Saturday, October. 22. 1910. . TVM3 C A T 17 Appwoauquw f Jt DtWLlEu Und Big Boll Cot- t tea Seed, Marlboro Cora, CooVs Improved Cotton Seed Cotton Seed and Oata ti per bo., Corn 1 2. We gTow our seed and hare our gin to keep them pare Order now, aa we never have enough to last through the season. ' WRITE US FOB DESCRIPTION, ETCV -VI E YARD FARM, Griffin, Ga. SEED WHEAT . FOR SALE We offer the famous variety of Seed Wheat ; from the Oeconeechee Farm, Hillaboro. N. CL. for $L50 per bushel tab, Durham, N. LC Address , " . . . "' .-. ... Austin-Heaton Company, Durham, II. C. wi varieties, we try io tum an peas io ine poie, so tne vines win (?) m I stakes should be set securely In the soil by using an auger, or some other Implement for the purpose. If the stacks are allowed to blow down, the nuts are more than apt to bo dam aged. .There should be nailed to each pole, about 8 Inches from the eoll, a small woodem cleat, to keep the nuts and vines from coming in contact with the moist earth The I stacks should be put up as small around as possible to allow the air to-penetrate and should also be made as tight as convenient . With the m Proven by experi- Ilnnm! I lO TO mentitations to be HUH iLi I UfJLd the beat for the rr . - South; rust-proof; heavy yielding, 19 acres averaged 61 bus. per acre. Clean, pore Beed.. 85 cents per bushel f. e. b. Wakulla, N. c w. g Mclean. . - R. F. D. No. 2, Maxtok, N. C PEAS AND SOJA BEANS WANTED for November and December delivery.' Please quote us. E. W. 10NES t Co., Saadsmin, Woodlawa, Vs. , Every CottonJQrower large or small, rieh'or poor, write to B. W.BAWKINS; Nona, Go., for history and descriptive circular of his Extra Prolific Cotton, aad ; Price of Seed. , It's free, and will be worth Bum drede ot DOLLARS te Quick Maturity end will make three BaUe per Acre. 52 a Month buys a Genuine nnfo)no n RILL 0R6flK AT FACTORY PRICES' 1 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL If) - - Ff?FPr I Uutic Instruction by Our'fien Diagram ' J j5S?S I m . a . . .... - oynem mum mntcn Anyone van I Learn to Plow at Once OT protect the nuts from the rains and ravages of birds. v As k soon as the kernels are dry enough, to shake in the hull, . they should be picked off. Years ago-thls was done largely by women and children," but to-day there are a num ber of machines on the market which clean them even better than hands. Some of these "machines pick off from 300 to 500 bushels per day, and they have made it possible for the acreage to be largely increased. T. E. BROWN. Hertford Co., N. C. TBI H iTSL. . .... 11 i Virginia Winter Seed Oats FOR SALE Grown on Castalia Farm, clean heavy. Write for sample and price. mitpp ay RoornrK Tffiiwick. : Albemarle County, : Virginia. Red Rust Proof Oats For Sale Vnr need at 60c per bushel. Also Georgia Cane SvruD at 35c per gallon In 85 gallon barrels. . Ola, S3 n W. H. DAVIS, - XMiaovjr-o o. v. SEE D OAT S I have the Famous Wood's Improved Bancroft Oats for sale. Guaranteed to outyield all others. " 100 bu. per acre easily made on ordinary upland. Once planted, always planted. Price 1100, per bushel. Write today. Jas. Bi Wood, - - Brooks, Ga. Pure Appier Oats For Sale These oats are from seed originally obtained from the experiment station, and are pure. They are ref anned and free from small oats, snort straw and obnoxious seed. By permission I refer to Co. R. J. Redding. One dollar per bushel, f. o. b. Griffia, Ga. ' -. :.. J. H. WALKER. ' Griffin, Ga. Seed Rye For Sale Eastern Carolina Seed Rye, Crimson Clover, Vetch, Winter Oats, Rape, Bulbs, etc Z. M, L. JEFFREYS, - - Goldsboro, N. C SEED WHEAT AND OATS FOR SALE Pure Purple Straw Seed Wheat $1.90 per bu,, 10 bu. and over $L75. Appier Oats $1 00 per bu., 10 bu. and over HO eentt. Wheat in 2 bu. and Oats in 5 bu. Backs. All recleaned and gradtd in Chatham mill. F. O. B. Marietta, cash with order. I want to buy Whipporwill peas (Improved pre ferred.) -::;. -. . . John P. Cheney, , - Marietta, Ga. Seed Oats for Sale 2,000 bu. finest Appier Seed Oats, "the best for the South'," grown from only the heaviest selected ed, and threshed pure, clean, and heavy for planting. Price, unstained, $1.00; stained; but sound by actual test, 80c per bu. . f. o. b. , cash with order. Scientifically selected cotton and corn seed later. -, W A N N AM A K 13 It & SONS, 4!Modern;Seed Farm,Mt St. Matthews -. South Carolina. SEED WHEAT Splendid standard varieties bow ready for ship Sent . Currells Prolific Leeks Prolific, Fulcastor, Fuitz. HA Chkir anH nthmr varieties selected from the very best fields In North Carolina. ' Also N. O. Seed Rye. A order. Burt , and Sensation Oats. "Ices on application. " HIGjKORY : SEED GOMPY. HICKORY. N. G ' !. II , , l.i .1 . ,1 . 