: - Saturday" February, 7,s 19 1 4: ... :,v :J . .. 'ffl-'gj, -- .. ii: )f Z?$zuoia wScman : '- : .suppers ; ' II .' m ill ivvf .Sid i . , ivwviiiiii - ,lt I II lJJJ III - . ii i imm Tif ERE are some facts of vital interest to all excient tlie barefoot naked savage. , wli6 lives . content, with nothing. Forthis : an ecoom affecting nncty million beoole. To show Hovv vou can secure better values for the moiievr vou exoerid for shoes is its - aim: And inasmuch? as $160, 000, 000.00 is spent ; each year f on shoes, , tnese iacts snouia interest an. r - v. . 1. Where Shoemaking is an ;Art i How to Secure" the Best because he has made it-we buy ;;dnly':e "T',IT ''tZZtTZt.T-;iFs jT - ; '.j'-TT" "'"T1 . '' T"."' .' 1 .. ' '. "r; r cause of the merit in the' shoes. r It was back about the Pilgrim time that v ,Shpe-rnaking Uke other Jnduslx is di- When r finally " we- pick the pick of the certain sections became the home of . shoe, vided mtb' t world's best makers we put ourtrade-rnark makers. Communities' of craftsmen sprang ; and the, men -':upbntiiem. hey come pretty close io letter up. The shoe-talent of the day fldeked ' ' TKe Veniuses of maknV are'seidom m perfection. . " : '' ." " ' '' ' , together. I ters of selling. ' " 'X 7 .r ' Generation after generation inherited the ( ' But . many poorer makers are geniuses for; which from $1 to $2. more iff paid. training the skill of their fathers, and ad-, at selling. ' . .. . : . , . Many of these shoes cannot be equalled . ded to the store. : " ' .. ; So shoes of teMejrlie(eii')ui.veV 'cost X ' at,ahy, price ivl'y i4 ';' - v Grandsons and great grandsons did better you more than those of greater worth. ;i v . , ) - what their forefathers did quite well. . For except to' experienced buyers,, the Let Us ouy Shoes r or YOU r or in locanues wnere men taiK ana vaiue in 6noes is not easny apparent. ; Often one member c probably bought a certs Via Viao irrtvn ' v11ri'l" rQuite naturally they spec a pair-made youxouid not select shoes that would equal slups became famous for certain lines of t the same factory and rind them faulty. lc 'Wuoc.TFuw, r1 shoes. . '": Because no one factory can -'make the world s best factories, v ; 1 r-! , i i oW "best shoes of all kinds. " v" - " For these shoes are chosen by men who . . . - J - .9 mm " IAIKam m mntrm mo Iran nil b-ivirla s o Kaaa KIII1W CVCfV 111C11 Ui O. BUUG TVUv V4U1 DVv . rrtKouK fied hard Se tnat literally ae t; o fewtuperior models V y. Some of these buyers can even "in other lotici they learned inass of inferior. :. eU .7 8i;nn, tt rrmfnrm t even So it has been very hard for the shoe has come. If he maker attempted to mar- "ff . r r " .V"' ...l 1 J J kt his nrnHnrt here our S3 shoes WOU1Q motion of the human foot that would not vuycrcvcu wiicu ZZZl.rtTIn 'TiA M. V-a. T . . . ' , i. . i .i m. tf1 (n onJ 4tA An. an1 n it !o with ' 'StiU others defe'liveto'tUdn- shoes that wear from those that disappoint, our shoes that sell for less or more. , t l-tti t t . y 9 g . f For we are now selbng shoes to you for - mue folks teet. . . eli- . X7-.-IJ- o less ithan the makers sold them when they some makers m . tnese towns strove to ucicuiik vT u.m did not'distribute through us. Becausebne make all, and never rose above medlocncy . . . a - : t.:-..-:- Ka as far as the shoe was concerned. To pick the good from the bad to bring "i j0 k. ar tn e world's best shoes to the homes of the S'ZZCaZa For" just as a landscape painter is not . the world Southern t 1 making. . ... S 1 "r - The bnngmg to the cross , - Men. seniusest making one style of same shoes that are sold on shoe, are utter failures at making otheri. has finally been our achievement. . ' .. r . ' ' ' : i "Jl?il.j; ': J r 1 1 .! x e. I . j ...... .t . I o .t 1- 1 1 a -1 ; prten gooa at portraits, so it is witn snoe ooutnern peopie nas occn our xas f Southenables us to actuaUy cut Men.. seniue at makine one stvle of same shoes that are sold on Fifth Avenue bClTI w" c Ask for Morris Shoes and see that you ' ;.D!gnenrmaker8-edinpr for men, women id chUdnn-tach fflodci epeT!; - t,h;;ne,& -feA ge price. v.: Those who but prace in' fairv slippers., industrv are shod. ' ". . cant infctil , ruggedness into mens shoes. V . . Our. buyers," from a lifetime of experienne ' Write Us For Names of hnr litter nffrrffmon comes irom SDeciai- . nave icamea uc lucauucr-uic luwiiSxiiuti 1 ization from "doing the same thing again i make the. best men's shoes the best ladies' J Merchants Who Sell . and acrain. r . - shoes the best shoes for children... . ." ':. v. Them ahd again. ' X -V ; . ; . O " ' shoes the best shoes for children... . , Factories devoted to making a certam- ' lhey know eacn maiter-his virtues a shoe' achieve a 'combination of stvle and, his faults. .- ' : -: ' comfort and wear that others never equal. Even where shoe-making talent abounds Fill out the enclosed cou This cjearly shows one ladti . " ; the 6lail of jul could never be equal. pon and mail it to us, i i . - A.V family must come from a icore of differ-' .price nb other maker can duplicate. i for SHQeSfand ent localitie ana maicers' - inxo uiescicw moucia guc ou excess oi cenre uw pame oi .. njP: : . I Shrewd shoe buyers' learned these facts, - talent and lalk:rv.1v:r. -:";-.,,.:....r IZxmr A V I iV Big departmeht store buyers-found: it : For a'fe w models often buUd a maker's; iiUi .TV N necessary tp. carry a 6core ;6f different lines,' reputation. i : ' --;-.'- "";, Morris '. maaC -Dy njany UlllCICilil wucr. . r r viu.uujna dvivw iiuiu .vovji uut ump UVCI J ''' y'o '-: i . v .-T - V -4- Cv . . . rpL 1 L.'.-.m. ImmiI '4 a . tA t.rkMil a Vfi m w itrA.Ve ' . - ; men's shoes that-cam for com- i 7; vSJ'0 o ' ' : ; toiy-f ladles shoe made in aplant famed fort, stvle and,wear it cannot equalled.";."" y -Jr. ;for its men's footwear' :r 7 ; ; '. :J Unlike the manufacturer who' must aell . Cr .T,sy ' . 'V,.-,; , rv. r.! ...av.' v- - . ; . , ; r .N Jr. . .vi. V .. y,; I i