy. We are told how perma nent the dwelling was. In them: In the cities. In the parallel account in 1 Chronicles (10 : 7) the pronoun is masculine, which gives the mean ing "among them;" that is, among the inhabitants of those cities. Verses 8-10. By the indignities to which they subjected his body, tho Philistines showed that they regarded him as an especially formidable en emy, and thus really paid him a high tribute. Cut off his head: The ac count in Chronicles says that they fastened his head in the house of Dagon. Verses 11-13. Another tribute to Saul from the people for whom he wrought his first great public act (1 Sam. 11: 1-13). Burnt them there: To prevent their falling again into the hands of the Philis tines. There is here no necessary im plication that cremation was then customary. (INCORPORATED1.) CAPITAL STOCK $30,000. 200 students are now attending the summer session of KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGES Rftlpleh N C . and Charlotte, N. C. fall Opening September 1, 1903. 875 d, $70 and $50 per month are the starting salaries of our graduates placed in posi tions in two weeks' time. Take our course and we will try to do as well by you. Choice oM poslUoM each month. WE PROVE THAT !WE HAVE THE BEST BY a BUSINESS OFFER.- Write for our Offers and College Journal. A (Mention this paper.) KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte. N. j, M Oxford Seminary, 1903 OXFORD; N. C. AddIv for beautifully Illustrated catalogue containing views of grounds, buildings, dormitories, laboratory, society hall, classes of 1903 and 1904, with courses of study, ChB?ard', Cind full Literary Tuition for Annual Session, $140. Two Degrees, B. A. and B. L. Music, Art, Elocution, Business Course. Jr. I. HOBGOOI). alt U CARGO OF SALT ARRIVED EX. SCHOONER C. C LESTER, CONSISTING OF ........ ICDoOOO IBAGrS. WE ALSO HAVE- 1 i 4 v i t ..Ice Cream and Rock Salt for Cattle.. WE CAN GIVE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ON CAR XO ADS OR LESS, j KTSEND YOUR ORDERS QUICK, to D. L. CORE COMPANY, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND IMPORTERS, 118 to 125, N. Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. EFFECTUAL The most effectual remedy in use for the cure of ailments of horses and cattle is GOMBAILT'S CAUSTIC BALSAM Used as a Blister or Lotion. "-1 .u . Judge William II. Taft, Governor of the Philippines, will succeed Elihu Root as Secretary of War about Jan uary 1, and Gen. Luke E. Wright will become Governor of the archipelago. This preferred remedy" is prepared ex clusively by J. E. Gombault, ex-Veterinary Surgeon to the French Government Stud. As a nrMAN REMEDY for heu niatiam, Sprnins, Sore Throat, etc., it is invaluable. Every bottle of Canntlc Balaam sold Is Warranted to give satisfaction. Price !$1.50 per bottle. Sold by druppists, or ser.t by ex press, charges paid, with full directions for its use. Send for descriptive circulars, testimo nials, etc. Address THE L1WRENCE-WILLI1IS COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio. $150 $5,000 GUARAN. TEED BY A BANK DEPOSIT Railroad Fare Paid. 500 FREE Courses Offered. J Board at Cost. Write Quick GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Macon.Ga- nlpflfllH YOUNG THOROUGHBRED opiCUUlU b. P. Rock Chickens, cheap till November ; Hawkins & Calla strains. URAHA POULTRY FARM, Rich Suaee, N. C. Per Month and Expenses Salary or Commission In tro- dnclnffOlir If Inir Kltttr Honaraf nr. Produces best grade of butter from cream or milk, sweet or sour. In less than 5 minutes. Write for free sample and salary proposition. CURTIS-WILLIAMS CO., Dept a6, Chicago, III. WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS OF character and good reputation in each State (one in this county required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy busi ness house of solid financial standing. Sal ary 821.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash direct every Wednesday from head offices. Horse and carriage fur. nlshed when necessary. References. En close self-addressed envelope. Colonial, 332 Dearborn St., Chicago. r Selling to Beat the Band Randolph 8 U O E e d Shoes Two Shoes that come as near giving perfect satisfaction as can be made. All leather, waterproof and substan tial. A new lot just arrived Greensboro Female College GREENSBORO, N. C. Literary and Business Courses. Schools In Music, Art and Elocution. Fall Terra begins Wednesday, September 9tli 1903. Terms moderate. Apply for catalogue to Mro. Lucv H. Robertson, PRESIDENT. DO YOU WANT A TEACHER? We are in correspondence with hun dreds of the beBt teachers in the Un wo states for all grades school and college work. Can refer you to some that wo.ua probably suit. NO CHAKGL. b"r located in 18 States at salaries year down. Correspondence with scnooi officers aud teachers Invited. ,n THE EDUCATIONAL BUREAU, Established 189L Raleigh, JN .