Tuesday, November 17, 1903. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER 3 Growing Onions in the South. Editor of The Progressive Farmer : . Years ago it was thought that onions could not be grown from the seed in the South in one season, as they are grown in the North, and it was the general practice to depend on sets purchased from the .North for growing the crop. It is now known that fully as good crops of onions may be grown in one season in the South as in the North, and that the use of sets is only necessary for fall planting to grow early grown onions for bunching. The difficulty formerly encounter ed in the growing of onions in the South came from too close following of the directions of Northern writ ers on gardening and ignoring the fact that the onion needs cool weath er for its development. Seed sown in the South at the time recommend ed by the Northern writers will make gets, but not good onions, since the plants are overtaken by the hot weather and ripen up before fully grown. VARIETIES OF ONIONS. In the growing of onions we must also understand the differences be tween the various classes of onions grown. The Spanish and Italian varieties have been developed in warm climates-and will grow to a larger size in the South than others developed in colder climates. The only difficulty with these is that they must be disposed of early in the sum mer, as they are all poor keepers. A difference, too, should be made in the manner of growing them. Some years ago a Northern garden writer advocated what he called the new onion culture. This is simply the sowing of the seed in winter under glass and transplanting early in the spring in the permanent location. Experiments have shown that while this method is well suited to the Spanish and Italian varieties, it makes little difference with the American sorts that arc grown sof largely for market. The Prize-taker a large yellow Spanish onion, suc ceeds best by the transplanting method. Here we sow the seed in a cold frame protected by glass sashes in early January. By carefully hardening off the plants and gradual ly exposing them to the air, they can be set in the open ground the latter part of February. The bed is carefully prepared in the fall and ell manured with stable manure, to hieh is added at rate of a ton per acre, a mixture of 900 pounds of acid phosphate, TOO pounds of dried blood and 400 pounds of muriate of pot-ash- This is well mixed with the soil early in September, and the first of October the bed is planted to lettuce. It is necessary to apply the fertili zer with so large a percentage of Ptash in it nearly a month before planting, so that the caustic nature of the potash may not injure the roots of the lettuce. The lettuce is tot and sold by the first week in puary, and the frame is then used r the onion seed without any fur r fertlization. Tke land into which the plants are to be set should-be plowed well in the fall, and will be all the bet ter is of a sandy loam character. In February it is replowed and put in fine order. If the crop is gTown on a large scale the rows should be wide enough for horse culture, say two and a half feet. Eun out furrows and apply in them 1,000 pounds per acre of the same fertilizer mixture advised for the lettuce. Turn two furrows over the first one, making a ridge. Roll this down nearly level and set the plants three inches apart in the row, only fairly covering the roots and bulk, so that the onion; when formed, will be on the general surface of the soil. In' this' way the Prizetaker onion can be grown as large as the imported ones found in crates in the stores. Of course the cleanest of culture must be adopted and the earth pulled away from the bulbs as they enlarge so that the bulb forms on top of the ground. An onion entirely in the ground will not attain the size of one sitting on the surface. As I have said, this crop needs to be disposed of early, as this variety will not keep well. But coming into market at a time when ripe onions are scarce, they usually bring a fancy price. In fact, the imported Spanish-grown ones retail at the stores for five cents each, and fully as large ones can be grown here in a suitable soil and with culture. For an onion crop to cure and keep, we must adopt a different method. I would promise that the onion is different from many other crops in the fact that it likes to be kept on the same land year after year, and no matter how well the soil is prepared or how highly fer tilized, the first crop grown on it will not be as. large as subsequent crops on the same land if the fertli zation is kept up annually, and a crop of cbw-peas is grown on the land after the onions are off and turned under in the late fall. By following fhis plan, and with liberal use of fertilizers, the onion crop will in crease in amount year after year. THE IMPORTANT POINTS. The important points to be ob served are early sowing and the use of the right varieties. Onions like a light sandy soil, and such a soil in the South can be worked at any time in winter. In the first place see to the seed. Get seed from a reli able dealer and be sure that it is fresh, for onion seed lose their vitality very rapidly after they are a year old. Prepare the land as advised for the transplanted onions and make the rows in the same way and use the same amount of fertilizer. The seed can be sown on the flattened ridges with garden seed drill. The best of all onions for this crop we have found, by careful experiment with a number of varieties, is the Southport White Globe. A round onion always measures Jbetter and yields heavier than a flat 'one. This variety of onions is as round as a base-ball and of an attractive collor. FERTILIZING. Sow the .seed as early as. practica ble in February, so that the crop will -have as long va period of cool weather in which to make its growth I as possible, for