Saturday, September 3, 1910. (15) ,701 BEE KEEPING FOR FARMERS. . ... ' r Smiif iiil ; r "REPEATER S m o k c 1 e s Powdc r S he 11 s These shells cost a little more than black oowder Wrf but for bird shooting they are worth many times the difference as mere is no skiukc 10 nmaer tne second barrel. Thev are Dy iar me pesi iow priced smokeless load on the market When you buy, insist upon having, them. THE RED H7 BRAND TM1 HILL HAUL? MORE LAST LONGER RUN LIGHTER, ASK ANY THORNHILL OWNER OR DEALhR. THE MARKETS.; RALEIGH COTTON. Good Middling ...-..--i-.- i.---15 - Strict Middling... 15 . Middling... . t5Mi Off Grades ...............-v Uv to 15 XXI. Making a LiTlng With Bees. Bee keeping certainly does par, else so many persons would not Vo engaged In It It also pays better In some places than in others, as southwestern - Texas and southern California. The quantity of bee pas turage in a given section of coun try mainly determines the success of the business there. One of the first things, then, is to find out all the nectar-bearing plants in your vieinlty -and determine the possibilities of the business on that score. It is evident that bee keeping will more readily pay as a side line than as exclusive business. In con nection with other farm lines it can very easily be made to bring in its proportional part of the profit With out much difficulty it ought to be made to pay as well "as poultry. Bees come in very nicely with poultry, gardening, and fruit In a good locality the business can also be made to pay well when practiced exclusive ly. Tennessee bee keepers have been known to make $600 a year. In other parts of the country their incomes may run as high as $3,000 a year., Making a living with bees depends much also upon the person engaged in it. Adaptability and love for the CHARLESTON PROVISION FARM SUPPLIES. D. S. C. R Sides, packed...!..;. D. S. Bellies, packed.. . D. S. Butts Butter, creamery..... Hams, choice... Lard, pure, tierces , ' Meal, pearl ........ ... Meal, common. AND 21 15 $1.75 1.70 Hay Timothy 1.20 to 1.30 . W. Va., per carrier, fancy, $ 1.50 2; Md. and Del., per. basket, 25 75c. - Plums, 75c $1 per carrier., work have largely to do with it. One Grapes, Md. and Del., Moore's, per should also be endowed with a pains carrier, -50c)?l; Del., per case, $1,- taking disposition and possessed with Dtgu.ou. macKDemes, 8 l3c per the gift of continuance. The man or qt. - Raspberries, per pint, ,68c. woman who will' soon get tired of Huckleberries, 7 11c. 'x Muskmelons the work would better not beeln it. 25 35c per crate for N. C; Bait, The disposition to study and gather Utt oU75c. watermelons, ?10 25 information about .the best art of J5 , per 100. doing" the business is also essential. 34 v potatoes, $1.00 Q) 2.00 per bbl. for One special advantage in bee keen Southern. Sweets, $2.25 3: yams, ing is the large returns it will eive $1:2 5 2.2 5. Onions, 75c $1 per for the investment of a small amount bushel for white; yellow and red, 75c of capital. It is easily possible to 1. 0 0 per basket Beets, $1.50 2 make back in one year all you have per 100 bunches. - Carrots, $1.75 expended for bees and materials in 2 per bbl., for washed. Cabbage, $5 getting your start What other, bus- 7 per 100. -Cauliflower, $2 6 iness will make quicker returns than per . bbl. Celery, $ 1 . 5 0 2 per crate. Cucumbers, ' . 7 5c $00 per bbl. Eggplant, 50 75c per 60-qt crate. Corn. $1.25 2,25 per 100 ears. 7 Lima beans, 50c $i per basket for edge of the business any more than potato, and 30 50c for flat Okra, in law, or medicine, or merchandis $1 per carrier. Parsley, 45 50c per ing It is not the thing to take up basket Peppers, 50c $1 per bas- when you fail in every thing else. It NEW YORK fj"R atv Avn PTinmTrF ket Peas 60(5 f1-50 Der basket must -be pursued for. its own sake. xuxv YORK-GRAIN AND PRODUCE Romailie 50c$l per basket Spin- Nor must one become -discouraged. Apples, Gravenstein, per bbl., $2.