Saturday. September 17. 1910.1 . change in the aUKh grannies i Ihich when acted upon by heat, are Ltlaily changed Into a very easily tested substance called dextrine. In extremely high and prolonged temperature Is required fdr this hange without which cereals are not nutritious, and are likely to cause digestive troubles. Starch foods lm erfcctly cooked, undergo fermenta tion, therefore, for young children It is especially necessary that thor ough cooking be the rule. The following cereals are suitable for young children: Granulated or crushed wheat, which makes a good aU-tbe-year-round food, possessing no fat and requiring cream to make ,x taof winter food: corn meal, a "winter food, which builds up strong from wmcu uouviuuo J siwncnan nar rv. . wnir.n. when properly cooked In milk or In water is an easily digested nursery fnnd ' and when used with gluten, half and half. maKes a nigniy nour ByTr nursery food. All these foods may be used as gruel, porridge or in the form of simple deserts. White KmiTiv rice, barley, rye, and wheat uwiii"rf i ' - preparations are the most desirable, thav nnssesa little or no iat. uat - r (9) 731 THE .TRUE HOME. pHIS ia the true nature of home it is the place of Peace ; . the shelter, not only from all injury, but from all terror, doubt, and division. In so far as it is not this, it is not home; so far as the anxieties of the outer life penetrate in to it, and the inconsistently minded, unknown, unloved, or hostile society of the outer world is allowed by either hus band or wife to cross the threshold, it ceases to be home; it , is then only a part of that outer world which you have roofed over, and lighted fire in. But so far as it is a sacred place, a vestal temple, a temple of the hearth watched over by household gods, before whose face none may come, but those whom they can receive, with love so far as it is this, and roof and fire are types only of a nobler shade and light, shade as of the rock in a weary land, and light as of the Pharos in the stormy sea; so far it vindicates the name, and fulfills the praise, of home. " And wherever a true wife comes, this home is always round kct.-iThe stars onlyjnay be over her head ; the glow worm in the night-cold grass may be the only fire at her feet : but home is yet wherever she is ; and for a noble wo man it stretches far round her, better than ceiled with cedar, or painted with vermilion, shedding its quiet light far, for those who else were homeless. John Ruskin. wholesome food. Spinach, onions, turn up at the right time. should be called Instead of the'ple bian. name by which he Is usually known I secured an old botany because I couldn't afford the handsome new ones, with their many-colored pict ures showing how to know wild flow ers. Armed with this, an insufficient bird book, and a mighty desire to ask questions of everybody I met, I learned something of that page of God's creation which opened out be fore me. And that page, girls, young women, Is one that appeals to us. Gathering light and wisdom' from It' now while youth is yours, you will never find the long summer days en tirely uninteresting. You will prob ably never care for. the great debates about animal life. I hope, you will find no real pleasure In such books as The Call of the Wild." You will not give a penny for all of Mr. Roose velt's hunting stories.. But after you have watched the parent birds feed their young ones day after day, after you have seen the wonderful care and forethought the brave little mother takes in order to protect her helpless fledglings, you will more fully recog nize that, in God's . great plan, a " deep and mighty love stirs ceaseless We had ly. and that in the nurturing and ex- 1 is tke usual cereal to begin string beans Pas and celery may no free delivery then. There were pressing of that love no power is so annntri ail Re used In-this way. no 'phones then in the country. wuu iu elements for growth. Meats to be served to young child- The near-by river had an unmanner- the necessa y nf 'ren, should be selected with special ly habit of getting out of its banks 1 I r, Vrr,iTl In HrQ1nl WO tVl -fclrO, Cereals ucguu u uwx v-...w, wheat is nreferable. AIL foods can great, so patient, so marvelous, as the mother-heart. Learning this, you may easily learn to honor your own mother more profoundly and to look with wider sympathy, truer insight, MRS. F. L. TOWNSEND. and should be prepared by so that days would sometimes pass boiling, broiling or roasting, always before the postoffice could be visited. tainine starch should not be used at keePng in mind that the object in One time that winter we were ten upon woman's common lot, common all during the first year, unless by uwmiu& auJ "ea. w m mc uajo wuuum a biu num mc uui-.tnougu uiviue muiueruuuu medical advice, moreover they must J8- "ence a 7 , T V eruays moy, , a be used cautiously during the second of heat is necessary in the beginn ng though I don't remember doing so, year, when milk should still predom- t0 harde the outside 'layer of the but the people were bo new to me inat as a food meat and retain the nutritive juices, the few that I saw -the old house Meats may. be Included in the. diet of was full of interesting memories (to Don't Fee the Child on Hot Biscuits, the child after the fourth year, given say nothing of the "ha'nt" that climb once a dav at the mid-day meal, ed the stairs and rattled ghostly The use of fresh bread and hot Tne Dest meats for the nursery diet chains in the still night hours) and here. How many parents are taking biscuits should be forbidden as a part are Deef stak, mutton chop, roast somewhere, somehow, I had acquir- advantage of their privileges and 01 tne ttiet or growing cnuaren. Few beef, roast lamb, broiled chicken, and a strong love for nature which stood acknowledging the rights ol tneir Lincolnton, N. G. WHEN SENDING THE CHILDREN TO SCHOOL. The beginning of the schools is now people of the present day realize how certain delicate fish, such as shad or me in good stead. many