1332 (20) LET ME PLAN YOUR Lighting Systei It will only be a short tlmebefore every nr...iir firmrr will be Interested la a light plant for his home, such aa Mrs. "W. 8. Mlddleton, of Meriwether, S. G, describes ia The Progressive Farmer, under date of No vember 33rd. I wili.be pleased to .furnish anv information and estimates on plants lor rnuntrv and suburban homes Machines manufactured by the Davis Acetylene Co. -I also want a live local dealer in the "fol lowing counties of South Carolina: Lancas ter. Chesterfield, Dillon, Horry, Marion. Ker shaw. Lee. Darllnfirton, Sumter, " Clarendon, Williamsburg, Georgetown I also want live local dealers In the following ' counties of North Carolina: Scotland, Bladen, Samp on. Wayne. DuDlln. .Onslow. Pender. New Hanover, Brunswick and Columbus. B. J. BOSTICH Rockingham, r. NarUi Carolina. FINANCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE : TOBACCO . GROWER. SSBBBBSBBSSSSSSSSBBSSSBSSSBBSBBBBBISBBBBBSB ; ' . The Folly of Trying to Ute On Next Year Earnings- The Man In Debt Cannot Hope to BeH In the Best Market. I FIND that for the year the total pro auction "of; tobacco In the United States was 1,113,- 450,000 pounds. How suppose , this enormous quantity to have sold for the very low price ' of five cents per pound. ;. "Even tit that priee the to bacco growers would "have received that year for their crop $55,672,500. Yet we often near a man eay that he is not . making a living out of bis farm. there DyJfc.IL Slate. Sooth Boston. Va. the year " 1910. other reason, it is rather expsnsir three veterinarians of National ren. . , Tire TROGnnssivi: FAitMEiu . . . . , - American Veterinary Medical Asso elation nt Us last annual meeting it Jadlanapolis, Ind.f last -Augnst, ap pointed ; a ; committee to serve "the 6ame" purpose regarding veterinary modical ndrertlslns. ; V - ajmb uumuiuiew is - comnnsprt . WS 11 t rTwxmS ( J v has no second chance. A I I S A good beginning is the 1 1 I Jn'y ae rnlej put your 1 1 I faith in the best seeds yon i i can buy. 'Ferry's have had the il I highest reputation . for, over 5tM 1 1 years. For sale everywhere. .'.; . 1 I I 1913 Catalogue free am ree. ' 1 1 ... I I 3.XL JESSY & CODdroU, IScLissa. 1 1 to live on borrowed money, anyhow,, atation, none.of -'wnoni .has been n because to the other expenses must gaged n private practice, for .15 6r be added the" interest on. the money.-.;. 20 years, as follows: Dr. If. S. Mayo A- 'great many -people hold .the tffe. Virginia Agricultural College 'warehouses responsible for the farm- and Experiment Station, Blacksbnrg, ers borrowing so much money, but Va I " S- B.', Nelson, -of the Wash they are not at nil to be blamed. The ; mgton Agricultural College and "Ex farmer - wants, the money; he gives PCTiment Station, . Pullman, .Wash.; bis note for the amount;'. and! then -onT anil. ;Dr A: tJary, of the Alabama account of . tbe poor state of his own -' Agricultural Collese and Exnieri mnt wjaseqoenay we now , xnai - nnances, ne geis me warenouse man ;-oviontAUDnrn,-Aiat)ama.-.v- Why, the tobacco growers get over do not lend out money nor nrelthey tmmittee is lto'ljft'publi8ndra-tb'TdlB: ct: aai aaa -e-m : ' ' t.n4. 1 i. .', fas,vvv,Dvv iui tutrii uup -uuu yet uconuua ui biimumg Becurily lor. ..vniuiuauj uetween- wuTiny ann nn- XL. 1 j m . i i i a 1 m . . i mey, living gn a iarm wnere tney can raise almost nil of their neces sities such t meat, bread, etc can not make a livingl ' ;K This sounds almost ridiculous, be Irft sKr r sad TDUR1DEAS tiIM. Soofe HnnrStt OVfisill'tt SMMif1 "What to invent" sent tree. Send rough sketch for fnsereprta s patent ability. Patents advertised for cale at ar expense ia MannfaotuterS' JoBrnols. fMent Obtolacd ar See Steti CHAldEE & CHAmig, fatal Atfyg XtsbUibed 16 Yau mi P. Street. WwhiagW. IX C SjmmmhBJBSbA i IiiimIiiH nilia SmC 1 rwir A Mia 1miiIMi1i ouidk. . .hit SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER raised on a farm are dear - to a farm er at any price, because lie is not sup posed to buy., them. When the to bacco jgrower .''makes his farm sus- really need 'is for the farmers to' fl- UV U D iL i ui nance their own Industry ;just as the l iciu-i dill diiu lllguwdjr. railroad owners and manufacturers . m , i ', are doing. Things . which can be is uie uue ui a Jitue uuuk. ui country stories and sketches, by Mr. E. E. Miller, Managing Editor of The Progressive Farmer. nHERE are ten of these stories, two A of which "When the Circus Came to Town," and "An Autumn Ride" have been printed in The Progressive Farmer. A number-of people wrote to say that a penniless farmer, nut custom makes