1222 (8) BLUE RIBBON ENGINES Cost only 2 cents i 2 to 25 H. P. per hour per horse power on full load. An efficient, relia ble, powerful en gine, easy to start and operate. Less complicated partsi than other high grade engines. Just the kind (or the man who has never run an engine before. Sizes 2 to 15 H. P. Cash or credit. You save $20.00 a H. P. by getting our prices before you buy. Long term guarantee. Sizes up to 10 H. P. shipped quick from Richmond stock. Money back after M days test if not fully satisfactory. Write today for catalog. r THE SPOTLESS CO. 75 Stock Lane, RICHMOND amy That smooth, rich tobacco roes straight to tae spot-makes you happy. It's a man's size plus from the Piedmont section of Worth Carolina. Oct a plus trom your dealer. Manufactured by BAILEY BROS Inc WW5TOTVSALE1 N.C Always in the lead. Willing to work all kinds of weather. Our engine is constructed of good material, good honest workmanship and one that is guaranteed absolutely for five years. You will do well to correspond with us before buying. WATERLOO GASOLINE ENGINE CO., " Salisbury, N. C Stylish-Staunch-Satisfying Rock Hill B uggies ARE LIGHT running and easy riding. You want a good substantial looking buggy one you will be proud of you also want to know that It Is strong and Safe. Safe even if your hcrse becomes freightened and the buggy is submitted to unusual strain. That's what you will get In a Guaranteed Rock Hill Buggy On request we will be glad to send you our catalogue showing styles of as good W gies as it is possible to make you will find a com plete description of The Rock Hill Bug y you want. Please write for your copy at once. ROCK HILL BUGGY COMPANY In Piedmont Timber Section. Rock Hill, South Carolina SOME EFFECTS OF MANURE AND OF RATES OF APPLI CATION. Thin Alanuring Often Better Than Heavy Manuring of Smaller Area-Leguininous Crops Equally as Effective as Manure, and With the Added Value of Providing Feed for the Livestock. W By J. F. Duggar. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. ducing the material to a considerable degree of fineness, makes possible more even distribution and doubtless increases the number of desirable or ganisms in the manure. When manure is used, not primar ily for its content of plant food, but rather in very thin applications for its effect in increasing the germ life in the soil, it may prove almost equ- ttmiv mv pntirp acauaintance which has been published on this sub- M. M. . . . .... Si 1 U ... . ., 1L. , I do not know a farmer nor a ject. For example, me wruer uas uu- any neipiui on some oi me legumes, scientist but is an advocate of small amount of experimental work the maximum use of stable manure. The real question is not whether stable -manure should be used, rather how; to increase the amount of ma nure available, how to apply this in the form and at the time when it will be most effective, and in the quantity PROF. DUGGAR. that wiU be most profitable. The writer has always urged the maximum use of manure, but has sometimes failed to go as far as some others in urging exclusive reliance on this valuable material as a means of improving Southern soils under pres ent conditions. He has found the use of legumes a means of soil improve ment about equally as effective as manure and applicable on a larger scale in the case of farms where the number of livestock is limited. How- tained in two different years an in crease of 8.8 and 10.8 bushels of pats for each ton of horse manure of high est quality, when used at the rate of only two tons per acre. On the other hand, from heavy applications of the richest of cow manure, made from feeding cottonseed meal, etc., the in crease for each ton of manure was less than two bushels per ton of man ure where the quantity of manure ranged between six and 22 tons per acre. I believe it to be a general rule that a larger return per ton of manure is obtained by comparatively light appli cations, say from two to six tons per . acre. It is true that there is difficulty in distributing broadcast with any de greee of uniformity amounts less than six tons per acre, and that when the amount falls much below this figure it is almost necessary to apply the manure in the drill in order to get any evenness of distribution. Manure is Valuable for Its Indirect Effects. such as alfalfa, as on the non-legumes, which latter are benefitted to a ' much greater extent than are the legumes, where the amount of man ure is considerable. BOLL-ROT OR ANTHRACNOSE. Three Methods of Prevention or Pro tection Against This Disease. BOLL-ROT, or anthracnose, has caused serious losses in many sec tions the past season. With