'I ' ' nrnrift firm Great for hav and Winter grazing. vug UlflM A few clean wedfor sale at 11.00 10 bu. at W: 28 at 75c Sow In Fall. Will drown or freeze out Circular with order. Buy "cw, a. U Boper, AdatrtviU. Co. FARMERS' NATIONAL CONGRESS. The Farmers' National Convention, in session at Omaha, Neb., Oct. 5 to 12, elected Joshua Strange, of In diana, President; Geo. M. Whitakers, Washington, D. C, Secretary and John M. Stahl, of Illinois, Legislative Agent. , ; . The meeting was reported a suc cess, although the attendance was scarcely so large as usual. Resolutions were adopted as fol lows: . ; '' ,'S ' ( ;:. 1. Re-affirming position , on immi gration. . ' 2. Urging more liberal appropria tions for agricultural colleges and experiment stations. 3. Favoring conservation of, for ests and minerals. . V 'v.. ! 4. Favoring an amendment to the; Constitution which will prohibit the introduction Into any State of an ar ticle whose sale there is forbidden. 5. Favoring National and , State control of public service'eorporations, especially railroads and express com panies. , ' . :' . 6. Favoring laws for a Federal valuation of railroads. 7. Favoring legislation that will make it impossible to sell oleomar garine as butter. ; 8. Favoring a law forbidding in terstate common carriers taking in toxicating liquors into drv territory. 9. Indorsing the tariff commission idea. ' . v - ' 10. Affirming position in favor of conservation " V 11: Favoring a National and State soil 'survey. , 1 2. Favoring the establishment of State conservation commissions. 13. Favoring legislation for the protection of travelers on railways. 14. Favoring an experimental par cels post and urging members to write Congressmen In favor of it Buff Leghorn Cockerels and Pullets tl.OO each. Pullets hatched in April now laying. Fine cut Chrysanthemums tl.OO doz., 3 doz. 12.60. MrS..B. T. -Bonner, - Aurora, N. C. THtS WATttRL.OO O O V has all the good points that go into any gaso line engine, besides many exclu sive patent ed features. Waterloo fioirthebest engine for every conceivable'purpose. We will send any re- a Waterloo coy on su aays zree You can now bu a oenuine Kimball Organ direct from the makers at the lowest factor price tor which really good organs can be sold, and on payments to suit your convenience. Jmet a line from pou wiU bring by first mail Our meney-eavlna plan nd free catalogue. This tells you aU acout the Kimball system of manufacturing, selling direct from our . great factories and the whole remarkable or gan story. - It tells you how to get &GenuineRimbaHOT gan on a month's free trial. It tells you of things you need to know about organs. It tells you that your simple request will bring a Kimball Organ to your home, that you can play on for a month free. Try all its rare musical com binations by its numerous stops. Listen to its sweet, sympathetic tone. Use it as though It were your own. r' . If you don't find it all and more than wsS RAn (i it. haTr at. nni ovnannA mv. .t-i V will cost you nothing, for the little good-faith money you may have sent us will be returned to you boiore you send back the organ. Send Today for Our Money-Saving Plan and Free Catalogue Don't think of buying an organ until you have our money-saving proposition. Our half a century of manufacturing experience, the financial strength back of our binding guar aran$ee, and our 40 Dane' Free Trial flan, are your safeguards. They give you positive assurance of receiving greater organ value for your money than you can poatioly obtain elsewhere. The most inexperienced buyer, a thousand mUes or more from Chioago, gets the same square deal as the shrewdest trader who buys from us in person. Your KlmbaU Organ will be selected by an expert on whose Judgment you can rely Sfoof and New Diagram 8petem Free with each organ. Free Music Instruction by Our New Diagram System in a few hours' time learn to play every chord and accompaniment for singing and to accompany any other instrument, and can with very little practice learn to play pieces nicely. You need this book of 80 pages. 