:i2 (S) n FAIR VIEW SEED P&laetto, Ga. FARU ' 4 There is a reason why we grow , the BEST SEEDS. Our booklet will tell you. Ask us. . We are. offering Cleveland's . Big Boll, Cook's Improved, Broad well's Double Jointed, . Bank Ac count," Early Triumph," Lancford Cluster. Uncle Sam and Talum's Big Boll "SEED CQZZtl ' - Batt's Prolific, Marlboro Pro- lific, Tatum's Improved an d . Shaw's Improved. All pure, true to name and the best money can buy., i For special prices and descrip- i tive booklet, address Eow to Control Surfcce ami SnI::!I Uclsiv A USEFUL DRAG. " : and use- under drains to hills and where It ia wet and seepage... , - V - Until ' two years ago I worked (Two-Dollar Prize Letter.) " . some branch : land - tor nine or 10 T SEND the readers of The Progress ' years, making almost a iaiiure every 1 lve Farmer a plan of a drag for , Jear. I consulted Demonstration making ditches and terraces. .. '. : Agents, but- the land : being: buck Procure a- plank one and one-half ::shotyf; they gave ma no encourage fnr.hAA hv 12 inches wide ' six feet r meat,- I tried my one pole idea, and long. Get another place one and one-in.TUO made a bale ot cotton, per half by eight or 10 Inches wide five1 - acre, :and some: land fa J911 made feet long; cut thesa T sloping so as: 6 bushels corn pecacre,;; These; two to fit at an angle, or V shape, spacing' years were very ? wet through. June andJulnJ, , T. J. BEACnr , Increase ctrtaistj el crops tzi tcf. r crc;s, tJ . cuke culUvitlsa txsj ty c-lr. 3 czi GTadaof ClayJ ' .s The best smooth and uniform, Jilffh trade, everlasting- Our tile, book IS paces ttlls how and.-: Why and is FREE -Write for ItTO-DAYI , r ' PCCXA TER2A -C0TTA CO, Pc2, H. C CEMENT DHAIM TJLn : ; Ccoi'slnpn Re-impr oved and well selected. Sold J V S. Government doing demonstration 1 1 work in N. C. for past five years. Price ; : II per bushel. C A. WILLIAMS, Ringwoodi, '" . . . NVC racrrs prolific COTTON SEED '- - Early, Mff' boll, and. Improved by per sonal selection of seed. Absolutely pure. . Place your orders1 now for this celebrated variety. - v ; In lt oi Ten Busbeht or - -; , More, 80c. per Bushel f.o.b. " " - I 'll, H. KICKS, - - Rocky Mount, N. C. GARRETT'S SEED CORN " Von prfee over other varieties of $100 offered by, the Board of Trade of " , " Cheraw. 1 Price $2per BusheL R. B. LANE Y ' CHERAW, S. C. ' " ' i ', DRANCH'S GENUINE RATTLESNAKE : WATERMELON SEED CLY PURE STRAIil Carefully selected. : Kept pure Wmim tTiTP f or tr yeara No other viarietr acre. Pure fteed imnossible where different kinds are grown. loz,15c 2dz.25c4oa.40c i lb. 60c A 1 lb. $1.00-5 Ids. $450-10 lb $3.50 delivered. ' Remit iegistered letter or money order. Send for Seed 3 Annual. Manual on molon culture with all orders, r U. L BRANCH, Berzelia, Colmnbia Coaaty, Georfti ; 1 . .Fewer acres bat better seed. The king of all cotton Is y FJMGUirS EIPROVED SUGAR LOAF . .1' The earliest and most prolific cotton known. . 1 Have be n improving this cotton for fifteen years. All ser d grown by me, and sinned at my .gin. No inferior seed sold. Prices reasonable. V fAddress THE GREENFIELDS FARM i Wake Forest, N. G ' : i t , :46 EARS OF CKOOK8 WTTITB PBOLTFIC ; ' , GIANT CORN . -.v--- - ! :Shelled one bushel. Our .White Giant ' was . : tested at th Alabama Experiment Station , last year wltn 20 leading varieties and out-" ; i '- yielded them all. Catalog free. .J,' J ' CBOOK BBOTHEBS, - ; .' ',; j; . ' Huron, .Teim;;':;;;,.:;;:''.;;.-: ) COTTON SEED ; . ; i Cook's Improved Blc Boll, grown from pure seed, . maieone to two bsdes per sere. Yields 40 pounds Unt -, - iper hundred, ginned on farm opens early. Price tl.50 ' : perbusbeL . . , - -, . J J. n. BARNETT, Westminster, S. C, r ' HUNT'S IMPROVED PROLIFIC WHITE !-: SEED CORN, ; Field selected from sUIkf ksving twe to- three, good ean Sclent flcally bred for six years. Hand shelled.. - Peek, 75 cents; Half-bushel, 11.40; Bushel, 12.60. . R. P. HUNT, Route 2, Wake Forest, N. C. SWEET POTATO SLIRS I am headqu-rters for Florida Grown Pumpkin Yam Slips. My leading potato produced this .". season 756 bushels per acre. Price same as com- mon stock. Write for booklet J IL DAVIS, t ; Bartow. Fla. .SEE O C O R 1NJ Boone County Special, carefully bred and selected. " CREENDALESTCCK FARHIS, JJLAndrewsJPropn Drawer 71. - . ;. - ,r - - Koanoke V. Eoir Best to. Lay Tfle,; IT IS all right to start' laying, tile - at tha upper end of, a drain, pro vided you. are- working. : in - land that xvilL not care, but it would not do ... a. M. i ' . . , wwww : in our aection aa