Saturday. December 14, 1912. PVT A DTTD17 DIm DIP Here's the Place to Buy Him, and Also the UEil A 1 UiIDiULLJ rlU. - Best Pure-Bred CATTLE, HORSES, and SHEEP. - PERCHERON. AND BELGIAN HORSES. Post Office pox 604 All stock guaranteed to be as re presented. ; We are v importers of this breed and our herd is the finest in the country. Write for prices and terms. We are also .breeders of fine; Trotting arid Pacing horses; CHARLES A. BAXTER - - . - Indianapolis, Indiana.: i DOME OF KENTUCKY'S CHAMPION SADDLE DORSES ... , v i rTfim Order stallions direct from this faring '" Save two or three large profits. We guarantee every representation and give life Insurance policies. v The horse you want Is nere. v uur terms are easy. The farm that sup- Elies the South with entucky-bred saddle and harness horses. Terms and " prices such as competitors cannot meet All ages and sexes constantly on hand for sale. Write at once for literature, testlmo nlals and price list None but the best will satisfy Kentucky produces tne Desi. Glenworth Stock Farm, ALLEN S. EDELEN. Owner, BURGIN. KENTUCKY Uazelbrcok Farm Duroc Jerseys. ?l fine pigs, two to three months old. Sired by "Gold Bond Again,'1 and a son of the famous boer. , Brtt splendid brood sows. 17 months old. AH stock eligible for registration. Never had Cholera la my herd. write lor prices. . , . FRANK C. MORRIS, Trevtuans, Va. KOimOSK FAXit KECISTEXZ9 DCX0C-JZ1SETS Unsurpassed breeding. Mature sows tod flits bred for spring farrow. , Younjr service boars. Beautiful two to three months piffs. pairs and trios not akin Prices reasonable. JOEN r. T. ANDEtSOfl, , . Folndexter. Va. Ttnirsf Bred Gilts and Service Boars 11 UTUt mt special Prices. - Most popular blood lines known to the breed. Fifteen years breeders of Durocs, . U M. WnXTAKEK & CO, B.F.D.1 Fayctteville, Tenn. Bargains In Registered Durocs Serviceable boars, choice gilts, also piss, any age, mated not akin. Good colors, good Indi viduals, best breeding. CLAUDE JENKINS, Shelbyville, Tenn. S, C HERD OF DUROC-JERSEY SWINE. , Sows, service boars, and pigs. Pairs and . ftrio3 not akin. From Ohio and S. C. State Fan (BLUE RIBBON) prizewinners. Write for wants and nrices. WALKER T. GREEN. SHILOH, S. C TAMWORTHS. JERSEYS: Eminent' Goldmont Lad, 1st prize Nat'l Dairy Show aad 8 other shows: Grand Champion Ohio State Pair; headed 1st prise herd at 8 shows; a daughter brought $1,500 at Cooper's and others have brought big prices; a son oi women Fern's Lad. Blue Fox's Eminent; Eminent of Wyldwood; Fern's Interest and Tononas Stockwell are the sires used on over 160 head of imported and American-bred cows. Foundation of herd is Tormentors crossed on Golden Lads, which produces type and full pails. We have a number of 2-year-olds, Island Type, giving S5,to 40 lbs. Calves out of 8, 10, 12;iand 15-thousand-Ib., high fat; officially tested, show-type cows. We guarantee satisfaction.' ' v.' ' - ' , - IrniCIIIDrC Highland Chief 25th, sired by Premier Longfellow's Rival. Sows of DEKIidlllllLij Longfellow, Premier and Masterpiece blood. We ship what we sell. Satisfaction guaranteed, TAYLOR PLANTATION, Columbia, S. C. Sec Our Tamworths-K At Memphis, Birmingham and Georgia State Fairs. They are the finest herd ever shown at the fairs. At New York State Fair, with hot competition, we won on boars first and second age class, senior yearling first, under a year and under . six months third, and second. Sows age, first and second, junior yearl ing first and second, under a year first and third, under six months first and second. Age herd first and third. Cham pion boar and sow. Stock for sale, ARCADIA FARM, - COLUMBUS, OA. J (17) 1301 POLAND COTS AS. BIG POLAND CHINA HOGS. The kind that are big and win. The herd that com bines quality and size. For sales Spring pin, Bomnier pigs. Fall pigs, boars reaay ror servtoe. and DrM guts. These hogs are sired by set lb to lost lb boars, and eut of sows mat wtegn rrom sos ids io sse ioa eacn. an coat me from 1M to t3S each bought from the best herds In the North. I sell my stock cheap and guarantee sat tsfacUoa or return ytmr money, write m what you. want and meaUoa this eaper. E. S. WRIGHT, SYKES, TENNESSEE. Georgia Herd Poland Chines "Get a pure-bred pig" as '"The Progressive Farmer" advises. I have them of the best breed, lng 2 to 6 months old, out of 400 lb. registered sows, and sired by noted boars. Choice bred sows at 850 to ITS. . Satisfaction to all. , G. L. TRIMDLIV Adair. vllle.Ga. large Type Poland : jsS&t2EZ:- China Dobs. ISJegMe1 WALDRIP MOUNTAIN STOCK FACAL - J.LWtHfT. . E. F.D.I. CALEOUH. 