:turday, February 7, 1914. (11) . 163. v Implements Ideas Worth-WTiile . - . " - . . - . - Several Ideas All Good - keep ofTils six mules costs him $3.00 T W us begin with the yagon, for Pfr,d0aJA HeIal80 employs a foreman L .AirWit- hnv r at S2.00 and furnishes him with a known make as you can afford: nut . Baddle horse , to oversee', the plow it tnrAt.hrTiph:- kefin it' lindpr pW-san&; we find that this man's ex- , - .v-r -i Penses are: hired helD $9.50. feed ofA : . ntr thWWlr th foiinA- in ;-n-- mules and horse, $3.50, total. $13.00. Editorial . Comment. Now is the 'and when thoroughly dried In pint'f0 ;the roads; are bad and u iftiui ui iuc vamurma .man OI uiuer laiiu w ut ft. is uuv uressxus for one man (the driver)) to rightly 'direct the . course and work of the drag by stepping from point to point, as .common directions go; in. fact, ofttimes impossible. Then the driv er's weight is not always needed on the drag, but can be there in an in stant when required. - f - JNOK. GOODMAN. with white lead and oil, finishing with the original color; keep all bolts in filace and tight, and the life of your . tii v-.'.1i.,iMj.' iv, : Dama man. let! ux w aguu . r in. u& uvuuicu, vy uivu is good pay for the time and material ''so spentri'lyc ; The same; treatment should :; be given the buggy, with this addition: wash it f requently, : and when so -"do- Ing, look carefully to the tightness of all bolts and clips. In oiling, first C25, and whose capital , invested when every townsh4p in the South was much less than that of .the "Ala- ma - man. -v , : . , X' '. '; ;; ' The Alabama man put only money in . the business. The California man put money, brains and machin ery into his business and saved $9.25 daily. s . . . - .This same Alabama farmer, when he .dug: his sweet potatoes had the should be using the drag. If your road authorities are still behind the times, and make no use of it, wake them up. -. wipe all old grease, from the i axle, and , PuUed and piledby fhand po do not run so . much , oil on as to er and the potatoes plowed out with Vf.91iRB. tv tn run off anrt Rmear; hnth r r-.-rrr - r ""r'-. . v-"?-. "Aowv ends of the hub, as oil on the, ground grouna- Making the Wagons Advertise the -: r Farm . E MADE a new box last week for the one-horse i wagon jv 2 2 inches deep .and x decided to paint it. We painted the' box, green with a yellow stripe and repainted .the . . running W having - plowed . - and farrowed ; the same, I laid off the rows with a one horse plow. I then distributed the fertilizer iir the ' rows . .with a one- horse machine;; Next 1 threw up the cost of 60. cents for paint. - Then the idea came to,1 me. to advertise the farm on the wagon, as the storekeep ers; do in;' towns;". So we painted on each sidep of the box "Goslar Farm, ridges, by plo wing-twp rounds (four Fine Cattle?' in neat,: yet conspicu- t ji i a ii. . . . i-ii v rm niontmtv oTfrft : Ntnt-n ..- 9- mr - rrrr n w rt on otto t tit r inarc o t a oi ine uud smears aresses: pure cas tor nil la best : . one who works hard for ,the money with vwhich j to buy it, should hot cramp a buggy so short as s to strain' it all over in turning. : Back ujj li .ueucsso.! , ui, mi wo icai uu. The use of a buggy will determine ' "eavAn "Viq 'Vknll VlQO I ' td ' Irnnmn rSTr- Vila ' ' M saved the Local $2 2 on ah ensilage make, by spending a few; stamps and J thev time to .write . different dealers , me larmer. as a .ruie.' aoes not. iook . the local dealer, knowing this,' waxes ; . v fa r ri nia Tiacrn van no . - i Clean, And liouse all implements a s x . r cnnn . si a t n T-nii o-n nainir: rnnin - r h nil 1 1 : nnvtWnw ifl . in nAAd - nf rAnair.!; Ait.h Ar '.r fix it .when ioundi or. ii 4to&vbisy, put , .. 