.TUB PROGRESSIVE FARMER, 835 (2) Toe Progressive Farmer .VI M 13 4 i' Si m ivi' t Symbols of Protection Ancient Egyptians carved over their doorways and upon their temple walls the symbol of supernatural protection ; a winged disk. It typified the light and. power of the sun, brought down from on high by the wings of a bird. Mediaeval Europe, in a more practical manner, sought protection behind the solid masonry of castle walls In America we have ap proached the ideal of the Egyptians. Franklin drew electricity . from the clouds and Bell harnessed it to the telephone. Today the telephone is a means of protection more potent than the sun disk fetish and more practical than castle walls ? ti The Bell System has carried the telephone wires everywhere throughout the land, so that all the people are bound together for the safety and freedom of each. This telephone protection, with electric speed, reaches the most isolated homes. Such ease of communication makes us a homogeneous people and thus fosters and protects our national ideals and political rights. OFFICES: Birmingham, Ala.. Balalffh. N. G and Memphis, Tean. COMMUNICATIONS REGARDING ADVERTISING OR SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO EITHER OFFICE. ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE AT BIRMINGHAM, ALA., UNDER " THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF MARCH 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION BATES 1 One year U-00 Two years. ...$1.60 mnntvia Rrt Three vears.. 2.00 Three months .25 Five years.... 8.00 10 Weeks Trial, 10 Cent. To new subscribers only, The Progres sive Farmer will be sent ten weeks on trial tnr ton rents. SamDle copy free. Toll your friends who need it but do not read it. Average Weekly Circulation, fl r A OA Combined Editions, 1912, I3V,OVt ADVERTISING RULES: Change of copy or discontinuance order must reach us 10 days In advance oi pub lication date. No whiskey, mining stock, patent medicine, patent stock food, dis guised or questionable advertisements of any kind accepted. Rates on application. Each Advertiser's Reliability Guaranteed. We will positively make good the loss sustained by any subscriber as a re sult of fraudulent misrepresentations made in The Progressive Farmer on the part of any advertiser who proves to be a deliberate swindler. This does not mean that we will try to adjust trifling disputf-s between reliable business houses and their patrons, but in any case of actually fraudulent dealings, we will make good to the subscriber as we have just indi cated. The conditions of this guarantee are, that the claim for loss shall be re ported to us within one month after the advertisement appears in our paper and after the transaction complained of, that our liability shall cover only the pur chase price of the article In question, nor aggregate over $1,000 on any one adver tiser, and that the subscriber must say when writing each advertiser: "I am writing you as an advertiser in The Pro gressive Farmer which guarantees the reliability of all advertising it carries." American Telephone and Telegraph Company And Associated Companies Don't forget our great trial subscription offer. At 25 cents for the rest of the year The Progressive Farmer is the big gest bargain going and all your neighbors ought to know about it. Are you doing your duty and telling them ? One Policy One System Universal Servkcl Do You, Always Give Your Post- utfice Address? Fire, IVaterani Liahtninn Resistant. Prac- Indestructible. S Special Summer Otter tically warn u 0 D n Never before in the history of theroof- i TM business has such a wnnrl orfn 1 nffpr ripen mr?. is is gooa oniy ior sw days, and we advise that you take immediate advantage OX this offer Our stock consists of only about 10,000 squares of this corrugated iron roofing sad sid IHS, which will be sold at this wonderfully low nrice. This roofins? which we nrn ing at $1.25 per square is brand new and first class in every particular. It islisrhtweio-ht corrugation. Ihis price of $1.25 per square is for Chicago, not 0 Freight Prepaid Prices &f$,1W&X fl nity to supply you roofing needs at a tremendous saving. Don't " comes 1 n sheets 22 x 24 ins. x 1 hi in. our graaer a-iw, DiacK corrugated rooting, and this price is I. o.b. cars ( freight prepaid. This is not galvanized, but black steal roofing and siding. UT'i. n l i Write us for opportunity to supply your roofing Zail tO take advantage Of It. W ran fnrniah vnn n IrinH nf mafol nuAni, oon t- " w. . juu VTAIil. New, Heavy Galvanized Rooting 2c Square Foot j We are quoting: the lowest orices in the historv of the roofino 1 1 We can furnish you new heavy galvanized roofing and Biding, at 2c per square BTflsa nnH mAlin 11 MnnM . . ' II 1 1 I a I l a . . juy ii ai sucn a price, a ioniums purchase rl at this price during this 90 day sale only. 1 1 The Chicago Douse Wrecking Co. " Prominently known to the public for 20 years n as the great "Price Wreckers" and now owned 1 1 Harris Bros. Co.. have decided that their bast I I business. is eyer neiore and probably never again will you be able to buy it at such a price. A fortunate purchase kww. w m "tuivwu HWUIIb. WUIHJ W Will U1DUUM DL jive Will save You Money On every kind of Roofinc. Siding or can furnish you the material necessary for re- rooting your house, barn, granary, church, residence, garage or poultry house. We can also furnish you the siding conductor pipe, eaves trouuh. and everything needed. METAL ROOFINGS ARE BEST and cheap est in the long run. easiest to lay, longest life, non absorbent; fire and lightning proof; cooler in Summer, Hi-Wf :dop?ttit mo water; with or ainarycare will last a lifetime, by the Harris Bros. Co. , have decided that their best interests r eanire that thn nam a nf the nrinpinnl