Saturday; January 15, .19 10. J fun pROGiiEGaivn FAimni; and sounmnx farm gazette. IS TUB GARDEN AS AN i r health;:, 1 AID TO plant thein la single rows, although they do well planted" in double rows. They 'should be stuck when, they be- Ve All Need Fruits tur Vegetables gin to send out their runners, with HaTe a Strawberry Patch Veg etables "Winter and Summev, X . - ' Messrs. Editors: - The time . Is .near at hand whenjnptjonly the llllers of the soil, but our entire . population will be compelled as a. duty, as well as a privilege to look more to the health ' of the Individual family, thereby greatly benefiting ; the pro- eanes and brush 21 feet high. Plant them thick, thicker, thickest About one-half bushel to 75-foot row. 0 S. ARCHER AND 4 WIFE. site and form, but, of course, these small potatoes will do for seed, and under favorable conditions will pro duce a crop only a little less .valu able, comparatively, than the larger ones. Valentine Beans. "Blessed Is that found his work." . - man who . has t T i i t4t Messrs. Editors: One of the best side crops to be grown along on the farm Is snap beans. Two crops can gress and efficiency of labor In every Ue gr0wn In this part of the country, avenue of life.' ' " : 1 and always to a profit, if one knows Ornamental Pence We naturally crave ripe, luscious when to riant and the kind to riant fruits, crisp and fresh vegetables and The Red or Black Valentine, can be these should not be displaced -with planted as early as February 20 th bread and salty meat. and be reasonably sure of no frost We can and ; should have ripe that wm Tnen again; Sep'tem- frults , from May 1st until win- Der lgth for a fall crop. The Golden ter apples are gone. ; By an means, Wax has , been grown also as a fall inimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHnimi ! ! 1 1 S ; i i : ! i M n I ChMper than wood tot Lawoi.Ch arches. Cem etertea, Publio Ground. ' Alio Wrought Iron Fenoe. CkUlofat sw write ror special uner. ' . THK WARDJTCNCK CO Em 441-ftooatur, Ia4 - f For IMo. H ftnce 1 1 1 tA t or ttincbi IS -4 for U-lacbi t lor U-lncht U tor ft :-lnch Farm Fenc. M-tuch Pool try Ht. t4 rod pool ldol bt .wlrtlUI Cftt&loroctrM KrrmiiAN cnos-' OX 84 - MUNCH. I HO or rri i mwK" ' ' Klllllir' For Rabbits, Chickens. Hoes. Sheeo. Horses. Cattle. 160 styles. Bis heavy No. 9 raWa&Ued Colled 8prirAg ttut proof wlrea. Will defy I at nfe-wind and weather. Pre tmnt & cat's. 15 to 35c per rod. W pay freight V The Brown Foaco & Wb Co iirii it X a DEFT 89T CUToland. O. have a good strawberry patch,' that wlll-last-from Aprll25th to- June crop, , and If picked and marketed when the little bean in the nod" is 1st. The following four varieties' will about two-thirds crown, there is no ripen through this period : Virginia reason why $ 75 to $ 12 5 "worth of Our new prices are based on this enormous output. Prices the lowest ever made for a high grade fence, we can . SAVE YOU 5 TO 1 6 CENTS A ROD Lady Thompson, Bubaclr ana uanay While the average' farmer hardly finds time . to grow even for his own use, tn more rare vests iue, w celery, parsnips, salsify, endive, we should by all means have grow ing in our winter gardens -the4 more Common vegetables such as cabbage, turnips, onlons,; beets, spinach", let tuce; etc. Our Yellow Potato onions beans can not be sold from an cre, and this with a very little cost: 1 7; V, The greatest mistake the beginner makes is that he does not plant seed enough, v lt requires not less than a bushel of seed per acre -to insure a 1 perfect stand and that is what counts in any crop, It dcies not require skilled labor 1 to pick or pack beans preparatory to l - - - a 4 ! and you'll say It Is the best fence you ever used. Easiest put up. lasts longest and Is the strongest fence made. Sell to user AT DEALER'S PRICES FREIGHT PREPAID. Don't buy fence AT ANY PRICE before getting our prices. They will surprise you. We give our customers . d 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL8S & VSH&a line of Farm and Poultry Pence. Very low prices on BAKBtU WIRE and GATES. Write today for our free .Catalogue. . COILED SPRING FENCE CO. Box 7 WIKCHESTER, 1NQ, . - - T- 4 f r r lf j w tf V V if iiw w WITt set in September are now ready for shipment and any nice box that will on Qudhci City Food (Brind'Dinici GoBDo the table. Early Globe, beets-sown at same time will be ready for mar- ket in -'April. ? frl Cabbage set in January ?6r Febru ary, or, better still, set in November will make fine solid heads "first of May. Onions cabbage, lettuce, beets, salad turnips and many other vege tables will stand for zero weather1 if put out in time to get well estab lished before the severe cold weather r sets in. v':HifM Jv Just a word about the preparation of our spring garden This work should have begun last summer by growing peas or soy beans on It Vines having been removed tor hay; a good dressing of stable manure should be worked well into the soil. Plow deep and pulverize well. 4 , 4 W. L. KIVETTi Guilford Co.. N. C. ... f carry, about a bushel will do as well as a costly haniper. In beans, the main thing is quality. Beans that are tough should not be mixed with nice, crisp ones, neither should little beans that have not developed well. Always keep in "mind' ttiat quality sells snap beans. Y ' . ', A. H. MOORMAN. Send vour name for our Bisr Book and then own