Saturiajv- August 17.-191J. (7) ,S7f Founded In 1S3. Ideal base school for girl wttk a dbtfaetlr MTtfrni atmosphere, Besntifol location. Health record mum jie al roar ywn of THE NEW-FASHIONED GIRL eoQegiete work. Madias to A. XL etodcnts admitted on eertiScatefroa accredited schools, TJftM manbea. She Is the Domestic Science Girl Who Knows How to Do Things , and Delights in. Doing Them for Herself and for Others. Email classes, InaUridoal instruction, For catalog evddres KX3. LUCT KOSIXTSOH, rreaUexi, A, ers-assra. Ksrfk KX3. LUCT K0ZLXTS05, rtmUrn v . . ers-assrs. He Our Progressive Young People, ' ; : v-i liy-Miss Sosle V. Powell, Jsckson, Miss. ; - u rASHIONS in girlsrcome and go. young men -Tied with each other in H 'just' as In other things,4 One. offering courtesies and attentions. X.. of the most popular types Just In fact, she; was decidedly the fash now is the. "Domestic Science Girl." ion. . .. ' ; ' The representatives of this type that t r Do we not see in this young wo I have seen" this summer have been man, and- in the work f she is doing exceedingly - attractive. ."metiines.J.a good omen of the day that is dawn they are" pretty, hut always they have ing?. A day' in which because of the beeneat, daintyatten and' vitally; interested in people and given our girls, housework will not things about' them. , - T-- -.' be a synonym for-drudgery, because .President Whitfield of the, Indus-. mucn of the drudgery, will be "elimi trial Institute and College very, gen- erously arranged to pay the expenses that higher culture and a practical of iinme ot Ms domestic science ierad- working knowledge of the important J r uates " to assist at the public demon- strations of the Canning and Poultry Clubs throughout-Mississippi,", and about a dozen 'of these girls ,gra- matter: of home-keeping are jiot in compatible, but that 'these qualities blend into -the well rounded charac ter essential to the very highest type ciously gave us the benefit of their o womanhood? I 'am sure that many voices will join with me-in saying: "Blessings be upon the Domestic Science Girl!" services , so 'as- to become , familiar with the rural school problems and add valuable - experience to their splendid-straining.- .These demon- ' ' strations were ;aii , held out under How a Public School Librar Was WhileHhe county director -and her assistants, were instructing the club members in the canning process, un Built. ; ; rp HE ' greatest need in ' Arkansas, A where I taught for a. period of 12 der a neighboring shade tree a very years, is 1 noV schools or courses of interesting" and- attractive scene was enacted. A spotlessly white '. table, with -r neatly . arranged utensils :, and ingredients was presided over by a study, but good T wholesome litera ture, "adapted . to the several - grades and ages of the children.' A good book has saved7 many boys from daintv domestic science srirl with her eights -with bad - associates, and blonde v hair arranged becomingly, many girls from -reading cheap inl and wearing a snowy white dress that -inspiring literature,', that not only was simple and becoming. JShe was-does not helP .intellectual develop ment, out rexaras it ana poisons tne mind. . - . f I took charge of one of the lead ing schools in Hot Springs Cqunty and found good blackboards, mod assisted by a-bevy of club members. This" domestic science lady- won the highest ' degree from one pf "the best colleges in . the State. She was well versed .in Latin, higher mathematics, ehemlstry and literature, but alLthis ern desks and charts, but no books, had not prevented her from becom ing-;: expert 4in the science of cooking and-nousenold economics, as she soon convinced those who', watched her quietly and skilfully" direct the girls; to'make the soups and salads, hen dinner on the grounds" was ; ready. not' even; a dictionary; During the second , week I placed- a few