worthy advertising Of course, it s law.,,- This has become a " custom, purely optional? with nny publisher Theywant to:; sell the maifs crop whether; he" cepfe the service "?pf therefore tbey endorse bis note 'lor ,v tMs' :trommlttee :ihl ' it is not prob nlm. and "by doiner so. lilnd hm 'hv' able that"1 many iibllaheips ; win cause outside of what they can raise, law, and by a sense of honor to AeQl so; ;but If any "publisher avails "Mm, there: is not much to buy. It noes; nis tdbacco at their house. r; - - self ; of the expert knowledge nrm look rather bad for the tobacco grow-r Npw, ;ls ers, -because they ought- to cmakeij a; eratlve 7 selling? How on earth - can -ertnaTians ahdthe MlseraTfnliswi good living on their faTms; but I am in rmer nold nis tobacco J6r letter :tranriuleni Is now grieved to say they spend their - prices "wben "be Ib note nl will money, , unnecessarily. ; - That being be due" In inort wbJle? - How Wan , is to any extent lessen ed, the results the -caBc. ctfcouTBe, they do not nc-ne sell JAJne lest' Tra cumulate a fortune. 1 bas'lbonnd nlmself tn I do not like to accuse the tobacco poorest? Hei The Troirressive Parmer has suh- grower of being lazy, but circnm- and swear atthe Vebcwwemen -wlieninttted two lines of -advertising, 'which stantial evidence tends; to prove it to; Ms tobacco v noes not bring as much is now being 1 extenslyely carried by be a fact I nave always thought him as he expected to, but to tell Voo the the agricultural press, tor the oninion to be an energetic, n committee. We have not been man, and even now I attribute Ms cnmijtant have expet any xflTe. carrying this advertising, "but If the condition to other causes, bnt don't Co-operative seHins will never be a -committee approvesi of it we may you know that Instead of raiising Ms success as long as; fids state nl af- do so. , meat, nread, horse feed, etc., tie buys fairs exists. : ' This, together ;with : the necessity for ,iwjrit) wins m used by some as "reasons for the 3overn ment control nf the tobacco; indostry, but If olnev m mpufl 1m nr hov Now, speakang of hard - times and can speedily he" berihrn wn. beean sft- panics, we do not ne ithe the ae: ment to finance the iohaofjptw EOTerns - mnnsrry. n our Government does ieitner : ta price or the qiumtity. At this, it will some day have to finance present, prices control the amount of corn, cotton, hay, manufacturing tobacco grown each- year, but if the : plants, and the railroads. What we Government handles bur tobacco -for us, it must control the amount rais ed. JNo one cares to ha.ve some of Jial dictate as to the ' number, of acres which he shall put into tobacco. Financially the tobacco grower is one year behind. His "money gives out at the wrong end of the year. !ln the spring: when he -goes to' buy his them. He will even borrow the frfflifflliiS; I I seems to find it easier to buy his necessities witn ;v norroweu money than to Taise them. HARROWmGS. tain itself, instead of expecting the seed and fertilizer, : he finds that all tobacco to r supply money . for his of his money has been oaid out. to his every need; he wilLttien have no need creditors, therefore he must begin io oorraw money, msieaa, ne wm anotner year oy going into debt. then, be able to start a bank account, The old .adage. "Where there is a and will find himself the most pros- will there is a way" may well be ap- perous of farmers. - And now I want to show vou some of the disadvantages of running on borrowed capital. I fully realize that plied here. If you try, by practicing economy and saving your money you can catch up. It is going to be a Hard struggle, I know; but It is well HARROW'S comment-on Professor Massey's advice : to iarmers to experiment and find out for. them selves the fertUizers. needed, was not Intended to con vey tlie idea Profes sor Massey has -evidently; taken from it. . l Harrow knows the "average' far mer is not a good farmer, hut lie did ot in any, way intimate that they were "all careless ignoramuses,'' and no such insinuations are; Justified. To make it clear, let me say that not one-half ot the fertilizer experiments conducted by the trained, experiment ers in past years are worth the paper they are written on, "much less the money it cost to conduct them. It stakes " more than a ood farmer to conduct fertilizer experiments.' This ; does not mean that the farmer Is an "ignoramus." He may be and often is, an educated man of brilliant in tellectual attainments, and still not be trained or educated to this work of making, fertilizer experiments, and if he is not, in nine cases out of ten they liked these sketches,"andthe others every business must be financed, but worth the effort. Start a savings ac- ?, cases out of ten are iust as readable. - . shouldn1 the. men who ar mdm- r.oimt. at. vnnV -hji-nv Wwi-. " . nis expeTiments ( ? h so-called, are 1 : . .