THE - PROGRESSIVE FAIUIEU. 1316" (4) w m () What Professor I MY Anioor River privet hedge has given me .in abundance of seed. Can the seed be used to get new plants?" Doubtless, by sowing the seed , now they will grow very well in spring. But there is no sort of advantage in using the seed, : for the plants can be so rapidly grown from cut- tings set where the. hedge Ms to be, that it is far ., less trouble to grow the hedge in this way. - s . HOW would you prevent the killing of corn in low "ground in the spring?" It depends on what kills it. JLt H is late frost, the only-thing to do is to replant it. If it is bud-worms, then the best thing to do is to plow the land this fall and let it lie all winter; and in" the spring use kainit heavily in a fertilizer with phosphate. ' This is the, best remedy I know for bud-worms. t EFT-OVER seed of crimson clover may under i xJ some climatic-or local, conditions,, be -worthless another season, but-here they may keep very well and show a good percentage of germination. There-will be a good many seed kept over this fall and. next fall it would be well to get samples and test their vitality before buying, for i know that seedsmen are carrying over a good many bushels. READ ON PAGE 17 .WHAT SECRETARY WILSON SAYS ABOUT THE NEED OP MORE SHEEP. tent. Lime is used mainly as a means for sweet- depend, as I have said on .whether he , wants to ening an acid soil, and releasing plant t food Jin. make hay or merely to raise seed and leave all the soil, aria" promoting the thrift of ; the , bacteria' the rest on the land. The .thresher, and gasoline that get nitrpgen from the air- But .liming this power i cost more, of 'course, ;tharithe machine fall or winter and spreading! manure in "the' spring -pulled; by a pair of inules. Both, are excellent in will do no harm, for if the lime then did affect the their .way. V" r' v J ' manure, any ammonia set free would be absorbed ' - - WILL cotton cloth answer for sweet potato beds by ;the soil. The clover does not especially need Tfi T;oK1n PftcUnf HPrAn F; in spring, and how is it made water-proof the manure, as it 'will -get 'nitrogen from the air; ' "C lneVliaDie KeSUlt 01 Une-Lirop r arming. and more transparent?" Yes, the cloth will do bi:t if vou intend the clover to be turned under in y : very well for sweet potatoes. , Stretch it on a sArW the manuring wilrte all rieht for a hoed frame and then take 3 pints of linseed oil, 1 ounce crop following. ' But as the clover is with oats, of lead acetate, and .4 ounces of rosin. . Rub the lead acetate up in a little of the oil and then add the rest ,and heat it over a slow fire and apply to the. cloth with a brush, and it will dry in twenty four hours. . PLEASE always give your correct address in writing for information. It is not pleasant to have a letter returned; "uncalled for-" "after I have taken the trouble to reply. Mrs; : Eva' Morris gave er address as New Hermon; '-L -andiie postofllce people returned- it" endorsed, "No such I assume that you intend the crop for hay. J The clover will do more fixing of nitrogen without the manure thans with ;it, for it will take the abundant supply at hand in the manure, and you will get a larger; growth of hay, but: not so much extra nitrogen1 fixed in the soil, i ' W i S THOMAS basic slag the-same thing as Thomas "phosphate? t I have been told to use half Tholnas. phosphate and half agricultural limef or wheat. ; How would this do for wheat or oats?" ALLACE'S Parmer prints a good story of the one-crop .wheat growers of North Da kota. . The bankers in a: certain section had put up a considerable amount of money for extension work among the farmers and at one of the meetings a ;professor from the agricultural college urged diversified farming and feeding of livestock, instead of growing wheat only, ; He was interrupted by one of the audience. ''Hey there, you college fellow; what are you giving us?- Do you think we are going to work all sumnler? rWe work a couple, of weeks in the spring and put in our wheat, and then go fishing. We come back and spend a month or six weeks office in the State." W. E. Weatheriy gave his . Yes basic phosphate and Thomas, phosphate and in harvesting and marketing the crop, and after address, Route 1, Columbia, S. C., and the letter . tame back, "Not found." I reply at once to all lettftra Rant. me. and want thft wrifprn tn PAt thA reply.: If the above parties will give their correct .address, the letters will be forwarded. basic slac are all names for the same thing. It is a by-product in - the basic method- of making steel, the lime being used to extract the phos phorus from: the iron so that steel can be, made. The slag from., the furnace contains v the phos phorus and is ground up and sold as a fertilizer. I HAVE a garden nearly an acre in size," writes 'It catties about forty pounds of free lime in each a subscriber, "and well shaDed-to nlow well50 pounds. As I have often written on this page, i j . i : -j mi mt mi. we ax not use umeas aaeruiizer. xne j.uomaa phosphate alone will make a 'fairly good wheat and oat fertilizer on lands that have a sufficient amount of nitrogen and- potash. On sandy soil, which is never a first-class wheat soil,-you should use-some potash with the . phosphate, i-say 400i. pounds of the Thomas phosphate and twenty-five pounds of muriate of potash per acre. . If your land is acid and needs lime, buy the . fresh un it has been covered with-stable manure for year's; but the collards are affected with the big-root. Planted it in cotton four years ago, and how the big-root is back. Have -set Wakefield cabbages. Will these have the big roots?" They will, in all probability. The best preventive of the big or club-root is heavy liming of the soil. You are in a section where shell marl can probably be had; and this will be a good application to make to the garden, for it has been found that land near that do as we please' Then turning to tho banker, he said, "Say; Mr. Banker, do we' owe you anything?" ' "No." ' vHave we got "money in your bank?" "Yes," r.