(--) I . : l.nppcn to Lave c:i Uar.c! When I t . ' . ' - v.-Lolo aprcx I've Tut 'tZ :u tor.ether : with scraps of triertion, making the 1 . .... . . 1 . a " eccuons to, raatcu tne-Eize. or pieces t u- ; -I. had to use...-. ; :.- -.;' J "Tumbles" made'of cuffs sewed, ten" aether Into a cyl- - -: inder with - faces' . -drawn ioT Ink up .on them the ends co vor ed with cloth, and a mar-' .': ble inside, -delight --r the vs m al 1 boy. Dress, them up in - - vsaycolored wool en scraps .and you ..don't know: how luhny y o n- can -make ,t,hem. ' l think.4 he .big ; ' plain fwhite- mar--vtks .cortmjy'. a -rcent t ait -piece, .ao :.' you, have & cutev " - - ptesent lor, a pen ny,' as, 'a f rayed- 'end 'cuff . makes ,s r headend bodyand the scraps-. ao the rest: r -v:-; 3 . 7 :Apattern for a small;clo"th' rabbit "costs .ten .cents, and a yard of white . canton-flannel will make several. Uae - jaink thread -for" outlining' nose and 3 : mouth, line ears 'wlth-pirik, and .use " '"-black shoe buttons. for1 eyes. . uf" W A. flvecent; Bpo ol of ; colored cro X ichet silk will make several -pretty ruches Ct6r- collars, if you 'urochet - f -tu'H. scallops. 'Into- one edge.sof plain mm '"-"I " In',", ,1, ill (I! I J . If1 1 .1 : . Kll . i . 1 I I K II . I . iAI. I': -"--I -75" ' " y l ' lll Jjv-" tllahogany-or J qtrartesed oak v : - V - 1 vThe instrument . which the Talue : 9v- : : ; : t. i' It m .... i v i III 1 and Victor Needles th combination. There is I I " '111 J 00 other.'vwiy to -Ket lho uneaualed Victor tone. J- in ii i i , VI h: !! - m -J 1, 3 V -l . -... -".4 V -I ' N ictar-y ictroia iv,vta . MR. ttMBLE."- i -a. -vt white tajer ' .V .. . V.',,. f ; .perhaps belore Christmas l ean tell you,, orsome.-tnore things.'Jhut1 as" ! must -".stop this, .time l ihope fhese suggestions, wiumeip- you. . . - :t; Always ifh-;love:and best wishes . .-from'..Your big sister;-.: C'l .One Literary; Society's Good Work. " O EVERAl Wars'" ago. I taught. a ' . rO public school, at Ryland, ,C; al -; 4 , . small , village ; anj ; station-. situated $g ' '-.rmid-waxr "between Suffolk; ,Va., and - ''Edehton " N.-' Gri ?have'j.taughtl a - jnanv RRhnola sfntftr Jbut I'he-'h yiieve ljcan ay xaa any vWinieis wotjj there- was the hest -and inost pleasant i VEach year has witnessed important : lmf - t pjvenientsxih of these: onqenui onusicm ;salefat;llg well worth your time to at least e an d , nearTnem. in no oiner-vay can y pu iuiiy ; ; V-Any Victor dealer jnnty gladly play any music youish u onstrate jto you the yictoKVictrola i Write to us iffor catalogs. v; : V . , Wr ""V-'-': "Victcr TaBdag MacLine Co 44th and Cooper Su Camden, N. J, : A-T f fw . - v- ..-. owuuervnuavpuuae Mfc, woacewMwiiiinBiniwiwi quartejed oak , -: Victor-VlctrotaVni, $40 Vlclor.VictoIX Victor.VicoilA, ' 1 ' i'! 1 - - i II lis ,. . r II 'II f." Vktor-VictrotaXI $100 Vktor-VtctroIaXlV $150 llew Victor Recorda are on aIeWIfe&ler on the Cllioi each jtumth , L . v - "The" jieigtihorhoodrwas al very tdto-- u iwwju;u, , wo amuaius .umu iund6B, ,wm cowapo A nuu .jcm t,tT r v see the parents .acting in pieces,-but'.-liow rich "we are! .For-there is al- --d,.w organized a literary society, -: x - - - " - . , . ; ;: which wb caUed Eyland .Literary So- otpl Bplilte. . - : . , ; stare's store of beauty is never t- ?fV - f 'j.-Te charged ten cents tor admis-- 3iausted.; t Outdoors we -can always elected P 'Secretary. ? ' ,7'V.AntilIHnlii ' .'."-All 'mV' 'OrTnrk1 lri 1 ist rjbineCWd most. all" the ; people-f- lefH the .hil W itU tof A vIuvaau' - This ; society ' did a great .deal M --thru - communion -.with- nature's tertainment. r JMost;"everyt member : ?sunsei;i some, maple or gum: in au- t. :" nil a..U 4-V. ..A.t Ain - .'TUT!. 11. ,fl.JI . -J.V . J. ' i-.T-J ' resident. .and 4 wastelected ' "'"" Wauj .uuuM m . wm : Anyone ;that, wanted to s mUCh' Wfv ra?Sed ' !Smo;? Int0,nes n? 8600,1 tJ? -0 VYUiW -WO SUU UU XUi AOXU U" , UlUK) tiuu. t aujr HUlOitU lilt UU1 andVwomeiL Some ' from -adjoining T TiVT 5 v chools Joined.' and -several f- the n& neighborhoods; , It brought u aU 3od. N-- v, , - vtogetner- once a weeK. it caused us The birds - win not au leave us, iJelvidere boys' Wietr.met bn Thnrs-" ta-"a! udy rnqrerit keptth and-e: mwt.tobfrfir - ;-tix.i -' -A - Ja ,vytrang- men;. from-lounging 'around plenty - of nuts to hare with, them " u, r f, the . Btorea--.and station.-It Whelped 'when the snow covers their iood soiH ' W hadnlar iulea anVreniia-rWV the ycmng'Tjoys andgirls in ply.. The' leayeaUl ' fall buthey - Wiio co; - nlfl 'wftfl 2Scnt 'and 'for children 'eral. entered -the. next -term, of and-,we will have an Trnobstructed i :- ' 'tenn - ' 1 f - school, and' It helped all ofiturto Tiew of winterunriBes and .feunseta,! vl rinVn'pd' niV raWtiVcs with" a hink-moreto speak, ;,actkand talk . ;The busy, beautiful' autumn" -days! , " ' EonI then" f ead I V" V: asslnfe rapidly,' -but when IheJ , . verses' from the Bible, and some bt , , 7", ' , r m6 ttlo,UFu,u8 . the young'inen-led in prayer. 1f?:"Jt Itteyet .to llye.ta memory our evenings -reading papers and . ' : We-had a program. committee,' and , !?fltf 080 Aetf n'J?i' gazines,,. and during ; the short - ' -'an interesUng program was made but. I liketo rrite about them, too, days, find .time to make.frleuda t . 'V during', the week by them- and read- : V , -MRS. WT. TtAWpS. , rur-winter -birds, and a new spring - atthe-iollowlng meetings. - V- 3urry,'N, 0.' '"-. '-- ' ".wll find:iis better prepared, . and aCrhid Sie- " Plf 18, V Vl" -V : orenthusiasticrfor theork and -..marrIedomen,;knd,oldjmene-.;'! . DM ', . , :A UTtS wjgf ' bated ak well as the. young-men. The: , - v:; rc. m-DIlED TATKJVELI.; , : ;r . program ;commlttee . arranged - so ' a3fplIE , drummer . boys," ; blue, -Jays . r c,- ,. ,. vv-" -r ' - not-to";have'thoi same ;debates two-:'l. 