- ach, - $1.25 1.50 - per basket. If you happen to begin in a bad year 503; Alexander, $2.75 4; Blush vString beans, 5075o. per bas- like the present, don't knock off be $3.00 3.50; Sour Bough, $2.25 vket Squash, 75c. $1 per bbl. for cause you make nothing, but keep 2.75; Duchess,. $2.50 (g) 3.50; Crab Yellow Crookneck; Hubbard, 75c right pn. The likelihood is that next appies, per bbl., small, $ 4(g) 6; large, $1.25. Turnips, rutabagas, per bbl, year you will be all right Corn, white Corn, mixed ... . Oats, clipped, white . z Oats, mixed Feed Cracked rorn. per tru6he--l'v Corn chop, per 100 pounds . Wheat bran, per 100 pounds Co n bran, per 100 pounds Middlings, per 100 pounds--- Hulls, per 100 pounds ...... Cotton Ties, pieced .. Rebundled . . New Ties. .... - """" " Bagging, 2 pound- FlOUr SDrinff Whftftt nfttent A2S tn ft.75 Patent ........ 6 25 to 6 50 Straight i........... 5 75 to 6 00 Choice - . 5.25 to 5.60 86 84 55 52 86 1.60 1.50 1.20 1.60 75 ' 7' 70 that? Some of them take eight or ten years to pay back the investment A living can not be made in bee keeping without a thorough knowl- $3 4. Pears, Kieffer, per bbl., $1 75c $1. Tomatoes; 25c $1 per 1.50; Clapp's Favorite, $3 4; Bart- box. : a lett, $2 3.50. Peaches. N. C. and Wheat $1.06 1.075 for No. 2 Ga., per carrier,. 40c $l; Md. and red, spot. Corn, 683c. Oats, new, standards, 39c.V v . 7 Butter, lie for creamery specials; 2 2 i 2 3 J c , f or Western .factory; im itation creamery, 2425c; Eggs, 2 4 27c for Western. T. C. KARNS. INCORPORATED) BUSINESS-When you tWnk of oinar to chool write for a new catalogue and toecial offer in the leading Business and Shorthand Pchool, addresa King g Business College, .Balf-igh,' N. U, and Charlotte, N. f. We also teach Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Penmanship, etc, (by mail ), The Last, Grand Excursion Of the Season To ASHEVILLE, N. C "The Land of the Sky " ; : Southern RailwaySept.:6, 1910 Fates and schedules as follows : Leave Goldsboro " Raleigh t, Durhdm ; Mebtne Burlington OlbwnvlUe Greensboro Oxford Henderson Chopel IIU1 6:45 a. m, 7:83 a. m, 8:16 a. m. 9.60 a. m. 10:48 a m 11:18 a. m. 117 a. m. 12:30 p nx- I5.C0 6.00 4 76 4.75 ; 4.75 475 4 75 4 60 6.00 500 4 76. Portton fr0m ,ntermdlat Pot" I same, pro- i0?,lrket? K00 retornins; on any regular tialn leaving Asheville S 'pt 9th. - eparate cars for colored people. -'?hI fatther Information, ask your Agent, or W. H. PARNELL.T. P. A. V1 f Ealolgnl'N.C. DANVILLE TOBACCO SALES. gince the sales of loose leaf 'tobac co "resumed , at .the warehouses on the first of' the month the" breaks have .consisted " nearly v entirely of primings. " For the past - week the auction sales have lasted only an hour or two each day. x Some few common primings are selling as low as lc, but' the larger proportion are of a medium grade and . are selling at 3c. to 5c. The bright frimlngs bring from ,6c. Ho 12c. There is some little stalk-cured leaf coming to market and selling from '. 6c! to 12cr The little new vthat has . been sold so far. indicates a very ' useful crop in the . old belt section, which promises to be. of good body and quality , BIBRELL BROS. The man who produces good seed is a benefactor; he" who produces scrub seed is a malefactdr rtev.-M. 0.;. Hamm.. : -''!''.. A'v ' ." OUR LAND EXCHANGE Farms Wanted or Offered For Sale or Rent In this department we shall publish offerings of aO land wanted or offered for sale or for rent. We do not extend our general advertis ing guarantee to this department, because every purchaser should see land for himself before buying1, but no man is permitted to of fer land for sale in' this department ontfl he has first shown us satisfactory references as to hoqpsty and financial responsibility. FARM LANDS FOR SALE lfasf If and associates have sold over half million dollars worth of farm Lands in Southwest Geor gia w thin the past 8 months This is the best Cotton, Corn, Grain and Truck growing country in the entire South. We have other choice Farms and it will pay you to write me what you want. SMITH D. PICKETT. Empire life Building, Atlanta, Georgia. A REAL FARM BARGAIN 729 acres. 