intestinal disorders are caused by fresh or under-baked bread or hot bass. Among the forbidden sausage. meats it is this- love of nature that I uVui. vveii-maae. wen-DaK.ea ugai Hver, and all dried or salted meats or lives on a farm and therefore has bread or corn meal mufflms, are both flsn .. .. opportunity to study the great All- wholesome and nourishing in the t flW . diet of the young child, but should How to Cook Eggs for Children. Mother at first hand. be at least one davold. caro beine rro arn flAaimhitt Hnhatitnte fnr You needn't .be a naturalist and taken to keep the bread in a perfect- mani. at. anv time, and If nroDerlv work with worms and squirmy things, ly dry, covered box, tin being better cooked, give concentrated nutriment. after tne mpner of the small boy. man wood. children, of their teacher and of the school children, by placing them in school on the first day and keeping them there every day of the term? Parents do not realize the im portance of having their children in school at the beginning of the term. It Is an injustice to three parties for children tobe delayed from entering school for from a week to a month, Whole wheat flour is wnr the nursery, the nlain boiled ezz But you caIk -00n become interested as iS 0ften the case in rural districts. vastly to be preferred to the whiter, i3 mo8t wholesome. Every woman in Plant life around you and tie It iS an Injustice to the children thus less nutritious flours, since It supplies thinks she can boil an egg no matter birds! Get in love witn tnem &et delayed, because they have failed to Soma rf a -i i i it.. . . ... . . -hnnerrv fn Iparn nhnnt. them nnd theiri n.iAtninn i aIh jii n,vut. ViiW louu oi0uicia iu iuv now unsKiiieu sne may ue in oiuer " . icaiuiumvii-'" axW nmvu child's diet received by adults-ona nf nnnirina- vet it ia ner- habits, and I defy you to pass many win hinder them in their progress inrough other artieles of food. Good haps the least understood of all pro sih ureaa may he given te the child of 12 months if smfflcient number of dull hours where you can hear the The usual method is to drop yl8tl Pf a Partridge or the jheer iui song oi a winter wren. iein are present; good butter on the bread may be allowed at 16 months. All Cereals shmiii Via serv- cesses. an egg Into boiling water, which is allowed to continue boiling for two or three or four minutes, with the result that the egg is almost raw, or I had never loved a catbird be fore, and never takeli pains to notice all through-the term; and if the pupils thus entered late are begin- nersTthey cannot enter a class at all until the teacher has done a great deal of extra work In bringing these " A. J 1 1 A. 11. 1 Lk 1 . food. Eggs used in the diet of young great love for them and resent any wring, scnooi. ai us opening, uecause, children should be placed in a pan slight put upon them. For brilliant, wnlfl th teacher Is giving extra time and sufficient water that has come' joy-giving song, commend m to the to tnese tardy pupils, so they may to "a boil should be poured over them. They are then set aside upon the back of the stove from 8 to 12 minutes according to whether or not 'Carolina mocking bird," as he (Continued on page 738.) what o flrvori nf rioh miioi tVi ov nniir beginners up so they can enter a preieraDiy with .salt and cream, the white is tough and leathery, with forth when the mood is on, them, class- By tnls extra worK or tne however, with active digestion and a an uncooked yellow, an altogether But-after listening to them during teacher an injustice is alse meted out well-balanced dietary, a little pure hard, tough, indigestible article of those spring months, I grew into a to the pupils who were prompt in en- may e anowed. Meats (or the Growing Boy or Girl. The first point to remember in-the making of broth for , the young child Is that good material must be used and that the meat must be treated In SllPh a nrono. i. X i. xl li Cni7 V xtu e . ct ine.Julue8- they are liked soft. , .aucu water snouid De used, - and-the meat should be allowed to soak in the water for several hours before it is. subjected to heat. Even Jhen it should only simmer. At the last it may be boiled for one or two Joura to dissolve the gelatin of the Bones, but this is no necessary since a chopped, lean meat is more desir- &D19. The place of fruit and vegetables in the nursery diet will be consider ed in a succeeding paper. "IN THE LOVE OP XATURIV To the girl in the country who is lonely at times, and wishes for the larger social life of the city , or vll- It Is Tirof aro Vl It trr tr i f r Iqita Viova q wnrH fn a? V Tt Wflfl aye broth made the day previous, as my lot once, in my young woman- nen every particle of fat can be re- hood, to- make my home on a farm moved. Fat plays an important part in a secluded neighborhood. Few ,bn the nursery diet, but it is not to girls are situated so unpleasantly If e srved floating upon poorly-made one considers the purely social side joupg. Lean h chicken, veal and of things. We were four miles from amb make desirable broths. Milk a village, no church neair, very few roth, flavored with water from care- neighbors and those we rarely saw. ally prepared vegetables, or with The first winter, life occasionally tvgetaes that have been rubbed seemeji to narrow down to waiting arough a sieve, makes a delicious, for the mail and .that didn't always J Will LTHE Repeatijighotguns USED IN THE U. S, ARMY. The U. S. Army authorities know a gun ; that is why, when they decided to equip some troops with repeating shotguns, they selected the Win chester in preference to all other makes. . The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know a gun ; that's why, after submitting a Winches ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they pronounced it safe, sure, strong and simple. If you want a shotgun buy the one whose strength and reliability led . the U. S. Army authorities to select it and the U. S. Ordnance Board to endorse it that's the Winchester. RELIABLE REPEATE RS