our boU varies-bo the rear ends three and one-half fee't that some part, would surely cave apart,' bracing across .with a two by i ahead of the work and complicate it. six inch,, two feet long. Fasten a , This: method has the .advantage, otJ Strong piece of one and one-half by eliminating the danger of tile ,be six inch, flvei feet long; on. top par- " ing choked .by sand: from caving or Convert that 'barren Ut3 cl yoxra latav fertile - fields by usin . cement. lrala tile. , ' : Made- In slses from three- to- six iochesk , . Write t-day."" 1 ' v - - , CONTENTNEA CONCEETB COHPAmTT allel with landslide-' 16 inches from outside; It should -have a bolt an old wagon, box strap iron rod will' answer through centre. In , front end four holes for hitch. The bot tom back edge of. wing should be beveled, off so as to give: it a sharp, washing, but, plainly it ts necessary to keep drain clear to its mouth, so that there , will no accumulation of water, which would, of course, stop the work and increase the caving. I have had a nine-foot ditch.-, cave until i the gorge:i was720' feet wide. cutting edge or a plate of iron would Grading is a most important featura be better stilL - The slopes of wing and landslide at front end should be cut so as to give top of wing some backward slanting to give suction to ground. Hitch two good horses to this and drive standing on, you can make a fine terrace by running once -or twice in furrows ofter having plowed it first. ' - - This can be made into any size. . depth ; of 12 or 1 5 inches- below the For cleaning ditches it. should be- tile These wells can also be used to i i Really hlsh-erade seed corn-Is ecarcedb year. But wehav it. Don't take any chances on what yon bay. You can absolutely bank on what we have to offer. Last Fall's rains did a lot of damagevbut we sent our experts broad cast and in particular favored communities they made their selections from the largest crops. And with this seed corn we are pro- Eared to supply our trade. It is all from the ighest pedigreed stocks; dried on-the cob and carefully graded. None of it has been in shock. . Order what you need now. Select Boone ' County White;- Johnson County White; Johnson County Yellow; Gold Stand ard Learning, Reid's Yellow Dent and other extra fine varieties; - . We carry largest, comPUU tin of grass, clover, field and, garden seeds Write for " our beautifully illaattatrnd deectiptla ' , ' catalogue. We wilt send it free and it will sav you 25 per cent on tested seeds, ZZ2, STC33S S C V tcuisviHa, tcr.iu:iy made smaller. , ' . J, VL CORNELIUS. , Sherrills Ford, N a V V ' I of tile drainage : it should be aa near-; ly uniform as possible. With but one inch fali to 100 feet, the tilefwill surely choke from the silt, which will gradually settle in the tile until it is entirely' cjaoked where there is less than five inches fall to each 1 0 ft feet. Thero should be side-wells begVXs" to CI S?KE: IJORECOTTpIT - vu vtra doiub nvica(v uy WICCUUE yuur BCQU Wlwl greater care., It means more bjJes.::,; -- , . ' King's Early Iraprorcd is a very early, 'small boiled, small seeded, early maturing: variety.. Originated la highlands c North Carolina. Bred ' with great care. Price, 85c per bu. In lots of S or more ban 6Sc. ' - - " Simpkins Prolific makes cottbn from ton to ground and la at least 10 day Mrer than any ; other variety a big consideration in boll weevil sections. Gins 40 pound of hot to the 100 Pure, bred and grown by originator. Price, $1 pebi& 5ormorebu75c. ' '- ";- ' x - Plant the above varieties this year. They are ' money makers .big yieklers; early matnrinr. . 40o Untl Strictly high grade-seed. - Prompt shipments. Write at once for catalog. . Ask for prices on car lot deliveredL Don t delay. WCK0SY STSD COmTraitSt, Kdory, lid flush out the A silt, by 'stopping the water until it rises in the wells, then letting it go. . The total . fall of a proposed drain, can;,bel. found, by nailing a lath two feet long across another six;feet long, tone foot from one end, and" at' right "agtes. Then The Poor Man's Drain TUe. N DRAINING wet lands I have al ways used poles, usually three, but : nlaeft a leVfit OTV the short lath, stand two years ago got tired of cutting thV cross at either end of the pro- and handling so much, timber and posed draIri wlth the cr0S3 aPm fell on this, plan; Cut ditch with - level, 'sight along- the top, and with good outlet.; as. deep as you have :a Iath tak the bearing at the other fall, lay off, straight and cut with end of tn straight, slope to bank,' so -bottom