increas ing force these losses are occuring each year until now the disease has become so serious that in many sections it is truly alarming. The Progressive Farmer has frequently called attention to this rapidly grow ing menace to the cotton grower and has also pointed out the only known means, of preventing the rapid growth and spread of the disease. In the first place let us correct the popular error ihat some varieties are free from the disease. No variety has yet been found that does not suf fer more or less when the infection is present and the weather and other ever he has always pointed out that rHE man who has a limited amount conditions favorable to the develop- where the requisite number of live stock can be obtained it is better to make two uses of the leguminous for age crops, namely; as food for ani mals and ultimately as fertilizer in shape of manure, than to plow them under. It is to be hoped that South ern farmers will give such increasing attention to the growing of livestock that each year a mu.ch larger propor tion of our cowpeas, velvet beans, clover, vetch, etc., will be utilized as food for livestock. However, it is possible to increase the areas of these legumes much more rapidly than to increase the number of animals on Southern farms, so that for many years to come the legume will be plowed under as well as used for food. SPECIAL HOLIDAY EXCURSION TO UAVANA, CUBA. Rate From Selma $46.90 lucludlng meals and berth on steamship Children ffiTJKS&Silllall Fare Tickets will be sold for all trains SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1913. Limited returning, to reach original start ing point not later than January 7, 1914. Proportionately low rates will be made from other points In Virginia, North Caro lina and South Carolina, This will be an excellent opportunity for teachers and students to utilize their Christ mas holidays in making an interesting edu cational trip to Cuba. The Atlantic Coast Line operates through Pullman cars to Key West and to Port Tam pa connecting at both ports with steam ships for Havana. Tickets good via either route. Arrangements will be made to accomo date passengers leaving Jacksonville at 1.15 p.m. Sunday, December 21st, via the Flagler System,- the "Over-Sea Railroad," and steamship from Key West; and leaving Jacksonville at 1.30 p. m., via Atlantic Coast Line, thence by Port Tampu and steamship which touches at K.ey West enroute to Hav ana. b M. Jolly, Trarnc Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, who hajkj-c,sllcl In Havana four teen winters, will accompany the excursion, and render assistance to paNHinxt-rs enroute and in the matter of hotel accommodations, sightseeing, etc., in Cuba. For schedules, reservations, descriptive booklets and any further Information ap ply to Ticket Agents of the Atlantic Coast Line, or address, W. J. CRA1C1, Pasnger Tramc Manager T. C. WHITR. General Passenger Air'ont WILMINGTON. N. ; JL of manure should constantly bear in mind that manure is helpful, not only by reason of the plant food which it contains, but also by reason of its indirect effects. One of these indirect and favorable effects of sta ble manure is the fact that stable manure, being rich in germ life, con veys to the soil with which it comes in contact the organisms which are capable of starting nitrification and other forms of bacterial activity. In other words, stable manure may ex ercise on soils notably deficient in germ life an influence which is some what like that exerted by the mater ials used in inoculating legumes. Of course the two processes are in most respects quite different, but similar in that the presence of a relatively small number of beneficial microsco pic organisms makes possible a tre- mfmdnilS inrrpasp in the nnmhop rt AN illustration of the difficulty of these friends of the farmer" IX producing the amount of manure . That manure may have this favor able indirect action is shown con cretely by some recent experiments at the New Jersey Experiment Sta tion. In these, manure was applied to various crops at the very light rates of one-half a ton, one ton, and two tons per acre. Even these small amounts of manure afforded a nota ble increase in the yields. It was re marked that the plots that received the smallest application of manure in a number of instances afforded yields fully equal to those receiving larger amounts. Moreover, these small amounts of manure were helpful ev en on those plots on which crimson clover or other winter-growing le gumes were grown to supply the bulk of the nitrogen. Where stable manure is applied largely for its indirect effect in in creasing the germ life in the soil it is doubly important to secure an even distribution. As a matter of fact, much of the manure taken directly from the stalls is in a condition too lumpy to permit evenness of distribu tion unless the amount applied be quite large. A manure1 spreader is useful in somewhat reducing the size of the masses, but its use is excluded where very small amounts per acre Legumes Valuable in Supplementing the Manure Supply. N illustration of the difficulty of producing the amount of manure heeded to fertilize any considerable proportion of the cultivated land of the South was brought to my atten tion recently as I questioned a farmer who grows no cotton, but only hay and livestock, regarding the number of acres of land he had manured since he began to operate this farm. With in a period of between five and six years the total acreage covered by manure was less than 30 acres on ai farm of more than 300 acres. This was an average pf, say, 2 per cent of the area covered by manure each year; or considering half the land as primarily pasture land, less than 4 per cent of the cultivated and hay land was annually manured. At this rate it would take twenty-five years to cover the cultivated land on the entire farm with manure, even in the case of a farmer who is an enthus iastic stockman and whose farm is ,far better provided with livestock and with barns than the average farm, thus insuring the saving of a larger amount and better quality of man ure. This point is mentioned not to de precate the value of manure, but as an indication of the necessity of rely ing largely, under present conditions, on 'the use of legumes for soil im provement, and for -the further pur pose of raising the question whether it is better to apply the amount of ment of the fungus or "germ" that cause the trouble. It is true that some varieties are more subject to the disease than others, but as state!, none is entirely free from it. In 1909 and 1910 the per cent of diseased bolls was counted in 57 va rieties at the Alabama Experiment Station. A small number of varie ties were observed both years, but most varieties were only examined one or the other of these years. All varieties were effected to some ex tent, but some of them only slightly, the diseased bolls ranging from 0.4 to 35.3 per cent of all the bolls on the stalks counted. In fields severely diseased the in jury is apparent, but where the dis ease is slight it may entirely escape the attention of a fairly careful ob server. Again, even when the dis ease is known to be present some bolls may be so slighly diseased as to escape detection. For this reason the utmost care must, be taken in the selection of seed if the disease is to be controlled. In Bulletin No. 164 of the South Carolina Experiment Station, by II. W. Barre, the follow ing statement is made regarding this matter: "Diseased seed and lint are frequently found, in fact, in bolls which to the casual observer, do not appear to be diseased at all." Thi3 clearly shows the ease with which the disease ' may be overlooked and the difficulty of being certain that seed saved for planting are not con taminated with diseased seeds. The disease may affect young cot ton plants, especially if the weather is cool in April and May and retards the growth of the plants,, and there is sufficient moisture,, to favor the growth of the fungus.' It may also affect young bolls and prevent their full development, but probably most serious damage is- done by the dis ease attacking more fully developed bolls during moist weather in July, August and September and causing them to rot. Three means for pre venting the disease seem to give promise of sufficient value to justify their use. 1. The fungus which has develop ed on the cotton plants, plowed un- under In the fall will probably die by are to be applied. While the writer does not as a rule nlantintr timp Qvt 0tM advise the composting of manure for 2. Tho manure that is available at the usual field crops because of the cost of the not livemore than a year in the fields rate, say eight to 12 tons per acre, or labor involved in handling this bulky If there Is no growing cotton nlant to spread it thinly over several times material, yet for the man who wishes on which It can grow It therefore this acreage. We cannot get a thor- to get the maximum biological effect, follows that if the crons are rotated ' oughly satisfactory answer to this- tfr as we might say the maximum in- that Is, if cotton Is not grown on in'- question from the comparatively oculating effect, composting, by re- (Continued on page 18 )

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