'itarday, Januiry 3, 1914. - -Better Farming '-r V:- .?:r.:V , By &L.MOSS., ..;.. Talks. FUNDAMENTAL THINGS : IN PROFITABLE CROP PRODUCTION. i" V SoH Coriservation and Soil Build Ins; Crop Itotations With. Wl ? ' ter and Summer Legumes; Good 'Beed, GoooT Preparation" aud l-'F r wfire ed..to ' naias tl nm r eal means of increasing soil fertil ; greatest obstacle' to greater farm Ity; but it is not true that a man can " JL: wealth " and better liTinsr in. tbe 'iio hare rich land without, livestock. 3 South, 1 Sronld tinbsltatingly point -6txCh an asiirmption is , incorrect and to the low per acre production, of our; misleading, as has.been widely prov V ttaple crop: ;i Just so long- aa we coa-' ' e& by the success of -winter and iiim tinne to arerage less than 1 0 bushels ; mer; soil-improving crops throughout l oats And corn to the acrcrand one- the ; South.; n We ; knownow ; that a ' third of bale of cotton," ire mnst ex-good crop,, of . crimson 'or bur. clover vect the roTal South: to f emain com- plowed under on land that has aver- paratively poor arid backward' In the 3 aged 1 5 bushels of corn to the acre, jrowHion of ihe better things that will doable the yield.in one year and year, oats and peas or oats arid lea je? akefarm ; lif eworth; whilei 2 For, it at only a nominal "cost. If I were , pedeza, with crimson clover sown In tofees money - to build; good homes, t asked to designate, in my opinion, the : the fall; third year, cotton, with lchoqlsahd churches' and to 'edu(iate one; thing that wonldmost ecoapmK , crimson clover sown in September or ildTenandf-woneyii ini - sufficient :- ' ' ; ' -: - ttock everywhere in the South Un ;dcr present "conditions a . registered beef or dairy animal brought from a distance, if It .escapes speedy death' from ticks, is too often "condemned to a lingering death from starvation on 'pastures that "are such in name only. Goodj crops of cattle and hogs, like '. good -crops of corn; are only made on good .land.We must learn to com bine our .staple crops with our soil , improving crops, winter and summer, and with livestock in such a way that soil fertility will be conserved and : yields increased. 1 ;; 'r 'V Many cropping combinations are possible and. the merits of each have their advocates. 'Which rotation sys tem shall be. used must largely be de termined by 'local conditions; For the average Southern farmer who makes cotton his only cash crop, we would: suggest the following: . . First year, corn and peas; second 'anantlty t( do these things cannot V r ; possibly come to the. farmer wha does , nii":abo in crop ::I: , &?li:IixJ& Wfioftjt at fJ-: fnisdeal firsta'adr mst important xesseial. : C ,rl have-, seen -igrant Negroes make . -fiissippX qpUtTitwok, j;grasst andg Xrgcwdfanner will fail td make proflta-:.- - ."blecrop3 cm a gritted hillstaey devoid J ::iofcnn ;4 faiof :f great,! importaiucei hnt?: unless -applied n;hmus , Vthey arenot of themselves- insurance V" a : "Not are tof $ nwkcp good 'opxMw lertue, out tney - musi; oe- srepr so. : Jl nsequently soil ' building and soil - : ,4 "conservation are twa ef vour main ;t - ; problems iaincreasing yields &JM&M Soil Conservation. , - i. r:;:;?::::::;i;;: S?S- Jii :!