nmxera of the company be more prominently brought to the . d iiivniiinu CBsnuts in our uuaiiiww, except that the 4 Harris Bros will, in the future, ad vertise and sell their goods, heretofore advertised and sold under the name of The Chicago Houm Wrtckina Company, under the name of the liarria Bros. Co, U Tell us kind of building, length niK, muiagor ceiling you prei 1 1ha llnAminllAl Kilvinar nnm.p 1V. -n " , "lUliD UUB U capital stock, make it possible for us to pick un these Tnnn h ir.';SBnuo, Be sure to ast for our special low f Veigh? wopaia pric Mrfe'i? faU to meet our representation. OuAirXn.; rnV-?!l t?2?rJ l?one Pack of rafters, and your ideas as to nf vIa r,r aa- er211 w,.Vuflvle.J'ou the benefit of pur EO yearsxnenWe. riu (hmi mm along to iron. any goods imrD Kroiee u your protection. I Tvfrr. xx Harris Bros. Co. 35th&ironSts. A&nchiran tHHCS When writing to advertisers say; "I saw your advertisement In The Progressive Farmer." Here is a postal-card we have just received: "Dear Sirs: Did you send me The Progressive Farmer last week? Have not received it yet. If you did send it, please . let me know by return jnail if you did send it -last week. I would like to have it so I can read it on Sunday. I know some around here who said they got their paper last week. Please answer by return mail." Now we should like very much to help this friend and we could send him an extra copy of last week's pa per right away and also look up his name on our list and see where the trouble is but he didn't give us the postofflce address and we couldn't make it out from the post-mark. Every boy ought to be taught never to start a letter without writing his postoffice and the date the first thing. We have no doubt but that we are blamed thousands of times by sub scribers and our advertisers are also blamed thousands of times, when the trouble is that Mr. Farmer has neg lected to write his postoffice address or to write hi3 own name plainly. It is a singular fact that many a man who writes a very plain hand throughout the letter will then sign his name in a way and with such twirls and flourishes as to make it undecipherable. The L. C. SMITH & BROS. Typewriter Is especially adapted to the use of the progressive business farmer BECAUSE it does all kinds of work, in cluding general correspond ence, billing, tabulating, etc., without extra attachments. It is ball-bearing, long wear ing and easy of operation. It enables the operator to do the maximum of work with the minimum of effort. Send in the attached coupon to the It. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., Syracuse, N. Y. L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. Please send me information about the use of a typewriter in the business of forming. Name Address Birmingham Office : 404 N. 20th Street. Atlanta Office : 121 N. Pryor St. Memphis Office : 148 Madison Avenue. J. E. CRAYTON & CO.. Dealers, Charlotte, N. C. Branches in All Principal Cities. dull Oil' nmi ID ftEP IMtiB Be the beBt-dressed man m your town at our expense. We do eyerythina for vnn ezcADt emend your money, If ion want your own business and a home oa "Easy Street," this is your greatest op portunity. We are looking for a man woo win iBKe orders. nBaoa snewi salesmen. Regal Union Label Gar, ments sell themselves. If you will wear a suit made to YOUR measure- YOU ARE THE MAN WE WANT! You can choose anv suit we make and have it lined with silk and finished anr way you want. Wear it in your spara time, and all of your friends will want to look as stylinh and well dressed aa too look. Then all yon have to do is to take the nrdars. Every order means a bin OASH profit to you. and it all oomes to yoa without cost. Wo prepay ail axprMa pnargoa. We back you with our enormous union tail oring shops, our advertising ana our money. .SEND US A POSTAL NOW The return mail will bring vou the chance of your life. We will send you our handsomely colored, beautifully illustrated book of made-to-measure, union made garments with our complete outfit, tape measure, wonderfully colored fashion plates, confidential and retail price lists, and full information how to get your own suit without cost and how we put money in your pockets. Write at once. (15) BEG AL TAILORING CO., 705 Regal Bldg.. Chicago.'!!!. 3 I 1 U-Jk. m m 1 biii m ... u & m. i Lvn I " M1 mm 1 V II 1 WJ Mako your neighborhood a rcadinr neigh borhood. Then your neighbors will bo ready to co-operate with you la all progressive movements. Valuable Prizes Given Away Make big money quick easy. Wear the swellest suit in your town. Made to your exact meanure. Any cioin anastyie. aeeun tcosc you a cent. ue our agent and make 10 a day show ing your auit, taking CBfCA 'orders for elegant M made-to-measure suits... m and Un Df YOUR OWN BOSS Your time is your own plenty of money stylish clothes. Your profits are so big confidential terms so lib eral w 00 explain them only in letter. Dig Pay for Easy Work No money or experience required. Vfm want your apare time not your money. Wa nplr vrtu m 1 1 h mh. .i....u M7thia"tart yoa oa thm road to waakk. Bin Outfit Free z&2 agency In your town. Write quick, dot ne wnoie proposition, una outfit every .thing I BEE. Write today now. t Chicaao Woolen Mills Co. ' 'UcAooMt, AGENTS $3 a Day HIW PATENTED AUYOMATIQ CURRY COMB Blade nf beat cold rolled Steel. HommAn rialiirhtmf. Takes just half the time toolean a horao. Kaooa mmMm.i V: V tle tmth always clean: u p 7, ..PO cloing with hair and U. Pett. tuiya: "Ifs a dandy; Hold 14 last Ik&'mruXiSPi&i Lroe ample to workers. JUUUAH MFU. t'O.t 6855 Wao St.. Dayton. Oftld Hemember that If what you wish to buy is not advertised In the Progressive Farmer, you can often get It by putting a llttla notice la our Farmers' Exchange. dirt. tiiitht A. to