- i - - tisrCar Tcrssry, -19.1810.7 (11) 15 . ... lite :ia every scvca; that xH .these disease, with xaanj others, means loss of life, toss 'of moDey. lz1capa.cfl7 for usefulness,-It would seem not beyond possibility to arrange for Unsanitary. : cars of the 'sick Id out country homes. There is going to be sleknea,ipf that -there la no Question? and tay int to that every' home, whether large or smalt, should be so arranged hat this problem cf contagious and Infectious -disease may be met ulth InteUlgeat qnlpmnjLUv ,t H ; , Jf UToo v much .cannot he said In favor "of ample-porch space; ibut these porches should be so arranged that mivty crdom tnay.' haye atiaome time during the day a flood of sunshine. Sunshine and disease germs are not likely td'tnhabitithe sameC quarters. This condition should ' be true of the WHAT HOME-JltAKING REALLY MEANS. JEipME-AIAKING may be classed among the fine crta, for it gives mental and moral atmosphere to the Joy of the home,0 ts Raskin happily expresses it The art of .being lovely at home is well worth 'cnltivdtfnA , The true home-maker will consider it her privilege and sacred duty as wif e nnd moth er to make her home a radiating center of good ness' and happiness a place of peace A worid of strife shut out, t world of love shut place of joy, of insptra Hon, of growth, a place to which the heart gladly turns in the turmoils of life." Mr. David 09Meares,in the "Spirit of USES FOR LEFT-OVER BREAD. sleeping rooms in particular. I am looking forward, to a. time How to Make a Number of Appetite when the coat of paint on the J exte rior of 5 the f am - home wit be con sidered 'an ecoribmy rather than a ; -"ilt j L ': -iv: ti-11 J 1. . will Wueu OUT UUllUlUgS" -win uo tag Dtsbee v From Bread - That Would Otherwise fee Wasted j From all over the South jhave come in , requests tor methods ox es is one -way to.mafce money. The Bam Sandwich. cpooa. butter, add : tsiallk cheese cut la , small pieces, tir over, tho stove, and when ithe-s;U crlted add soaked crumbs, i kzi'xi' atly beaten. sail, pepper, cayenne, .L3 a very no lle dry mustard. Cook 3 minutes and pour ' over loasteiL 4 battered crackers, -v 1 ;- Griddle Cakes. , lnt stale bread through the food chopper. To 2 cups crumbs add lust enough' -cold water kb moisten them Let 1 stand . 15 minutes, ; 1 Thezj - add 1 egg, J caps sour tnilka; lrel, tea-. spoons eoda. and enough flour to t , j u uuungvun ' tnuiung. Soak' f or" 3 0 - minutes 2 cu ps stale bread jcrmb in. cjips scalded milk. ilelt 2 .squares, chocolate in .sauce pan- over hot water,- add 1-3. cup su- . 1IUUIJJ of a more permanent type and the uslni read. Thret, ofj mr preservation of tho - wood by paint fHenda that thev mak their iiv- will be Imperative. Some Hints on Interior Decoration. friends say that they make their; liv Ing by selling bread and' ' that the chief profit must come from "the; use of left-overs, and ask for suggestions. Interiors differ so much 111 method a jjj the German towns and in most of finishing thai discussion of dec- 0f Northern cities there have oration must fee ofa general nature. COme into -great ; popularity "delica- There are a tew, aimpie ruies, now- tessen" stores that la," stores- in gar and enoTieh mlikltof the milk off Cream the butter, spread it on theH11 bread) to make thin enough to loaf ; cut the -slice thinv iButter OTTOu?rr; ne slice and they will teat separate. CUP sugar, ? teaspoon salt and 2 For ham fiillhg, chop the tolled ham sf iguW -oeaten. Bake one hour fine and with It put small pieces of ln butiwed hakm dish. Servo with' sour pickle and a generous amount sauce. ,14-... of mustard. . . . I Many more ' tiSes can be made ot stale - bread crumbs. They can bo Fut; I level, tablespoons .Dutter toj irS iiftd thV are saucepan and jwhen melted and bub- uieful-for iuddmgs; prid die cakes. a - ..wwv uuutiiiaiimuMl liehas tlmhalas Miflaf. teaspoon alt, let cook a minutl rrnnfittM flh otV. if tw. ih,i If W W W aaw0 WW . , V , ' ever, that may be applied anywhere which cooked dainties are sold They if a color scheme is to be introduced keep cooked meats, breads, sand The floor should be datk, 1 the walls wlches, etc It -would take sometime light, with the celling tightest, in a to work up such a store, but as we color scheme - following. Nature's housekeepers are t all naturally lazy plan -the dark earm, wan ot rouage an company comes in unexpect- and light sky. The dark floor 111 eaiy sometimes, it seems that' with call for stain or- covering of some patience such ail adjunct ' to ' the kind- U always) regret to ' see in- bakeries would 1 or "profitable;! it creased prosporlty flnd expression in would be' just a question 6t always heavy carpets or mattings. The having everything tasty, fresh, and simple stained floor Is artistic and good. aaniiary. - - 1 Every once In a while men ask mo An inexpensive boot stain wnicn 1 ta m-bm 1 them sandwiches for an have, used with success, is made of ll outtng. They -would buy them, If ganon OT Douea unseea on. 1 pint 01 they uid. . Since day-old bread is turpentine and sufficient burnt umber best for sandwiches, supplying luntch- etaln to give desired color. The umber, stain is sold in small cans, costing from 15 to 2 5 cen ta. the oil costs 60 cents, and with turpentine always at band on the farm, this floor covering, sufficient for a good 'sized rboin, will cost less than $1. Apply with a cloth r brush, and after a few hours the floor Is ready for use. A stain con taining varnish should not be used then add 1 cups strained tomatoes. In which - . teaspoon soda has been stirred. Then add ; cup hot milk or cream. Dip slices of toast in sauce and serve at once. has been thoroughly baked, they can even be used again for flour in the -i : ' MRS. W. N. HUTTS. Bread Omelet. Soak cup stale bread crumbs in cup milk for . 15 minutes. Add the beaten yolks of 4 eggs, with salt and pepper. Beat the whites of; the eggs and fold into first mixture. - Turn Into 'hot,' buttered frying parish let cook slowly and . when brown under neath set in oven a minute. Serve at once.1 - . ; : :' 'y--u . English Monkey. , ' fSoak 1 cup stale bread crumbs in 1 cupmilk 16 minutes; .meltl table- To-days Relation to To-morrow, Part of to-day beidhgs . to morrow, as' the ' seed belongs to tho. shoot,' as the foundation belongs to the bnlidmg. So toay owes best to to-morrow, for not' to do right to day may mean ruin to-morrow, i But the reverse is not true. To-mQrrow cannot ruin to-day. Titnes ' wheel does not run backward. Banish, then, foreboding and jecxlous forecast, and fill ; p-day .iwjth ithful . workVf with kindness And courage ana. nope; ana so you will keep to-jmorrow trom be lngs marpiband-niake it a good honest to-day when- It comes. 21aU- bie JX Raheock. V i-vrV j ' . - WASHINGTON'S MOTHER AT THE PEACE BALL. (A. theannlmry of Oorr Wmhtogton'n bta-ttf approttehea, and are are afain rcmladed h& great aervlces to bomanity and his splendid trength f character, this story of his another, hom h faaaid to have greatly resembled in many ways, should be of interest to all our younger readers) ADAM WASHINGTON'S only dancers, among them the kingly fig- public appearance as a hero's j ure of the Commander-in-Chief, whbr mother was at the Peace Ball -led a -Fredericksburg matron through Cred ericksbu rg-duriiig-lhe 4 aimiiuBt.'zI so alluringly advertised are not trust- visit of " Washington to that town, worthy." ' v j with all her majestic self-command - Manv conntrv homea hAim IntArtnr shu did not disguise the pleasure celled with wood, and many house- with which she received die special wives have asked how to decorate request -of the managers that