THE PROGRESSIVE. FARMER, 1302 (18) ORCHARD AND GARDEN. r I . 22 Caliber Cartridges. J22 Caliber cartridges are so small and cheap that some manufacturers don't take much pains with them. - That's why some don't go, while others may go some, but not enough to amount to anything. You can't make this complaint about Winchester 22s. Just as much pains is taken in .'their manufacture as in that of the large caliber cartridges that cost mpney. They are loaded by automatic machinery, which must supply a full charge tp each cartridge and seat V the bullet properly. They are sure to go off and send I fka Imi114- -rr"V cnirt rri-iorV 4r Viif Tnarr1 Act fnr thfi llfy I'll vv AVAjt uimiy waawv. fcw - w --w Red V7 Brand. They cost no more than others. JXCKESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., Hsw Haven, Com " '" " ' '" ' THE TENANTS GARDEN. It Is Quite Possible Por Him to Have - a Good Garden Even Tho He Has the Place But For a Tear." HAT kind of a - garden can a was recently asked at a farmers, in stitute, And while there were a num ber of answers, yet it seemed that the majority of renters present had Wormy apples are the result of neglect you e&n have nearly all good ones if you spray. Sprays rumps i Give you good fruit in place of bad. They're i the orchardists standby durable and , efficient. Write now for catalog and i valuable spraying calendar. THE DEMING COMPANY 19S Depot Street Salem. Ohio , Hand and Power pinups for All Uses , MM 5 m$i2 Buoket, Barrel, 4-Row Potato Sprayers, Power Orchard Riga, eto. There a field sprayer for every need, pro nouncca oy bu cxpens we world's best line. THIS EMPIRE KING len9 evervthlncr nf itm Irfnif Tlimm fine mist spray with strong force, no ' elntrtrintr. nfralnnm am Kmahul ni kept clean and liquid Is thoroughly ' agitated automatically. Corrosion is impossible. Write for di rections and formula. Also catalog: on entire sprayer line. Wehavethe sprayer to meet your exact wants. Address FIELD FORCE PUMP CO 100 110) SI., Elmlra, N. Y. ML m fio money In advance no I bank deposit. We pay freight. I Five year naran Durst Potato and Orchard Sprayers double your crops spray anything trees, potatoes, vineyard, truck, etc. Higb pressure, cyclone aMta ti on, easy to operate. Brass valves, plunger, cylinder, strainer, etc light, strong and durable. - - Horse Power Sprayer works automatically in neia and orcnard no nana pumping required. Write to day. Catalog and spraying guiae ana special Free Sprayer Offer ' to first buyer In v each locality. Be , first save money write today. H.L.HTJEBTMFO.C0. ITSfTorthBt., Canton, 0. :JSkt to and' from the cotton field he could,- by a little -turning, plow a row thru the garden! thus cultivating it of ten -without consuming hut Very little time. . i ; K' -;lv: Sr: . i One can have "a pretty good gar- WHAT kind of a - garden can a den on ftt much smaller Amount of tenant; make?" This question BDace than is of ten ised: I, visited an old man an di llis wife, : who were enjoying a nice lot of Yeg- "i etahies on or. a space measuring just 20 bv 100 feet Whtt ih" io im.ii. a wrong idea of what could he done than the farmer's"' garden should be ' in the line of gardening. One tenant u g0es to show what can be done ; came iortn wun me iomt v0 when one la Jimitedr Since the" gar-' majority of landlords did not care to den should he well fertilizedand the let the tenant have.a plot for a gar-, highestty peof intensive c ultivation den, and if he did, generally it was- used. it is a waate of tlmfi anrt mAw to have more ground than is needed or intelllgently;rised.v: ' i:-'rf - , While vthe tenant farmer is not ex pected to grow, anything v in his garden-to market, yet" it can often be done. , , 'There' is always : a demand for 'such thin en 'na eavlv pninmtoia oyer the South byhe ones that were radislles and,lettucV as well as late present at this meeting, yet I rather, tomatoes iust,:before tiost: These think one could do so, and .not go the average farmer can liave, be lie very far wrong .They were mostly eitner landiord .or tenant. - The early honest, sober hard-working Individ- :lhll Mentioned - can be. grown - in uals, and of all ages, from the young - thp nnnvfn, w cmoii Dnon0 while the latter can,.