41. POLAND CHINA HOGS Pigs out of large prolific sows by great massive boars. All pure-bred. ; v - T. E. BROWN, Mnrfreesboro, Tenn Poland Chinee for Sale. Service boars, bred sows and gilts and pigs of either sex. best of breeding and quality. Everything registered and guaranteed to please. W. J. OWEN a SONS, R 1, Herdlnsburs, Ky. CHESTER WHITES. Tamworths. BERKSHIBES. BERKSHIRES. PIGS, both. male and female, for sale. WESTVIEW STOCK FARM. D. J. LYBROOK, Manager, R. F.D.I. Winston-Salem, N. C. i ' MULEFOOTS. u?" One Best Why lose profits breeding and feed ing Kiub hogs? 1 wo ot oer U.l.v hogs weighed 2806 lbs. ; i We are headquarten tor b breeders. Will send sanwle l pair of our famous , " O. I.G. HOGS r in time and give agency to first applicant. We are originators, mod extentive breeder and (hippos of thoroughbred swine in the world and hold the unparalleled record of . having been establnhecl 47 years without . losing a single hog by cholera or any contagious V 0 I. Inspected Hfft We want to mail you ' our free lx'The Hog from Birth to Sale THE L. B. SILVER CO. 160 Vlckers Bldg.t Cleveland, 0. SELWYNSFARMS EDGAR U. MOORE, Prop Charlotte, N. C. BERKSHIRES, H01STEIN and JERSEY CATTLE - & r. 4. m ,sf wm8fj s y; Berkshire Pigs- , Bred under the supervision of an ex pert from the United States Department of Agriculture. Every utter is cioseiy culled, nothing but the choicest being reserved for breeding purposes. 75 pigs and bred gilts for sale at farmers' prices. ALEX. D. HUDSON, - Newberry, S. C. ' . Lee's Premier Srd, cost WOO, bis sire sold for 11500. his dam sold for $1500. Keystone Baron Duke, the Grand Champion Boar at 1J10. the International Live Stock Show, Chicago. . Boar and sow pigs by either boar for sale. ... . Registered Jersey and Holstein Cattle. Calves of either sex or breed for sale. BUY FROM THE BEST AND HOST. - IIOTEir HERD" IN THE SOUTH MAPLE 1 LANE Wii Berlcshires on Approval Our Berkshlres have given such thorough satis faction, that we are willing to have them stand en tirely on their merits, and let you be the judge. All our breeding stock are splendid individuals and are almost entirely of the great Masteraleoe. Pre ml. Longfellow and Baron Duke SOth blood." There are no better lnjthe State... We can shlo vou at once, subject to examination and approval, choice pigs, bred sow and service , boars, isn-'i uus nurr- r write today forjwlce and description.. This ad. will not appear next week. ' D. E. EARHART Brlstow.Va. KIMBALL FARM OXFORD, N. C Is offering for fall delivery a superbly bred lot of Berkshire Pigs that represent the very best blood of the breed. Also Duroc Jersey pigs of the finest type and breeding. Prices, $10 each, either kind, eleht weeks old. Prices on 'bred-, gilts and young service boars-, on application.- T.Arcft and f ancv. Satisfaction guaranteed rme sows 45 to 80. Aaoress HORACE M. VISE, Shop Spring. Tenn. CLIFTON BERKSniRES ARE THE KIU. Get started right with a pair of pigs Address. C. W. FOWLER, Marietta, ueorgia. DUROC-JERSEYS. DUROC BRED GILTS and SOWS of the highest quality and breeding from such families as Col. Ohio Chief, Cherry King's Crimson Wonder Again, Good B Nuff Again.. Service boars, and pigs of all ages. Write for prices. L. M. WHITAKER COMPANY, Fav.ttville. Tenn. ; . R. F. D. Pio. THE VIRGINIA HERD If you are going to hogs, buy the best. -r The pure-bred --- Mulef dots' are hardier have greater vitality mature earlier and cost less to . raise. , Our offering is the best that can be Largest herd in the South. All stock istered. Pairs no akin. OAK GROVE STOCK FARM, Cluster Springs, Halifax County, Virginia. POLAND CHINAS. MULEFOOT HOGS i put your money in had. reg- 0 1 ffes Pure-bred pigs, all aates. - Ser- & vice boars, bred ffilts. Pairs no akin. Best of breeding. Prices very reason able. ;owi;Blios.;::i''v'i Route 2,""-' , r Bcdlord City, Va. DOGS. HIGH-CLASS POINTER PUPS 978-Pound Mammoth Blatck Hog Largest hog ever dressed in North Carolina. We origi nated this hog. Have near ,200 fine pigs on hand. Or der before picked, over. Price, 8 to 10 weeks old, $10 each $15 per pair. Males and gilts, 4 to 5 months old, $12 to $1$ each. JOHN A. YOUNG & SONS