she these walls. Tf" paper Is to be used, would honor the occasion with her the cracks must first be stripped" presence. There 'was even a happy with cloth. These walls also may be flutter In the playful rejoinder that painted, keeping in mind ' color : bar- her dancing days were pretty ... well monies, or they may be tinted with over, but ! that if her coming would kalsomlne. These cold water prepa- contribute to the general pleasure rations come in effective "tones and she would attend." can "be used to better purpose upon plastered walls. -: Just a word about color schemes. Rooms with northern exnosnrea - tut A path! was opened from the foot to the top of the hall'as they appear ed In the doorway, and "every head was bowed in reverence." It must cool shaded rooms are best suited, to have been the proudest moment of warm tones in decoration. The reds her life, but she bore herself with -ii":0'?-7 then and after her Bright "sunny rooms are effective son, seating her in an arm chair upon done In blues and greens. .. However the -dais reserved for. distinguished At 10 o'clock she signed him to approach, anJ rose to ttake his arm. saving in 4her clear. ' soft voice, om George;'" if is ; time for old folks, tr be ; hbme . Smijfng : a good night to all, she! walked, down the rodiS.-Sas erect - In! formt and as stesdy! in; gaitNts- any dancer there. -?,Oneqft the French "officers exclaim ed, aloud, as she disappearedT "If such are the matrons of America, she may well boast of Illustrious sons." Lafayette's report of his Interview to his mends at Mount Vernon was: "I have seen the only Roman matron living, at this day." Jdary Virginia Terhuae. . ; :' - simple the bouse plan may be, how .ever simple the furniture. If there guesU. faced tne crowa in pnueim expectancy' that all' hit friends would Is purpose and understanding in the 8eek to know his mother She had selections, the result will he pleasing ! entered the hall at 8 o'clock, and and artistic My observation has ! for two hours held court, the most led me to the conclusion that It is distinguished 7 people there , pressing not so much a lack of, money in plan eagerly forward to . be. presented to, and equipment of the, home, but to her. From her position she could rather, a lack of definite Ideal as to witn0ut rising overlook the floor. what is really .beautiful and ' desir-j watched with quiet pleasure the aoie. Home ma King is not an exper iment to be carried . on first in" bnb field and .then in another. It is a life work and the spirit of every day must be for every day's success. A pessimist," says the Phlloso phef ot Folly; "Is "Ohff Who, when ho has. the choice f two chooses both, acd. sticks around to wgft for joaore." Cleveland Leader. rrn Int tnnr anrDlns f nil IS and I .m1m ua to waitte. canuiem. .ma m l&rm rmnnlmt factor?. r isMfe .lwiti a market for annM 'ooda, and for a tin mi tnTestmcoi 1 - ' . J . rr"- v WiM4 1 11 1 V Dannlng Outfit nd bnikl nn a Ms. Xn . slws : folly arnaranteed. Writ for catalogue. r. s. 8Tiiu.ara.co.. ai tlLH.taer.1- get a: raney CANNER a a , 1 a ' m ii rUTHTTT OT ma 1m 4 Vi a iveyfr A . Tft ana IK!, icaca yen now 10 can we. mumsjl wu i will prove to be the best Investment you ever made. Special Inducements offered NOW. , Drop at a card today.- Chapel HiH, N, C. The Raney Canner Cb r CANNER: 1910 MODEL "A" ABSOLUTELY UNIFORM Blada for Trackers. Farmert The fttrtBt Fruits and Vegetables ta thm world art canned In It and Gardeners. Bend for eatakna. , : , . r r.AlSININGMACHINES tst rS33 IlUniars U far. Start four vwa Onntris Fadborr K Proftw te esamins tb Uarkst with MODERN CANNEK BUSTII0rj8.-naw i wo ' Awards. CapftiM 100 to UX000 earns per day. Prices T.:0DERIs CANNER CO Chattanooga, Tcjx, Dept I I 1 1 1 , '1 If if? (I H IN s ill

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