when the great heat of the late June comes here, they will ripen and stop growing, hence they must be made before that time. The same clean culture and the same pulling away of the earth as the bulbs form, as advised for the trans planted crop, must be used. It will be far better if the large amount of fertilizer . used 'be anplied several weeks before planting. I. have ad vised dried blood as a source of am monia, because if cottonseed meal be used, the amount must be in creased to get the large percentage of ammonia needed and the cotton seed meal has a dangerous fashion of causing a mould growth that destroys seeds and plants in contact with it. I once lost nearly my entire crop of frame lettuce from using cotton seed meal heavily. It made a fungus that caused the plants to rot off at the surface. Dried blood is better and has a higher percentage of am monia: During the growth of the crop, arf application of nitrate of soda alongside the rows will help greatly, for the manurial needs of the onion crop are mainly for nitrogen and potash. Now a word as to curing and keep ing onions. Pull them when the tops turn yellow and let them lie a day or-so in. the sun, but not in any rain, put into the warmest place at hand. Upon the roof of a barn is a good place to cure them. Keep the tops on and never remove them till you are going to sell or use them, as they keep better with the tops on. When perfectly dry remove them to a cool place and spread -them out. A little freezing in winter will do less harm than a warm place to keep fhem after curing. I have kept them on a barn floor all winter. For a yel low onion, use the New Opal, which is one of the best keepers. For a red onion, the Wethersfield red is as good as any. W. F. MASSEY. Wake Co., N. C. Mr. B. S. Montf ord, of New Han over County, has been spending some time in Monroe with his sister, Mrs. Antoinette Beasely. Mr. Montf ord is a truck farmer, located five miles from Wilmington. "I had a lettuce bed in the early spring," said he, "comprising less than one-eighth of an acre. I sold the lettuce from it for $125, shipping it to Philadelphia. On less than two acres, embracing this bit, I then planted Irish pota toes, selling my crop vf or $120, most of which was also shipped to Phila delphia. On. the same ground I then planted corn." That is the way the truck growers of the East farm, and that section is destined to become very rich. Monroe Journal. rWhat we require," said the man aging editor, "is the services of a man capable of taking full charge of our 'Query Box.' Are you capable of answering all kinds of questions?" Well, I rather guess so," replied the applicant. 'Tm the father of eleven children." Chicago News. Buying Chssp Sefids is 41 Penny Wlss, " Pound Foolish." The new and enlarged seed-testing" laboratory at Washington conducted by the Government is a busy insti tution this season. Dr. Frederick V . Coville says that the use of poor seed causes a loss of many millions of dollars annually to American farm ers. The Government is making ex tensive tests of seeds so that agricul turists may buy to advantage and plant with foreknowledge, lhose who have no facilities at home for de termining the value of seeds may send samples to Washington, where they will be tested in the laboratory find Tfvnnrts -frtrxxrarrlpA tr the fflrr-ner; The price of seed by the pound or busheMs by no means a criterion of value, for, asicle from the introduc tion of noxious weeds from impure and crop returns by planting infer tile seeds is sometimes very great. In one instance a farmer paid $3.50 for a bushel of clover seed, weighing sixty pounds; he thought he was get- ting it' cheap. Laboratory tests show ed that he had only twenty-seven and three-quarter pounds of good seed; the rest would not germinate and was of course a dead loss. The farmer, therefore, paid at the rate of $7.57 a bushel for his clover seed. Not only was he paying an exorbitant price, but he would have wasted his time and his land in sowing seed the greater part of which would not have sprouted. The seed industry in the United States has grown' to enormous pro- portions, .txunureus oi inousanas oi acres are devoted to seed raising. Some of the warehouses cover an area of from five to ten acres.. Mil lions of packets of seed are sent out annuallv. Soma firms receive about 10,000 orders a day. That the Gov ernment stands ready promptly o test seeds for American farmers, so . . y for aa its lnVnrsitrrv -f or-?liifa Ttrill nermi't. is. therfvfnre. n -matter JYvf great public interest. A Many millions of dollars are in volved annually in the seed trade ipf America. " v Among other things the Govern ment is interested in keeping the seeds of the dodder from getting root in American soil. The danger of the spread of this pest is great. A single dodder will attack and destroy one clover plant after another, until it has established its malign dominion over an area of several square feet. The Department seeks to impress up on farmers the false economy m sav ing a few cents per acre on seed and as a result stocking the land VTr A LAX UCatl UUUVC WCCU3( JLXL VL JJ.UXU.- ber of samples of red clover seed tested in the laboratory, over 20,000 seeds of weeds found to the pound, and one lot the number of weed seeds to the pound was 27,700, mostly green foxtail and plantain. The beet-sugar industry has grown to such proportions and the value of securing good seed is so urgent that the Bureau of Plant Industry has made snecial arrangements to make tests on an extensive scale of sugar- beet seed for purity and germination, and also- to make delicate moisture determinations. - " . This" service is rendered without charge. When moisture determina tions are wanted, the samples must be sent in glass or tin air-tight pack ages. Saturday Evening Irost.

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