111'.' 'IU ln.il II I'l Vol. XXVII. No. M:m0mm-C-SATVRDAY, AtJGUS -rT" "-r rn-iT'TTTTriTi -rfwripwi ? OUR NEGBMEEK BE y ..... , .U na-ttMC i'a? afc""!."'- '-J V b S A.7 ,1 -fir 'f II Ami '9 III PRETTY HOME SPECIAL. A Farm d Home Weekly For the Carolinas, Virginia, i Georgia and Tennessee. UNDED, 1886, AT RALEIGH, N. C. , 1912. Weekly: $1 a Year. i AND i . h iii iff c ;w 1 cj -1 Mm- m . C2 A THESE two beautiful English views illustrate Mr. Poe's contention that the South has woefully neglected two of its main resources of beauty, hedges and avenues of trees. The upper picture shows a typical hedge such as line most country roadways in England, and the lower picture shows an avenue of trees whose beauty would make famous any Southern town or plantation. Why not plant an avenue leading to your residence an avenue which, even if less pretentious than this, will nevertheless give a peculiar dignity and charm to your home.jand whose beauty will in crease with every passing year until your children's children revere the loving foresight you exhibited ? FEATURES OF THIS ISSUE. A ROTATION FOR PEANUT LANDS By Professor Massey 4 HOW TO MAKE A SEPTIC TANK The Practical Way to Dispose of Sewage in the Country 18 MAKING THE FARM HOME ATTRACTIVE The First of a Series of Articles by Professor Nivcn . . '. 6 PRETTY nOME-PICTURES AND DESCRIPTIONS Sent in by Pro gressive Farmer Readers . . m-.n 4, 5, 7, 9, 16 SHORTER HOURS AND LIGHTER WORK Unnecessary Labor the Housekeeper Does 9 THE SPIRIT OF THE HOME An Unusually Interesting Letter With Some Comment by Mrs. Stevens 9 WHY A PRETTY HOME SPECIAL? We Cannot Afford to Leave Reauty Out of Our Lives 10 WILL IT PAY TO FEED BEEF CATTLE? When It Will and When It Will Not Pay 12 WHY RURAL ENGLAND IS AN EDEN OF BEAUTYLessons the 'Old Country" Teaches Southern IIome-Makers 11 WHY WE SHOULD GROW COVER CROPS now They Save and Enrich the Soil 3