Citurdiy. Octtbtr 22. 1910. (IS) sit A 1 MARKETS. A MONT V 7NITR0CLUB SHOT SHELLS The only American mad shellaN ? with steel lining. Winners of every Interstate Handicap for two yem straight. A record nerer equal led by any other ammunition. ' The win ning amateurs in these 10 Interstatehandi caps chose Arrow and JVtfro Gab shells. The Steel lining in these shells protects the powder from moisture, insuring a uni- , form snappy load in all kinds of weather. Sooner or later you'll try these shells and always shoot them. Why not today? "Come lows 1910" mailtd free. S The Union Metallic Cartridfe Company Bl fc. - , f . ' A . . . AAA ft ascbct; a Dreaaway, Hew York City -V teel lined RALEIGH OOTTON. 3(Kd Middling. Strict Middling. Middling. Off Grades.. H5-1I 14 -14 to Siii OHABLESTON PROVISION AKD FATtll STJFPXJE3. 1 O. S. O. R. Sides, peeked t. a. uemes, packed., J. s. uutts 3utter, creamery i&ms. cnoioe rard. pure, tierces neai, pearl Meal, common Hay Timothy lorn, white ;orn, mixed Oats, clipped, white.. ats. mixed ''eed Cracked corn, rr bushel... op onop, per 100 pounds .. Wheat bran, per 100 pounds Corn bran, per 100 pounds... Miaaunss, per loo pounds nuns, per 100 pounds.. Vrtton Ties, pieced Rebundled ........... New Ties . ...... gagging, i pound. U nu m i tt .... .... 14-tt . lea H!l 1.10 to I with Ma f&tr average. Quinces, $2 .504 per bbl. Peaches, $1-25 2 per bushel. Plums, 25 35c per 8 R. basket for large blue; damson, 30 40c. Grapes, Concord, per 20 R, basket, 50 55c. Cranberries, 4 O S Per bbl. Citron, 75c. 1 per bbl. Butter. -Creamery special, 3 0 c. ; Imitation creamery, 2 4 Q 2 5 c. ; f ao ttry, 22 Q 25c. Eggi, 27 0 32c. for Western, as to quality. Wheat Is lower, 97 He; corn, 49c; ats, 22 e. , Unoloe ...... 14 t 1.00 xw 1m ... 75 70 70 -.iaSL .... e.tttoow S.7B uttUU Weuld rather give up all the other m&fers I take (and they are four agri emJtural and two newspapers) , than te lie without The Progressive Farm er and Gazette'. Samuel L. Trogdon, Greensboro, N. C. ...... to 6-60 Christmas Post Cards Froo Beaa m two So stomps and I'll vend 70a 10 beautiful Christmas CMuras ana nu 70a aooui my Dig auarKiBB. T. MEKEDITH. KM Sutetu BIOS., dm ina, lawa 1 1! fc. r J WAV IrM MflSBM P H JRr vJ B. S. M 1 11 J l J 1 W.I.I immmmmmmmma Iftl ' " And Make :- : gliil Trapping this Fall m VICTOR TRAPS: ifcgjfWri are sure to go and I tsure to hold. Every Jjk genuine Vict orlrap (l B Is pierced with a'V MLjf ! JskyourDealer Insist onthewV" RICHMOND TOBAOOO. Reported by E. K. Victor ft Ca. LasTotaeoe Strips, Sterna and Scraps.) There have been no loose eales of new primings this week so far Oc tober 13,- but a sale is expected to take place to-morrow, and there has been some activity in 'old bright to baccos in which several sales have been made to-day. The crop in 71r- giania has been fully house and cut, and is said to be curing up nicely. as soon as we nave tne season, we expect that our market will open in earnest for all grades of the new crop; : ' ' ;' ' - - NEW YORK GRAIN AND PRODUCE Potatoes in bulk, per 180 lbs., i- .80 1.75; per bbl., $1.25 1.75 Sweets, per bbl., $ 1 2 ; yams, $ 1 1.12. Onioiis. white, per bushel, 65 8 5c; yellow, $1 1.25 per 100-Ib bag; red, $1 1.75 per bbl. Cab bageper 100, $2 4; bbl., 50 75c. Beets, per 100 buncheB, $1.251.50 Carrots. $1.62 2 per bbl. Cauli flowers, $2.75 8.75 per large bbl. and $1.501b2.50 for small. Celery $1.2 5 2 per crate Cucumberi,-per bbl., $1.502.50; for pickles, per 1,000, $2 3. Escarol, 35 65c. per basket. . Eggplant, 35 50c. per bbl Green corn, 75c. $1.75 per 100 ears. Lima beans, $1.2 5 1.75 per basket for "potato" and 60 75c. for flat. Lettuce. 25 40c. per basket Mushrooms, 20 45c. per lb. for white. Okra, 10 12c. per 100. Parsley, 25 50c. per basket" JPep pers7$ 1 i;50 per bbl." for red, and 75c.