THE PROGRESSIVE FAIISIER. 1G3 SEEDERS AND. GRAIN DRILLS WeiflW Agents Wanted. Two General Classes ot. Seeders; Considerations Met AVltU in r T Their Operation;. Why It Pays to DrUf Instead of; Broadcast Seed y. 354fcs r -1 mm& ' - 0 (The This Till Makes. Best Corn Meal, Graham .Flour, Rye Flour, Chops, Hominy, cracksPeas, grinds Coffee, Spices, etc. Perfect adjust ment for fine or coarse work. Will .send Mill prepaid, by new Parcel i Post for only By Ei F. Cauthen, Auburn. Ala. ; . - ' - and - open a .shallow furrow,.. .;. The grain and fertilizer fail thrb.iigh a tube -Just behind' the disk,' orv opener. It the disks penetrate .the soil prop- THE planting, of small seed can be done more unlformlywith the aid of seeders and drills v.,r honH "RsnAriallv is this true it the farmer has had Utile experK erly, sufficient, soil- fall behind them ;fcn-nw!ne. There are on . to coverv the; seed. : Spme machines $5.00 Price $5X0 .PATCH, (Inc.) CXARHS VILLI; TENN. Ma ok Haw Oorn Shelter invent or. Established 1 888.) :'-,. the market many good, simple ana. inexpensive machines. -.; : '. Machines for planting small seea may oe aivmecL - mw. iwo-, 6wwmm classes; broadcasting; and .,ar;uing. machines. To sow- very small- seed, like clover and grasses; the broad casting" method , seems to .give better results; but to sow grain, like' wheat, have short chains dragging; in the furrow : behind, the opener , to. cover the seed? deeper. p v'V; '" Most," drills irtf provided with, a, fertilizer attachments wbicb;4r.ills in the fertilizerwitfr th:seed"ha fer tilizer should be ", dry . and : f ree from lumps. If it becomes damp .it, clogs the feeders: and! tubesiini cahnot. he t't-f..,. 1 1 1 1 1 I a"1. - J, Tbtt Louden Junior i:y CarrUr. likc alf Louden Movable "a. Ti.-t.. Cm .intnkiiMh nnaM1v anil emcWkYilv vnll nf bind on the track: tieret mimes reglttetw No loss of time became of kinked nil'fV rorK, And Uie easy was? icnanaiea-a nevy ioaa, V makes It the most senneeablefn anst Kinttfoi 10a- . 1 . , I 'rShi'MP, Mf der VSilsrla ball aton,atoncBhortorlonac t, 'HiliT Vnnrthi and hold 1 Aut ' .J1 it neTerfatBr, dto. the, hay where desired, f . ' Write for Cataku? srWnsr fall information on- Uttan- ClftWk Mflk voor mngm, e. T C92SCatadwty, Fairfield, Iowa I'll 00 to Qnfl nth ftp mr Aalar- exDerimental . evenly, distributed. VUbH wv , .. - m. ..... . . . ' . data seem to favor drillina in narrow All 'ireruiizen snoum, ?e prpmpuy rows'. ' cleaned out of the drill, especially if Broadcasting of small seed- can bo- it is rlcn in- acia pnospuate, 1; pre- well done with a small hand machine venj the corroding- or tne lrom . m that costs only $3 or $4. ; The fact, it; is an. excellent ;fam: practice chief parts of such a machine are to clean all machines ana ;maKetne a bag to hold the seed, a' rapidly re- necessary repairs, just- as soon; asr a. volving wheel with fan-like spokes or piece of work is.flniShecU and cup-like rim to scatter the seed, and wan until tne macnine is to D usea. a crank to operate the wheel. The again. 'bag is attached to the top of the ma- The width betwegn, the : row 01 chin& and! strapped, over -tho should- Dianis varies ironic six: mcues J-a ers of the operator. . The rate of seed inches. The usual width -wnere? tne is" controlled by small5 gauge that ground is to be-left smooth v is ighl; regulates the flow of seed frorn the V inches, and where; it is to -be lfifiin sacfc into the revolving wheei.? ; It the open-furrow, is';usually from; 15 the sower, walks slowly the seeding, to 18; inches. ; The .commoiw: two will be thicker; and vice versa, v - horse seeder- is usuallyr stx feet, vfide :i The?e- are some good seeders that and plants, eight rowa at: the. tinted or 0 Llalie Big Money