880 (16) Breeder's Girds V AND " . Farmers Exchange We will Insert ads for our Progressive Farmer readers in this department and In thi style type at the rate of 4 cents a word for one week; two weeks, 7 cents a word; three weeks, 10 cents; four weeks, 13 cents, etc .Each ' word, . number or initial, (including name and. address) counted as a separate word. Send cash with order." If the rate seems high, re member it would -cost 11,600 for postage alone to send your ad by letter to each home to which we carry it at this low rate. "' - ' ' , stamps accepted ' for amounts less than $L - . ; FARM MACHINERY. ' vFor Sale at a - Bargain 8-horse engine, peanut thresher, McCormlck Corn Harvester. I I Draughon WhUakers, N. C. "Second-hand " Engines and Boilers For galeFrom 8 to 40 H.P. You make the price E. G. Jones Iron Works, Rock Hill, s. c. : .... ' ;:;:;: ' Dredging , Outfit For Sale -Catawba Coun ty Drainage Commission having finished 1- .(Tin fnr oals a Mnrlnn Rtefl.m nhoVftl nui A vila a w dredge -yard machine; will cut 14 to 20 wide and 11 feet deep. Practically new, and easily moved. Catawba County Drain age Commission, Newton, N. C. SWISH Berkshire Pigs Booneville, N. C Cheap i-Fairview Farm, Berkshire and Mulefooted Pigs IS each. Norman Davis. Be I by vl lie, Delaware. Homer Pigeons at Half-price Any color you want. . D. It. Cook, ML Gilead. N. C , Registered O. I.'C. Pigs From large and' prolific sows. H. A. Bolick, Hickory, N. C. Alfalfa Lodge Yorkshlres--Short-nos"e type. Trios not akin. , 'John G. Curtis, Rochester, N. Y. : - y : " . - . - y, . , Pure-bred Essex pigs, .' Southdown sheep and Angora goats for sale. H. C. Hargrove, Canton, N. C. For Sale Cherry Red Duroc-Jersey hogs; all ages. Bred sows and gilts. D. A. Cov ington, Gibson, N. C. . , , Good registered. Berkshire boar, two years old, for-sate at a bargain. N. H. Ferguson, Randleman, N. C. - ;. For . Sale Choice 1 Pigs Three - to four months old. G.. T. Schooley, the O. I. C. Hog Man, Hamilton, Va. v ' For Sale Richly-bred Durocs. Prices right Satisfaction I guaranteed. Jno. D. Biggs, Willlamston, N. C. - - ' Best Pure-bred c Poland China Pigs S 5.50, up, to close ' out surplus. Order now. Sun nyslde Farm, Jonesville,. Va. . ; ' HELP WANTED. Wanted Experienced dairyman at once. State price expected. North-Side Dairy, Hickory, ' N. C. , ' - -'c.: ' Soli Fruit Trees By, our plan salesman make big profits. Write .for our terms. Smith Bros., Dept. 91, Concord, Ga. Experienced , Canvassers Write Quick for high-grade proposition, v Liberal commis sions; best terms. - Unusual opportunity; Making $30.00 weekly. Tar Heel Company, Depk Ral, Raleigh, N. C. - $75 to $190 Made Monthly y Agents, selling our monuments ana tombstones. Particulars- free. Hendersonville - Marble Works, Hendersonville, N. .C. . Agents Wanted For The Progressive Farmer and our books, f 'Fertilizing for Profit," "A Southerner in Europe," and : "Where ; Half the World is Waking Up.' Liberal terms. Address, The Progressive Farmer, Raleigh,, N. C. v-'v ;'', -p.-.-. .'. . Agents Wanted Exclusive Territory. Good, chance to build up permanent business. Mall us $10 for 36-pound feather bed and. receive, without cost, 6 -pound pair pillows. Freight on all prepaid. New, feathers; bes$ ticking. Satisfaction guaranteed. Turner & Corn well. Feather Dealers,, Dept. 35, Charlotte, N. C. -Our reference: Commercial National : Bank." MISCELLANEOUS. ; : Tou can't raise ducklings without .proper food. Ready-mixed mash containing every thing necessary, 120 pounds, $3.25. Feeding directions free. Oaklea Farm, Leesburg, Fla. LIVESTOCK. For Sale Extra lot chpice, short-nose Berkshire pigs, mated no akin, $5 each. Carter Townley, Red Hill, Va. -.. .:. 