'I'' E .t 1 5 I 2' 4 r ff Si 4'0 (is)- ntOGUESSlVE FAUMI'R AM) fJAZirrm SfflUfiDHB Yoiha'e now offered an exceediogl inviiing opportunity to procure, at a very low prie and on easy terms, a home for yo rself in the most pro ductive country in the world, whe e ... t 1 9 t. - -I ten acres will yieia an income, oi $3,000 to ft.ooo a year where nt one crop, bat two three and even four crops may be grown each year on the same ground ; where climate, natural rainfall and soil unite in creating bountiful harvests. Lands adapted to General Farming, Corn Cotton, Mar ket Gardening. Frmt Growing, Nuts or Poultry. Live Stock, Bees, and Dairying, etc. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY This Washington & Cbnctaw Territory of fers a w nd rful opportunity ti Northern farm-ren ers, who find land prices t o huh in teir native state, or to te town m -nwho w nts to et aw y from th- city s rife and small salaries, or to tb f rm owner who want a pleasant Southern bom where he can pass his wint rs, and, b st of all, to the mn who want9 to invent in lands whi h re incre sing in price ve- 200 a year. This is tne place to matte mony. ' You can buy this land on long time utth annual payments or on little monthly pay ments tt $5.00 a month. THE SrIL. A sandy loam, entirely cont-ol-aMe and without peer in prlu tiwness, North rn men ln in su -cessfully till, d it for fourteen years and made money. THP CLIMaT . The erritorv is 'bout 60 miles fr m 'he Gulf r oa t. 300 feet el van n above the sea. f o 1 in Bummer, n heat pr s trati ns, and te winters oermit out n aoor worK int e fields, now bing unknown. THE RAINFALL averages 69 inches per year; no droughts: no irrigation ne- ded. THE HEALTH FULNESV The territory has been unde- observation and reported uo-n for a number of years by the Unite t States Mnine HosMtnl Commission, nd tnes- e- ports say that it i the only part of the Umttd States absolutely free from local dis ases. THE W TER Its natural puritv is proven byanlysK which sHws the wate to have been the purest or 9,000 samples examined Dy the University of llinois. THE TROS. Anvthinsr can be grown on th Wishi gton & Choctaw land that can be raised elsewhere. Crons ca re produced twelve months ii the yar, and more corn can be mown to the ac e than la possible in tne best c irn states or the North. NURSERY ON THE LAND We are es tablishing a nurse' y in the midst of or holi ings, consisting of 2 acre , and when com pleted will be toe largest nursery in ne soutn. We will -ui ply our se tier wi h u tneir nur sery ne ds at a big discount We tave mny good ' hingB to offer s ttlrs in our reg'on. We see no reason why land values snould not in crease faster here tnan they have in most par s of tne country. FIVE ACRE RCHARDH FOR SALE Our nursery department will o'ant you a five- acr orchard nd take cie of it fo- nv tears if vu wis. T- is is not a regular business ours, but we have competent men w o will pla t and oversee your or hard. In any otto er ways we are prepared to he of servic- to you. Your success m a measure is our sue ceBS, and we help you get pr.jpeily started MARKETS There is unlimited demand for everything he ar rower has io e I. The profit peracreiunsfromrToOOto JiOOO.00, depend ing upon the crp growing. AGENTS WANTED We want agents to sell our land in unoccu pied territory. Write for terms. We have a good piece of land we want honest men to sell it for us. Send for Our Free Booklet If .you were sure, you could make 13,000 to $5,000 per year from a farm in the Wash ington & i hoc taw territory, would you be in terested? We print a 20 page boo that tel s all about this land and gives many letters from people who know the land, have tilled it, and who are doing well. Bend for this book let; it is free. FROM CANADA TO CALifuhaia. normal price ana i migui. iueu- tion $100 to $125 as my average re- f Continued from rage 733.) port for good farming land In Ne- INDUSTRIAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. Inc. 8cbool for boy and girls of limited meant Address JOHN W. TYNDALL. A.M.. LL.D Ktnston. N. C. name. Fine art-!,. President. . vii. - ttt w,ir,r 011nvf- w siuanta no.oa entrant " llglon, however, a very ainerent orasa, .w J"""""! work siudenu T26..0 onT? opinion may be expressed from that me that the unpromising .on aooui. m- ; 10,-"' given of his business ability In fact, uneyenne now leicnes wc a very different opinion is most vig- as compared with $2.50 when he orously expressed by nearly half the went there six years ago. Nebraska people in Utah itself. When I was homings usuany range irom quar in Salt Lake City five years ago, I ter section to two sections (the "sec- found the Dally Tribune (which is, tion 0r 640 acres oeing me siana- r hfilifive. the city's leading paper) ard land measure ail mrougn me rAd.hot in its denunciation of the West), while in