- : -Now, see here, you college fellow, just get but of this neighborhood as soon as you can. Don't you think we know what is good for us? Don't we understand our business? What do you know about farming' anyway? We don't want any book farming in ours." . And, like the all-cotton men of the South, they have been growing 'wheat and only wheat, till the average yield of wheat has run down far below the average in the good winter wheat-growing sections of the east ' and only a demonstration farm before their eyes can show them their error. slaked lime, and never the so-called agricultural . . . 11 -u. A w.1 1.1. Zm m X u wI-m lu mIm I a JS a si. a w 4 V the coast where there are plenty of oyster shells "me W"1UU 18 B1"B xiuc uum ui. TCe same tning occurred, when at a farmers' in- in the soil is seldom infected with th.A;tiii?-rnnt. kilns- Get fresn 1umP lime in oulk in car-loads, fitUlltft tn ftftat.firri Mnrth c.rnUn i mnrA di- Then practice a good rotation arid do not, plant ad slake it for yourself , and you will have more versification and the feeding of livestock: One large cotton planter said: "I don't, want to be pes tered with stock. I work fifteen mules in cotton, and make $50(Tto a mule, what do I want with : more stock?" . : " NOTING what you say , about pea threshers," It is these one-crop men in eyery section that writes a friend, "I assume th'at you prefer are hindering the real advancement. -With un- the Koger machine to the . one made by Tharp & usually fine cotton land,, : this man, thru a laVish Sexton, of Salisbury, Maryland. Am l rightr' use of fertilizers was making money growing cot- cabbace or anv of its relat.fva -TtaIa nr.-tnmtna 'in - than twice tne duik tnat you pam ireigm on. the same soil continually. Add a heavy applica- Freighting slaked liine, you are paying freight on tion. of acid phosphate and potash to the stable , tne water manure, and with the liming and a good rotation ; - I think you may get rid of the trouble. WHAT is the best to use with stable manure to A preserve the same? Wbuld there be enough phosphoric acid become available to make it . pay That dependa entirely on the purpose of the farm- ton, while he could have .made it at. less expense to use pulverized phosphate rock or land plaster ior this purpose? Land plaster,-the sulfate of then the best machine' I have ever seen used for would have increased the productiveness of his lime, will largely prevent loss in manure, if well threshing the peas from the cured hay . is the land and helped those who were not as fortunately ; mixed with it, but there -wiirbe no increase in Koger. , If you want ;to grow peas "solely for. seed, situated as he was. The single croppers in' the phosphoric acid from this, since the plaster, con- a"nd return all else to the soil for its improvement, wheat districts of the Northwest are on the-road tains none. The pulverized phosphate rock will the Tharp &-Sexton'harvester Is the best I know to old' fields just as ' the' alVcottori men of v the greatly increase the efficiency Of the manure, If nf , Thin mnrnlnA a now mannTartiirAd on rnvaltv iSoiith Their will afnnA H loncAr because. n. J 1 1L. 1 1 1 1. "T ' 1-14 1 a . 7 r t witu u, uui i no not.xnin it would have by the Keystone Company of York, Pennsylvania, of its greater. natural fertility, but the. time will much tendency to preserve the manure from. for the Salisbury Company, and they: now call it come when they will have to . consider "book waste. Acid phosphate and kainit will both tend the Keystone pea harvester. With peas planted farming," just as the farmers in the South must, to prevent loss of ammonia. But thA hW TTf 11 1 rro 4-V mm lli aim - A A Xl.! IamJ t AmaIIm nxm' rSi a nt V 4 TIT J 1 1 preserve manure from loss is to get it outiand .as fast as a pair of mules can draw it, and will be harder to reclaim it than in the Soutbwhere spread on the land as fast as made. Mixingphds- thresh arid fan the, peas as it goes.' I have seen a -greater, variety of legume crops can be grown, phate and kainit will help it in the production of both these machines-work. I went to Tennessee They sacrifice the future welf are, of "their soil to crops, but manure is not an article to keep on especially to see the Koger machine in operation, present profit, Just as has been done In the South, hand profitably. Get it out and spread it, and and I saw it thresh peas from .the hay at rate of The South, however, is learning-"book farming", there will be less loss than in any other way. half a bushel a minute by my watch, and hardly rapidly. - The Demonstration .Work and the Boys' T. r 'a broken pea in Ithe measure. I have followed Corn Clubs have opened the eyes of the farmers I nty acres of crln8ori clover, sowed the pea harvester in the field,' and I know that it to the advantage of a different course of farming, with oats, and had intended to apply 1,000 will r do all that the makers claim for It. The and the South is comine to the front in imnroved. in thJ I I aiacre- and t0 dress with manure difference between .the machines is that one Is a farming. North Carolina today is making nearly . T'UB' "ut am tOia that the lime . Will thresher. Of the moWn hftV. whllA thA nthftr a t. na lnro-A an nvaratra In rn no TTanaaa nnd . if . lniurn tho v o om . . , 1 ' ' r o w ..w..0v -.p.. , .v-f ;to assume tSat thA ii nY 1 P ' you 8eem narve8ter and gathers and cleans out the peas as ' the State increases introduction as she has; done; il. . " ci.eiLiiiz,nr nn thht rh iufphtv nnriripn rnnin n n it . rv nnnri i n ti loot twAntv.fltrn. Tntn . Yn nvarotra nnrw b wu w u very.siignt ex- Which will be hest for any particular buyer, will crop will soon be ahead of that of Kansas.