- - - USJ J ldrl D- 111 1 i . ' . . " . . . The book is tastefully printed on'iood ing this business supply a part, if not ful how you ;ilrw money, and how At zl y misieaa.tnan aireci. x xi i j -l oii nt v.q .onifni o v, 4 irm.i .. . Moreover, rt tjosts the ; farmer too a.nc . vnvu i jluwv unc is vwir ducuu it.. - .mix lnrfiypr nPTTiP in where many farmers make a mistake, debt-is almost equal to heing in pTis- jopdurt fertilizer experl- mi.,.. -u ii.. i i A . x,. , & " v ments such -a "wiW rfv Tilm very iucjf wiu lue uauiu w uaaoce weir -on., uon z oe a Slave. The Consti buslness, consequently the banks get . tutton' of ; this country gives every a share of the profits. '- man perfect freedom and if we do not The evils arising from this tin- .enjoy It, the cause lies within us. and limited borrowine of - monev are not jothers - It. a fil Hmo " . : . -. - "0" .-- vuwv J IU n Bi-n4. ' i m 1L. Z ,V ?C pSH v i P' 41 W numerous. First, the farm and ome- were avoiding the risk incurred by Jl 1 enuung totj vum baatoTlieProjreMiTeFamerior af . . wrw,wnii i tKk 1- oy selves; but for them to start whete sj s. lu u. - ss uui. ua auuj .s.s. c ri s n. i -s. i. i i sss, uuii .n xr 1111 snu - nvrrsi nv ' ' . same time the .foo(L. ctothing. : and .pense of buying your bwnbr meat; be free to hold your tohacco XZ bl' uwmp, uu.CB for desirable trices or. at W -H1? ove 'otaro:-value Harrow paper and neatly bound in green cloth, with gold title. A good book to give your friends and a good hook to hate on your shelves. Price, 55 Cents, postpaid, or sent prepaid witn one yearly ribscrip tion to Tne Progreiure Farmer Jor THE .PROGRESSIVE FARMER; RALEIGH, N. C ments such : as will rfva nim very definite inf ormatlon4 fWhen our farm ers have'learned the ' results .of the experiments at therr experiment sta tions, then they may be in a position to start experimenting for them- GREATLY REDUCED RATES Between Points on Norfolk Southern Railroad and Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern Railway Round-trip tickets will be sold Decern ber 13. 14. 17. (and J8 trom Ualelith only) 19, 10, 21. 22, 2IT 14, '25, IL, and January 1st. Limited to return until midnight of January 6th. .' ' The holiday excursion fares atDlv be tween points on - ths ITorfsllc Southern Railroad and TtA.llrh. Charlotts and Southern Railway, as -well as to -or from Vwtt4sa jaa tMAMlsar Hmsm For further , particulars. . apply to any "W. Vt. CROXTON. ; ' Ocneral Passctiter Aioflt. "Norfolk, . Va. . -. , , . ... V r'. other necessities -of ;the-, family "are placed in danger. Suppose the. crop should be a failure. What is to be come of the family when the farm is gone, and there is no. money .with whlch'to procure food? Think of the risk that is incurred before you sign that note. . r ; - The second evil comes in from the fact that it Is much" easier, to spend for -desirable prices or. at least, be free to choose the. ' warehouse at which you will-Bell; ' thinks the sood farmer, should' make tests of 'Tertlllzerff, but if : hetakes the results he gets as his. sole' guide, or If he does not take Tntoyconsider ntion the experiments of the stations, : i ii z i ri ir nvor rnn- aet.Tn.TDAi'g n o i m "wn iTimimc5TTT .1' HKeiy to he misled "more often than:- . lean Medical Association has a he ym directed . by his expert- ' ' . . 1 J.'.;-. Committee to Expose Fake Advertising. someone else's rhonev than it In Vhtir .' cnmtriHtftA wMrli will ments, unless hB s nwn nn fAi. i.A.An thA AnaA. ,...M(.i,nuH . .ii . time and tnondit nn Tia wnrk than does not .seem tbbejio well guarded Mng submitted to it. , This !sa Vain- ; averaSft farmer or; even.the best wiiovt vawa.j t.ii - .-t a in .. . farmers can airnrrl. - " : "' wnen borrowed money la belnir spent, able heln to those ouhlisTr as It is when the money comes direct wish to carry no fake" medlcal ad- irom me DUyer'fl Tiorlret : irnrtJipr- tm4 htv hirf-1oo more, men will often camhl iinrin .at' ' iTiffmn mrHv-':v. - t. r v . uv.u.wv'w, uivuivai IVllUWieaKB vue UrOBTlGPfjl ftf a rrnn Msn ' 4 ' . '....til. .. - i - DOTrow more tnnnov tlifin 4. mii.i.ium . . 6 . U lutPiv r,-on CU' " vo"' ; iuo .umuiuyr ui aaveniBing offered. HAltROW To Break pojr From SnrTdnr Ew. To stop a dog trom juck!n .r. rut one tapomral of .tartar emetic In' atl f.ecff ".. ' y llCCC88Ty'-. 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