good books;; in the hands of the children and put my own -dictionary on - the desk. .. They eagerly read; the books and L soon taught them to use . the dictionary. I must add ' here that and these girls passed the steaming ff we,re Af0 , books suitable for pink and cream tomato -soup in dain ty cups (because these are more con- children .in the 'entire community. Next ;I . proposed 'that each child venient than plates to handle when trinS;tbe price of a book. J: Several itfln pvflrv onp. wa anTioua to P"6!1 withthe request ; and the try it, and: several times - the l hoary- r : was more than 20 good books harlM ftld.1oke: "the sample's nret- hichwere adapted , to the several graueu oi scaooi. we sun aw not have a dictionary or an encyclo pedia. . After . many of the parents had read with -? delight and "some profit several of. the books, I can vassed the patrons for, a contribu ' ty good, now bring;me some soup," was heard. A little later there ap- peared ;the tomato, salad which was a. ' picture showing " the hand of a true artist. X .The dish -lined with crisp whitish ' green lettuce leaves with great luscious red slices of chilled to- tIon. withwhich ,to buy more much ueeueu dookb. mis ; resuitea in witn tnis we bought a dictionary,' a . small ency clopedia ;and: a few - books on biog raphy and- history. I have ever 'inntrtM nnnA1 -with tTm Mftamv salad UlCBBlUg . WOO"- BC1 VU . POIVOU . crackers., " ' : , . . The recipes for both the soup and . 1 - 9 - .111 . .V1W.J Baiaa were wrua uu seen a -busier, happier set of chil ouu .woi, ca&w- 7'- sdren . than these were. . ,They read - club members athevall the books and learned to use the '. miners ana owe visuors, aer taey ; dictionary: and:: the encyclopedia; naa pariaKeo. or ineBe aisnes.i ; ;: . , Next year ; the hunger aner u;jittu uccu bciyouu.oy-- wM greater tnan ever oerore and we ery-; utensil and-aisn naa oeen neauy gave -a program that netted ua 125 washed, dried and put away, 'all presr which we used In adding new books , eut: saP-down- while our. dainty lady ; to the . library, ..The school' , became talced or the need ror variety in our the social center for the entire com diet, the uses of .soups and salads, of munity and from it came a score of , Duuyui iuuvucb,. iua mvunuo, Buccessiui young men and young ii and other -interesting and important ; women, all, I think, having received matters : of household economics. r, their inspiration from some : good " ' ' When ; the ' day's work was , over books drawn from this library, and ; .and "our domestic science girl was read. - . ' l". . free to mingle socially with the peo-' I enjoyed the. work and read many pie; there was no more popular per- of the books myself. This school . sonage than she. The leading so- was a Buccess whether I. taught poor- cletyladics were glad to entertain ly or. welL Few can really teach. her l"n their ' homes, while ..their' but" all cah if. they will, build a II- ; daughters . found in her. a congenial brary and thusdo some good. . ' companion, ; and the - most popular : Leola, 1 Ark. - A. E, BRONCO; EAST CAROLINA Teachers Training School A State school to train teachers for the public schools of ;y. :': - North Carolina; Every energy is directed to .this one .purpose. , Tuition i free to all who agree to teach. I Fall - ; Term begins September 24, 1 912. For catalog and other information, address ROBT. H WRIGHT, President, GreenviUe, N. C; r 1 I Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute; w " ''-."Merlt th Measure ot SaccMsn - . " n . a xiiKueriiuo xuvLiLunun tor yuuus iun"uu vojb, jwt ..... paring for , business life, teaching;,- or the Junior class In ' 'college- Q overnment that appeals to manliness and de- -" velops self-controL Accredited . relations with University. . Beautiful: and healthful location In Piedmont Carolina. Commodious brick buildings on elerated, , shady , campUs. ' Splendid athletic grounds. Total! expenses for the session 1 under $226. , Many ' things you want to know about ' the , - . school set forth In Illustrated catalog, sent free. Address . , G. F; MCALLISTER, A. M. Principal, ; Mt Pleasant, N. C. ' . - ; -; BUIE'S CREEK ACADEMY and BUSINESS COLLEGER"! -Prepares for College, university , or Business, special teacners in cnarge . 