- 'S 4 4tr-' Ceurty Norfolk A. Wmrtern Railway. LAND B:'::ETnsInsxSerl The averageSouthern farmer for r-: jgeneTattonha,splayd tht rpbber; i ::. taking fxoniihyfe ve4tjppaly this. bTifciitehaa. ded fKnd :al)etted i-:i caUy,: come -nearest to-'vd year, back to corn per acre production. 6f rn' in a sin-.and peas.. J - , n ' - gle yafii I would say" plant crimson . The above, rotation is only sugges :cl6Tvern and others, either! simpler or that . is to go ; in. corn . the following more elaborate, may best suit par spring,. The amount of humus and ticular ' conditions. For instance a initrbgen thus supplied supplemented I two-year rotation of cotton and corn. 'f'A Viprv---. . ,4 : - i ; . .2 - W'H.K'f'ftntn ? af d- V nh'an1)fli.a "jmiA'-tjioiH'iy.Wl th- ri m Ron p.Iovav- Rnwn'in. the ext . 'ii t 'disgusted with" his bad management, t"1? Potash, will work an ,amazing ton in the fall and peas sown in the iC wIU undoubtedly build up' sdil ::t.M?- ---At w K8T,drViiativ tfti U supplemented with I: "the farms wasted fertility; r ? - ' :' 4inakes cold land warm,: wet land dry,. : phosphoric acid and possibly , some P.:' '"..:t la 4hc :-ttiAtia.ntie''aiid-V'Gnli wdt; ritirjr,-riantt$mois&u :? aoea tBiliyafeonth rotations is to grow aa error to assmeat de lrpossioie, a sou-improv- :humiw;and winter vwcro plant food in the soilclos- crop, such as peas, beans, or i&A:aslpijare; . . - . -. : erosibn TheywiU ; aid ti course, oe delo& soil roc oers. ujnem- - 'but: with. them, must go a - system' of teal analyses show that in the. average: : ;;;"carefuUyTcbnstructed terraces;, - Most , Southern so&th farm lands In :tlie . South ha?e been- plaht food elements for, hundreds- of ferracedafter a, fashion,- but in sa IV ; Proper Use of Fertilizers. - ONCJT a good rotation is establish ed :the -f matter of fertilization' be comes easy. . For instance, in either 'careless a mannerh suggestea rotations tne neces- tsiiy jiur eAyeu&ivtJ cuuiiumuiiu - ui no gen i3 eliminated,, feavlng only phos phoric acid and potash to be supplied As a rule the Piedmont regions, and the territory from West Alabama westward need no. potash except for truck. : crops, thus the problem; and finally when our soils are filled with in prey en ttng erosion. j'ear, ; buying expensive fertilizer ni- Arop-:"itrogen'parji ?. m?t eriy?i?coTistrxicTeav terrace snouia ne :; ues? eerxu u uuwuvvuuiubv ';;:in cnes , to tne nunared reet ana, oe- iem is w oe pot m . ouni, proaixa ; MP.- fiwwi'Taiii ftm tftnst o atnaor and V :itofAa ;wiAtQKtT-s simpiiiymg : Jjfilafd isuim auu iuauurB, V : vterrace;l:in this way there -need not ; and - soy nd velvet , beans have the; .osJnoric acid may be purchased in Df ?neIy ground rock or ftf I ,V" afl4 erosion vis entirely prevented, trogen and storing: it in the son for floats, at a cost per-unit ofabout one-, i STheold-f ashioned ,' Few: other sections uuu lT v w i S "fiT fei:?"-1- v.-.-v. . , ' ::,-2, rr-. j;,ii-" wix.. .. commercial fertilizer bill of the South 1 fMm .;(i:.'s.vi. annum inrtnwirn rt Tfiirn.rp m ilth naurraiiT -iavuxeii,' wim ei".( r r- .. m y:-4--:.y xt. - . :r-.,-.,iii :r is about $ 10 0.0 0 0.0 0 0; and it is safe ebnthern States.: Their presence arid that a large proportion-of this fQhmt expenditure is for -nitrogen, an ele- atoWelhaveKtei ment tnat 18 ea"y ana cheaply sup l-'fii 1 ,iiv lnl -batr lostaaa frAnt rmwh-v r'.Mi-:. Hlv.in kAn.