fromcYour Trees Fazonhar Saw Mills arestrone durablv constructed. v ' Made ia four sizes with choice of three standard feeds. New 1914 Catalog FREE ' It illustrates and describes the saw milt you should buy.' Write ustoday for catalogand:werwiH shovf youwhy7ou ' ehould install a rarquhar tne standard ior over ao years. A. B. FarqnliarC Box 619, York, ri t- " J-" V A Sr irCol,ttdV IT fork, Pa.; jl laetan En 14 W alio manufacture dmu BaUett. Toreu - Drtil,OBlttTtori, Potato Plggert aaa Hydraulw can be attached to grain drills, but they are more expensive vand are needed oniy when large areas are to be planted. Prills for Grain , ' nTHERBu are 'many kinds of drills-, JL .made to meet, the varying needs of the farmer. A good machine should be easy to operate, simple, in expensive and efficient. ' The advantages of sowing in drills "over broadcasting are shown by many, experiments. A good drill plants the seed at a uniform depth and at a reg ular rate per acre,- and does not re quire as much seed as broadcast sow ing. It greatly ; economizes, time, in that it sows the seed, .distributes , the fertilizer and covers them- all at one operation. . : r-'"- . "Grain drills may; be divided into two general classes: five rows in: the-open-furro w system The one-horser opefurrbwidriU has a small shovel or scooter plow to open the furrow ; the seeds :. are, dropped just behind the plowiiMliie furrow and a small part of th soil moved by vthe plow, falls on th& seed and covers them lightly. WithhO' use of this drill it is not necessary ta ,pl6w the land before, planting, unless the land is very compact" and hA a great deal of litter on its surf ace lie chief, objection to'. it ia. the,' slowness; of seeding. , 1; - A very "good three-row - open-f&r-c Note the Price: .i$Sp$ito;$ just think oMH Ahiah-eradOi reliable tractor for fG00tof990. v In proportion to horse will C&anythinz a heavy tractor cofltinsr thraa timea aa mnchwill doiL Absolutely best, cheat)- r t estroweTforpk)wln8r.harrowInsrrdi8kJne,harve8tInsr,traiiainfir roads, lofirsrmK, spreading manure, naunnsr ioaas np 10 ju rons weight. Better timn BUtionajry yrinaf or opwatinK thmihers, milage ratten, feed griodr(pampa wood saw and other machinery requiring ' i 'vtXmrnnrOt tltAA VamnM tmrtnr- Aomm. thre and foor times as mach work with" less heh). TTaee 1 cheapest grade kecoeenei which ia aefer end cheeper than gaaolineu Gives more power per gallon, too. Alao operateeoa gaaaUna ocdlatillatet. EaaOy operated by evan a boy, Sizee- U l&hy p 5end:-iw.OittThi DETROIT ENGINE WORKS, 1009 Jeffcraotv Avenue, Detroit Michigan 1. - the surface nearly level and those leaving it in ridges. . The latter class is; meeting; general favor: where the farmers wish to employ the open- furrow system of; planting, - The ridges between the rows of plants. protect,, the plants.; from winter-killing by preventing -.them from being lifted out of the ground during alter nate freezing and thawing. The essential parts of a drill are a feeding device,, the . openers of the furrows,- and a device to cover the 'seed, with or without a fertilizer at tachment, .' rowrdrili has recently been : put .pn' . the market. It fits in thethree andy. threes and a half foot cotton mielS;! and plants the. entire middle at;;bno-k nil vv 1 in ' it nnn-' ma ' w n 1 1" TTOfi ' mules plant about J three v timesv the ' area that a one-horse drill ; DlantaV;: those Meaving. and does- as efficient ork and ; with J . . more ease. . lndeedi.thi8..threerow. machine is .easy to operate in cottoit;.' land,, even, before. all cotton hasheeitl picked, and affords, the. farmer artppr -portunity. for early, fair plantingyiv which often, insures & good- crop of; grain Late planting often; ineans a... poor crop