t- .-.lay. March 14, 1905. PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND COTTON PLANT. 3 SOUTHERN SHEEP RAISING PAYS. u Open Letter in Which Mr. Samuel ' Archer Gives Further Details of His Own Experience. Sheep Walk Farms, Statcsvillc, X. C, Feb. 27, 1905. Mr. Ira C. Johnston, Boston, Ga. IVnr Sir: Your favor of 9th in fant received. That you may un .rctan.l about our flocks here, I will xvrite- you more fully than your sev ,r..l .ui.stions calls for, as I have 1 .;..! vi ral letters like yours that the (. !..:! Plant part of The Progres Farmer, has brought me. Four :n 1 live years ago I wrote a series .f jlu-op husbandry articles for The lV-.nssive Fanner. That resulted in three of us bringing here from Northern Illinois 200 head of fine v., il Merino ewes and three stock r:U!i at a cost of $74 a head for tin ewes and $100 a head for the ra:n. or an investment of $3,000 for the tlock. It was not a risky experiment to me. for I had been much of my time iVr forty years a practical wool iz rower and sheop breeder, mainly with this kind of sheep in West Vir ginia ami Missorui, and had a thor ough knowledge of the business in the Kast. Middle and Western parts of the United States. I chose the Me rino sheep because 1 knew they had 1 1 roved successful as a basis for the wool and mutton industry in all civilized countries where sheep are kept and I did not believe our South ern States could, or would, be an ex ception to that rule. Any person of common sense who may examine our sheep here and be come acquainted with our flocks and their history here for the last three vears will not fail to see that our work here has been crowned with -in-ci---. The flock's annual weight i w.m.I each year has been from ten t iwclve pounds for ewes and twen-ty-sn to thirty-eight pounds for sto.-k ranis, sold unwashed to a fac tory here at eighteen to twenty-one cents per pound. This shows U3 that with common or even scant keep ing here these flocks would average eight to ten pounds of wool that will cll for $l.s0 to $2 per fleece for their wool alone, and this makes the rams very desirable and valuable to cros on the common or high-grade mutton (so-called) breeds of sheep. Hie weight of carcass of ewes, kept in very ordinary condition, is from to loo pounds, and when butcher lat about 123 pounds, and rams from low to very high condition from 100 to t.ur 2U0 pounds. 'I he mutton is as sweet, juicy and e.c Ih nt as any other when it is fed up for that purpose and made as fat. I r proof of this, we may refer to the fact that the Northern muttou n arket is being very largely supplied with Merino and grade Merino mut- t'-n which, when equally fattened, ! Us as high as any other mutton in tlie great general markets. 1 he successful keeping of this kind "t sheep here in the South even in large flocks needs no argument from :i:e ..r any one else; it has been prac tically demonstrated. The wool is finer than any other wool, and is used for making the best cloths for both men and women's wear, and is much the best for mixing with cot ton. Its length is two and a half to three and a half inches. I am more than ever convinced that a heavy fine wool fleece should be the first and prime principle adhered to in stocking the whole South with sheep. Considering the situation of our Southern people, and the condition of our whole Southern country, it is not reasonable to expect that we can at once compete with the North and West in the mutton market; no, not even with "spring lamb," but if we make wool the first great purpose, it alone will amply pay for keeping sheep and like cotton, there is always a cash market for it, and in the last fifty years the price has been far more regular than the cotton mar ket. The mutton of these fine wool sheep will find a ready market as fast as we can market it for sale, and at the highest prices when fat. I remain, sir, Very truly yours, SAMUEL ARCHER. Milk Contamination. Messrs. Editors: The Nebraska Experiment Station has just issued Bulletin No. 87, on "A Test of Calf Rations' and "Methods of Con trolling Contamination of Milk Dur ing Milking. The second part of the bulletin deals with a test to deter mine the amount of contamination of milk that takes place during milk ing, and its control. The four meth ods tested were as follows: (1) Sponging the cow's udder with water before milking, (2) using a 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid, (3) rubbing with vaseline, and (4) sim ply brushing with the hand. A bacterial test was made of the above methods and the results ob tained brought forth the following conclusions : Some means of preventing milk contamination during milking should be employed. The work required to sponge an animal's flank and undder is but a trifle, and great improvement can be made on the milk and its products. The acid solution costs two cents per gallon, which is enough to treat ten cows. The only objection to this method are the disagreeable odor and the bother of mixing. The vaseline costs about the same as the carbolic acid, and serves as a good preventive for chapped or sore teats. It is also to be recommended for cows with short teats which have to be milked by the stripping method This treatment will not answer when the cows have dirty udders. The water treatment is to be recommended for general use above the other three, as it is cheaper and does the work practically as well. This method can be used on any farm, with little or no inconvenience, and the results obtained would more than compensate for the extra time re quired. A. L. HAECKER. ! CREW SEPARAT (5) Thousands of dairy farmers are going to buy a Cream Separator this Spring. The purchase of a separator is a most important invest ment. Great care should be taken to make no mistake. No other farm investment is of equal importance to the cream separator. It makes or wastes money twice every day in the year, and it may last two or twenty years. There is easily a difference of from $50 to $150 per year between the benefits and savings of a De Laval machine and a poor one. A De Laval machine lasts at least twenty years with small cost for repairs, while other machines last from two to ten years and cost a great deal meanwhile. So far as advertisements and circulars are concerned, about as much is claimed "on paper" for poor machines as for the De Laval. Some of the biggest claims are made for the poorest and trashiest machines. If the buyer wishes to be guided by the best experience of others and best of quality he must purchase a De Laval machine, and he can surely make no mistake in doing so. Ninety-eight per cent of the creameries of the world, which have been using Cream Separators for twenty-five years, now use De Laval machines. Almost every prominent dairy user does so. Six hundred thousand farmers scattered all over the world, or more than ten times all others combined, do so. Every important Exposition for twenty five years, ending with St. Louis in 1904, has unhesitantingly grant ed Iligest Honors to the De Laval machines. But, if from any imaginable reason the buyer wants to get his own experience or make his own choice, then let him TRY as many machines as he pleases, but by all means TRY a De Laval before he reaches a conclusion and actually invests his money in any of them. There are De Laval agents in every locality whose business it is to supply machines in this way, and who are glad of the opportunity to do so. If you don't know the nearest agent send for his name and address. It will cost you nothing, and it may save you a good deal. By all means don't make the foolish mistake of sending your money in advance to some "mail order" concern and getting back a "scrub" separator not actualy worth its weight in scrap-iron. If content to buy such a machine, at least SEE and TRY it first before you part with any money. The Oe aval Separator Go. Randolph & Canal Sts., CHICAGO. 1213 Filbert Street, PHILADELPHIA. 9 & 11 Drumm St.. SAN FRANCISCO. GENERAL OFFICES : 74 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK- 12i Youvllle Square, MONTREAL. 74 & 77 York Street, TORONTO.. 248 McDermot Avenue. WINNIPEG.