818 (4) VARIETIES OF COTTON RESISTANT TO WILT. . . By Prof. J. F. Dutfar. WILT OR BLACK ROOT in cot ton Is the most troublesome disease to which cotton is sub ject It is not so wide-spread in its occurrence as is boll rot, or anthrac nose, but on the farms where it oc curs and has become widely dis seminated it Is a pest which for that particular farm is almost as disas trous as the boll weevil.. The best method of dealing with this disease consists in so rotating the crops that cotton will not be grown on the land more frequently than' one year in every three or four "and in such a way as to exclude from the land any succulent-rooted crop subject to the -disease known as root knot :, '. - . The worms causing the root-knot disease of cotton and" of many other plants are not the cause of cowpea wilt , but they may be indirectly the means of increasing it This is be cause where these worms are numer ous in the soil the roots- of the next . crop of cotton are more 'generally in jured by these worms, and through these mechanical injuries it is now thought that the germs of black oot much more readily gain access to the cotton plant than would be pos sible if the roots of cotton were un injured. This implies that it is only injurious as regards cotton wilt to grow crops susceptible to -root-knot when there are present in the soil both the root-knot worms and the germs that cause cotton wilt The writer has recently examined a number of diseased cotton plants grown on stiff lime prairie soil. These had many of the resemblances to wilt or black root and were believ 'ecTin he locality where found, to be this disease. However, an examina tion of the cut made across the stem showed the absence of the symptoms that characterize black root; namely, (1) the darkening of the layer im mediately below the bark, and (2) black specks or blackened threads throughout the central -part of the stem. The plants . examined, if dead or dying, showed some discoloration near the center of the stem, but this dark layer was not' in the position where it is usually found in cotton af fected with black root Moreover,, in the case of these suspected, plants, the young bud leaves in the top, of the plants had not died. Every indica tion pointed to this being an unusual ly severe form of rust - . PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND GAZUXTE. htiM th itceiilty of planting the ' Editorial Oomment . ia eottci btit iedi obtainable. - corn, and othr such farm pianta t&' HowTthey art to be had is a vital individual is the result of male an J question. female ' parents.-. The-male and f. By. actual test, during' the past-male elements' may originate in the year, there was a slight difference in same, plant, but intermingling of the the yield and size of bolds from seed, male and female elements of differ all out of the same boll. .This led enfplants Is common. c . " er small bolls. Recent selections of me to conclude that seed In certain Difference in-seed can not be held t!ie latter variety are quite promising Panxof &MYxst cotton were better responsible for . all the differences in in productiveness- Unfortunately than in a. different part I submit plants, even when grown near each tnis tnougni ioz your comment. ' . r:' ' : H. P. D. The Only Known Way of Fighting This Disease, Aside?, From Rotation of Crops, is by the Planting of Resistant Strains-- 4 r- m - neither of these resistant varieties is early, and doubtless early resistant stra'ns must be bred for use in the presence of the boll weevil. Parties growing these varieties this year should save every seed for planting on desirable land next year. Recently it has been found Jin Georgia that a strain of Excelsior is quite resistant to cotton wilt. Ex periments are in progress at the Ala bama Station,, and doubtless at other Stations, to discover and , improve still other resistant kinds, . , . . The main purpose of this article is to urge farmers to do some work along similar lines. . Wherever a thoroughly healthy and productive plant is found growing in the midst of diseased plants, its seed should be saved and planted next year' on wilt infected land, with the hope that it may be able to transmit to its off spring this resistant quality. '1 f The policy to be pursued in, select ing cotton to avoid this disease is ex actly the opposite of that suitable for reducing the injury from boll rot. In the former case selections" must be made on diseased land, while in the case of boll rot care should be taken that none of the seed for planting should come from a badly, diseased field and none from plants on. which much boll ' rot occurs. : other and on land exactly simn a " . . " , DU far as the human eye can detect. THE SELECTION - OF SEED FROM BEST STALKS. Messrs. Editors: Perhaps there has not been a year since cotton has been cultivated in the South that stalks in favorable places have not made a phenomenal' yield. The ques tion naturally arises: "Why not.every stalk in the , field as good as the best one?" ' There is no effect without a cause. Either the seed is not as good, or the soil on which they grow is wanting in depth and plant food. It can "not altogether, be the latter; for many stalks, Just as favorably situated, fail to yield Satisfactory returns. This forces us to charge it to the seed; n FAVORITES FOR 30 YEARS "HICKORY" and ' '' OneTone , , , : "PIEDMONT" ' P a r "Wag o ns . . When the question of Strength and Durability is considered these Wagons are acknowledged . Leaders. . , Our Bpecial design in ger makes them UNBREAKABLE. We use only nhe . best material, which Is inspected carefully before it ia accepted and also after it has been worked into the completed Wagon. Thirty years ago when our first wagon was made its superior QUALITY was recognized by the farmers who wanted the BEST WAGON and the same thing happens today : when a farmer asks lor a "HICKORY' or "PIEDMONT" wagon. " - ' See them at yonr dealers. If he can't supply you, mail us the coupon In. this ad. and we will have you supplied. . ..V. v .N:;.f Piedmont Wagon Company -Manufactorers- Hickory, :: N.; Carolina Please send detailed information about your Wagons, -to , :v"fvK V Name .. ': ' :, . - : .-:., -i:-. a ... AddreiSr 1 j.l .......... ' - You Want a 100 Buggy 100$ Material 100 Wear 100 Comfort 100 Satisfaction and look 100$ Style 0 OXFORD BUGGY CO., :: Oxford, N. C. or 3 o . !. 'IS i U A i .m- : : - - r 2 - ! - :m i. "i I o; o Sr . ! : R a : ' ' Tt fthould be remembered that these remarks apply only to stiff prairie soil where the writer believes cotton wilt has not generally beenjlissem inated, but which soils are very sus ceptible to rust. . , In sandy regions in the southern part of Georgia, Alabama,; and the Carolinas, where black root is well known, there is less danger that even the severest form of the so-called black, rust or scald could be mistaken for wilt. f v In combatting cotton wilt, not only should a rotation be followed of the kind indicated in the first paragraph, but as soon as practicable farmers owning such land should procure, or breed up, a resistant strain of cotton. At present there are two varieties h decidedly, though not completely, resistant to black root. These are the Dillon and Dixie. Both were originated through selection by the U. S. Department of Agriculture Dillon is a selection from the Jackson and most of its plants have the Jack son characteristic, notably tall slen der, cluster plant, and bolls somewhat difficult to pick. 4, ' Dixie is a limbed variety with rath . t1 ""N ,, . ' "ssssssiiMkSil L Shorn 12B Stviete mui m. ittt i cat m2zr JrSS P?8 Send Your Name clesandhiKh-snide harness, br RrJndVmr JV! i 5 KP' matertnd work for mi vu vusvByvu gn my 2 Years' Guarantee S&S to mall you my b; DOK OL BT mlugaand Book of Styles. . 1 finish. etv made-to-order. IihinnrnmntiTon . wm -"rf 30 Davs Fpaa RrmH Tn.t : I ean afford to do this beoanra I know you'll be pleased -because my Tehlcles and Harness are made rtght-e- Si,Jn L J17on biKmPJ on prices by taking only one small maker's profit becaoiM mr lmmm Di! M. P. PH7T.M Manufacturer Spilt Hickory Vehicles MM wmimmm exoluslre vehicle and hinou the world. Write me today. w TkeOlio Carriage Mfy. Co. 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