-be grown on ground occupied by the "beans, peas and like garden crops. ; ".But back-to the ' question, what kind of a garden can : Jhe tenant far mer make? Hft can male a a firarrtp.n bit. So, judging.that the Bentimentsr suciTas will -cirt 'short his "monthly expressed regarding Ihe garden &re -top.ptv "hill afh stnrp and nrnvidP afi eld by tn his table with the kind of vegetables , I Shall here try to - talk that. th rHmatA anfl rAasnn atTnrflR so small that it did not pay to both er with it. There were a few ten ants present who" did not endorse what he said, but the larger per cent of them did. - While it may be that it is not quite correct to judge the renters all man just out of his teens, to the man past middle age. In short, they "were the typical renters of our Southland, men who perhaps did about all the muscular work that they should, 'but neglected their . brain - work just a about the age tenant the matter over" In a cool, conserva tive way; j - ' . 1 , I ' ' -; If you think the plat of ground the landlord has assigned you is too small for- your , needs; try to rent a ; larger piece of ground . and pay him money rent in advance for the same,' and unless lie is an exception to the average landlord, ' you can - make a deal with him. But it is not always the case thaFthe landlord I unreas that' the climate and 'season affords. This can : best be done "by planting such vegetables - as the family are particularly fond of, and those that thrive in that particular latitude. For early, table use one -can grow mus tard, lettuce and radishes ' in small beds 'where they can be forced. A little'' later one can have onions, cu cumbers ' and turnips.- These need not occupy much 'space, ust u few drills. Beets, neas, beans and cab- onable in 'this - matter; for I have - KaM,ran' RAnn fftiinw'- VaII nn r.n- Every Home Should Have a Berry Bed V One man made $200 with berries in his yard. YOU can do likewise. Get your sets from ALLEN, largest grower of true-to-name ' strawberry plants. 28 years' experience. Allen's Strawberry BooK tells bow to grow berrias for profit. Has raluable information on rautll fruits. Sent FILEE on request. Full line of small fruit plants, shrubs, privet, asparagus, etc. All ' shipments guaranteed fresh and vigorous. Allan's plants are bosU 121 Market 8b Baliaburjr, Hd. X-4 n t--. "GARDENERS AND TRUCKERS' J .me m money, save bote jy lettinir your Dlants from n Z ?a?S 8 .rdf J f0'- ;ie following plants f oi-early V&3iehVi!& !5e eat Wed and most profitable .r.u.BC' rr"uSF riants, feppers, uel- Sf? "py"1 geW blanching. Tomatoes in twentr varieties. oweei I'Oiat npn In fiva ltu. nr. t- - TfiiiSUfo11 . Boston, Grand Rapids, and Tennis Ball tmi?!?te &W',?1ir M.00 for 5.000. cold frame plants. We will have the above to trnnnnUntArf and seed bed plants. It will pay you to write us and net Drlces nnvfnpin-lnff j.i.m un.. i i. order is booked now we will take Individual care of it and will grow for you especially at a reduced rate. We are prepared to make contracts to grow any of the above puu.u hi any quanuiy you may require, sena-us your you mar require. Kena-ua v. name and we will npnif von our booklet an ninni. f. Franklin Plant Farm. Inc.. Plant Specialist. Norfolk. F. O. Box Hi. Experiment Plant Farm, Euclid, Va., K it n. eclallst, ree orf oik, Va Bercl lans known .some to he so kind to their tenants ias to .allow them : to select what ground they . wanted for a gar den and not charge -them any Tent, Make Home ComfortaMe Berckmans lawn trees, flow.erinff shrubs. hedges, evergreens, .roses and vines will : make your Jxome . more . cherJul--and; cost you little. Plant them .this tall and they will give you beauty and comfort next summer and; every .year afterward. Berdosass' Beadi&l Catalog 11 aid - -yonm making your " home better. It tells .about " fruit trees, too. It's freehand valuable; write for it now; P.J. BERCU3ANS CO lac.1. Box 1070E, Aagasta,Ceoriia tBviWi tatoes and tomatoes; ? Between the onion rows one can --plant some later crop, And' have it ' well along when the onions are ' readV- to harvest. . and the renters abused the privilege when the potatoes . -are ' dug the by, selecting about;, twice or three; gronnd can toe planted in beans, or. times as much land as they