Ontario 100 Mormon Church, and I bought a copy of it yesterday to find its feel ings as intense as ever, one of its leading editorials giving a long list of prominent Mormon leaders who have more or less openly violated the; acres seems to be about the accepted size for a farm. Advantages of Southern Climate. As for climate, the shower-tempered summer climate of our South ern States seems to me no more un- OUR LAND EXCHANGE Farms Wanted or Offered For Sale or Rent anti-polygamy law by taking plural comfortable than the parching heat of wives witnin -tne lasi iew years. tnese Nebraska prairies or the oven-. With religion as religion ana as a like breath of the drouth-heated Cal matter of conscience, the American ifornia fields to-day, while our win Government and the American peo- ter climate is naturally the best in pie rightly have nothing to do, but America. "Snow six months in the the separation of church and State year. a patn broken through It to must work both ways, and when the the well and tne lc6 broken each Mormon Church enters as actively into politics as it was shown to do in the Reed Smoot trial, and as it seems have done in the alleged sale of the United States Sehatorship to the Irish miner Kearns, it becomes a matter of no small concern to all patriotic citizens. It is also charged tlfat the Mormon leaders are becom ing perniciously active in- Wyoming politics also. An Intimate Glimpse of Brigham Young. My friend aforementioned knew Brigham Young's son -I mean e pluribus unum: this one, however, a son by his first wife. This son had no confidence in Brigham, whom he did not even call father; He assert ed that no one really knew how many wives the Mormon leader had: if he fancied a single woman seen at one of his meetings, she -soon learned that she was to be a bride of the Lord's anointedf while if the woman he liked happened to be mar ried, the husband would probably get "the large envelope" ordering him on a far-away mission for the church. Yomng Young also asserted that the numerous Mrs. Briehams by no means dwelt in the reported heavenly harmony, but participated frequently in outbreaks that were both hair-raising and hair-snatching. In this department we shall publish uffenr. of all land wanted or offered for sale or for rent We do not extend our general advertii. iwr guarantee to this d. pnrtment, because every pure haw should nee land for hims,if before buy OR. but no man iB permitted to of. fT land for sale in this department until he has first shown us satisfactory references as to honeaty ad financial ennnslhiMty morning, month after month, to wa ter the shivering stock"- this was one Dakota settler's story reported to me on the trala; while all through Wyoming I saw miles of wooden racks 8 feet high to break the snow drifts that would otherwise stop transportation, and in the Sierras this morning for thirty-seven miles our railroad track was completely covered by bridge-like snowsheds, opened like a grating on one side Fortunately the California locomo tiyes burn, oil instead of coal or pas sage through these sheds would hardly have been endurable. . But now at last the long overland' trip is ended, San Francisco reached, and the red sun this evening went down into the mighty waters off the far-famed "Golden Gate." My ship already lies at anchor there, and now . indeed "as the slow moon climbs and the deep moans round with many voices," I feel almost like another Ulysses lured by the sight of the same untra veiled world with its ever-fading margin: "For my purpose holds to sail be yond the sunset, And the baths of all the Western stars." . Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. Valu ble Farm for Sale. 110 2-3 acres, 60 in c. ltivation Good stock dairy fru poultry and wain farm Two an i one-hal' m les ionn GreenBbr' Str-et far lint. which i moft likely soon to i e xterded 'hro sh proDr y. hihtof-wy obtained On- mile m Guilford College One mile of ri'ro d su ij .n. One quuW mile ot good fCool ann chuich! Tdrolive streams of spr ng wat r un throuL-h farm. One seven-room, two etcy, new dvpi. 1 n and mc saary ou b il ings; tw other dwel lings of f iur p otb each n farm. Can bed vidtd into two or od arm. I, 00 fruit trt-s lr julv on fa ro, most them burring Land suit Lie to nil crop-o this scMon. ine water and heuUliv locatioa. Chills and fever unknown he e. j. o r ape: GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. Some Canadian Notes. Before I get hopelessly away from it, I must say a word about the Wanted 100 Young UnOfomen to prepare f r positions now awai'ing them, as B eep rs , Si enograpers, Qales en. a d Tele graph Operator P a tion secur- d for a I grariu- es or monev refunded. Ala learn and pay tuition urhon n ail inn la aoTt. Ari I aiiai nr ni.H 1 Ha r 1 B j i , I " " "J - w rruvmce ot wntano, uanaaa, mrougn sired write at once for information 4.nSu'nem Co mental honi Winoton-Salem. " mvu W1 LUUC LVJ Wilmlnfftnn. 