Duroc-Jersey Hogs ofcrrfct type. Key ally b ed, rich. fine color, an pedigreed, any age or x. Bred GflU ad Sow peciakr. Write for prices, enclosing 2c stamp for reply. L H. Whitaker & Co, - Mni. ti Poland China Pigs and' S. C. Ri I. Red Chickens A limited number of extra fine S. C fi. L Red -ii i. mrA Pniita from nrize winning stock. a rvmk and a few srood Hens. Also a few cbotea P. C Plga entitled to registration. CEDAR U HE FARM, Kicbltnds, N C. Duroc Boars Ready for service. Good ones, and registered. $20.00 while they last. MATT W. MOSELEY. - Ben Buckle. Tenn COOK FARMS A nmiAl Sale of the Cook Farms win be held Friday. Sept. 30th. This will be the grandest event I t,l irinil ever he'd in Kentucky. 60 saddle mares, colts, and Allies; 50 jennetts and colts. Write for catalogue and attend the sale. J. F. Cook & Co., Lexington, Ky. HARRIS HALL STOCK FARM pnnmLBTON. 8. C. Rm RjMrlatimwl JflTSflT Cattle Slid Berkshire Bon. Choice Bull Calves for sale, dams testing 6 and 7 per cent butter fat. Boars and GUta by godson of Premier p. LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY. HOYf TO GET RID OF THE CATTLE TICK. Some CJommon Misapprehensions Possibilities of Inoculation Stockmen in Tick-Infected Territory Should Bring Only Young Stock from Tick-Free Territory. TOOGRESSIYE FAItttEIt AND GAZETTE. under that age is not much suscep tible to tick fever. As the calf ad vances in age. if it does not become infested with ticks it gradually loses the natural Immunity or freedom from tick fever that it enjoyed at birth and by the time it reaches ma-1 turlty is , highly susceptible to the : disease. This is the result, no mat ter where the animal Is raised, free dom from ticks being the only im portant matter In determining -the question of susceptibility. If, however, the young calf that is only slightly susceptible to tick fever, By Tait Butler. f time Tn triA fiicht ... . xi. l- .-.jttn la n tan enaMoa rtf Hlra thnf car. nn 1 eiving a goodly number of cattle there exist differences In their a'ht ii.: ; nfo Metnrv -hiir wo havft as first BeiB a w ucks on it, a mild attack letters in wmcn luo wmeisqwouwu vw.,, ..w. , fetpr i rnntracf statements wnicn ne nas maae. iueso otaicu, uCawiUCu - Tnrntftpts It frnrn a Thnro f i th.t nnno rnmrnnTi rattlfl tick, the onlv one Pecis " irom a mo and this letters are remarkable, In that none common cattle tick, tne only one - SaofHr. of them have raised, a single questhat is ever numerous on catUe after Uonthat has not of ten. been raised August 1, and the only one that 1 a before, and as often answered. One causes tick fever in cattle. It is the JgifJ? " amnne feature is the positive as- common, well known tick that gets !t T, W tlme surance with which some of our on cattle and sometimes on horses, critics tell us we know nothing about mules and deer; but it is not the th manner in which ticks breed or tick that gets on man, dogs, rabbits, or any named. other animal except those reproduce themselves. How Ticks Breed. The most common, although erron eous, belief of our critics is that the old female or mother tick drops to io crftrmd and after awhile bursts open and young ticks emerge from or more in the tick-free area, may being seriously, or at least danger- ously affected with tlek fever. Young Calves Less Susceptible. Of course, young calves sometimes suffer so severely from tick fever as to cause their death, and there are more of these cases than generally supposed, but still they are compar- hor rnnrnrod hndv. Onoft for all. and positively, we wish to state that wihou.t loss this common belief is false. No ticks breed that way. How much easier No Treatment for Tick Fever. r We have also been asked how to treat tick fever, and how cattle that atlvely raie. it is, therefore, reason- iiave ueeu giuwu tu au age ui a year hl afft in nfrnAnPa eftlf