.TIIE-.V.--iyj:SSIYE FARMER. 976 . (8) .BO A Llontli Duys a Gcauln'3 .EIJMBAIUL ORGAN ST AT FACTORY PRICES . I Fr Music Instructions by Ourflew Diagram System SO PAYS7' L-WUli Think what this meant. a Yon can "iT uy Genuine Kimball Organ direct from the makers at the lowest factory price for which a really food organ can be sold'-and on payment to suit your convenience. " We mean exactly that. To any person replying Immediately to this ad vertisement we will send our great orjran cat alogue ana i.ion7 WRITE US AT ONCE Savins; Plan." Select your- instrument and notify us. We will send at once the organ you nfoir nnt and von can pay for it on our easy payment pian, .ou monthly and upward, if desired.; ; . ' -, ' Every home, especially where there are chil dren; should haye a Kimball Organ.- If, you ;Jjnt an nrrnn at nil von want a rood one: merely a case with no music in it will not dc. Secure at once tne oia riniv iumiian uigau at Factory Prieos. and get the use and splen did enjoyment of it.while you ara savin?. the money, little by li ttle, to pay for itou the con venient terms we will make you. : , , - Ramambar, you can have the Kimball Organ for thirty days' absolute ly f ra trial. Yon risk nothing. It costs you only a postage stamp to flnif nnt all about our remarKabie our r.:o::EV- SAVIIIGFLA!) money-1 tl M Ravins' tlan. It du ine JunuKut wiuuiu uio reach of everyone who wants an organ. Fac tory price means the actual factory price to you. you can get a much rice uan finer instrument at a far lower price man you can by the ordinary nuthod of buying,- The mmhAii I tuidard known the world over. Qpersthrts the largest organ factory intne w ox :'fli- employing the largest capital, buying raw material in the greatest quantity for cash -- the Kimball system of manufacturing and distributing positively you x $20 to $53 ca stricter fiikla trc. Send Today for Our Monoy-Saying Plan and Frco Catalog j-? P" 2 ) THE: HOME: . ;f THAVE not been among the :. Nor seen the milk-weeds their hoods. The downy thistle-seed Nor the squirrel at h: And yet I know-tl The mute mouth .. rod, . uQV the pale dawn, chilled through and through, .. Comes drenched and draggled her dew; with God; . iier golden- o'errun with Hov all day long the sunlight seems As a it lit a land of dreams, Till evening, with her mist and . cloud, ... V Begk . to weave her royal shroud. That clump , y :. r.w:s, Twinkle" ... ,ir clustered muscadines, if yet, as in old Homer's land, Gods ; walk , with . mortals, t hand v hand, " in I Ar. . ; ". -ertefc churchyard placr ' V j . iLesr .Tiite " .tn sunburnc in this' sweet Don' oerience. They give i. vrnb Ai . iwmn nnftl vnu tiavA oat monev-savnor ofODosltloii. On? ball a century oi auaulacu , uiwa w. . 7 A ap-.. r-! iho finanriM Btincrm buk oi our DUKiuia suanuiee. ana our w vwj -rw iiMriH.,jw . ni i.iiiiiiiii. nrmn nmA inr vnuf maner nun uu uui ummmmmw uuiaui vikwii ihiVvk inewon. Your: KimbaU Oran will b selected by aa expert oa whwe (udgmeat you caa tely. ffl and New Diagram System Fr irith each organ. . f Free TJlusic Inucibn by .Our Uetv Diagram f .iem i x With our new diagram or chart system you can In a few hours time learn to play all thechwrr: :. accompaniments lot tinging, etc, and very quickly learn to play pieces. You need these instructions, tby mrm a Kimball Organ. , . . . -t - - ' " ' ' -' - - -"'(B)V i F Out Tis Coupon and Malt It TciSssjr nnniniiiiun VV. W. lUmball Cp.v r.lfrs.v 8886 WmbaW Hall, Chhv;, III. Please send me Frc postage paid, your 1911 Catalog, showing the torts difi-jt Styles ol organs, your MMMy-Sa lug Plan, and Circulars of your Free Musical Instructions. ,-" ' - - 1 ' M Nam e we weee eeeeeeea eeweaoee wmi s iiiihui ; aow how, ere ner green is- shed, lie dogwood' pranks," herself with . ' '-' red,1 . , ' I Somewhere today; weather, '' Tninkest-. thou "not they walk to- - gether? " v John Charles McNeill, in "Songs Merry and Sad." , - THE WOMAN'S PHASE OF NEIGHBORHOOD