123 r () PROGRESSIVE FARUEB AND GAZETTE. Saturday, February 11, 1910. BETTER TOOLS AND HEAVIER TEAMS. The Two Go Together and Will Yet Bring About a New Era in South ern Farming. . . Messrs. Editors: The Western farmer is making use of the best farming implements to be had, and as a result he furnishes the corn for a good many of the Southern farmers to feed their mule while they make two trips across a field to cultivate one row of cotton or peanuts or to bacco. " This Is not as it should be, for we can grow as much corn to the acre here as can be grown any . where. ., . . We need more time, and labor-sav- ins loois, usea in a practical-manner, will give us more time. Better tools however, will generally call for more if not heavier teams with the South ern farmers, v It is useless to expect an implement to do good work and not have a heavier ' draft than one TtoySnly JcrroaThsIDin Gru:!i.Cul.LIIi.TL7n.Sc3i:i end Lovol, C;:ici!:3 ICIEST ma, ucaTEsrrassi C.amo3 EASES vm kind and every conation of it fatLr . When yon examine the construction of this ftnS "wcifUy when you have triedit, you will understand why ithas always beentne 1 iTS? "?d why U li "commended more than another harrows combined, ia books written by apricultnral authorities, Men mlL ?u n 8011 escapes the iharp elopincr knlYe and these knlYes out through to the undersoil, cho Sizes Frcn 3 ft. to 17 fl.UIdo The Acme is the lightest riding harrow made. -rie5flaaln8t.br!?Jce nd will liut a llf toe Made of steel and Iron. Ask your D..l.r-r Write V Ont Jkk t n Mlua AJ TtCT. A. . . wwaravw. w .wo auu flow B Jml v JOSCERSi JOHN DIM! PLOW CO., ST. LOUIS. 110. JOHN OEIRK PLOW CO., NEW ORLEANS. LA. SOUTHERN FARM TOOL CO ATLANTA, OA. RAWUNQS IMPLEMENT CO.. BALTIMORE. MO, CanuficiandbyDUAnE II.NA6II (Incorporated) 130 Central Ave, nUKnnton, II. J. I' . i An Va l.lu. -a r ,? villus ami y utteiB i or your I arm hauliiur. Ynn nam nn. m. i a tti A work. Half the time. Sava on can put on a bigger load. Half the out up your fields. EM PI RE LOW STEEL WHEELS eost only Jne-half as much as wood, en wheels. They ave you tire out. ting and repair expense. Ypu can change your wooden wheels tor your Emplr. Steal WhealimnTtitnalnB mlnnu. S.nd for fjj. ctlof showing wheels and wwgriceo umpire uanay w aeons. Empire Mt&. Co.. Box 473. Qtiincy, u (BREEZE L?Ml?,m Mod' $?7S m .TT he worst roads pZlZT Vehicle Le and comfort And Uo fi OOlint 'Sa ' -uu" i ,r yr J Pcaco. tiy CINCINNATI. OHIO that does not do so much or so good work. That is, do not expect some thing for nothing. If yon find a plow that will do your work exactly, bnt is a little too mnch for your team, change the team and not the plow. If two will not do the work, try three abreast The double cultivator and two-row corn planter have come to stay, and slowly hut surely the light one-horse plow is giving way to the heavier plow of the chilled type; but the majority have yet to learn to run them deep enough. It is also a very hard mat ter to get some of our farmers to stop using the turn plow to cultivate the corn crop, but the change is gradually coming about The Southern farmers are learning to replace the decreasinglamount of vegetable matter in their soils; and while the average yields per acre of the Western farmers are growing smaller because he thinks his land is inexhaustible, that of the Southern farmer Is slowly increasing, because of . the increasing amount of humus. Now If we will only use the imple ments and methods of cultivation that they use, and thus produce our crops at a decreased cost by a saving in time and labor we may hope to do for ourselves what they are doing for US. ''- :.-, We need better implements, more and heavier teams, and plenty of live stock to eat our hay and grain, and turn It Into meat and manure the meat to go to market at the present fancy prices, and the manure to go to improve the sadly depleted fields of our beautiful Southland, THOMAS BELL. Surry Co., Va. TWO NOVEL STALK CUTTERS. 'I. -A Cultivator Attachment, Messrs. Editors: It is almost im possible for any up-to-date farmer to get along conveniently without the use of a stalk cutter. Any one using a two-horse cultivator practically the same machine for a few dollars by making a reel cutter and attaching to cultivator. 5 ; Make two ' rims of ordinary two horse wagon tire, 56 inches in 'cir cumference. Drill eight -Inch holes 7 Inches apart in each .rim. Make crosses, using 2 by 2 -inch timbers, and fit tightly In each rim. Then use 3 or 4-inch flat iron for the knives, making them 18 inches long. Use -Inch bolts, flatten the head end of bolt and rivet one to each end of knife, allowing thread end of bolt to go through rim and top to go on inside of rim, thus making knives de tachable, so they may be sharpened when necessary. Make hole in center or each cross and put an iron axle through. The axle should be square ' aau not anowea io turn in the reel but' made round at the ends to turn in holes bored in pieces of scantling to be bolted to gangs of cultivator. I use the Planet Jr. cultivator, and by removing all but the two front feet and bolting the two pieces of wood that carry the reel to the gangs of cultivator, I can adjust pressure as desired. The two front feet without shovels serve as drags to drag togeth er the straggling stalks. I think this can be attached to most any of the riding cultivators. ' O. O. 'BLACKWELDER. Don't buy till you see the CuMM "Style Book of duties Harness '. Then you will know which Is best-and coit loan. tk.ilulii w j comparison of all catalow. We are the oldest big- designers in the country. We have the best equipment, use only the finest materials, employ S3 7 tT0 reful workmen, produce larre quan titles, and sell direct to the consumer. Consequently we can undersell others quality for quality - . Sold on trial Guaranteed 2 years m II. A, Disk That Doea the Work. Messrs. Editors: A stalk chopper is a tool I would not have as a pres ent, I have something that beats it so far. Several years ago I decided to buy a disk harrow, and I found one having four disks on one side and five on the other, not running paral- THE MOST SUCCESSFUL AND Economical Power Plant to bo Purchased The above subject is of the greatest importance and in terest to the manufacturer of whatever class or size. Special attention of the many readers of this paper is directed to the high grade machinery which is manufactured by the under signed. They have been in business for oyer fifty years, turning out engines and boilers in sizes ranging from io-horse power to 200-horse power, and so well and widely known is the product of this Southern Manufacture, that they have in the last few years been compelled to build a new plant, .which covers over seven (7) acres, and their plant is equipped with the most modern and up-to-date machinery. They invite especially those contemplating the erection of a Ginnery, Cotton Oil Mill, Cotton Mill, Lumber and Planing Mill to investigate, before buying, their poweSplant equipment. Write them at once, advising your wants, and get their new Engine and Boiler Catalog. . Address either Schofreld Iron Works, Schofield Iron Works, CHARLOTTE, N. V Branch Office. MACON, GEORGIA, Home Office. IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST! WOODRUFF MACHINERY IS THE BEST! Write to us for Descriptive Catalogue which explains why Woodruff Saw Mills, Shingle Mills, Lath Mills, Drag Saws, Wood Splitters, Hay Presses, and our Cornish Boiler Steam Engines, and Wheat Threshers are best We are manufacturers and give terms on our Machinery, and you can save money by buying direct from us. Write us at once. I WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING COHPAHY, Viindsr; Ga. 5P' : - - vsiunsT or vahiniM eni . . 'HJWUaH.WIUtr(;CIS27-83SE..54Jl,Ckhrt.O.

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