" IN THE LAND OFrUPOIDE DOWN." PAGE 11 t s&s&a ui uuu kviuc vvccuiy iui iiuiiii una South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Ueorgia. Vol. JttV. No. 46. RALEIGH, N. C, NOVEMBER 19, 1910. Weekly: $1 a Tear THE TRUE SPIRIT OF THANKSGIVING T this season, when the crops are mostly gathered in, when JT& the season's warkis about over and we are beginning pre parations for another year, it has become a custom for men of all classes and conditions to pause, as it were, in the labors of their hands and take account of the blessings that are theirs, to give one day to enjoying and expressing their grati tude for the good things that have come to themi It is a beau tiful custom, too ; especially so wheri it is made, as in many cases it is, the occasion for the reunion of friends and families, and of wholesome and grateful rejoicing. ; Comings as it does, at a time when the farmer is able to take Zmtocle of Shis possessions -and T to estimate the results of his year's labor, the day has grown to be associated with the idea of pros perity material gain: we are J 1 f i j ., i. .. 'agUS hiHX expected to be thankful because crops are good and prices high, because barn and store-room are filled, because, forsooth, we have turkey on the table and money in the bank, TMb is alt well enough, but it seems to us that a far finer spirit is expressed in our Thanksgiving poem that we should be thank ful, not only for herds and flocks and rich-harvested fields for which we have planned and mtnrkeA "all the vear. but also for the gifts that come to us unsought, often almost unheeded : "For the morning blue above us And the rusted gold of the fern" For the everyday beauty of this good old world of ours, and "the pure joy of living" as Browning puts it. Thankful we should be, not only for the friends, who gather with us to enjoy the season's cheer, but also for all the men and women of the past who toiled and strove to make the world better and brighter : - "For those who wrought aforetime, Led by the mystic strain To strive for the larger freedom And live for the greater gain." Thankful above all, not for any of the things we have, bat for the things we can do ; counting as our chief est blessing, not that we have goodly stores, not that we live in peace anfl se curity, not that this world of ours is fair and poqd, but that it is our privilege and our duty to make it, fairer n& better, to OF COURSE. THANKSGIVING DAY MEANS TURKEY. add to its prosperity and well-being : our greatest possession still the desire to do something worthy "The spirit That can not rest nor bide ... . But still inspired and driven, Must seek what better may be." We should be especially thankful for the spirit, this desire, because it is this that has given us to dwell in a land of per sonal liberty and of National aspiration ; because it is this spirit that is slowly, perhaps, but sure ly bringing about in the land a higher standard of living, a finer sense of justice, a truer discrimi nation between right and wrong, a nobler conception of life, both in its attainments and its aims. It is because men have not been content merely to enjoy things as they were, because men today are not content merely to enjoy things as they are, that the pro gress of humanity has been, and is, upward and onward. j That spirit of fretful dissatis faction which blinds a man's eyes to the beauty of life as it is, is a thing no one should be willing to harbor in his heart at this season of thanksgiving; but the possession of that "divine dis content" which enables him to see the beauty that is not vetreaU ity, and to strive to bring, it into being, is a cause for thanks- " giving than which no man can possess a greater. And as there are two kinds of discontent, so there seems to be two kinds of gratitude. There is -the kind that says to itself : "See, all this is mine; is it not good to be grateful, since I have been able to get so much ? I certainly have cause for rejoicing for I. am much more fortunate than others." Then there is the gratitude which makes a-man glad not' so much for what has been given him as for what he can give, which enables him to say, "How fortunate I am since I am able to do this needed work so long left undone." Can there be any question as to which of these is th s true spirit of Thanksgiving Day, or which will contribute most to the happU ness of humanity and to the growth in the individaal of those qualities most likely to add to the joy of future Thanksgivings ? This Week: What Farmers Want to Know; Rational Diversifi . cation; "What I am Doing for Better Crops"; South Carolina Drainage Work; The HistThankscivintf; "The Land of Unirle Pawn " Loose Stock and Worthless Do; .Orchard-Planting Npf.es. -TV"5V