needed, some other crop, thus keeping up a just .because there was ,going to be constant rotation" and rapid succes no ren to pay. "The abuse of this tree,; sion in the garden. , ' garden privilege has caused many Where one desires to grow sweet ' landlords to be stingy, in, their al- potatoes sweet corn and such crops 1owan.c?:5inafe it?Qgene? that Necessarily call for a' little more - Anher :objection'Comes In the ground than we' find in a .small gar sbapeqf -early preparation Aeirig pro- den, and that really: demands truck hibited by .the tenant moving so of- patch,, it is Always best "to pay money ' ten and not getting on his place in- rent on the amount of grotmd de-: . They win add to the com fort of your family and in crease , the value of your property. You will save time and money by planting; only the Tdnds, nowever, which are adapted to your section and conditions, , Our 1913 Cataloa f ree If you ask for it will tell you what kinds to plant Our lone experience in growing . ahade -treei and shrubs for the South is condensed in this book." It also tells about Citrus and decidu ous fruits, nuts, etc Write today. Jc. copy;: CLEN SiDiT UASTIIillSSEKIES C0 :.-V .: -f . Rose avenne, Clengijnjjaj3rITl Our advertisers are do as they promise. : time to start a garden until after the first of the year. Weil, admit that the earlier the" ground is broken in the fall the better, but because you cannot start your garden" until the first of January is not a sufficient ex cuse for not making one. One of the fcest gardens I ever made was not broken until the first of March. It would i Have been better bad It been broken earlier, but I did not let the lajct , that T could not get it broken earlier - prevent me from planting. And I tried to make up in the mat ter ) pf cultivation' what I. lacked in arijr breaking. ' , - " - Another excuse offered by many renting farmers is, that they are over-cropped and . do not have time "'r.LA ' I "to handle a garden. Well, again it sired; to use. This makes it' better for all ' parties .concerned. Some times there Is an' old " corner 'cut off by a gully pra Wll that Is if airly good; land and would make i a; good" truck patch: The landlord doesn't usually value such corners 'very ; highly,; and you can get it very reaBonably, By utilizing it this wayjou accommodate him and yourself at the. same timo. . ;.- "-'J'-- A. M. LATHAM. 1 Virginia Apples HVin Prizes in 0 FROST-PROOF CABBAGE PpiTS BY THE MILLION. Larsre, fine, stocky. Can nil all orders Sromptljr until next May or June. Raised in the open, on a Isrh crest, perfectly hardened by the frosts and freezes, they will !wan,l"wfell ,vJlnLer turn'Ps. We sow the best seed ani have the two Wakef lelds, Succession, and Flat Dutch. . ,7. V SSfi.!!i,1,.rl. on4 t $US per thousand. : .!k e,httMa 11.00 per thousand. Nine thousand and up at N cents per thousand. special prices xo oealers and for large lots. IT LOOKSas if Virginia is supreme- -i among : the ; fruit-growing' States r' oi me ast, tor at tne-L.ana snow. 7 recently held in New York, . T. i must be admitted that a great many 'awarded the handsome silver loving '. I J- A A -1 J A A 1 1 . " mm . J . . . ' - . ' m .- '. , i ieuauio mv obubu w laite more iana upr onerea iot tne Dest 15 uoxes 01- . buu luiB Biiumu not crowd oux xne Dozes 01 eacn,: giving a sample sum-.x garden, for if no other way, the good ciently wlde to "decide indisputab-ly y woman, me Temer s wne, can see to . tne superiority of the winning. state's" the garden hoeing, and it will not" fruit.' ? " -f , ' ; . y f V ; mGU CREST TKUCtt tilKM, G. L. B. PENNY, Proprietor. v "Use Tar Heel Plant Man." Boute 1. RALQGnL N. C take long for the man to do the plow ing. ; It Is best to - pjow the garden the i first-plowing that is done after the rain, .so "as to be sure about it Last year I saw a tenant farmer who". was- over-cropped, and yet he had. a pretty fair garden and the rows were so arranged that every time he went marie Pippin and - ataymanV W3ne- sap. . ; : . .. :; "; ,: MJ. M. BELL. - I-' Please accent my eon rratulatlons .on ' Tha ' Prorresslve Parmer, -wrhloh -Am sAttlns Trv '' . - -w - w . . A U . lUUVIf . Connelly's Springs, N. C ' . rt

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