BETTERMENT. Small Allowance to Daughters Will4 Usually Keep Them Satis , fled at Home Young People Make Better Neighborhood. Sent To You For A Year's Free Trial Why Shouldn't You Buy As Low As Any ' Dealer? More than 250,000 people have saved from 25 to 125 In Durchasine a hleh erade orean or piano by the.Cornish Plan, why shouldn't you? Here la uur vixer. xou seieci any ox tne iaie8t,cnoiceB Uornlsh styles or instruments, we place it m your home for a year's free use before yon need make np your mind to keep It. If It Is not sweeter and .richer In tone and better made than any you can buy at'one-thlrd more than we ask you, send It back at our expense. - ' You. Choose Your ' Own Terms ' Take Three Years to Pay If Needed. The Cornish. Plan. In brief, makes the maker prove his Instrument and saves you one third what other manufacturers of high grade Instruments must charge you because they protect their dealers. . -r . - - Let 17s Send to You Free tHe New Cornish Boolt It Is the most beautiful oiano or orean cataloe ever nubllshed. It shows our latest" Btyles and explains every tning you snoum Enow Deiore Duymg any instrumenu - it snows wny you cannot ouy any oiner r hlKh erade orean or piano anywhere on earth as low f book before buying any piano or organ anywhere.47 Write for It today, and please mention thla paper. ' j the Cornish. You Bbould have this beautiful fch irV Washington, N.J Egtabllshed Over 50 Yeava A TDE SEWING MACHINE OF KNOWN VALUE Known the world oyer for its serving qualities. The only Sewing Machine which is a life asset at the price you pay. Purchase the NEW HOME and you will not have an endless chain of repairs. It is better made, does nicer sewfns:, easier to operate, and more silent than any other. Guaranteed for all time. Write THE NEW HOME SEWING UACUNE 0 Orange. Ilast., for booklet F. It has washed and End It takes rubbing to make a clean wash you know that. W want to prove that your wash can actually be rubbed Dotleasl v d Annwith. out wearinsr lor tckrinnr without tmnr anim uciuBivo WHBuuoara unncinia nn etrnrt A Tubtut In Lei 3 than to if In BOSS WashlncMachlno Kruhed its way through all difficulties and com petition, o piece too dainty or cno no piece i umyjt, Dig or airxy. veaurs everywhere. FREE iSlJtfiXs., &SXi . ... , .... claim, the , liYiplMt, best made machine, don't keep it and you won't be out a penny. Can be AMUUon operated by hand, water, ele oeUlle of Home Trial Offer. ic oreno-ine IrmM Rnnk mnA Dom Waahins Machine Co. 1 7 Cincinnati, O. Sim Feather Beds THE BTOttES COMPANY, Borlnton, Z?.0 New 40-pound feather bed and pair, of pillows tar 11 AAA m Let us tell yoabow to catcl them where you think there are none. We make the famous Double Muzzle Wire Fish Basket. Greatly improved this year. Write EUREKA FISH NET CO.; Griffin, Ga. A Course in Mathe matics "Short Cuts" Easy methods which save hours of time. Proof of Multiplication, etc. Discounts, in terest, Percentage, etc. Letter. Writing and Business Forms. Over '76 lessons. It you cannot attend our school all this postpaid for 11.00. Adddress CECIL'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, I Spartanburg, 8. C. orx Anderson, S. C. ... Ilemember that If. what you wish to. buy Is not advertised in The Progressive Farmer, yoi can , often get It by putting a - little notice hi' onr Farmers' Exchange. V MONARCH of France, when asked to define the State, ex claimed, "The State I am the State!" Someone has aptly extend ed the - comparison, so might the farmers wife,? when asked as to the life of the farm, respond, "I am the' life -of the farm."