gmallerv from the greater .and you will-be about 10 incheaLet stand'- wni-ComeXneap having f the fall di- open as long as y possune to aram. j c Cut pine poles six or eight inches In diameter and eight feet long. One good straight tree will make severaL Start at opening of ditch distributing poles. Use -larger ones first. Having poles In ' place, begin f your ' work Split poles as for old fashioned house-logs, except you , press them open about four -inches and tack a strip at each end to hold open. Leave bottom untouched, it will be top when placed in ditch- Strips should be, one by two, long enough to take up space in bottom of ditch, the strips . hold poles up : if bottom of ditch; is muddy.. One hand and '. ; mytelt spilt ; and put in, ready : for covering, o ver 400 feet , in one : day. -When you get poles in, it will look liko one straight vide: the total by ihe distance) and thero Is your grade, ! ' i , " ' ' t ; Mr." French's plan to dig the dram as deep aa it illrstand wiUiout'cav ing is right as. it facilitates the work, . andi-requlres less personal super vision ; I would not take the! bark from poles used for under-dralns as : the barkwill help to keep them, con- tinuouslr sobbed; which, is necessary, i to keep them from rotting, I have ' some such drains working, that were ' put down in 1878. ; T J. HAMLIN. ML Pleasant, S- CL' - 1 " . f Tdont get orders from every catalog T ea,d 5 kut 1 00 Wt enouglx to show the . roalority of farmers- find something ot interest in It That's why . I think you'd . be glad to get a eopy. -Why not send me .. your name and address? ;;" Mention The Progressive. Fwmer. I : XIMim P. STOKES, Sccdsna ' Dept ZS, PhSUdelphU. . ; COTTON : EEID pole. This is much, easier than ioin- ACEIC Icag Staple Cotton Seed, S ing three poles and saves timber, bench In. the," middle by-10-penny cenonlnraupart.Sd SSWJOTX "01?s Pce, covering comes nexL ; nails partly v driven. A more simple min ntnnn. . --. w i inn. taaiTAa nni nn. woa too t go, yiua ouavv, - iU30 ttuu briers off the 'ditches - Put in be side the poley tramping- them down, shovel off the bank so., a horse can walk on it, take a good turning-plow and the Job is easily finished. Simpkins Early and Aliens Silk, the best upland long staple, 1 to 10 bn. at tt per bu.," 10 to 25 bo. at0c,25to6abn.at75eper bu. -: G. C. SELMAN, - MONROE, GA. KIPROVED SEED FCH PlANTCkG, Improved Dongola. and Improved : Cleve land T?lir TlntV tw& t .K vA- ueuui io V9 eigui, leei 10 la ieei oi couon.to Pe found, nave been lmprov- long ana two pieces or equal lengtns two and one-half ' feet to three : and one-half.' feet long. , At a hardware store buy as 75 cent carpenter's spirit level. ' Secure it on top of How To Terrace With Dynamite, MAKE a land level of; three pieces 1 of scantling or any "cheap, rough straight-edge . stuff ; ' one tor your ing- these, varieties for the naat ten. vaaral andi gTiaxantea.aH aad to ba. puia. and. amuad Write for samples and price. - Could not aup- : ply demand ! llll... -Martbora Seea Corn; $2 per -buahei. " . : - A W. D. SPEARMAN. Social Circle. Cav! hart cotton. . P. C COMMANSm, Flocence. S. C. ' v fcj i-oim. pouitky and noo.PABM. ?.??r man' Die.to.Dny timber or yoor tenscet Or, man may fol- trOV!PFAw-CjnVnT7Am : ' ; Write U3 for prices;' v-. .' , ' This kind of drainage is for the and accurate device could; not khe Imagined.- But it you prefer buy a land level for W or 15. Two men can level 60 or. more acres a. day. One takes the level and one follows with a hoe, chopping out one hoeful of dirt at each end, .thua indicating nonrs Mexican- bio-doll cotton: The v mast . VYiaderful . ylelder yet known Does not require Ins trust Ion a toi grow two bales per acre. . It ear on common land. I .have- rrows tlretw Ltrtert and earliest, bit boll known. Thirty bolls ta pound.. Ex pertmen tat .tests show the- rleld" 800 to I.ZOf pourxda per acre- avar other vartatlts. Coaia selected sed to off sr. Peak, Hr hushaU Is. An tnrestment to set them. Best of refer enevsv. J. IX UOrir. &harav K. C rti ub or . ctow ni pullet. wi4 pteMO rm. . . srMLM. 17,,. - ' - , va (. mini lUttj lUi VSSA&JBTS tiling, hut who has poles at hand. It . low with a turn plow or twister, dh 'i.te.!!''' yr'ott, eueTiT; f Is better than, lumber If he had it. cardtoir hoe. Throw eermt rfnon fW r. : Khorna. we especially for small creek or branch 1 raw an tnr torrnrc Knm witir r,r : w.Vl 1,!?! c ' lanL You cai havo ono maIn dltcn ' 6cT of one and ono-half-inch iron. 'y r!P -:?., -. v;h ' (Other Cccd ACj ch zp CS.) re 4 I lo: