t l! DRAINAGE SPECIAL. . r , . . . v -.... .:. L L , J ( U J u j I i j ck tea V o: 5a A Farm and Home Weekly For the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee. FOUNDED, 1886, AT RALEIGH, N. C. Vol. XXVII. No. 46. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1912. Weekly : $1 a Year. i l v?; I : : ! : 1 . II WHEN DRAINAGE IS NEEDlE TWO KINDS of soils need draining; those tnai.nave too mucn water, . . ... -tv " liiiiiiiiiiiiii ' , ' " ' ' ? " ' STUDENTS AT STATE AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL, MAGNOLIA, ARK., LAYING TILES FOR UNDER-DRAINAGE. those that are too shallow. The signs of poor drainage are obvious. Swamps, marshes, mead ows and all other low lands on which water stands for any considerable time may be drained provided there is fall enough to secure an outlet. These low lands may be those which collect surface drainage, or see page from nearby higher land; or they may be lands that are regularly flooded by fresh water or by tides, Farm land which dries out slowly in spring, making the working and growing season shorter, or on which water stands for a long time after heavy rains, needs to be drained. If water oozes into the furrow, the soil is too wet for good farming. The kind of plants that take 'possession of a field, before it is broken up or after it has been laid down in sod, or after it has been neglected for a year or more, are usually a reliable index to its need of drainage. If bog and water-loving plants become established here and there, especially sedges, rushes and mosses, the soil is too wet. Certain spots in the field, usually the lowest places, will indicate their need of drainage in this way, altho most of the field is all right. All or these surface indications, however, should be supplement or verified by an examination of the water-table. Dig a hole in the field from four to six feet deep. If water stands in this hole within three feet of the surface or less, during most of the growing season, it is quite certain that the. roots of cultivated plants do not find enough room, air and warmth in that soil to produce the largest crops, The growth of the crops themselves supplies evidence. On poorly drained soils the plants start slowly, look sickly and stunted, and never make the profitable growth of neighboring plants on well drained soil. Within the boundaries of one field there are often both well-drained and poorly drained places. There is another class of soils those that are shallow that are improved by being drained, but these are not too wet, except for short periods. ... First, there are the soils that have a hard-pan close to the 8ur(ace, perhaps within one to three feet. This hard-pan may be a stratum of rock, but more often it is a layer of stiff and impervious clay. The rock hard-pan cannot be improved, but the clay hard-pan can. Water cannot readily penetrate it. It is like the bottom of a shallow pan; when a heavy rain comes, the pan soon fills and over flows, making surface water. This can escape by surface drainage or by evaporation. But such a soil quickly dries out and suffers in a drouth, because it has so little depth. What is needed is to deepen the soil so that it will hold more water. Still another type of soils those poor in texture is often greatly benefited by being drained. These are mostly the clayey soils that get hard, lumpy and unmanageable when dry, and sticky when wet. They are not what would be called wet soils, neither are they shallow, but they are not mellow aad they run to extremes, either very dry or very wet. It is impossible to work them early in spring. Heavy rains put them in such a condition that they cannot be cultivated for several days after the crops begin to need tilling. ' The surface bakes and cracks. Such soils are improved by plowing under a green-manuring crop, by under-drainage, or by both, In many cases the addi tion of humus is sufficient, to bring the soil into good heart; in ex treme cases under-drainage must be called to the aid of humus. Dr. S. W. Fletcher in 'Soils' FEATURES OF THIS ISSUE. DEPTH. TO PUT TILE- From Three to Four Feet as a Rule. ... 22 DRAINAGE EXPERIENCES Letters From Our Readers. 8 DRAINAGE MATERIAL WITHIN REACH OF ALL Stones rind Pine Poles Will Give Good Results : '. . 4 DRAINAGE PROGRESS IN NORTH CAROLINA 900,000 Acres Organized Into Drainage Districts in Three Years 21 nOW TO LAY TILE Practical Advice by an Expert 0 KINDS OF DRAIN TILE Vitrified, Clay, and Cement 7 ONE WAY TO STOP GULLIES Pictures Which Show the Way. . 5 THAT LITTLE WET SPOT How to Make It Pay You 5 "THE BEST LIGHT I HAVE FOUND" A Symposium 10 TnE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR Comment on the Field Crops and Livestock Exhibits . . 17 TWO GREAT DAIRY SHOWS Some of the Lessons They Taught 14 WHAT DENMARK TEACHES SOUTHERN FARMERS Co-operation Possible Only -When Farmers Are Educated and Own Their Homes 13