$1.12 for green. Peas, $1.50 2.50 per -bushel basket. Pump kins, 50 75c. per bbl. Romaine, 35 75c. per basket Spinach, 30 50c. per basket Green string beans, 50c. $1.12. Squash, 50c. $1 per bbl. for -Yellow. Crookneck; white, 50c. $1. Turnips, 75c. $1 per bbl. Tomatoes, 25 55c. per box. Apples will average about $ 3.60 per bbl. for good stock of almost any variety, with more or less for bet ter or worse. Pears, $8 6 per bbl., m I catch V wu uuuk LC11Z nnv tn - dead loads of fish vHm. you failed the old-fsh!nn Write for It. We pay the nostap W uousanu Miuneatuers In over 30 states, VzJ We are sole manufacturers of the c1m. KV? DrateaDoubleMussleWlrerishBaskeU rw' our sales cover over 20 states. Kv ETmrirA nn ott rn rtinn, tia. ul Dallaa, Tax. VICTOR POWER MILLS tar c raim la fully guaranteed and r - v - f For grinding all small said our leads: ear corn, oata, rye u grains, xm lars. will do all we claim for it. NEVER CHOKE OR CLOQ In any kind or oondition of eral. Simple in construction and easy to O Derate. Write for catalocr. All styles, sweep, weared and rower Hulls. Hons Fowsrs and Wood saws. VIOTOR FIID MILL COMPANY, S)M 1ST SarinslUld, Ohio. THIS $65.00 SEVIIIG HHCHII1E Direct from Factory to You Comptett 1 With A U AttathmmU turn- tssdTin Yisra A Dixie Pea HnUcf Kkes Vt PtrfHs out ol Cow as. Hulls and cleans with out tarstihf the peas-increases theis value 10c pet bushd. Many have give9 entire sets faction for over 10 fean. U iustratod ratalof frae upoo teowsu Write today DtpL'22 SJ. D fib ' Proven eaaleat, most ovrvxa, fastest aheller made. I toll bmhela per hour. Working; parts Malle able, bearings Chilled. All broken, worn out or lost parts replaced rm. If voaoftntbur the srenu ln ck Hawk from roar dealer I will ship one Freight Pre- C&Q25 paid for only Ton need the Black Hawk BheV tor. Will last a lifetime and d a work all the time, instaas fastanad te barret, box er )ln by S strong Clamps. Ask for trim book. Agta. wattted. . aimmum siMk erttt Km. Ns&ye laldsi lM VSl VQa ,r I Oik esse. -: IM ; TrVm'r ife?- sss Lstaki SSVWf . - NswNtsst Sassl Trsy. Earf IsBDlog. Kslslsss. - . - WB PAY THE FHEIG1IT : for limited time only we will pay the freight on this elegant new Model 2 Golden Eagle Sewing- Machine to any reader of The Progres sive Fanner and Gazette at the wholesale fac tory price, 120. Safe delivery and sat'sf action guaranteed or morey beck. Send your order TODAY, or write for Free Catalog; C-6. GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY COMPANY, 106 fioWis Eaf!s llif., Kschlas Dsst C, Atlanta, la. OUR LAND EXCHANGE Farms Wanted or Offered For Sale or Rent In this department we shall publish offerinara of all land wanted or offered for sale or for i rent. We do not extend our sreneral advertis lnar maraatee to this department; because ewety imrr liaeer should see land for Mmidf before bwyinsT. bat no man is permitted. to of far land for sale In this department until he has first shown as satisfactory references as to honesty and financial responsibility. $ Buys GEORGIA'S FIVE-MILLION DOLLAR CROP COMITY If von are thlnklnsr of chansinc roar location to the 8oth investigate Stunter scanty, the heart of Georgia's ri cheat agricultural section Crops 1909 agcresrating 15,000,000 in value. Cotton corn, oats hay, peaches, pears, plnms. figs, watermelons, cantaloupes, surer cane, vegetables, tobacco, etc te. Finest lands in Georgia at f 10 to ISO an acre If interested nead for pamphlet and further in formation to . mOS. GAMBLE, JR., Si. ' Board of Trade, Amerieus, Ga, a Farm This Announcement Is Important I acd presents a wonderful and altogether nn- usual ODDortuDltv. under no circumstances. thorefore, should you fall to carefully read every word we have here to say. It tell you how. for $15 an acre and up, you can huy from the Wamuigtmn A CMoetam Land Co. the most productive of all farm lar.di in the Un ted States today in lots of 10 acres or more, and on payments as low as S3 a u onto. These lands are located near fel low Pirn. Weuhineton Co., Ala. They are land9 from which two. three ard frequently f -ur croDs are produced each year from the same ground, under modern farming metn- ods: where climate, rainfall and soil unite in creating bountiful harvests : where Corn and Cotton are raised to great advantage: where General Farming. Market Gardening and Stock Raising is carried on successfully, where