u Saturday, February 7, 1914. - mmmmm m m mmmn ITAIirTAITI 1 17Pr "'V;i," Some) brands are lumpy, sticky; and give you endless M 0KaEineH islfu wari IditioiitMtJv AiTnn 'ittiI i-raon "Trini'H '; tivt ;' TiA'in' '- naol - iirrn f 1 1- Hrtwrnnf : . aozi Ii4 cippiy ijli j w 1x1 xvv t jr vxx vyx yjj ; xx v- ,L'J txxxiv ; vxax xxai vvol5 oyv yxxuv J jrciii securef t u 111 These ffoods are manufactured That has always been a ho considerably in advance pf the : shitv- might say -to provide continuous feeding, arid t ' inff season. " They are banked up and we -ni with that specid object in" : Saged: f or; several monthssdt meproperaesaretnorougn tpoitedvin thetoass. i T ibippin flufiNt Thev v iLM X S f Wimouta nmt or trpupie ; Tnstftflfl nf usinor iiist one source of "X::-- -:v . ,cl ?Pii''-; or more. le, while f othere beconle av Some are quickly available, while :;v W1 U1 "" 4 -.1. .1.111 l viia in-the South is m the. hands of .men ki:' ''";''''j-,v ''''.t, - " rrwl : ; you juiow aiiu whu kiiuw .-yuu. ; - -r ?" 1 fed cbritihubus 'liarTesi H H oiapiCbe-MoW lizers to yoursoil you bank on it every heed of ypu crop, . at die time I that &i6 pantiy tofceH ite corn familv 6r the tobacco clarii -- -us for; hiUv intoirmauon, about, tne ; The crop is ::;:;:::.::r.:;:i::;:::::i;:;:i::.;.:;;i;;t:.:ijr;:r:.i;;:::;:;::..i:::::K.:;: T. D. DARLINGTON C MATTHEW llllHaRlSTONpiaiit s- ' Mw:,' -" :- 5-: : ' - r : . ' ' ' ' ' Vocal Treasurer ,: ijl!plpjiiliplp : . . , , . v . 1 -. - . , f, : ; . I v v '.i' ., , , . ...',-..'. '..'4 . - i :!::l::;::!!!tif:!i::::::;l.::iJaK:h:m::::s!W!:i!::::n;:itr.:j:!K 4 i- o f1 . 1.." ' ; -V-' ; ..'.4: i 1 r