5?alUhi.rv. Roekv Mount M f! nrH iravei lot several nunarea miles last Florence, u. Kndorsed by our Governors and moolr Tt rxrac tto flmt fiw t v, I1 Duslness men. "VVUi J.l HOD tUC -UlOb LliXlO X UCIU set foot on Canada soil for exactly ten years, the intervening decade representing three English reigns, 4. T e -v.. Tri.i, t uuo last, iuuuiuh ui vueen victorias, i vv'fiNroRpoRATED) all of .King Edward's, and the early business-When you think of goin to school montnS OI King George S. Ontario. wrH- ror a nw cata'oguA and soecial offer of he t oam tt t ii leadraur Business and "h rthand chnols, address X oan il., io a UOttUUlUl ailU 1C1 UIO I Vino'a Rn nu rV.llAOA Ral fern TJ Ph. Oklahoma lan At Auction Chyenne nd Arapahoe Rsprved I amis to be old by the G 'vernment N ovem er i5 19! . Minimum price $5 00 per were, one fifth chs'i, talance in six an ual paymenrs, wiihDwt in ter8t. I will send vru a general description rf thee la ds ith mqp of sme, toeether with instruct! -ns how to obtain title. t r rl on Reference b permias on, Ci izna National Ban. FJ Reno Okla, and Fi st Natioi nl B-nk Enid, Okla. Address, BRUC SANtER:,l Reno. Okla 25 ACRES, $1600 Bord er B au ti u I Cr e k Onlv two miles rmhutlinv city 4 4 Odii. Splendid poult y farm, near finest of mark ets; 25acrvsof fertile lamv soil; p'ace w I! fruited to apiles, rears grap s, ftc ; cozy littl- cottape, brn, ch'cke h'ue, etc.; chu ches sch' olo, torf Hnd neiuh' O'S, h11 c n Vtnienf; Hwdfoupl cannot art fori lc,rid to immdiate buer 'ncludes 100 hen , tor only 600, part cash, bala ce lib- r I terms For thin and other Mxrylai d bargains, eo page 67, Strout's Big F-im Catalogue No 30." t opy free. Stauon 1358. L A. MR UT, laid Title Bldg PHILADELPHIA, PA. as plain, the land well cultivated, and held in small areas by thrifty farm ers of English, Scotch, or French de scent. The oats, only about two feet high, were ripening; the wheat had been harvested some time, and the farmers were breaking ground for a new crop ; buckwheat was blooming, looking at little distance strikingly like a field of blossoming dog-fennel; and the apple trees, of which there were many, were loaded with not yet ripening fruit. There Is much live stock as is almost invariably the case Where you find rich land- and dairying Is an important Indus try. The once magnificent forests have virtually all been cleared away. only fences made of enormous, great- rooted stumps being left to testify lands. las to the primeval wood. I was told NAme I tlia by reason of the great emigra tion io western uanaf a, land values Address I in parts of Ontario have actually de clined these last few years. Forty lotte, N. . We also teach Bookkeeping, Short hand, Penmanship, etc , (by mail ) GET OUR FREE BOOKLET Mail tnis coupon or send ns your name on a postal card to the WASH' INGTON & CHOCTAW LAND CO., 7003 TIMES BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO and we will send you a handsome il lustrated booklet telling about but FARM TRAINING f OR III GR0FS Don't go to the cities. Be a scienti fic farmer and you are independent for life. North Carolina Agricultur 1 and Mechanical College will train yon to become a successful farmer, a skilled mechanic, an expert dairyman or a successful teacher- Board, lodging and tuition 17 00 per month. For catalogue or free tuition, address J AS. B. DUDLEY, - President, Greensboro, N. C. ' Land For A few hundred acres of choice Hyd County wood land for sale fcoil ru ning iron, da wvy toblac wi h p )id clay subsoil. Ea i'y drami Free from overflow Ad jo nmg navigable ptrtsmi. Within one undr'td ja ds of H. K Be i '.. Will U in lot f . m 30 to 60 acres, or In luiup. For f urlhtr information, address "V JOHN SATTERTHWAITE, - Leechville, - North Carolina. 729 acres, miles f om Thomaville, Ga., acres cleared La ge quantity of ard - od tt ru ber. Ra-lroad bou d- one side and two switi-in;: on the pi ce Well watered, pood ock pr pi tion. God 7-roon. hous, good ell, finemk gn-vi. To settle an estate and give mu. h needed mon-i to m heirs qu ck, it i offer d at a r al barff i price of -25 per acre, one 'hi id cash, n Ian ei easy termB, at 6. No lands s near town van w bo ght nHer3'. Write or full particular. W. E CRAIG M i LES, - Th. maBvilk'. o a Farm and Timber LAND Farms and timbered lands, for sale at $8.00 to $15.00 per acre. . Wnje i n scriptive catalog. UFFREYS HESTER & .0.. Inc., Must Cty Meculenburg Co.. U T0U.IIQ KEUUID UD1ES -&2!:$& LEAnil TELEGRAPIIYI 'tlons paying $60 to 75 a month Karantecd promotion; Write today for free illustrated caittiorf. SOUTHERN SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, U Box 272. NEWNAN, G A. I v. to eigmy aonars an acre is now a

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