Poultry. Bees and Dairying are pro ductive of splendid results, and where Pe cans, Peanuts, etc., grow to profusion. Two New Town Sites offer an excellent investment opening and homes for winter or constant residence. Great Fruit District Also It is a section.' too. where Fruit Growing Is attended with verv marked success, as evi denced by the experience of many settlers al ready upon the ground. As an illustration of not only what can be done. Dut aiso wnar, ac tually being done, we cite tne case or xur. H. D. Wing, who, until he sold his holdings s short time ago, vas the owner of one of the largest peach orchards in the South. He had 200 acres in trees and 600 acres of raw land. From the former, which had only been plan tea three years, he raised this season thirty car Inula of nvuhn and then sod his entire hold ings to a corporation for 1150,000. netting Mm close upon $700 per acre for his improved land, and 850 an acre for his raw land. The region is specially good also for pears, figs, apples. satsuma oranges and other fruits. U. S. Government Helps Tn oiMitlnn to all the natural advantages of these lands, settlers have also the help of the United States Oovernment. Tbe Department of Agriculture maintains at Fruitdale. Ala bamawhich is located in close proximity to the Washington and Choctaw Lands an ex- nerimentol station with salaried representa tives in charge, whose bisinesa and pleasure it is to advise and assist settlers along lines that will be a material help to them in ob taining the best results. Such assistance is a great boon to settlers in a new district. Other Facts Briefly Stated . 7927 SOIL. It is a sandy loam, and without a peer in productiveness CUMA1E The climate Is sublime. Situated within 60 mi'w of the Gulf Coast, and at an elevation of 800 feet above sea level, the gulf breezes make it comparatively cool In summer, while the gulf stream moderates the winters. Ont-of door work goes on twelve months In the venr. and there is never any snow. RAINFALL. The average fall of rain Is 59 inches ner vear. every month having a share. There are no droughts and no irrigation is HEALTH. Observation and reports by the United States Marine Hospital pronounces it the only" section of country absolutely-free f rom local diseaaea. WATER. Among 9.0H0 samples from all nartft of the' ponntrv examined bv the Univer sity of Illinois, it nroved to be the purest of them all. PEOPLE. This territory is being nonulated by energetic red-blooded white men from the North. MARKETS. There is an unlimited demand for everything the grower has to sell. Bail- roads run directly through the land and fast trains carry the produce to States North and South with low freight rates and quick ser vice. NURSERY. We are establishing a nursery, consisting of 820 acres, in the midst of our holdings, which when completed will be the largest nursery in the South. From it we will supply our settlers with all their nursery needa at a biff discount. ORCHARDS. Our nursery department will plant you a five-acre orchard and take care of it for five years if you wish. In many other ways also we are prepared to be of ser vice to you. . Your success is our success, in a measure, and we will be glad to help yon get properly started. AGENTS WANTED We want agents to sell our land in unoccu pied territory. Write for terms. We have good piece of land and we want honest men to sell it for us. - Send for Our Free Booklet If you were sure yon could make 13.000 to 15,000 per year from a farm In the Wash ington & Choctaw territory, wduld yon be in terested ? We print a 20- page book let that tells all about this land at 125 an acre and up. and gives many letters from people who know the land, have tilled it, and who are doing well. Send for this booklet; it is free; a postal card will bring U. WASHINGTON ft CHOCTAW UNO CO 7003 Times BMf.. ST. 10C3, K3. " (GETOUR FREE BOOKLET Wahlnatn & Choctaw Land Co., 7003 Tiiw Duildlno. 8t. Loui, Mo.: Without obligation on my part, please send me tour free illustrated booklet telling all about your lands. Name Addreii State '9 -( .