- And there we see how the life of the community, the spirit of the community, is de pendant upon the life and spirit of the individuals who make up the community. We are ble to estimate the woman's part in neighborhood betterment- The greatest subject now before our rural communities is tne new science called efficiency. Efficiency as a neighborhood science, can only be brought about by neighborhood co-operation. "Men, usefullest In the world," says Mrs. jurowning, "are simpiy used." So women are often "use fullest" knowing it not, as was one of my acquaintance. Miss B. rec ognized the opportunities for devel opment; in hef local neighborhood, she loves the people both for what they are and for what they may be come, so she is doing what she can to help bring about a real spirit of community-building. Every school girl Jmows that, however simple her achievement,-the finding of a new flower, the successful making of a table dainty, or a simple home gar ment or the accomplishment of a hard earned school honor, she has earned from Miss B. sympathetic ap preciation. As a result of this com munity interest a successful girl's club has developed. Every boy knows where he may exhibit his lat est nature study find: or where he may give vent to the extent of his enthusiasm over the latest baseball game with full i assurance of keen appreci&toiittior where he may con- By Mrs. F. L. Stevens, Mayaguez, Porto Rico. . But if we are to keep the girls on the , farm, that they may do their work toward neighborhood better terment, some' things must be chang ed. In these new days fit science applied to work, manjK a girl leav ing, home to enter a business office makes a surprising discovery. The change from the old homestead to the office, is startling . if not morti fying. In the office she finds every thing arranged for her personal com fort and' efficiency. She has a con venient desk or table fitted with ev ery appliance that will add to speed and ease. She learns that she is ex pected to work f aBt and to work well, yet everything is arranged that she may do her work in the most simple, convenient way. On her return to the old homestead how Is it?. There she probably finds her mother at worlf over a hot stove, in a dark gloomy room, ill planned for work ; she even finds her mother using' primeval tools and working in crude inefficient ways. Seeing all this she is mortified, discouraged and the farm neighborhood loses one of its most valuable as sets. . The improvement spirit, like all other good movements must begin at home, from thence will go out the throbbing, heartening confidence in the possibilities of the community, each laboring "over against his own household," thus quickly realizing the community ideal. Frequently neighborhoods have a preconceived notion4-that there are no . young people left, that move ments for; common good must nec essarily fail1 for lack of leadership. Recently , in one such neighborhood, where the idea was strong 'that since there was no one pre-eminently qual ified for leadership, nothjng could be done! Wnen the call came, 40 young men, all ready - for leadership, only suit a favorite book or periodical, waiting for the occasion, came for- enjoy a fascinating game, in short ward at once eager and intent upon where he may find a jolly good com- the new project. rade, one who will sympathize with his trials, rejoice in his victories; a friend who will deal gently with his weakness but unflinchingly and just ly with his wrong doing. From this one woman's effort there has devel oped a nature study club, an athletic club and a debating club among the young people of the neighborhood. Changes Must Come In Order to Keep Girls On the "Farm. Happy is the community that has such young women, who have found it desirable and profitable to stay by the farm. w Years and years asco men of the farm learned the value of neighbor hood co-operation in solving the la bor problem. "Log-rollings" "barn raisings," "threshing ; bees" 1 , have The "quilting bee," the "sewing cir cle" are perhaps the extent of - wo man's, effort to combine tasks for mutual benefit. , The Right of the Farm Housewife. There is a general belief and a true one that the farm house-wife is over-worked; first. for lack of up-to-date tools and second, because of the i . , -., ,.