three or four months old from a tick-free area into a tick-infested naature. There may be loss, but it in tne nrst piace, it may as wen win De le8s than when the inocula- oe plainly stated tnat mere is TENNESSEE HERD OF JUlUVEJWi-i rnm hrAAd that. wav. How much easier uc ocatcu iuWB iB uw ti of. cattle over eIcnt Q- t .2tMif.Tet? nd more sensible it would be for satisfactory treatment or tick fever. months of age is practiced. The death K?e,,Bre these honest but mistaken friends Jhere is 110 treatment that is like y ioss will be less and the effect on the WSSSSi toputamother tick in a bottle, plug ?'0' At growfh of .the. ?alf .subsequent It up with a waa oi cotton, set tne , , " 7 . attacxs ana uck miestation win De bottle away , in a dark place and over eight months old may be inocu- leS8 watch the results. They can verify 1ted and In a Jarse measure Protect- In view of these factB we recom. our statement with less trouble than ld?m a fatal a"a5k Pf tick fever; mend the introduction of calves un they can convince us that ticks burst the expense of this, the effect on der four months old for purposes 6f open and permit young live ticks to me Buusequem euecta obtaining pure-bred animals for fowl m Mirth. Effora 11.60 ner IS. S. H STANBEJRY & SON8, Newport, Cocke Co. Registered Shropshire Sheep THa hemt. Ordera booked for Berkshire Pisa. LT pIS ll'ZS I crawl out of them. We have seen cks as pUreiy sMn paraSites. breEdlng ln prgterence to inoc WtoSMfMdiiw Ste. fit Oct MtTonr. thousands of them lay eggs and . """"s ulation. There is the one objec- Mh-iiSS the young ticks emerge tion, that with our methods of poor from the shells, and if any one will IUUUBU' " 'T, lUB IV"" feeding and our short pastures, bet- send us a tick that breeds in any u unpromaoie ana impracuca- ter grown animals may sometimes other way we will make him a pres- u"' 8 e means be obtainea when older catue are entLaJifeubscriptionJoTheJProi11"116 cattle tick problem. purchased. m view of the fact that gressive Farmer and Gazette, or give i"t!ie A BUV T 7- , inoculation is in many cases valuable him anything else he may ask for. ? Jl66"11 he U5,k i8,ituati?n' anl in aiding to have animals introduced ; Another common error Is that the lUttt iS "y erauicauon. ine cniei for breeding purposes, we will de- common ticks on cattle are not the "ov" ""tD " tu.wu scriDe tne operation in our next W. E. Shipley, , :: Valle Crucis, N. C. ANGUS CATTLE. J?tcl7rTB05 both eexes, choicely bred and (rood Individuals. Call or write us your wants. Address ROSE DALE STOCK FARMS. Jeffersonton. Va. Berkshire and Durtc Swine Bred and for sale. None better bred than those I offer. D L. FARRIOR, I Raleigh, N. C, Hillsboro Road. Near Fair Grounds. REGISTERED DUROOJ12RSETB. Jane Piss, not akin. High Quality. Watson, STERLING STOCK FARM. Petersburg. Va Tb Kentucky lack Fara We breed and ralie the mammoth Kentucky Joofta. Bay from ai and aave the peculator's profit. Write to-day lor prices on lacks, Jennets, amdmuiea. A large lot to select from. JOB. E. WRIGHT, JuwonoH OlTT. Ky. Branch Barn Rooky Moont, N. O., H. M. Avast, Manager and Salesman. fever ticks. No other species ever become numerous on cattle. When ever large numoers oi ticks are found on cattle after July 15 or August,!, It may be taken for grant ed - that' they are" fever ticks. One good friend says that the com- comparatively easy and permanent; whereas any other method is difficult, expensive and Ineffective, or a mere makeshift. In those sections, however, where cattle are not' properly controlled, or in the free range section, If a man wishes to control his individual cat- article. TYirm r1 A llr ttH-T q nrVilt o-nnt lnot back of its head, does not breed the "c "uu yu quaxx, mucu way I described for the fever tick. Now, our friend is guilty of Just two errors. This tick with the spot on lation may assist him to introduce, with comparative safety, pure-bred bulls or other cattle for breeding its back is not the most common tick purPse8, ion cattle and It does not breed by bursting open and allowing the Inoculation Against Tick Fever. Such inoculated cattle will not do Oak-wood Farm Jersey Cattle and Berkshire Hcii $00 TO $300 SAVED We are manufacturers, not merchants.