(no Dueu uy lefiumiuouo uuus ginJiam .:-: 'K a' 4rfi,Vf .ert4l i itt41.At r ..-.4.' ...... . -rf .- 2--.v -ves iVnr rtfffAfta-r.vv".-'-J ; 4i - - .. . ' .. ,;ii:i, ei?-! onritvestocir'anthorities ten. ttarmostv rr rrr.'-:r;-v n ouu vrenaration ana .tnorougn 'jC.tfagth rath jx.maximum crops are 10- oe proaucea which economically. M Our iiands must be "double.our: deeply and well broken, :and clods turiiirigthemi if the. maximum (uontmuea o page 9.3:3; t;f:i (5) , ''bW i'1" 'Ncn Ijm irrm rdiM, qt w feom, tn ttn . nilll (Inninpn v Ucroscne, Gasoline A X.' . Too ean now own an Engine for lMt&MiyOMl4Wlt&OBln4wj. Loolr at Tltese Prices! 2H.$XMSi 4BP,f7SX3f 6H-?.t3&23 s frp.tiia; 11 b-p, niosos to n-r.5S3xa Other Sizes, np to 40 H-P, ProportloasSj Low. SUttonary, Portable, Skidded and8awrt ftytas. Standard for 117 years. Wby pay two price tot good ongrlno or takaebanooaonnpoor.ordoabV Cl evfla Cor. any kind of a price, wnen tbe WITXE it low-priced and saTee yon all tbe risk. 60 DAYS' TBlAb 5-YEAR CMT! Easytermaoi psyment.atregiiiarpncea. yo are sareof a a square deal, when yea bayotlMk Beck Free IfZV?7 gine. uorayoa newing vo do euro oi . jrowr Mieenen, eren ii yon on-vpici a VTITTJC Lean tbelnstde the engrlne builnesa and bow to judge i enp teet sroer addren W I ean eend yoe my New Book wtta my Latott and Best Offer by relomneik M-lLWitie Engine Works 2355 Qatiaadftn : Imuatf.Bo. M m ww r- I w . "inrr w, m ' cerlela lou la potatoes fate UenW, . turned Into a probt of 30a acste by more " tiul better cultivation. Kep the toil mel low, retains the moisture and kills the weeds. 11 mmm Calthrators Cuny eet y possfbte adjustment of points, gsngs, wneeis and frame to care lot any row crops la any sou na especially tor potatoes. . ATI ctceltmt pole r .1 Built lor weasaad sad neczjrokev Tk . If convealeace. See fhen sTyoor J m ua nine ue foe booklet oa "TweHorse RidlncaedWeik. inffCultiirrtors.' H II H Atk arte tar boe Ate Fane an4 CefoVa Mewsv v SATE UAH fentiooviZjl ,'..f,H-'fP Good Tfllage. probably" afrord us the inost economic eibfeTthe prontable production of lire-U x (Co at in KELLY DUPLE 31 Grlndinn milluaianicod Orff a t!2-3 ida Cs&a Set d Csm Orlnf ear corn, ahellwl corn, eats, wheat, barley, rye, kafiirrra.rot tseeed.oora innfamrtkcL &lfitira eheei oateeraar kinded eraliL. . ebeaz oateeraar kinded rraLo. Bagger -faas double epont. A Xttacb te efther udeotmtu. JTa V) s s 7KZ KELLT tzna tzstssx ReoBtrea 254 leas power and does twice as much work as ant " other-miH of eqnai size BspeetaUr'aeaetid a wafeUae eaelaea. We make 7 sues Write lex iree catalog, . DUPLCX MILL sVMra.OO SIS , Saetasllels, Okie THE UPEWRIEK B9B T E3E RUML" BQSIRESS'-. MAM . Whether 70a are a .small ' town, merchant or a farmer, you need a typewriter. . . i Tf 'imrii'mcr KlSSao your letters and bfllsby hand, you are not getting full efficiency. It doesn't require an expert opera tot to run the L. : C. Smith $fc Bro3. typewriter. . It is simple compact, com plete, durable. . ' ' , ' Send in the attached coupon and we will give especial attention to ; your typewriter needs - L. C. Smith it Bros., Typewriter Co. -. Syracuse, N. T. ' Please send me yewr free book sbout type writers, , - , 'Kama - : Pi o':" ;-;v-;'--- t-'-',,t'i'' 8taie'-?v- ",; - "--r:': - Our advertisers are guaranteed. ... ' ;'f;,. ":'."-;-i'!..-a'-''