'and" crows .are busy, land -so are .' ',-A.Scary ii6M6.'v;.;i; fc"meetlnir3 ,in'; euccessionr :'"'4 iwe.' ''.The . days , are all'toohort to man 4Q'upper ..New. York Stat, - who " WV had solos, 'auartettes, reclta-. crowd 'into -them -all We ,wlsh to dO' -was delroB ot Durcliaalng a.,bbre tor the " , " T - v ' ' J- - a rrv k knVTrnof use -of bin wife, recently entered Into jiego- , . onH. . read ncs. and Borne tarmber and see. t. The crops-must be, harvest .Hfttlnn- a veteran iure dealer. ' " -that was gifted wth 'her pen,Vwrote - ed; seed labeled. and, put. away,.hens "k0w. Tm not o particular about peed.' i:: yand-rVad the , "Times."' ln it:all cut- pushedtor -winter'egg yield;. and so. lf 2?eP hiSlJ pr.cllMer''"b rent cyents'weTe readjand .dlscusspd;;; .on and "so on, and" all .the Alme the , ,ere on;, r'n warrant-to be -pir4--: : -also Vo had.Trom It 'the local iiews.' irds . are-ilipping south,4, and '-worfertiy afe, aaio. the dealer, indicating: v The readinir of; theTimes' was -aVrcan't be:out on thehmtq.watcV; ong ear-by,- v;. ' , -r aia. or -any- 5 i ways looked Torw iSanV: " 't,: - .decided" to pet -a: euDplcment to it autumn "Ho wers, s will' Jbo riaded-and rjion. v. -wen," . aaid. ;!there- ona -thing . utviucu tu feuu a DuyywuwvK v . . - he hag aiwayi ajjpeared to be afraid of. ever . .-To Improve the members of our .to-r gone soon, ;cndvwd il led that weTp c B!nce. j KOt lt ,eem, A- tf ,Cared, :;xietyV;nnd:for;tfie.tntertalnm lhnoSl' -others,' rs drfcl!c(V on. a.lltcrrry.-cnomo evenings tciy.tcme gorgeous .rajariTip . , . ,v'i'i,' ' Ycer Watch Kept ' In Repair Five Yecrs FREEH , ' 0a receipt of your order and $3 we will at once send you, -prepaid, a genuine, guaran teed imported Swis watch in handsome gold filled, 10 year guaranteed case.: Pay ns the "balance, $9, in threemonthlf installments of 13 each, malctng $12 in alL Men's or Ladies size. Thin model. .v Open face. Perfect time keepers. Every watch guaranteed exactly as -represented-if not we refund your money. Ideal Xmas elt ? .V'-i-.r- feo --.v-':- u JWe keep each watch-In repair S years free, And fuar&ntee against everything except -actual abuse.. Order-now. Special price 111.50 it all cash 1 with-order. - ' ,,. . k GENEVA WATCH CO; ?? Maoont Ga, c:::t u3 all your pnin Wm oan'nmtr wa km ST W W tnore moneir for fora than any Pur i- ('VI 'Doom m the u. o.. because we dresa r .and vdya all our furs drurt for M mtmufaettirvr Write today for f re price iiac. w e en&rse no communotu 234 Attain Street, St. Uula, 12a. Timf'tahln nnvnna fura tUl ou eel . .nnll S-V,- Xinfc jr)nfMMm and other fura. We chnrire Tio commiaalonn. Write today a-lVe V! " liullotin, it will pay you t. SSS Mala Strt n. sv. wum, aao. Savea tnonoy In material,', tiro aad la? or. Made la tbeeta S2x36 lochca. - Euily Wld 1o tha stud and In ready for plat mc Mint, S1.7S tlOOao-ft. t Will not a brink, warp or track. froolaffaioU Pirn, Sound. Vbumiw, IIsat and Cgua. Write lor nmpleaad prices. . in wans pusTtt tiisa t3r.-nc va. T Ton tan Aral "With our adyertlaers with rconnaancei ny .guarantee Uhem; 2r."vr ... iK