the World's Standard Grinder of 40 years' success, on our big cut Price to you, this season, direct from the factory. No extra charge for 1910 improvements Grinds fastest Takes least power Can be easily run by hand Always ready Saves price in short time Grinds soft, wet or dry ear corn shelled corn all grains, separate orjnaed grlnds coarse, medium or the finest table meal. Sent to m f op f3i?lSiSKiSo,k!SS; Fpco Trial Ka9" ; 1 rS p n d : o U o n o y You be the fudee and iurv. on your work, usine the Oaaker City on our FREE Trial. That's all we ask. Make no denosit. either. And We Pay The Freight. , We take all the risk. Write Todav for Book, prices and guar anty. One of our mills - How to Grow Early Peas. Messrs. Editors; 1 My wlfe, and I try to follow your advice and have a garden the year round. We try to grow everything we like and some things we do not like. So, of course. , . Garflening-r-A Becipe I First, get your garden,--nQt . his, nor hers, nor , theirs, nor itai nor any other than yours. Of the exact and precise and invariable ten points of the Jaw of success in gardening, pps sesslon is the first ; nine.; Tou , could manage the others without assist anoe, most likely, but I've had ' so much advice that never cost me any thing until I .tried to profit-by it, that t should '3 reel Ungrateful tin giving a measure less than full, heaping "up ana running over, s -r 4 r Don't imagine; that the shape, size, meets, j bounds, courses or distances of the garden aforesaid must conform to any prescription whatever. Tours la a plain case 01 cnooBias w will just meet your needs and fit your pocketbook. Fpco Feed-Dill Booh Specify Feed-Mill Catalogue. A. J. STRAUD CO. 38fh and FUbert Streets, Philadelphia. Pa. V , v I FARM DRAIN TILE: (Made of Clay) " Proper use of drain tile will solve half ; your farm troubles. Tens of thousands of acres of good land are unproductive lor want of proper tile drainage. The cost Is .small as com pared to results obtained In lnoreased crops. YTtte prevents souring, and damage by stagnnt water. It lets the air in, warms the soil, makes the roots go deeper, and the crops grow. IWeitk for Fbek Pamphlet, and prices. Tells why and how to drain. - HWe make a superior clay tile at reasonable prices. t ; POAIONA TERRA-COTTA CO., - Pomona. N. C. we have to give our garden quite, a y our limitations, and fancies, wlUi good deal of attention. '. ' ; ' I nt nosslble offense to the bftteiUi r -1 . .'. - . - Now we are not experts In raising "garden- truck" at all, for we make nearly as many failures as successes However if you will call on us any time in the year we will fed you on more than one kind of fresh Veget able3.'v,:;.v;y:;f;;:t' Wt get as much real good ! out 6f ai Anne at intcrierence xrcs Denartment of Agrlcultiir. ' , Don't allow local custom to ham per you. nor 'neighborly criticism to Intimidate 'you. .nor 1 mistakes to frighten: your nor f ailure ' to worry This is to be your garden, , . Isn't It?. What you are to gei. out m English peas while in season as any- ,f Rnt to be measured by anybody's dollar mark but yours, and when ine time arrives f 01s estlmtalng 1 you ; are not eoine to use a dollar mark at all. if you do, . then .take this with it gardening was ordained of thegods - 1 ' i&.nM' -rrrayex f ft V fill , oerore E your iimittttiyuB " , ; Into consideration. , :: ; -w. a. b. heakne. :;pittco;;:N;c::;;' ; thing we grow.1 Most people get less Last season we had two ; rows 7 5 . feet long which supplied' us with ? all we wanted to eat and ' we gave the neighbors a lot; and canned quite' a lot in tin cans, and have been' having good peas ever since, when we cared for them.-'- ' r Here are ; a few vital "points in raising peasi They should have good rich soli, well prepared. ' If you use stable' manure, It should be plowed In in the fall, but never at planting time. The Early May pea is the only pea : wo ever raise. . They.. can , be bought for 10 cents per pound retail (in'bulk). ' --vvun ryX' : ' Plant ,early. it' you can possibly get your ground rlght,-plant by Feb ruary' 14 anyway.!1 And-in two; or three weeks plant again for-succession. 'We find there is no use to try to grow English peas after the ii.-i.i Small JPotatoes for Seed. ' .... 1 l.- . V 1. : . . ' I have a patch of late planted ; ; Triumph potatoes, . and two - thirds of them are small; 1 not ' larger tham a partridge egg Are, i they 1 any ; good f or , , early, seed T E. M. O. o sipoovoajtro 4MY CORN never fires and S my Cotton keeps green until frost," , says a prominent user 611! ; H ' ; ! PERUVIAN GUANO. ,IThis Guano is the natural excrement: from the millions :n:. : l l r ,i . uuu niiiiiuiis ui uaii-cauug uiius, wmtu irequeni ine rain less islands off the West Coast of Peru. ; '' n PERUVIAN GUANO. Is Digested Fish, the Richest of U all fertilizers. J If you have never used it, you have never,' fpallTpd V OTPatoo nri5c!M wl11 fmm vnnr o!l w. fVriWIWtv J AAVUA JVUI BVIM j j ; r . 1J Write for'our book of letters and pictures from those who have used PERUVIAN. .. ... 1 1 PERUVIAN GUANO CORPORATION, Chirlc3, S. C. fl ft ill. r t .1 ., Editorial; Answer! Experiments Indicate that seed J ejection": If .-of value with potatoes as -well as other crops. n The small potatoes are not as : Ml L A MM f & mmtmn tmrmn'irH'ii weather gets hot We piefer good for seed as the petato of Ideal