50 Durocs 4 t-o 6 months old, and sure to' make great breeders, as my sows always farrow 12 to 15 pigs. Clarence Shenk, Luray, Va. .'..-'-V ' :. V-.'vv--- Poland Chinas Bred gilts and choice pigs of the big. bone and prolific strain. Stock guaranteed aS represented. Dunrilora Farm, Carson, Va. ": The Markets , RALEIGH ' MARKETS. August 8. ' " Cotton. (Report furnished by Barbee & Co.) - Good middling ... 12, - Strict middling .............. 12ft Middling .;. 12 , Off grades . ........ ....... 7H 10 Total sales hales . . . . . . . ..... ....... '. 105 ' ' . Floor, nay and Grain. -. (Report furnished by a B. Gill Produce Co.) Flour Per bbl-r-wholesale prices: , High grade v.,.............$5.75$6.00 1.05 1.10 Low grades Corn -No. 2 white, " per bushel . . No.-2 mixedr 1.00.0 1.06 Timothy hay, per tori" . $32.00 Lard Best , . . , . . . . . . . ; . . .11 12 Compound .................. 910 : Cooking oil, gal . . . .w 61 64 Meats. ' Dressed pigs. .. . ....... . . .10 11 Dry D. S. ribs.....:.....;....... 1011 Hams, sugar-cured ............. .15 15 Pure-bred Berkshires at Farmers' Prices Can" supply young or. mature stock.' Berk shires belong; on every progressive farm, J. A. Long, Haw River, N. C. ' Duroc-Jersey Hogs Finest : hog for the South. Prize'-winning parent stock, pure bred:;?; Write" for 1 special price list No. , 92. Woman's College, Merldia'n, Miss. SAVANNAH COTTON. (Report Furnished by W. T. Williams, Editor v . The Cotton Record.) v , : - August 8. . , . Ordinary .... tl 9 1-16 . - Good ordinary" ; . . , ........ 10 3-16 - Low, middling ....11 Middling . 12 Good middling 13 Total v. Bales bales . . . -141 Cottonseed, carload lots, per .ton . Nominal Cottonseed meal, per ton. .......... $26 No change has taken place in local condi tions in the cotton market. A light busi ness is being done from day to day, accord ing as a few small lots are offered for sale. Prices have remained without variation, 1 13 cents for good middling, or 11 cents for low middling, which is more to the point LisHn! I .. have a fine, registered Duroc- Jersey boar,, two years old, weighing 400 I The crop of 1911-12 has been about laid on ponuds, ' fpr sale, to prevent inbreeding, at 1 the shelf as a market influence; everything $35. -Also two good young boars, 10 months now denends unon what may be the-pros old.$l$ each. Norwood Hog and Poultry pec ts for th6 new crop. ' , Farms, Norwood, N. C. " . . . The past week has been generally; favor able for the crop, and the average expecta tion of the out-turn has undoubtedly been raised. . ' The hot, dry - weather of the .latter half of 'July has served to .bring out the crop in the eastern and central sections of the belt in a way which at least enhances the superficial promise in a great . degree. At the same time, it is likely that the im- . Summer Reduction Sale . of Swjne Essex provement has been considerably ovet-estl- v iWo -are ' -prepared V to fill ' orders for BerHshires of ' the purest breeding, from a two months old pig to gilts in farrow, also service boars. - Write us your wants. - Ref erence i ' First National -Bank, Yorkville, S. C. Latta Farm, Torkville, S. C. service boars, sows in farrow, and gilts; also pigs. All breeding stock registered. . Pedi grees sent with all pigs shipped. Pure-bred Poland China and Berkshire pigs. -; Grade sows In .farrow. Angora goats. Reversible and rightrhand ' disk plows. J'. E. , Coulter, Connelly Springs, N. C. : - , POULTRY AND EGGS. CATTLE. Iloudans, Hamburgs. Farm, Darlington, S. C. Modern Poultry Holstelns For Sale Highly bred, register ed ; bull calves. Priced to suit you. Jones & Loomis, Newport News, Va. ... ; Bardin's Holstein farms are offering for sale 50 fancy grade cows; 50 fancy grade heifers. E. C. Bardln, Proprietor, West Wlnfleld, N. T. . . . . .;; v - . Three fresh Jersey cows; three fine young horses; Berkshire pigs; two bred Berkshire sows, and. 12 Jersey heifers for sale. Groome & Sons, Greensboro, N. C. . For Sale Four heifers, one bull, Jer sey. 70-ton silo; 7 H.P. Foos gas enginer steel frame wood saw; . Success manure spreader. Cottage Grove Farm, : Greens boro, N. C. - -.. ' DOGS. ... '-r . " :; Fox Hounds New list free. Shelbyville, Ky. .. 100 Indian Runner Ducks Bred to lay. $1. L. "Pollock, Ilohenwald, Tenn. Pigeons Young Carneaux, ; Jl per pair; Fantails, $1.50. J. W. McLeod, Rowland, N. C. -L - . V ' :. Year-old S. C. Brown Leghorn Hens 76 cents apiece, or six for $4. -B. F. Bruce, Lavonla, Ga. . , ; ' ; Walt! ' Get My Free Catalog Buff Leg horns, White Rocks. ' WOoIley's, Route. 4, Charlotte, N. C. v, White Wyandotte, White Indian Game cockerels and pullets, dollar - each. Wr K. Hale, Dunbar, S. C. White .. Leghorn Hens and Pullets $1 each. Fine; cocks, $1 to $2. Mrs. J. O. Deal, Granite; Falls, N. C. ; nmlnertonii Queen Oualltv Buff. White. Stodghill, All ages. Very cheap. .Write us. Standard Poultry Farm, Duke, N. C. - mated, as is usually the case at such times. The crop has made -some advance toward catching up its backwardness, but still re mains a good deal later than the normal.' Good rains have relieved the drouth situa tion over Oklahoma and the lower half of Texas, but so far the official reports fail to .show. any material relief to the lower half. where rains were most needed. However, the general outlook appears to be much bet ter in the western section, - and it now- re mains to be seen just what Texas can do toward making a bumper crop without the aid of artificial fertilization. On the whole. the season there has been as propitious as will probably ever be had, and it is now1 -all up to the land.-: It may be added 'that de spite the fine seasonal conditions, some sur prisingly unfavorable accounts ae already commencing to come.- ' THE TKOGIUSIVn FAKMCH. SEEDS AND PLANTS. For Bale Recleaned Appier seed oat 11 per bushel, f.0.0. -Newton. Gordon Wllfonr Late Cabbage Plants 11.50 per thousand" ten thousand, 1 ten dollara Oaklln Farm! Sallsburyr N. C - For Sale New crop of crimson el a seed In the chaff, $5 per hundred. N. A. Hartsfleld, Forestville, N. C. " Cabbage, Collard, Tomato, Celery. E- plant, Pepper, and Strawberry Plants Ask for price-list Geo.' M. . Todd, Greensboro. N. C. v - . ;; . , . - REAL ESTATES Farms For Sale L. B. Da.ll. Mt. oiiv n". c . ' 'r Lots, Farms E. R. MacKethan, Fayette- vllle, N. -C. : " - . V Farms For Sale Terms easy. Uams, Clinton, N. C. x E. C. Wil- Richest Land in South Georgia Booklet. Dr. Bright, Dublin, Georgia. - - Wanted A large tract of unimproved land. J. G. Layton, Dunn, N. C. - - Farms For Sale In Orange and Chatham counties. - Address S. B. Turrentine, Shelby, 100-Acre Farm . For - Sale 8 miles from , Greensboro. Groome & Sons, GreenSboro. ' Good and ; Cheap' . Virginia . Homes : For Sale Apply to J. S." Gordan & Co., Basker ville,lVirglnla. - , - - , . , Virginia Farms and Timbered Lands For Sate-r-Wrlte for descriptive catalog. Jeffreys, Hester; & Co., Chase City, Va. For, Sale Small , farm, near good school.' Also 1,000 acres good timber. ; Prices and terms attractive. W. H. Parish, Coats, -N..C. Southeast Georgia Farms are unexcelled. Several for sale cheap. Write for list glv-: ing full particulars. ' W. C. Barnard, Glenn ville, Ga. . For; Sale Highly improved poultry and 4 Truck, farm.- about 30 acres, adjoining cor- : pbrate limits of Chase City, Va. Wm. Dunn, Chase City, Va. - Farm For Sale 252 acres, v Five-room dwelling, two small tenant houses, and out buildings. Good water. Sacrifice : price, : $10 per acre. J. E. CavinesB,- Cameron, Moore County, N. C. v - , Farms ' For Sale Nice tobacco and ' cot- ' ton farms in Wake and Chatham Counties, ' N, C, ; From 50 "to, 600 acres each. Full, de scription on. application. .A. C. Hughes and -Co., Apex, ' N. C. : '': Wanted" Stock Farm (no dairy) to .work on shares, . owner- to furnish team -and im plements. Understand curing Smithfleld hams: References furnished. Write, Box v45, R. F. D. 1, Smithfleld, Va. ' ; , , For Sale 1,600 acres . Marion County lartd. Can be subdivided, 7 farms. Fine lot sec ond growth timber.' Land lies well.' Some fine bottom land on place. Produces well. Price for whole, $12.50 per acre. Box 58, Buena Vista, Ga. - . For Sale 400 acres, Harris County, Geor gia, land. ' Improvements. Gray to' dark soil. Clay subsoil. 200 acres cultivation, 76 of which rich bottom land, 40 to 60 bushels corn, 60 to 80 oats; 1 bale cotton per acre, or 2 to 3 tons hay after oats; Price, $30 per acre. Box 68, Buena. Vista, Ga. RICHMOND LIVESTOCK. JReport Furnished by- W. G. Lambert, Mgr. union stock Yards, Richmond, Va.) . August 6. - . Steers Best, ' per cwt. . . ........ $7.25 $7.75 Medium to good 6.25 7.00 Common to fair 4.50(3) 560 Heifers Best, per cwt... 6.00 6.50 Medium to good 5.25 5.75 Common to fair 3. 5 Off? 4.25 CowsBest, per cwt......... 6.50 6.00 Pedigreed Collie Pups Mountain View Farm, Htrndon, Va. SIIEEE AND GOATS. . Wanted A' Dorset ram. J. J. , Crinkley, Macon, N. C. ' One Ramboulette Ram Three years old. . N. B. Musgrave, Smoky Valley, Ky. For Sale Some good pure-bred buck lambs and Aberdeen-Angus bulls. J. M. Allen, Kingston, Tenn. 1 ' 1 m 1 1 For Sale Pure-bred and grade Angora goats.' Address Samuel T. Earle, 1431 Lin den Aynue, Baltimore, Md. ' . STOCK. T" '1 Montrose Stock Farm Clydesdale horses and Berkshire hogs. Berkshires of the long bodied, short-legg-ed. heavy-boned kind. ; Stock for sale. Write me what you, want. K. m. Timberlake, Orange, Virginia. S. C. White Leghorns Young and " old Clarence Keever, Hickory, N. C. ; .r. For Sale Pure-bred, extra fine S. C. White Leghorn cockerels,, one - dollar , each. Miss Lillle Hobgood, Garner N. ; C. .. . White Rocks, White Leghorns Large vig orous stock. Write us your wants., .Ran dolph Poultry Farm, Asheboro, N.-C. R. C. Reds Fine lot pullets and cockerels for sale cheap. Also prize-winning cocks and hens. E. M. Heniey, unme, xm. v. ; Twenty-Five Show Birds Cheap Black Mlnorcas; . some fine Orpington cockerels. Midnight Poultry Yards, D. M. Sharpe, Ashe boro, N. C. -1 . ' . . Lamb, The Bird-man, Grand ' Rapids, Mich., Dept. 17, wishes to mait his circular and prices. Undersells : every competitor. Quick sales and small profits. . - Mdium to good Common to fair Bulls Per cwt,. calves Extra, per . cwt Medium Dairy , cows per- head ,30.00CO.OO Hogs Best, per cwt....'...,.,.. 7.50N7.75 Good . ;: 6.50 7.25 Sows and stags....- 5.00 fi) 6. BO sneep tseui, per cwt, 4.50 ,5.25 2.50 3.25 4.50 6.00 7.50 6.50 7.00 Common to fair Good lambs 3.50 4.00 2.50 3.25 6.00 7.50 NEW YORK PRODUCE. -(Reported by F. J." Root.) August 6. ' IOtatrtfl. Mrt. 1 white. ni Va fair,. $1.601.80; culls, $11.25.' Sweets! factory 210220. , Eggs, 19022c. , yenow, vi.mwi.bv; yams, IZ.50 Farm For Lease or' Rent Contains 165 acres tillable. Adjoins city of Washington; Norfolk and Southern R. R. runs through it Fifty milk cows go with farm. Prefer- sell ing cattle. Forty head of calves and heif ers, . For terms, 'see ;-S. . Fleming, Washing ton, N. C, , or write P. O. Box 311. . ' Louisiana Lands Shreveport, thirty-five thousand,;, eleven railroads; . highest' eleva tion in State; hundred miles from overflows. . North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia people moving in. Lands, ten. to fifty dollars, will pay for, themselves in two years. . W. A. Jones, Shreveport, La. . . ' Cut-over Pine Lands In Wayne County, Miss. For corn, cotton,1 general farming, stock raising, nuts, tobacco, vegetables and fruit. . Elevated country. Good water. $5 to $10 per acre. Terms: one-fourth cash, liberal terms on balance. For illustrated folder and maps sent free, address Geo. Kll born. Sec'y, Mobile, Ala. Mention this paper. basket. , Currants, per quart, 6 8c. Black berries, Ver quart, 712c. Gooseberries, 6 10c. Huckleberries, 8 IOC Muskmelons, 35076c per -crate. Watermelons, $15030; per 100; v .; ' Wheat, Jo. 2 red, $1.07. Oats, 61c. . Mess pork, $20.25020.75. Mess . beef, -$15.50016 per barrel. '.- Top grades butter, creamery, 27027ttc; )4. Onions. 60066c per basket, or $1.6002 per barrel. Cabbage, 85c$l per barrel. Green beans, $1 per basket. Beets, $1.2501.60 per barrel. Carrots, $1.5001.75. Cucumbers, 40050c per basket. Corn $1.60 2 per 100. Celery, 15 50c per dozen. , Eggplant, $1.7602 per crate. Horseradish, $6.5007 per barrel. Let tuce, per basket, 25075c. Lima beans, 60c Wi per Dasxet. ORra, $ll.50 per basket RICHMOND TOBACCO. - . - , . ...,.. (Report Furnished by E. K. Vletor & Co., Leaf. StrlnM. Sterna flnd Scrans.) , . r- . Ih . AUgUSt 10. our market except that a few round lots of common tobacco have been sold for export. One Bay Percheron Stallion, three years .old, -well broken. One black percneron. wants, please. B. F. Bruce. Lavonla.. Ga. mare, seven years, i,ouw pounai wucu m 1 good. flesh; also her so-day-old stauion cou. 1 Extra Fancy Cockerels Rhode' Island AS ttlA nrlmlnir mat .nn U annmaithlnff HAV Peas, $1.6002 per basket. Peppers, 4050o the farmers should keep in mind' that there per box. Parsley. 40060c ner crate, nn. are o 1... .ami. Four to Five Months OldS. C. Black malne, 8060c per crate. Radishes, $1 bright primings still held by dealers from Mlnorcas and White T.eo-Wn. 7K renta to 1.25 Ter 100 hnnohe. C-, 1!V 'f ... Jl.'1" "f 'a yQeB.. 75c 0$1 per barrel. Tomatoes. 60075c ner at nrimtnr. nin y,a Mnl mnrH mnnv Crate. , . this via. am V.n.. ia. irk. n.. V. ttam Apples, per barrel, $28. Pears, $306. continued dry and remarkably cool. -Should "1 'A-y'

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