1.110 ya c. luvuQ -wekjr, wiixj y ," wj-; be walked around and leave it there r ; until repaired and replaced, so that it; , will be ready when needed. ' V' 4 ' . iNU.KlUH Ulll: U1UW. U1A.BB riKUl-' nUlUUUb VI ;U(bUU UUU W MAJk 'VUVUUl draw clevis for ours We took an old: TQTnn 1 ' tlrYY 4 ' Alii Tl A TTT7. A T I " . placed it on the rear of the beam, within handy reach ;frdm the walking ion, cut the lever down to prac- - ((OJffllljKlIlKllfAU 1 . i (till) (iiirni)iiU ;; Imp rpvements for 1914- in our muneer oysiemx 1 Outfit- give the ginner the big thing he is looking for increased output with no additional labor cost. V The high quality of sample, ; which has madeMungerSys tem Outfits io popular with; cottoiv growers as well as ginnefs, is alsomaintained J Write nearest Continehtal Sales ; Office (or our hew catalogue G-5, the most serviceable , book ginners v can have. f:: QOivimN rl ) vvfc5;Ciii&ft b ;fef life t- 1; rH' r' :v 1 f ' -s - -'", ' 'Z nv-. i' - ,"f4i v51, - , va" . 'hi .vif rr .... i.m ' EllL ;rr - :;. AA;;A1 I E t.U , . - i Jim l ;; tile f I I " ' i - 11 J ; i ITI IlITi ! ninliiiinilill II i ' ' -I -.4 ' I'. I . I' :.v sSVj,-. .'-.'iwiMiimv'ti'M?'"" ...'.''- -V. 't -yi J yAxk Implement Every Southern .Farmer Should,. Know. -About tical length : had the smith make an ; furrows) with a one-horse plow. As , ous lettering, -we - were, bo,, pieasea L clevis .for the front (ehd, , attached, a a final operation I . went over the7 with it that we painted out the name strong rod. to the ratchet lever.: thus .ridges (four at a time) with a 14- .of the Southern agents on, the big enablinffius'to reeiiifttft' thn i amount foot nlank to level and rsmooth them; twb-horse Newton wagon : and put of land taken fromUhai handles; -It and brush away the clods. To !cpmr , "Goslar, Farm, Fine Cattle," on that, works"!flne and we should vervtmuctt numbered the wagons, disnirA hftinrr wHtiniit it wMn Wrr recftiirfid six and a Quarter: VtriDS. nainting :Waeon A No. ,1 on the rear the. clevis, from, center 4o any point'; across the field. .; :J,----:y.i-- find-gate ot the Newton wagon,' and six inches either way. - " , - - ,1 This year I -.shall use . a two-row Wagon - No,- 2'. on the' one-horse : Cruso, N. C.' .-.' W. "VV SHAYl. I fertilizer; machine, with marker, ; an d ,:: '";"''" ' ': " ; 'r ' ' J, ' C . ' throw, up the ridge with a disk culti- 1 Q,,A A tuui,. a; : ; Tator, to wmcn l snau attacn a smau wagon. Have been to town once with the big wagon after cottonseed meal,, and the ; advertisement of the farm seemed -to attract considerable attention. - v.:;- r'.:J:'j-(- ': ; Most " of the fields on Goslar Farm block of wood, to smooth ridge and FARM papers from;' M!aine to Cal- brush away the clods and rubbish. ; I ifornia have for years tried to shall finish a ridge ready for plant- educate us .farmers to depend more ing, ( by : making one and a half trips were so rocky . that they couldn't be upon 'adequate farm machinery ;and, across' the ,field I , shall accomplish mowed, a rock; hauling is still one less upon hired: help, but how many ' as much in a day and a half as I of us have' heeded - the' advice? It formerly did in six and a quarter days. BAY MINETTE, Jr. takes hard '.knocks to hammer this truth into Our skulls: We think that ' the hired man with the hoe is "It." Did we but , stop' and consider, and take; a dollars and cents view of it, we would "X conclude .. that human,: power, when compared with horse . and traction; was rather "Nit.V ; I once had a neighbor who. owned, four good horses; He 'purchased a iree-gang oisK plow. . This man paid the man who drove - the :' team How to Use the Road Drag of our favorite ways of keeping out of mischief. This is hard on the wagon boxes, so . I made a shallow box about three by six feet out of old chestnut planks. This can be set on the bottom of the hay frame of the one-horse wagon or directly on ;the TT ERE are some simple