tiid frogixesgivd FAmim. 882 (18) Our Farmers9 Union Page. Edited by TV J. BROOKS, lAtwood, Tnn. : . J . Ea cm Feeding Smalley-Cc4 Szlsie n "POWERFUL SM ALLEY Ensilage Cutters are coirtfne esMi for 8-W of fbe ensnarcut twnerTlHAmerlca. Fot8 out of 10 cutters tworkon0Natlon'8 are POWER. FUL SM ALLEYS." Many of these are the old-fashioned slat-aprpn type of cutter, manu factured by us for 53 years. These are all giving excellent service fsgthitypet mat hine. But the Slat-Apron Cutter Had to Go! aitA&a ttia old-fashioned alat-aoron tvoe of cutter for the new laborsavW lnrentfon which has proven such a boon to our tomJrie8' business has practically doablad. This prove the new invention's popularity. Na ether cutter has the force- eed chain snp-boolu. . mi- ft- itti Gigantic Saving to Silo Owners - This force-feed machine, because It does faster work and cuts the" silage so perfectly, saves its owners piles of good, Sard dollars.. The stto is now 'filled in almost naiT mo uwo taken by the slower. slat-apron xnacnme. m ill III -J- JttitS) 55 yorr of Special Chain-Drive, Lew -Speed Blower shoots silage to the top of highest silo. Spa cious 10-inch blower pipe. "j- : ,s Perfect Cutting Arrangement of Knives, pro duce s silage that is. eaten to the. last scrap. No waste..- r:v v-4- ;,-7.-..''-;':-:.'. 25 heavier and stronger. Specially strengthened "where most needed. steel in all parts. Lifetime of service. , : Hard-OaCupigive perfect and automatic lubrication where- most needed. This pro longs life of machine. - COME TO THE NATIONAL -,-'): :r: CONVENTION, v U You Are a Member of the Fanners Union or if You Believe in Better ' Things for; the Farm, Get In line; and Ilelp. Cr ,'; . '-.": - ARE we not surf eited with conven-r-. tions? Perhaps, r and yet we must have them. ''Convention mak eth a ready man," says Bacon. . The . annual convention .of the " National. Farmers' Union meets - in v. Chatta-v nooga the first Tuesday in? Septem ber. (The Tennessee - State Union ; meets in the same hall two' days.. drift with the, tide without a care is . diabolical To be interested without " manifesting it is useless,. ;, . V Individual prudence involves social prudence." The social . organism la dependent , on the i units for correct adjustment. In conventions the clash of intellect. burnishes lor action and; prepares for, final deliberation, v "The hope of the world is in ; public agree ment People are' better in cony en- : tion than in.priyateLaws are agreed to; in convention, to be be broken in private. AliT claims of support are based" on a, claim of right : ...The claim is subject to Investigation in conten tion. : The farmers' plans for eco nomic improvement : deserve : inyestl gation". Aecept his invitation to trial j Why not take a. vacation long enough to come to -"these conven-before the court of public .opinion or tions and see the; farmer in action? "forever hereafter: hold your peace, " r Jf you have criticism to offer, he will as a certain familiar . warning puts give you opportunity to offer: it, tit.;. The .Farmers'; union is a. social -and. he . will applaud you if you hit institution and not an organism with The Kintfof American1 Cullers Free Book on Sllafa - V- JLfy.n fnrfnM of silage profits. Tells valuable secrets . . all about the srreat time and labor saving ''POWERFUL SM ALLEY." One book free to one address. Write today to be sure yoa get one of these valuable books. SH ALLEY MFG. CO., 8 Poik St.Hanitowoc, Wis, Uurnf ftetorcn of Essflsg. Airalf aae Hnd 7eed CU . tMt, Combination EasiUg awt Snapplas Hachlaaa. Draft and Circular Saw Hachina Chunsloa riwt. Co Oriadera and fMd Ulils. (U)v. The Improved Red Ripper Hay Press v y The- RED RIPPER is used and recommended by State, and County Farms all over the South. It ie the only baler on the market that regulates the weight of bales automatically. It is strong; fast and durable easy to feed, and light on the horse makes neat, heavy bales, and is cheap. Write- us for prices and easy terms. . SIKES HAT PRESS COMPANY, Box 90, OCELLA, GEORGIA. ; v him with facts, even tho they- hurt. . Don't wait to' be a "delegate. ' ..If you are a member you have all the rights" on the' floor that delegates Jiave except making motions and vot-r ing.' The first day, visitors who are not members are welcome. This convention ;will not be a rip roaring; blgr pow-wow, like a political convention to nominate a candidate for President. But the different sec tions of the country will be repre sented from Puget Sound to the Florida Keysi. . ; Everything of 'note, that is done now-a-days is done by: organizations, individuals are hot of mtich v import?; ance, taken separately; In the stren uous scramble for : a place :in the world we make little headway unless our efforts are combined with the work of others going in tho same 'direction; : ' - ; . When everything is done that can be done, and duties and. responsiblll- flesh and blood subject to pain: and deaths It cannot . be; physically.