-Save vAtxu tobben andcualof home profit I'll save yon from tSOtofJOOonmrHlgh Grade Standard Gasoline Engine from 2 to 22-H.-P. Pnce direct to too SVTTbl UMU UVMWI VI JWWWV ' a W1M SS lmllar eng'nei in carload lots foi ipotcauu v" GnujDVJA v Ay .k? Price and Quality speak for themselves and you are to be the sole Judge. Sell your poorest horse and buy a MUMtt! SI' Eminent X at the head of nsrd. son 01 the Camons Eminent that sold at auctloD for 110.000. No females for sale at present bat have a few choice bulla and bull calves at reasonable prices. These bulla are from cows that have made over Tun pounds butter ln twelve months. Choice Berkahlres of all ages on hand. L. SHUFORD NEWTON, N. C LIGHT RUNNING 8 fail "BEST TJT' "Bum Talk" Is an interest ing booklet telling - jast bow a buggy is made and what a buggy "hoaldbe. Let as snd you one iree. Oxford Buggy Co., Oxford, N. C. young ticks to crawl out of its body, as well as tick-free cattle, nor do we but lays eggs just as does the fever advise inoculation as either the first ticks, as any one may prove by put- or second best means of handling the ting one in a bottle or box and tick question; but by it, animals of watching it a few .weeks. This tick Pure breeding may be introduced with the white spot gets on all sorts with a death loss of 3 to 8 per cent. of animals, but it Is not the com- As stated, we recommend tick eradi- mon cattle tick It is not the -one cation as the best method and where that carries tick fever and does so this plan will not be adopted we ad- much damage to the cattle Industry. Vise as the best way of introducing Yon Can Not Kill Ticks by Feeding Pe-bred animals, the purchase' of 1 . the Cattle Sulphur, Etc. , , uo Ui tt6 m ' preference to inoculation of older. The other amusing points are the animals, numerous remedies suggested for The calf at birth Is not entirely killing the ticks. We have no time proof against tick fever, nor free 10 argue tne case, but we know from from attacks of ticks; but ticks sel- actual experience and trial, that dom attack calves under three none of these substances when fed months of age In large numbers, and to the cattle cause the ticks to if they do, it Is a well established fact drop off, nor will they keep the that comparatively speaking the calf ticks from getting on the cattle. The '' ' ticks drop off all right, but it is be cause they have matured on the cat tle and arrived at the stage of their development when it is necessary that they , leave . the cattle. mi. . mere are no so-called "yearling ticks" and no ticks that live without getting on to some animal,; for any tor on 99 Dhi' Free Trial. Sstic 1on or money back. Write forspeo- hi nrnnositlon. A" you pay me Is for raJ ms'erlal. labot , one small prow. J"" my big BOO rnt. Wm. Galloway. P Was. Galloway Co. WeallowayBtattoe Wat I Low-Down Handy Wagons Did you ever notice bow much time two men could lose going to the field to load a bigh wagon ne -tvaltlncr on the other F One man with a Low-Down Handy Wagon wonldhave the load half on bsfore the tvro men get started. Get our free catalogue. HAVANA METAL WHEEL CO.. BOX 68, HAVANA. ILL i TXTB DV I t Stool Uhocls will make yonroid farmwaaon QQAJ aa good as mew. Save money be- MWWii ffJfffiSLffiheStett FREE lng all about them and how tner y. Kmplre Mfg. Oe.. 1 M (HI IS) imnn n mill PiniMfe ILL A..HU.IM;.eJ .'HI iiini HTJt MORE LAST LONGER RUN LIGHTER1 ASK ANY THORNHILL OWNER OR DEALER.