lessons. Xl worth considering, which I have bolsters., -This; lightens: the -weight so that one mule can pull a good load eyen 6ver plowed ground. I hauled rocks off the back' of a 20 acre field last fall while the smooths ihg harrow worked around us and the drill was putting in wheat .in the learned by years of experience with the road drag. - 1. Make your drag reversible, (i. e. to move dirt right or left) y lalterlng the hitch. Have the hind section about - five-sixths the length and operated the d16w $ 1.7 5 Der day. of the front one: and face bothJront front of the field.' One use we made If we estimate the, keep of his horses ' and rear sections entire length with of the rocks was to wall up the house at 50 cents each per day, ; we find ' iron or steel, ;; - ' . ; underneath on all four; sids. The that his daily ' exnense was 13.75. ' 2. For best results under vary- house looks 100 per cent better than His average daily, plowing was .six - ing conditions of road surface as to when it stood on stilts, It is infinitely acres. He disked his ground with a dry, damp; hard or soft, I find 4 it " warmer, there is V one less hiding 12-foot disk harrow, and followed pays to have a man along at the end place; for setting ; hens; battered Vrith a four section smoothing bar-" of a rope attached to the rear end of buckets and old sacks, and besides it .row. Did he live 'In Alabama? No. drag-to properly steer the' machine; -made a place for more than ; 100 My Alabama neighbor . owns aix and counteract its tendency to slide loads of rocks,; The work was done fcuwu muies. lie aires six colored r arouna nara Dumps wmcu neeu inm- ui yuu viiuea moi Bummci auu &an. ' men at $1.25 each per day to driv6 ' m ing off and' smoothing. It is not - r - - CARli HAMMER. " . Bix mulea to single plows. The so easy a matter as talking about it, - Salisbury, N. C. r Lack Of Proper Machinery ? Wastes land, labdn seed. Makes the land poorer each year. Makes labor scarce for work that does need it." Makes life a grind for people who do this needless hard work. mmmnmnmm Ji ll III III T !!' mm mm i: Farm, Garden and Or-v ; chord Implcntsl Do the work' better than human hajids can ; do it. Do the work quicker ; kiidlng Cultivators can'go through many times more and every cultivation puts a blanket on your ground and saves moist' ure. -' . . '- , Traction . Sprayers prevent blight and increase the yield. : Potato Diggers get all the potatoes without - injury ana save their price in labor and - cwttinor n market Quicker. - . . Powar Sprayara .'111 ure your trees, improve the quality of the fruit and increase the yield. Baekal and Barrel Sprayara will earn their cost in a short time. - ' ; ' . Oarden Wheal Haaa work close, keep all weeds out and hold the moisture without hard work. - Just because they are hand tools doesn't mean hard work, but the easiest, most economical and most thorough way to do It. - - . ' t , " Cotton plan tare will save two-thirds of .your labor in that Important crop. - - We have booklets and folders, covering: each of these lines and others full set will be mailed on request Also, see your dealer about these tools. BATEMAN M'FG CO., Box 189 CRENLOCIIi N. J. Write M Catalogus DESCR1BINO, ILUISTfUTINa Quaker City I.IE!s The acknowledged standard for high Quality and variety of a ti8 factory oaaga for ii mp. 21 Btvlen hand ewerto20h,p. Will grind any grain, separateor mixed, coarse or fine meal corn, cods ana oua. Sold on . ' ' 10 Days' Trial Freight Paid Write for oar grinding mill catalogue at once, aJao for booklet on labor-saving farm machinery at bargain prices. .,- - -'.' THS A. W. STRAUO COMPANY , ' Mt M. StTS S Nlierl Strati. ' rtaaMpMa, N. , . - aL L. 171 l-M So. SikiMS ftv If f "V Ouf advertisers are guaranteed reliable.' r.

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