- in-; Jured, but it is subject to the law, of aequence the same as any other. To fail to "use it is to fail to utilize your own power. In the most, effective -way.4 It is doing a work.no other force is doing, and you owe: it to yourself to be interested If there Is anything to your interest In it, attend it. It . there is not, what have you to offer in its place? " V " : THE VIRGINIA STATE FARMERS INSTITUTE. An Interesting and : Well-Attended Meeting at, Winchester., ; np-HE State Farmers', Institute of , -1 . Virginia, which was . held . at Winchester August 1 and. 2," was not only well attended, but a keen inter est in the addresses . vas maintained After hear CASH OR CREDIT C SCata- KKC?n logue FREE. ONLY $10.00 Gash; balance $5 per month, buys this 3 - year guaranteedbuggy Buggies - $to upp' Burries $ibM up; Farm Wagons $40.00 : up. We trust' honest people located in all parts of the world. Yrlls For FREE CATALOGUE. Dep't m Cast St. LooU, El. throughout the meeting. ties .are balanced, the; man who -has - these .splendid , addresses, , one nothing4to-'show;.ia'the;wayt.ot:good-ruuut,1 will for hoble efforts and nothing.to : a DlS. stock ot agricultural informa-. his credit for work in the vineyard -tion and enthusiasm, . . President Da: vis. in nis annuajL aaaress, reviewea of public bettermenttwill be ashamed of his life and have no part in the rhapsodies of achievement. :, "X Human problems of the utmost mo ment are" tip for solution and he who take.s no part or manifests no -interest in them occupies a very unenviable place In the scale of existence. One canuot hug. to himself the flatteridgj unctlon that he will have no part . in them, and- will not bother . about them. This very neutrality decides his part of the contest between prog-, resa and retrogression, and the index the work and Influence of the Farm ers' Institute in bringing about legis lation that protects 'and fosters agri-' cultural r interests. He deplored, the fact that Virginia must procure thk from outside of the State. He then.' gave statistics to show what wealth, the dairy, industry has brought " tot Wisconsin; and yet Virginia has aa ' good natural facilities for the dairy industry as Wisconsin. v i Dr. ,C-E. Thorne gave a very in- mm . .r hilL f We Kruarantee this drill to Biro satisfaction in every re ' soect. We know it Is superior to other drills. It is Ueht in wekht and draft: has Men wheels, broad tires, low steel frame, making it easy to fill. The . SPANGLER DRILL sows eraln or fertilizes evenly, either up or down rite for free Catalogue which will tell vou more aDoui mis wonaemu ami. ; BPAitftlLEU MFtik 60S Qocm tU fork. Pa. finger of the derelict points back?etructive-and helpful address on crop ward. ; . . ; - ; rotation.- He exhibited a number of c So long" as gain in dollars is the charts of experiments' that had been only gain prized there is no chance conducted in Ohio and elsewhere. Hl for, civic progress and economic re- experiments, which covered periods form.; : Unless some are .willing" to "of five -years, showed that under the count gain of information as worth single-crop system the . ; yield : con- ROCK AND ; iRYE THIS PINE PLXJE-CURED TOBACCO is grown In th,e famous Piedmont section of North Carolina. BOCK ND RYE is the best chew you eves pat In your mouth. For dale all ovfer the world. Better try a plug today. ' TP MAKES YOU HAPPY' , - ; ' Uaonfactored by BAILEY BROS, lac Winston-Salem, 1?. C while, and the use of that Informa tion, as a privilege there is nothing to hope for in the future.. The treat ment, of tho dares flung at the race by conditions is - the test of. the strength of pur civilization and an unerring : index to the " future. . . No where is this more true than In the industrial, commercial and economic issues t confronting the agriculturists tinually -decreased till, iUher fifth year, it was only about ' one-half what it was : at the beginning, of the experiment On the other hand, those plots that- were1 given-a rota tlon having some leguminous .crop, "produced as much or more at the expiration of tha five-year period than they did at the beginning. Tho time for the one-crop system has , Feeds and Feeding By Pro, W, A. Henry, is the standard book on its subject. A &reat big volume crammed with valuable facts for the ' stockman. "Every breeder or feeder of livestock needs it We can supply it at the rerju ar price,. $2. 25. Tbc Proflrcsslvc Farmer. ' ,r Read weelc the . adyertlsemeats carefully this IT COSTS 02 of the United States. The mastery passed. Statistics show that the- av- exerclsed by, the farmer, determines erage yield. of any crop of a State the power of a third of the Nation, begins to; Increase as the farmers? The." weakness . this third .mani- break way -from the one-crop 'sya-; fests ' IsMndlcative of what ; may: tern fZ. ;.-;v -O ,.; i: be expected..; It Is a warning and a Prof Alva Agee spoke on lime and call to action. The brain that la legumes. He- said, some leguminous We mean "Types and Breeds of Farm Animals," by Prof C. S. Plumb. It is tVforth it, however, for it has pictures too callous to be reached, the. heart . crop was necessary for safe . farming and descriptions Of all the leading 100 nara-io.pe umcnea, ine nana 100 dui legumes cannor De grown . buu breeds of farm animals and makes you azy. t0 act tne conscience" too dead . cessfully in an unfriendly, soil. . This iust ache to be a stockman. A zood t6 respond, the life; too inane to unfriendly, condition of ; the BoiI:fsl ViftAL. frtf.0 vA"TNortTNTa .a nnA count, belong In the junk heap. If , '; ' tne iNauon is. on us.: way mere. " to Tm2 TOOGKISSiTOAtli: :.J go, without a protest is cowardly. To 1 1 almost invariably; due to acidity, and therefore, we, must; apply something: which will, neutralize this "acid. ; (Thl3. may bo : doiu : with ' lime j either i .; r.