(15) 1 m II; t; to feci tho Su elding ST7. ; j , Field Ko. 3. Esy tzzr. Hiaf . Greater part of which, Eay -Eeyen acres, would ; ho drilld In Hay or early? June, In the late Southern. xa rlety. also called Mammoth; to al ! ford "food for the hogs whenerer needed from September to December. -!plant," cultlrate and'.. fertilize much "'ft vnn trftrilA mvt A. email tt UE rrcCt to to cltilci frcn da 1- crc? of eonlrs; tMj cartas n u I will depend ncci ca how tba rxotlxer la fed TrLIIft Ebe la cticills tfc.8 litter. .To furnish, all the food needed by a litter of ssTea or eight pigs, a month to ft! wcsla old, la a. great tax on d ) I r wlwpw 'tof this field might be;planted.about thould not only be fed liberally but vMay 1 wly vJriety ofv807 A i M D D (0 D ) r a i nt w- - 1 r Y am w : , , o ot which la not usually, equal to that to raisins : better piss are moat Uke- ;made b the Mammoth. to make the mistake of 1 feeding-, mM Ko.-4. Hunnlng peannteto UiO bUW WV XUUCJA UlUliiiJ-AUO .MiM : V- l.J , VMn.. JS- a a. a i a a 7-ffe weather- during, late . fall: or early b1x weeks old the young, pigs will.be 'Winter.': ' ":" v - r- count, co we may assume that they . " .will require most from their mother r ; ' - . ' - when from two to -fire weeks old. , ChecpCT: RiLtlOIlS IOT Brood SOW. The aim in feeding the brood bow, a T THE American Berkshire ion then, should be' to . have her reach tlv gress, at Memphis, Tenn. ,.ProL her maximum or largest flow of milk CP. Curtis, of the Iowa Agricultural when the pigs are about four weeks i College; related the results of an ex old.; To do this will require careful itoeriment ta test different methods of and liberal , feeding.' If the sow is fed too 1 much when the" pigs are young; and more milk is produced than they need, diarrhea In the pigs feeding brood sowsv The aim was to ? find the cheapest feeds that, would produce the best litters. Cora alone, corn and high-priced mill by-prod- is almost always certain to follow, t ucts, such as wheat shorts, and corn It almost ; always c checks .the growth of the litter if they suffer from diar- ' rhea v even for a short time, : and in many cases only rery great care will prevent .permanent Injury. " - The brood sow should be fed prac- and tankage were among the rations used. The cheapest, and -the best ration; as shown by the litters, came from the, use of corn and a small amount of tankage. . : There is some prejudice against the use of tankage "'Mftflllv Tftt"h!nfi jfnr - 24 -! hnnra ftftftf :t farrowini?. Then the feed should be r nia nniv nroinia ' rf nnr ' . i i - w m. iuiw - U VJ luv4 V ft rfW4Mvry. 'ugui; tuxu uivnwtieu uunuuwy , um t u is very mgn. in content or protein gradually that she will not receive a and for this reason too large quanti- . full ration before -the pigs . are at ties should: not be fed; but at the least two or three weeks old. This same time this, high, content of pro- , ration should contain some green ? teln, of actually the same kind as.ex fern A it nrteai'ht Kni nn env dhmrlrl .lafa tn ;Tiy T4lvn tm u. m..i i be compelled to raise a . litter of pigs v recommendation. It ; is high-priced without liberal grain feeding. - Corn per ton, but per pound of protein, it and tankage, wheat shorts, or contains, It Is not only the cheapest rice polish , . and ; ; tankage ; t are good;: Dut - good 'clover pas ture, corn , and skimmed milk, are available, no high priced feeds need be purchased. J concentrate we can buy to balance ' the corn but probably also the best. For mature brood sows, one part of tankage and nine of corn is a : good-ration.: Of course,- if they can J When no milk is available, wheat have a grazing crop in addition, that shorts or rice nplish eight' parts and . is so much the better and in any case tankage one part, fed in a thick slop, they should be comnelled to take and ear corn on the side, make a plenty of' exercise- For growing ' good ration for. a brood .sow running ; young stock; one part ot tankage to on pasture, when skimmed milk, is i six to eight parts of corn should be available, wheat ; shorts and milk with ear corn on the side are good. When sufficient milk is at hand, the sow should be ; given about three pounds to every one pound of grain glvenl For the pigs, whole, soaked corn used. t Mr. N. H. Gentry, the world-fam ous Berkshire ; breeder, advises the f liberal use of.com for all kinds of hogs. Including the brood sows.- Of course. - he ' Inslstn on ttntn nthinff tn is good,' while they.are sucking their balance ; the ration, 1 but this is in . mother, ana tnis snouia do given dIrect contrast with the advice so when they get to be a: month old., frequently given by agricultural wri If the sow is not a good suckler, a : ters For.instance, we read the fol- ; little warm,' sweet, skimmed milk, . lowin in .k leading farm monthly: along witn tne soaKea corn, wm neip Ag farrowlne timeJ draws near, do out wonderfully. If sour milk-or butter milk must be used, it should; be ted sparingly and with care to pigs under three' months old, until - they become "accustomed to it. not feed any corn to the brood sows..' The chances are a hundred to one that , the writer of that paragraph could not give" any sort of reasonable foundation in fact for the advice giv- v T. en in that paragraph. Corn Is a good r ;A Rotation for Four Hog. Lots, -feed for an kinds of hogs at aii times ' TN ItEPLY to a request for sugges- hen they need. feed, but it does not X tions on crops to De grown m lour ;uypijr au tuej neea. rjKiance, toe ten-acre lots- bo as to furnish , con-s tlnuous support for hogs, I offer the- ' following as one of : several schemes , which should accomplish the end in ; view, but which can be improved pn in another year If a . start De maae r in the fall: , ' " Field "No. .1. Intended for early i.; pasturage j five acres of Dwarf Essex a-Ma Vrtf ' Mwh 1 With same preparation, fertilization and 5 cultivation that you would give to corn properly and the brood sows. it will not hurt At the Kansas Agricultural Experl . ment Station the results of treating animals with kindness were recently "demonstrated to be of the most prac tical character. Three cows were se 1 lected; and at first i treated with the utmost care and 'gentleness, with - the result that they produced 36 nounds of milk containing 4.3 ner spring-sown turnips. Cowpeas may cent of butter-fat. The same cows wr.li fniinw: thA r&ne in. June, tm the other five acres of this field, , you might sow oats with or without one V bushel of lespedera .seed per. acre, the ' lespedeza being intended for late summer grazing and for reseed- ' ing the land. . 7 Field No. 2. A succession, of plantings of Spanish peanuts at , In terval of shout tnreo April 25 to July 1.: wexa. 1 1 from.. . were then frightened by their at tendants howling at them, letting dogs bark at them, etc., with the re sult that they produced 23 pounds of milk, containing only 3.4 per cent ot . butter-fat. , The farmer, therefore, who Bays "So,' Milly, sot !' instead of , "IIlBt, ye brute t". is Justified by econ omics as well as ethics. Outlook. Aire C'Odss ; W TnzrzzSiVQD Thej cost but a little more than the cheapest while they eavo twice as much and last five times aa ) ' ' long as other separators.- 1 - They; save their cost every six ' V -; r and every year over other separators. pt f while they may be bought for cash or, , on sucn uoerai terms tnat tney win actually pay for themselves. Every assertion thus briefly made subject to' demonstrative proof to your own satisfaction: by the nearest DE LAVAL local agent, or "by your - writing to the Company direct. Why. then, in the name of simple common-sense, , should anyone who has.nse for a Cream Separator go without one buy other than a DE LAVAL, or continue the use of an inferior separator? . , Toe NEW YORK s. ... ... 1 J. . " -. ., j f r- Laval Separator Co. CHICAGO ISAN FRANCISCO ; SEATTLE 1 1 Good farm' txolt are Igrood lnvetment&. Y w) 'zns. ( Tc!io No Chances w.K ., . mm ,j i r A7 flo Dcsa td r.teaauro. V tlo Liquid to Spill. - Ko Ctrins ta 75?. , ,v are Simplest, Safest and Surcsd . . - Preventive..., ', VG2 SAXI3 BY ALL DSDGGISIIV - T7HITI3 FOR FREIj CICCUIAn! PARKE ,DAVIS COMPANY OtPABTMENT Or ANIMAL INOUSTRV. PETROtT.MICHJJA i norJE 07 KENTUCKFS CDAUPION : SADDLE CORSSS The farm that Mo nties the South with KentuckjNbrtd nddle tad harness horses. None better tn the world. Terns and - prices such as eota. petltors eannot meet All asm sad sexes constantly on j hand . for sale. Write at one for literature, testimonials sad pries list None but th Best wriu sausijr Ken tucky produces th best. - . . CIETWOSTII ST0CI : tun. VraerstaOlonsdtreet from this farm. Sat two or three large profits. ' w gasrsntee ... trtnt nTAriti - erery representation and five life insurance pouctes. tvenniauy-wax not nowi ' Our terms easy. - . Owner. lorgla,Ey. FILTH CAUSES DISEASE! ' PREVENT IT." Millions of srermstbrlve around you. They cause disease and death of horses, cattle, sheep, dosrs, swine and poultry. They men ace your health as well Protect your stock and your telf from pestilence. Gun-i4eum Dip, the standard disinfectant, wfU prerent disease."" It is guaranteed to kill senna, ex pel bad odors, destroy insects and purify the air. Sold in cans and bulk.'. ;. ' : Write .today .for our free book on how to preTent disease, prices, and our offer of a sprayer FREE! i '.; GUNN DISINTTXTANT & OIL CORP 13S-U8 Tbflnla SL; Hchntond, Ya U. S. a. Annuo Cattle B3 offer exceptional bargains in cows, bulls and heifers to reduce our herd. AH stock resrlster- ed. ' Call or write. Cose Dale Stock ranav ' JeUtrsonton, Vs. THE SCHOOL 07 VBTEBINABT HEDICINB UNIVERSTTT - 01? PENNSYLVANIA. trains students In ail tines of veterinary .work. Facilities unexcelled. 't For cntalos. . address, ., LOUIS A. KLEINf Dens, - rhllsdelphln. ' Dept. O, 89th A Woodland Atsw SHETLAND rONIES. Thirty breeds cattle, sheep dogs and poul try. Catalor. i cents. . : J. D. STODCnTLL, ,- EhelbyrUle By "1 :I Have . . ' . DUROC-JERSEYS Berrlee Boars sad Tons Sows For Bale. Also pl?a 1 to I months old. All breeding stock carefully selected, and good as the beat. . Write, stating what yon want, and Z will quote you mttmctlrs prices. J. U. ETCnSCn, Ccaa, U. C.