CatunJaj. January 15, 1910. 41 :ti:e facers' market place:- ' Readers who haye constd erable numbers of lle stock or poQltrr. considerable Quan tities ol 1m pro red teed, or ronilderable areas of land, ihould uae display ads In the prow departments ol oar paper; but lor the convenience of all who do not wish lart r space, we will Insert ads for our Progressive Farmer readers In this depart ment and In this style type at the rate Qf 4 cents a word tor one week two weeks 7 cents a word j three weeks, 10 cents; four weeks, -IS cents; three months, 40c.; six months, 70c.; one year. 11.25. Each word, number or Initial (lnclndlnt name and address) counted a a separate word. Send cash with order. It the rate seems high, remember It would cost IS30 for postage alone to send your ad by letter to each home to which we carry It at this low rate. Stamps accepted for amounts leu than L VIRGINIA FARM NOTE3. Franklin County Farmera Hold In- gtitnt... . directions for combatUnjr then. - The d&m&st done to tobacco bj In sects Is not fully appreciated, even by the tobacco growers. "A conservative ' 13 Leghorns, $10, for sale Mosely, Jeffress, Va. ' : by Mrs: Marlon " For" Sale White Pekin Ducks, $2.75 per trio. Riverdale Farm, Lflesville, N.' C. w :; ' " For Sale. Poland' China Sow. Bred for March litters. Wm. WlLson. Trimble. 111. A few choice Mammoth Bronze Turkeys for breeding. Apply to E. J. Nance, Stem. N. 0. .' Finest Strain Mammoth Bronse Turkeys foir . ' - . H J H n . 4- 4. A H jf M n O -TJtT - Tl(l TT lor, Vass, N C. "'" - For aale-60.000 selected Asparagus Root. For terms write, J. P. Smith. Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. . 1 v : White Holland Turkeys 18 faction guaranteed. Address Willlamston, N. C. per tria Satls J. B. McGowan, Farms for sale. Some new bargains In Hall tax and other counties. Ask for list. R. E. Prince, Raleigh, N. G. v CWi two- ted A good farmer on " salary. ' To rent a one farm. To rent dairy farm cn shares. A. B. Deans, Wilson, N. Ci Mosley's Barred Rooks still lead, 800 floe birds for Bale ft 50 to $5.00 each. R. G.(Mosley, 812 Elm St,, Winston Salem, N. O. jt4t .J.J-XM Registered Jersey i Calves and "Berkshire Hogs, now ready to ship. White Oak Farm, J. W. Robinson, Prop.. Newton, N. O. , ! Fine Extracted Honey from the Hive to the Home. ' A few cases left, 10c per pound; sample for stamp. :W. D. Null, Prairieville, Ala. I iWanted Second Hand Stump Puller,' cheap. State weight, capacity, list' of fixtures, name oi maker and price. N. McFadyen, Cameron, N. C. Cheap. Two Cyphers Incubators, new' model. Eggs from laying strain & C W. Leghorns, $2.00 per setting, little England Farm, Hampton, Va. Bargain in a' Square Mahogany Case Piano, also a good Typewriter."' Will sell heap or exchange for thoroughbred fowls; Clarence Shenk, Luray, Va ck f (, r ; -y r' Make shaving a pleasure with Everybody's Safety Razor. Agents send 80 cents for sam ple nd prices. Uaynes Mfg. Co., Rutherford ton.N.o. ,T;. -';"v , i,r The Dairy nd Farm .Institute, which was. recently held at Calloway In Franklin County, was a pronounc ed success, .both in the matter of attendance and also the great Inter est shown by the farmers who at tended." .' ': Quite a' lot of prominent speakers vrere present, and the exhibits were worthy of note. " ; Prof." Wm. D. Saunders, Dairy and Food 1 Commissioner, spoke on the subject of dairying, setting forth the fact that the farmers of Virginia could, by judicious breeding, raise the standard of the native cows Im measurably! He also advocated co operation on the part of the Virginia dairymen 1 for the purpose of better, prices for their 'products; ';; ' ' Prof. S'B. Heiges, of Dorset, who Is' aii expert on corn growing, dealt with the ; importance " of ' breeding corn intelligently,1 showing that corn could- be improved by breeding just as much as live stock. h V; ' Ti O? Sandy.'oaddress dwelt princi pally on 3 the J subject -of preparing land for the growing of grasses for hajv demonstrating that It was pos sible" to grow from' 3 to 5 tons-per acre' 3r?S$. i f most 'interesting address was that : of " Mrv Hutchison of - the Virginia- Experiment Station, upon the subject of forage crops for silage. iniTconnectIon 1 with the ; institute there was a corn, butter dnd head exhibit. f- !" 1 -Among the interesting features of the meeting of the State - Farmers Institute to be held In Richmond In February; will be " the awarding ' of scholarships for; judging corn; They are to be to the following institu tions: University of Virginia, Wash ington and Lee, Shenandoah Collegi ate Institute, ; Bridgewater College, and .Virginia Polytechnic Institute, s The program of the Institute, which will cover three days of the first , of the month, has . now bees completed. , The 1 last day will be tobacco farmer estimates that from 30 to 50 per cent of the money value of his crop is annually lost through the destructive woTk of Insects. The larger part of this Injury Is prevent able. If the farmer will only ampler proper methods." Write to the State Department ot Agriculture; Raleigh, N. C, for a copy of the bulletin. mm nasi Mi I I With An ,ArilslMir.i, a 1 1 V Wbthr fln. tfayi. tn m ttnmm fflde, Calt. Do?. Dear, or any Hod ot aide or kb ott, lifciit. odoiieea mad moth-proof for totjnxzfotorgiovm, nd m&k taem op wben w ordered. Jtat flrrt g( oar Uiaitmted oatalof, rltb pricey chipotiif Ur nd butino noDi. We are UwUmtt onttora fur nam ot lnr wild aod domestic uUnul iklna to UM worm. . Bakes b dlleresoe waa 8blD thrM or mora nr knn. aidet tocetbet from aaywbero, and Oroaby pay the freight both van Wo tea tar eoote and rlOToa, do taxidermy ad head mounting; Ike Crafty fttsian far Cosjtsy, S1ZC3 ?!n!lil RAW FURS We have Uahed a branch house of our own la Lelp-: clg In order to have our own salesman lnl the Uuropean market. , . , we find that we can ret hither nrlces by doing our own selllnt, and this Is one manv ruanni vhv ra In metal. tlon to make better returns on all ship-1 ments sent to us. we get top notch and toe. pay top noteh, , . It will pay you to ship your Fun direct to New Yorkr- the World's Leading Fur market . On new Profit-Sharing Plan makes KAXX KTCSnS larger than you would get elsewhere. Fair trelment guaranteed by our 20 year of fur buying. Express chants pau su mnssnra smoi nsmMiatiiy. write to day for price list and Pront-aharlng Plan. K ANN & COMPANY. . 63'East 10th Street, ' New Yoek. This simple, Hsrht running mill makes more and better lumber with less Dower and less help than any other. You can set np and operate any American mill with the directions baforo von. If von have no timber, your e!ehbota have. Don't let your engine lie idle. 124-Pagri Boots, Froo Containing valuable suggestions about the care of saws, fully describing the fea tures that make our mills best, giving prices and guaranty and full Information about our Wood Saws, Shingle Ma chines and other wood working ma chinery. Write for book today. j A-TiJrlctn Saw Machinery fa y"P at.: naokemtown. N. J. WW Terminal Buildings, New York Don't Throw Money Away oy gelling your , raw , fun In small markets. hlp direct to New York, thegreatest fur market In the world. - We want Mink, Otter, skunk. Coon, Possum, Rata and all other American furs. Write for price list, tags, re erence, shipping Instructions. All free. Ad iiees Department P. . . J. S. LODEWICK COMPY, ;:iM: Export 122 University Place, 1 NEW YORK, Til Ro of fits "WATERLOO BOt" EKG1XES Ecba Arssnd tSss Worid. - Not an experiment, but a proven success. Get our prices and free trtl offer. Write toaay. Best ana cneapest engine on earth. Wttsnot usobm Engui csmpsny, sretosBora, N. ft ' Wanted. Unmarried' man for dairy work with small herd. Must be experienced and progressive. , Give Kes Iok, va. references. B- S. Home, I Extraordinary Tour Post Card offer, 50 Beautiful Colored Post Cards making a grand ..Tour of the United States. postpaid 80c no stamps. Evan R. Allen. Clover. Va. , ; , , . . f . " WantedPosition on farm by graduate tn agriculture of the N. C. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. RefervMs furnished. AMrMM Na ft W. FTnrrftrt St.. Rftlolvh' N. fl. ' For-Exchange, 5 Cuban Game Cockerels and Cock for Game Pullets, one Donkey, four years, child broke for harness and saddle, for sheep. -Oa Grove Stock Farm, Chester Springs, Halifax Co., .Va. . i ir..::i. f 'ntv.. i u ' Wanted Farms, We have Inquiries for Farm Lands In Piedmont section of North Carolina. Owners of farms, desiring to sell, will find It to their Interest to communicate with the Piedmont Land and Improvement Company. Greensboro, N. O. - WantedYoung man, single, to work on farm; a good milker to take full charge of barn yard.' Must be lrtelllgent. industrious, and - capable of - advancement. Any who moke cigarettes and who are not absolutely sober need not apply. Give references. The Orescent Farm, Raynham, N. C. , - Improved Large Yorkshire Sows In f arrow! service Boars and Pigs, and Essex Pigs cheap. Thoroughbred Angora Goats; Chattanooga reversible. Avery and Rock Island right hand dlso plows; large feed cutter, McOormlck binder; finest Mammoth Bronse turkeys took first premium last Charlotte Poultry Show. . J. E. Coulter, Connelly's Springs, N. G. ; given exclusively to corn, it beln$ one of the principal aims of the in stitute i to assist and encourage - the farmers a in improving the quality of ineir corn. ' J, H. BELL. A Bulletin for. Tobacco Growers. , .Every, tobacco grower should have the special Bulletin, - "Insect Ene mies of Tobacco,'' issued by the North Carolina . State Department of Agri culture. V .This bulletin is by.-, Mr. , Z P. Metcalf , Assistant Entomologist of the Department, J and takes up the various insects v harmful to tobacco! and gives plain, practical and specific A HSU TJETiSOEP o S AU BILLING Baaca" the logs In the forest, take the Mill to them, and cut the lumber there, rather than haul the logs to a stationary Mill. To do this, however it is necessary to have THE EEGE EUREKA MOUNTED SAW Mil J.. It can be as easily moved aa a threshing; machine. Can be taken anywhere that a heavy farm wagon can go. Weighs about 4500 pounds com plete ready for business. If interested, write for price and Catalogue No. xu. giving full particulars, , Address - SALES! RSI WCSSS YInston-Salfim, N. C. 1 2 to so a. r ' ' MmmS smw StoBM FcnoH Yitoabla Orch irdr -Any one-wishing; to purchase .160 acres of land on which i an orchard of two thousand Apple and Pear trees in bearing, mostly apples, can get full information oy addressing: Box 223, Wmston-Salem, N. C t FOR SUC, pine 416 acre Farm, In Ppraulmam County, N. O. S20. per acre especially adapted io cotton ana , aiversmea larmiag. uooo wo story dwelling, three miles from town on N. A 8. R. R. Good roads on front and btck. Send for soU analysis. F. II. NICHOLSON, ; t ureenNboro. n. ij. 3 ;.-;;:i-;:.'-,;:.ftiY:, . Here Is the engine you wfil buy some day s engine that la more nearly "all engine than any you ever 1 FillAIICIAL NOTICE i. ' ) " Farm For Sale 50 Bushels Shelled Cora From 16 acres bottom land. 80 acres upland for wneav ik appie trees. w twelve years old. 600 fifteen years, 800 Just set, this year's apple crop sold for about tSOO, in a good season will be worth about UOOO; M mile to store and school; r owner has other business, needs money, will sell for 12800 and throw In 7 head eattle.' Send for photograph showing the comfortable two-story house. W. D. Stkout. N. Wllkesboro, N.C , For Rent a good ; one-horse farm with all neces sary, out houses, situated ' about seven and , one half nules from Raleigh. Apply to S. S. Iiichard on, IL F. D. No. X Neuse, or U. E. Iitchford, KaWgh. N.C, r'-.t rr,fl . si i, .(,-; Northern capital for meritorious enterprise In North Carolina may be negotiated through hisnomrjanv. We have some strong financial connections and can negotiate large amounts ror enterprises naving required merit, au cor respondence conudent'ai . Aaaresa .--a J Wa MURRAY. President, PIEDMONT TRUST CO.. Burlington, N. a your power troubW It wtU do more Work to the sewmul, on the farm, dairy or anywhere where owerls used. It costs you only what It costs us te make the very beet engine we - tin highest grade saatertala and labor plus a reasonable profit. ,!.You get a a' s .-y. :;--.. : j . aay tpMMl Imum thai ppmI to tha ohi fNa owr Mt fir vox tlrIy rrocrdd by mlmt, m4 hu-( rtr fta-ta e right fMMrdiM; ' for rapid Mttal! with ateb. MwrfoM, na or aay: caaaa (aL Aa hIm with Uory of r iy aowar . foraaaaOa to4." ' l" '' . toa4 for ear kaedaaaM aw gstoaa4 BoOar Catmlocao, kawlag ttii powar auicalaary lat aTaryaaaa.' y " ' j A. D. FARQ,TjlIAH CO., Ltd. Dox VOl .York. Paw ft- -. a-l, DO YOUR BANICING BY MAIL WITH 1 . Nmlh and Mab Slrcctt, RICHMOND, VA. IP u

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