100 free music lessons. With the organ also comes free a beautiful stool to match your organ oase. You can have your splendidly built, rich-toned Kimball, the music instruc tions and the stool the whole outfit- at once. The little you pay each month will not be missed. Cut out the coupon and send it to us now before you lay this paper away. v . Scale of C Major (Natural Key) 1 . . There are those who do not wish to employ a teacher at present Others only want to learn to play for singing and for their own amuse ment and do not expect to make expert players of themselves. To such we recommend and send free with each Kimball Organ our New Diagram System of SeJf-Instructlon in Music, with which anyone, young or old,- gifted or not gifted, can - ' FILL OUT THIS. COUPON AND MAIL IT TODAY W. W, KIMBALL CO., Mfre., 5297 Kimball Ball, Chicago, RU Please send me Free, postage paid, your 1910 Catalogue, showing the forty different styles of organs, your Money-Saving Plan, and Circulars of your Free Musical Instructions. p.: -rrx .County.... .State........... R.F.D.. f ' Company The Southern Express Transports all kinds of merchandise, fruits, vegetables,; money, valuables, jewelry, bonds, valuable papers, etc., in connection with other Express Companies, to all parts of the United States, Canada, Havana, Nassau, etc. . . . Collection taken with or without goods. Deeds and mortgages taken to be recorded and returned. Baggage checks taken and baggage shipped. " Southern Express Company Travelers' Money Orders are self -identifying: SAre just the thing when traveling where you are unknown and identification difficult. On sale at principal offices of the Company. . ; In remitting use Southern Express Money Orders. No written ap plications required. If lost, money promptly refunded. Full informa tion from Agents. ' v c. L. LOOP, Vice President, Chattanooga, Tenn. JOHN B. HOCKADAY, General Manager, ' Eastern Dept, Atlanta, Ga. E. M. WILLIAMS. General Manager, Western Dept., Birmingham, Ala. I 1 nnmaiM Twrmn trial, and if It does not do all and more than we claim, If you are not satisQed tnat n is tne Deic, end It back and we wiU pay the f reight both ways. Can you think of a more liberal proposition than this? Write today for our free catalogue, showing Rtyles and ices, and our free trial offer Wank. 17 yars on the market. 6 year guarantee Yearly capaclty41.000 engines. SO days free trial. f Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co., 6KEZNSBOKO, - N. CAROLINA. Be the Big Man The difference between big men and little men is only a difference of training. Sheldon students who are moving ahead and leaving thousands of others behind, are not better men, but better trained men. The world is laying its prizes at the feet of the man who Is successfully trained to cope with present day business methods, and the Sheldon course In the Science of Business Building will point ' out your latent capabilities, broaden your horizon, and enable you to fit yourself for the bigger things. : If jou want to stand out-if .nn want to be a big man-make the start today by sending for the Sheldon Book, which tells how . The Sheldon School was tmAoA hnr Iti rnnraei have Increased the earning capacity of tens of thousands-how it will benefit you. A postcard request will bring it to you. write ; THE SHELDON SCHOOL, 1082 Republic Boildinr, CHICAGO. , . . -; ' ILLINOIS. FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS We offer in any Quantity, Hiley, Gov. Hogg and Carman Peachtrees. Terry's Winter, Winesap, Ben Davis, Stayman's Wineeap. Arkansas Black. Yates. Magnum Bonum. Kinnard's Choice and Poorhoute Appletrees. Klondyke, Lady Thomp. son Strawberry Plants at iz.&o per low. succes ion, Charleston Wakefield Cabbage; Georgia Bhie Stem Collard PUnts, 600 for $L00; 1.000 for $1.76. THE CUUETON NURSERIES Jamee Cureton, Prop., - - - Auetell, Go. $25.00 Cash and $75.00 out of the first profits buys One Share of a most valuable interest in a Gaslest and Motorless Flying Machine. Flight by manpower as easy and safe as walk ing. Like a bicycle in the air. Chance for One Share to earn over ten thou sand dollars. Address Box 73, Raleigh, N. C. FINE EXTRACTED HOMY, 10c LB. ' Several tons extracted hone? thoroughly ripen ed, thick and rich Guaranteed to please or money back. 10c per lb. f. o. b. PrairieviUe. Send stamp toj sample. WM. D. NULL, PrairieviUe. Ala

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