2Vi miles fiom Thomasville, Ga., 400 acres cleared. Large Quantity of bard wcod tlm ber. Railroad bounds one side and two switches on the tIce. Well watered, good stock proposi To settle an estate and give much needed money toi dm heirs quick, it is offered at a real bargtln orice of 125 per acre, tme-thiid cash, balance on easy terms, at 6$. No lands so near town caa be bra rht under H". Write for full particulars. W. E. CRAIG MILES, - Thomasville, Ga, You are now offered an exceedingly inviting opportunity to procure, at a very low price and on easy terms, a home for. yourself in the most pro ductive country in the world, where ten acres will yield an ; income of $3,000 to 5,odu a year where not one crop, but two, three and even four crops may be grown each year on the same ground; where climate, natural rainfall and soil unite in creating bountiful harvests. lands adapted to General Farming, Corn, Cotton, Mar ket Gardening, Fruit Grow ing, Nuts, or Poultry, Live'f Stock, Bees, and Dairying, etc. " ' WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Tbis Washington & Choctaw Territory of fers a winderful opportunity "to Northern farm-reners. who find land prices too high in their native state, or to the town mn who wants to ret awy from the city strife and small salaries, or to the tVrnvowner who wants a pleasant 8outbern home where he can pass his winters, and. b st of all. to the mn who wants to invest in lands which re increasing in price over 2005b a year.' This is the place to make money. roneon oHV thl land on long tlm mith annual payment or on UttU monthly pay nunUtt $6.00 a month. . " . THE SOIL. A sandy loam, entirely control- able and without a Deer in productiveness, Northern men having successfully tilled it for fourteen years and made money. . THEOJMATP. The territory is about 60 miles from the Gulf Toa't. 800 feet elevation above the sea. Cool in summer, no heat pros tratjens, and the winters permit out-of-door work in tee fields, mow bting unknown. THE RMNFALL averages 69 inches per I ear; no droughts; no irrigation netded. THE HEALTHFULNESS. The territory has been under observation and reported upon for a number of years by the United States Marine Hospital Commission, and these re ports say that it is the only part of the United States absolutely free irom local diseases. . THE WATER. Its natural purity is proven by analysis, 'which shows the water to have been the purest of 9,000 samples examined by the University of Illinois. , THE CROPS. Anything can be grown on the Washington & Choctaw land that can be raised elsewhere. Crops can te product d twelve months in the yar, and more corn can be grown to the acre than is possible in the best corn states of the North. , NURSERY ON THE LAND We are es tablisbing a nursery in the midst of our hold ings, consisting of 20 acre., and when com- ?leted will be the largest nursery in he South. iTe will supply our settlers wiwh all their nur sery ne- da at a big discount. : We have mny good things to offer settlers in our region. We see no reason Why land values should not in crease faster here than they have in most par' s of the country. , 7 FIVE ACRE ORCHARDS FOR SALE Our nursery department will plant you a five acre orchard and- take cat e of it for five rears if you wish. Tbis is not a regular business of ours, but we have competent men who will plant and oversee your orchard. In rrany oth er ways we are prepart d to be of service to you. Your success in a measure is our suc cess, and we help you get propei ly started . . MARKETS. There is unlimited demand for everything the grower has to ell. .The profit per acre tuns from 75 00 to $1000.00, depend ing upon the crop growing. AGENTS WANTED We want agents to sell our land in unoccu pied territory. Write for terms. We have a good piece of land we. want honest men to sell it for us. - , .. v Send for Our Free Booklet If you were sure yon could male t,000 to 15,000 per year from farm in the Wash ington & Choctaw territory, would you be in terested? We print a 20 page book that tells all about this land and gives many letters from people who know the land,, have tilled it, and who are doing well. Send for this book let; it is free. , ' , - v Farm and Timber LANDS Farms and timbered lands for sale a $8.00 to $15.00 per acre. Write for de ecriptive catalog. JEFFREYS. KISTER t CO 1st, ztzii titj. C::.ti Ca., Yj. j ' - GET OUR FREE BOOKLET Mail this coupon or send us your name on a postal card to the WASH INGTON & CHOCTAW LAND OO.i 7003 TDLES BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO"M and we will send yon a handsome il lustrated booklet telling about, our lands. : . . ' A j NAme .' . . . 4 . . . . ; . . ...... . . . . Address . v . v-'.J