or a failure. The c6ttbaJir stalks, tre cut with; a; atalk :; cuttec during:,the winter while ; they are-; ; brittle. Where there is not .muclt grass or litter or stumps this drill1 does beautiful 'work. '-' 'p. A Good Feed Is Necessary ; THE, feeding, device consists usu ally of a box with holes in the 1 ; The Power Hay Press A NEIGHBOR: farmer last year der B00E1 Facts Aboii; Wire Fenci Will Savo You Honey It's FREE. A penny postal brings. IU rr . ... ,Beforjot . reaa r book- ) " J . the feaoee Proree that thee treat f eneee.made of opa I Mart at I, great big wire, K&iKibed Mar wire Xeaeeehouia be giirulMd, wul outlast anyeoit 1 kaot that bulde i r f ft Read this book and learn the truth about wire . fences. Know how to Jadze awire fence for toucc aeu. '-xoudut a wire fence tormany year tiood wire fence and poorrwlre fence may look, alllce- ont the outside. Don twaste your money on a poor i tenoa, it means ironuie ana complete lauure ot fence service in a snort time. - Get our .book. It No. 9 EMPIHE and v - EMPIRE Jr. LlMt I I reteel fence ever made. It illustratee oar big wires the stronsr Empire 1 1 let that holds iroud tuna esthefeoeek It will X how roa why Eon rt fences are Drool, airsinst any and all kinds of weather, rust, rot woof aerainst naraeet ose -wny mey go not sagr, wny tney in use wn uiav are n rmr th nnmuim . to buy iobe Ions run. Write today. Addres. , RONO TUX POST COMPANY a It eat ' I L cided, to; buy a; hay; press with lEt' gasoline lensine attached ' as hfi haA.; ' ' bottom, a stirring. -wheel or rocj.- over' quite a, large; hay farml and- alwaysi , ; - -f - iuoii uiui xf ; ui icaa nay u um. raiiit tuiu . tArwirSntr 1 trtA "nnon In o " on A nana .-u . . i. r . ' K " " ",ii uaiuajiCO UCbUUBH Ul -L11H ' tnem into it gradually. The best ' work of the horse DowMresa. 'The - stay bo Open Hawtft SteeL Wires Heavily Cahranlzad. : Strong Empire Knot. Get Our. . 'Uwrrtot rrelstPmisidi drills are provided with ra forced feed attachment, which consists of a circular box. attached to a revolving shaft. The seed: are caught In the little pockets of the box and-dropped iuto -the mouth of the tube which conveys them to the ground in a little stream just behind the opener: Of the different kinds of openers the single and double disk seem to give the greatest satisfaction. -The hoe or shovel drill catches "and. clogs where there is much grass or stalks or other litter on the land; while the disk openers ride over the small ob structions and. plant satisfactorily,; if i power press cost no more tham the and; considering ; the; manifold uses r this engine is put to 1' think' It aifln ; 4nirAflymAM V ef a. a a " w ' lUTUDLliltlllL 111 I" . HII V I M TTT1 Mr ' I rvITi f , here "there Is a great deal ofrhay,' . to be, put away;; .-' .--t-; : This power press does three Umes as much baling in the same length : ot time as the old horse N press, amd : t- a.e.':ia" - " wiwi uie- samei numcer. oi workmen. ; My neighbor has - nbt' lost any hay ' '. since he bought this press, "because he puts It up too quick. :. - ' -:, V Then, with the engine, he grinds feed-pumps fresh. water"sawatWood : the- soil hasr beenj .welt plowed-.. -The and do. mim-- niri W m - " "af. w WWV . jaAUS VJ L.Ik UUW.U U I disic anna tendf.ta-pulverlzev th sur ; th tarnV with; the lttUo- giant; there- r I l hitw M.HH if" II tr lr it? rnnii' Tiirif 1 . . . . ... 1 " rru Zt v a V . ."& money ana" many Hours, or ,, . uw . UftUW wft V IDC 11,'" CLU B.11 K1H' Kfl 1 TlTTl 4 I f I'M A U J AIT 1 A CimTTH"nX . . - w . , , f aa ah.aa w a m. r-a Li s lwi'.ia. thiir thAV mATA thA rflrt allti1 W.M. ' rti ...When writing to adverClsers, mention The Progressive Farmer : : :-:':-v:

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