01 uiocu tion, Art, Telegraphy, Business. Excellent Music Course Piano, Band, Voice, Strong Faculty of Christian men and women. " Good- boarding arrangements, - with dormitory for girls. 808 ; students last year, representing (55 counties, six States, and Cuba. "One of the greatest schools In the State'--Gov. R. B. Olenn., Yqnr school Is doing a blessed work." Hon. J. Y. Joyner.. - - ."It is doing a high nuaUty of work.' President Alderman. u ' "In many respects the best academy In North Carolina." Rev. B.: W. Spilraan. ; 'One of oor -greatest schools." Judge Pritchard.;. . .For cataldg, or further information, address, l- - ! i . .r- ' " ; J. A. CAMr BELL,, Principal, Pnie's Creeks N. 0. Pf - ?g housatid of ODerMor Needed Salines $45. to &90"peFl me ii -mi ' . .' i . . i '.... i . i - VI nontn i ne mosx eaucaiiona.i-ana lascinaaing worn mere is,' Beautiful c&t&loa and full information free KLo w t uition - 5 mal 1 expenses - Shortest poss i ble time. we give siuaenis aciuat experiance - wrue inow SPARTANBURG SCHOOL or TELEGRAPHY- SPARTANBURG. S C. Mars Mill College Apart - In the hills, ten miles from ft' rail- road,' drew 379 young men and women- last year from 68 counties In North Carolina, and. from six other States and two foreign countries. Why? -The school . does its work. Send for catalog. - R. L. MOORE, President, 1ABS HILL, N. C Vcftcrinarians Wanted intlie Soutti Many communities in need of practitioners and inspectors. ' Tonng men are prepared to supply his demand -at . - - THE -KANSAS CITY VETERINARY COLLEGE Graded course, excellent equlpment,large teacnlng staff. Writs for full infor mation to DR. 6ESCO STEWART. 1380 East 16th St., Kansas City, Mo. Virginia Polytechnic Institute BLA CKSBURG, VA. Decree courses in Agriculture, Horticul ture, Applied Chemistry, Applied Oeology, Civil, Mining, Mechanical and Electrical En gineering, Metallurgy and Metallography-Sixty-four Instructors, Thoroughly Equipped Shops, Laboratories and Barns. Steam heat ing and electric lights in dormitories. Li brary 12,000 volumes. Farm of . 1,100 acres. Two Year Course in Agriculture and Farmers Winder Course . Total cost , of Session of nine months, In eluding tuition and other fees board, wash ing, uniforms, medical "attendance, etc., 1274.90. ' Cost to Virginia students. $224.90. -- The next session opens Wednesday. Sep tember 18th. 1911 ; .: . ; . PAUL B. BARIUNGER, M. D LL. D. :;.,':'-.., . ; - . president Write for catalogue. " . ' . OIIICIIIIIiTI VETEBI1IARY ' COLLEGE 3116'Bpring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, O. - Study Veterinary Uedicino ; : It Pays Well. Costi Iittle to Learn. Offers Quick Heturns.- Investigate. . write: for free catalogue UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE - r STUART McCTJIRE. M. Pres. WdneDenthtry-Phannacy 20th Session Opens September 18 1912 - New Fireproof BoUdlng;. . . - Unexcelled Equipment. i Modem Laboratory Methols. ; ; Excellent ClinlcaT Facilities. . .. Eighty Expetiaacod Tecbrs. a-v. Write now for Catalogne A. P.' ". WYTHE D. ANDERSON, Proctor. A LEADING BOARDING SCHOOL' lor 150 f todttti . SaUblUL4 18S4 Frp&rt for ColUft, t LmmimMMM VAAtklts iwfiwTI Btuts, CuruUr ut hol ' anblp. Wld ptrong. TOII KBAIO VABLS K1.TZS Esek Btatnt rolri pr. : aonU sttaatlos. Stkool highly sndoriad. (tocstlca la star Orwaaboro; V. 0.) Tor Batlfl Oatalofna, Vlrra,. t., s4dxMa tt rraaldasS. . .. IV. T. WHITSETT, PH. D. . , -WHIT1CTT, NORTH CAROLINA

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