Greensboro, N. C. For Sale. Best strain in America, being direct crosses of ch. Jingo, ch. Rip Rap, ch, King of Kent, and other notable dogs. One litter ex. Little Egypt by Doctors' Rip ex. Lady, sired by Atlyre Laird, he by ch. H. Chotas R. ex. Franks Kate. ' These pups whelped Oct. 16, 1812. One litter ex. Van Dalen's Hope by Hard Cash ex. Kate Ketchum. Sired by Atlyre Laird. Great Field dogs as well as Bench Show stock. This litter whelped Sept. 5, 112. Registra tion papers furnished with pups. Address V. D. STRON ACH. Ralelflh. N. C JERSEYS. ; e v. SHOW TVPI IIRKIHimt Katonahs Sambo, our famous herd boar with his sons and daughters were shown In the recent South Carolina State Fair in nine classes winning seven . firsts, two conds. Sambo was first sged boar State, open and Championship classes, this being his third successive year of show ring victories." Our herd have been con. fcistent winners for three yesrs In competition with the tr hncr At herds of the Carolinas. AU our brood sows are winners or producers of winners. Buy from a herd that has proven its excellence tn puouc competition. PricesreasonabU, - r. H. BtALl, SnsU, mdgewsy, . O. Ouallly Berkshlres RrffS&'St " Bred from prize stock. Fine heads, backs, hams and lentrth, Just the kind you want. - HLU" k" FOX BROS Scvierville, Tenn. nrnvcmnrd Bred sows, srllts. service boars ULIUUUlllLtJ mnA nimi. Alr for nedlirree and .niGn-CLASs. Duroc-Jersey Hogs . Bred and for sale. Combining the bloo"d lines of the besfPUrs and Bred Sows ready to ship. D. L. FARRIOR, Raleigh, North Carolina, REGISTERED DUROC-JERSEYS Bred sows and plsrs for sale. Our -nicm are thrifty and nice. Address POLAND CHINAS AND HEREFORD CATTLE Write me your wants. I can please you In most anything, from a fall pig up to a sow and pigs, or a fine herd boar. Over one hundred head to select from. These hogs are of the best breeding that can be found. They have been winners everywhere shown. . . ; . Also Hereford cows with calves at foot and heifers from six months to two years old. 0AKW00D FARM JR. L. SHUFORD, Prop. Newton, North Carolina. HEIFER FOR SALE Due to freshen November 30, 1912. Dam made 471.90 -pounds butter with first calf. Bred to Sensational Fern 4th, Grand Champion bull at North Caro lina State Fair 1912. RRipE 3140 ' HOLSTEINS. PUBE-BRED EEGI8TEBED HOLSTEIN CATTLE R. n. ULE, Clarkson, My. Stout 1. 1 L. L. MILLER Meeksvllle, N. C. STERLING HERD BEOiaTEBBU r fnmiih nlu not akin: service boars. and sows bred for July row. Highest quality. R. W. WATSON, - and September far- Forest Depot, Va. prices. STELnmiERr Brooks, Ga. DUROCR Young sows, bred or open. Service boars Pits, all ages. Unsurpassed in color form and style. Bred right. Priced right. B. A.'Whltmker, BeU Buckle, Tenn. , -GET A PURE-BRED PIG AND A "SMILE THAT, WONT RUB OFF POLAND CHINAS Bred tight fed right and priced right Thickset Banker and The Guardian 2nd. prize-winners and champions head this herd. The handsomest, largest and smoothest boars In the South. Pigs either sei, not related. Herd boars and a few bred gilts, priced so any farmer can buy them, and a square deal lor every man. L. C FAUST, New Market, Tenn. Vlce-Pres. Nat F. C. Record tor Tenn, POLAND CHINA HOGS Bred from prixe winner. I won 104 prizes on hoes in 1911. For sale bred sows and fall 1910, spring 1911 gilts. Herd boar weight 800 lbs. Also boars ready for service and fall 1911 pigs. WaINIIGBT LEA, . BroekivlDe, ly. TALLEY'S BIG KIND POLAND CHINAS Bred Sows, Gilts and Pigs For Safe. Pedigrees furnished. Satisfaction guaran teed. Tou see these hogs before you pay for them. ' - - r ' J. II. , T ALLEY. & SON, - Luray, Tenn. The Greatest Dairy breed; Send . ' for Free - Illustrated Booklets. . IIOL8TETN-FRIESIAN ASSOCIATION. Box 180 - - - " - Brattleboro,.Vt ABERDEEN ANGUS.. Anrus Cattle A few choice young bulls sit '.' attractive prices the broad-backed, ' short- -. , legged, blocky kind. Bred in the purple, - Also ' registered Percheron stallions . of the r show ring; type. Call or write. Rose Dale Stock Farms, Jeffersonton, Ylrginla. . "Better Results Than AU Others.9!. I wish to say I have advertised in thirty papers other than The Progres sive Farmer, and get better results from The Progressive Farmer than alt others. 2 enclose a sample of some of the replies I get.- Yours very truly, ' J. H. PATTESON, Ashland, Va. . Berkshire Breeder. . -0T H J r