(9) 1213 enough to, coTer thoroughly after compression. - v' .Y-;"Z. These-conyentions said nothing about tare reduction,, but simply put us. on notice of; a reTolution In cot ton trade;; viz!Y reform- bale, smaller ' press boxes, a" wider" smoother cover ing, well r secured." and. fishnet bag- v : watch,; as well ias pray..'- -A-leading ; Saturday, November 23, 1912. -v. ging manufactured for this crop on. April 15, had already. been sold,' and' , roQ nnlv A A."- tniti vlo "anil - tint " me,, suggests a reduction lot tariff on baeelne: would srreatlv aid; us in the . 11i?atTnp.Tir. "nf -this : arhitrarf tare 011 -and " aonreciating the"- responsibility f. 01 ueorgiar openea.. up u correspond 1 ence witn tne exchanges, we iorcea - - .tain facts? ' ana conauions auu-many : of these aere to co-operate ; witn us,- ' - I r : ti eta nH aTvUrnil rirr : nf taXA' ' on 7 a- pretty good job on our . nanas; t-.- belieye; ifcjlsnot- only tpossible;buti verr. nrobable f or a richteous ad"- iiiALiiirui. 11 i.ii in1 1.1 1111.1 a. t.a. x cj -v auu .v ; Aerreem fin r: oit.a! stan aaro. coverme a rcfrtrm -hn rthat. wil I rftavft-. r tti 1 nriTio nr nni u t-w rrr iiim i 111 i 1111 rv - ir. , u iiii ; i,' ruiiiiiu lll'M Mill I -- -t- 1, 1 111 ' 1 1 r-; Rh am ftf n 11 v covered- American Daie. t iTiHE lian6 of almost every farmer's life m feeing obEged to -.... J depend on V hired Kelp." The loss of man" or tw"aX. : certain seasons of the year, a . very serious matter and ofe myvw losa crop .thc jonly , one man mjchine '! on the martet that can be used suc ; cessfully-for. plowing, needing, hayuig, harvesting; as a stationary ; engme for power purposes, and as a tractor for hauling loads, etc, ? makes the farmer I ND EP ENDENT and solves -the vexa 4 tious labor problem. It eliminates owdgery and helps to keep the boys?'orthefann-SV;' . - - ' - " - The Hackney Auto-Plow" will do the work of 10 horses and 2 . men plowmg and plow fron 10 to 12 acres per day. Ft is a tire- 1 less worker, day or night, and there is no cost for keep " except when in operation. So ; simple, in construction : and easy to .. operate that it is really a pleasure to run h. The cost is less than the medium priced automobile.' - ; 5 The Hackney Auto-Plow Tractor sells for only $1650 and may be equipped with mechanical steering device, three bottom mold -v board gang, Disc Plow Gang, Disc Harrow, Rotary Harrow and r ' Road Grader attachment '. ( 'm ",:-" . Catalog, ? photographs and testimonial letters from satisfied 5 users tree; on -reauest ';vr . iw;-v: 623 Prior Avenue, ST. PADL, MintlESOTfl TWELVE SERMONS ON CLOVER. i., V etc. The point is,-1 want to , keep - He touched also upon the neces- I sity for the establishment of lo cal markets, so that farmers -would not' have to, go too far yto market their cotton." L-r-If We Really Knew the Value of them thinking about-it' - The idea h S Clover Werj Would GrowMbrev struck us as a very good one and we year, 12 reminders of the import-: 18 aruo, uxiv uui- MmmK?! -r detv's New Presidedt.. . ' .V4-o vrtft uucl. W revival uu iuo uuver buujcuw . , - . W IITI II V IH rill IIM IIMI'M ' 71. 1 I I I I V . n.H. 1 . - cultural bulletins, ; both State and :National, for the last ten years. V. X UU 1; UUt; WO : ItmSXJ ; lW ifeU Vj AAA UVU until you want it- If you ever ? get to want it'sunlciently to follow those South Carolina Plant Breeders' Association, r: - ; W1 'E. ARE glad. to note-the organ- J ;mBtrucuons,a you u ue api i w uu . ' efa?e !n these narts , . : vrai cuiumiiiee in. uuaigw yuuiu ui, - -0,, "t,o wk VA" no wUTimit " D. R. Coker. of Hartsville,- Chair- some little enort, sucn as Tuanung " ; herewith a photograph of Mr. r' John A. Mills; the Jiewly elected Prea- : ident off, the North Carolina Agricul tural Society, -which "conducts the - , North Carolina. State airt-, By ni3 mm Hnri ft 'H Made of DOUBLE IFlEhu ILdLL strength cpiicd u gJmUX.y. SpriDtf Wire. Re quires tew er posts. Al ways tight. - Is heavily GaWtnized witb PURE ZlIC .Will outlast; all .othersv Sixty dif ferent styles' and heights to choose from. A FENCE f or mry purpose.3 YE SELL DIRECT TO THE FARMER AT C-ALER'S PRICES. seed; and some -other matters of -de-' Jaous, Mayesviue ; .rai .. iy. taSt'-ir' -MM'l perv';Clemson College, Swinton -Wha- : .Tnat-now I shall: SDeak of clovers uisio; lbiauu,. a. w. xiauutiu, - i.. . . . .' . . . mar- ann , i it i Mnnm i mi vpr, crbpsf ' As r a usual 'rule, they stand-tsiiy.oi owim-yarouna, oiuuiui. : In commenting on the initial meet ing the Columbia State says: uUt- Cokeri when called up-V .on, made thenecessity for such an - organization; erhaps ' even'-; clearer, - He dealt with the cot-1: V--.ton situation" anri: 'showed the .i fall seeding, :;0 thru-rthe .winter; ,-; auu. advaiUf iMvaii vj. iuuit .ov . "mer crops, and to those acres - that ' i would- be idle from, September..: to ,iaxesn. p.uy , mvtJBiuieui. ui.uei tuau v nsned yarieties -or long-staple . land; then leave it Idle seven-twelf ths 4:. ; Cftf tnn an t srwaiietf Trm i RtahlA . Yea.. the time is here wnen we. neea - not expect it oi : landi x 4, ' s c -'-r H ., i nen aau 10 . wie cousiuei atiou , iuo. , : waah-ftwav. tne. mow-away- ana leacn - Ing: . and , it would seem- imperative mil IkAnn' InnVa1' vTaro o tq nnno VvotJ v. --frr't expect, to ; mention tha merits of": " various kinds .in course- of these lre- V ;" v -7 Whitaker,; N.Vc,' - i'-Vi ? telligent handling, a county .like Darlington fbr- instance, can -i 1 add a million ; dollars annually " to the I , income " from 'cotton , :: grown .without increase of acre-. r age; This ' carried' out' generally 'i . ; could "add - some , forty v millions .- of dollars to - the State's income from her cotton ; croi annually. ) ':'. Next;year, he said, V greatly in ;creasef acreage ;, would be " de- ,' voted " to 3 longstaple; and' the v r '' "" if v"r " "y COL. JOHN A. MILLS. u persistent-, and; untiring work in railr - road building, Mr,. Mills well deserves to be , ranked as . one ; of the : build er3 of the State.; He saw the possibility ; of . developing ' ac seetion ; previously without railroads and used hi re- , ; sourcea so wisely; that he; accomplish ed results, that most men would; have next.year; even a greater acre- ; thought Impossible without immense .age..V All kinds of ; seed-without capital. Mr. : Mills islnow behind an f .regard .to character , would, be ir importaht. railroad enterprise in west Editorial Comment: In; talking to Mr.v Moore f recently,, he said to us: f'Theonly way to get the folks wak- . : planted, and it was timely; nowJ; ern- North Carolina, . the Elkln -and ed .up to the importance of growing, . .trf.souhd a pointed note of warn- . Allegany railway; and his past- ex- clover is to keep everlastingly after them,- Iljelleve I will send you one ing to the average farmer, as, to the difference between.'real long -article' forC The Progressive' Farmer y;. staple; ya,rletles;r and ' the" necesT every month for 12 months" about v . clover. ; Part ot the . time I can talk . about what, kinds to plant, and how. sity for keeping, them' pure, and , :the so-called. long-staple, with" alL kinds of -lengths of staple on tho -to plant, it, : and, bo on, and "the rest;. 'J- same plant; r.Tpo general plant-'. of the time f can tell them what they are missing,. If. they haven't got It; ..." or what to do with what: theyhave, ing without regard tcr well bred and , selected seed . would weigh , iperience will no doubt enable himto Cgive the State even greater service in the future than heretofore. He is so progressive a- man that , he may well be counted on to develop the fair along the lines most needed, and hl& character Is such that we ex- .. pect him to stand ' also for a clean fair, . .. In both -matters the people . down, and. break the . market. should hold up his hands-, : l- "ill" ii" 1 " I " 1 I ii" mw "im Be your own merchant and put the Dealer's Profit la your own. pocket where it belongs Prices the lowest - i ever quoted on firsVclasa wire fence 26-Jncfj ITof rents;- l3Hfc per rod. ' -- 49-Inch Farm Fence, lie. per rod. 1 48-inch Pulfcry Fence, 22c. period. Special Barbed Wir,4t45 per 83-ro4ipo6L r Biggest values ever offered and sold und er our 30-D AYS-FBEB-TRl AL-JKONEY-B ACS GUARANTEE-CONTRACT. Our big Catalogue have. Write for it today. . It's1 PBEE-f COILED SPR1NCT FENCE COm: I 4 Box 72 : vf yWhiiMiInteH f TSVSy 3 3 33332 a 3 3 3 Trf I A3iiTygTTOyH3i33aa3.3 3l 1 Cft If ii 2 KITSELMANl FENCE Made from thoromrh- It Galranlred Open Hearth tteel wlreOur free Catalog eUowslOO styles and heights of hog:, farm and poultry ience at from Cents a Rod Up Bokl on 90 dT free trial. If not atlgfled' re turn It at our exnense and wo will rafand your money 80.rodjpool of Ideal gatranUed BARBED WIRE. $1.40 Write today Cor large Free Catalogue. . KTTSELMAN BROS. Bet 81 Koncie, Indians. mm FortllpvrpcMM. Piraotiromfketorr, (raUbt oretxud. . Bargain Prices 13c per rod op . , Oct KifwWnoc book blor . ; . you boy tene lor lionet, Cl tto. Sheep, Hoit, Poultry. Em. - Abo Lawn Fence and Gates Wa mv you Hi mntyiivt you hUhm I Ml pMtai h lor BU jfoaot Wtm oook. I lr. 87 tub mown riNCz wias co, cutvelano, ohm I i BBBMaBSSJSjnCJ The Bio Fertilizer; Boolu ' It Is "Fertilizers tind Crops!vhy Dr. van Slyke It will cost you $2.25, hut Is worth t. wild your order to