Saturday.-February 14; 1914.3 (11) 211 More Feriiliz er Figu res ' .; NITROGEN IX LEGUMES v In' answer to the oft-asked question. "Which of the legumes is thebest nitroeen-eathewr r n.x Improver," we hare generally stated that for practical purees tte iSSSSSS pared on a basis of the amount of growth or hay produced; and. therefore, in tetennkdng whUlhould. be used, the smttbikty of the soil for producing them, the season of the year to whichthey wadamedT : and the manner they fit In with the other crops grown, should form the basis of selection. 7 . , While the above statements are in abroad sense true, it may be well, for the benefit of those desiring more definite information, to compete the vahie of the nitrogen hi a ton of each of the common leeume hays. This we have done at a valuation of 20 cents a pound for nitrogen. --...- . - ; y-r: yi vTHB PROTEIN AND NITROGEN IN VARIOUS LEGUME HAYS : Legume Hays Lespedesa r7;.--'v Soy Bean VU' CWPea ,-. Crimson Clorer-r- Alsike Clover;., .Red Clover i".": Sweet Clover -.. Alfalfa Vetch. - ' . 4 Velvet Bean v.; ' Peanut Vine ' Protein Per Cent. 13.8 L 14.8 14.2 r n.o 12.8 -12.5 14.4 14.5 17.0 14.0 t 'i 10.7- . Pounds ia One Ton' 276 . 296 284 . 280 - 256 250 288 290 -340 - 280 214 ' . y Nitrogen V- .Per. Pounds in Value at 20c Cent. One Ton Per Pound "2.20 44.0 18.80 " . 2.37 v 47.4 - 9.48 ' 2.27 45.4 9.08 2.24- 44,8 8.96 2.05 41.0 8.20 2.00 40.0 , 8.00 2.30 46.0 9.20 .2.32 . 46.4 9.28 2.72 54.4 ' 10.88 2.24 44.8 8.96 1.70 34.0 6.80 al College. Director of Farmers' Institutes 1 and Agricultural Extension ork. . . :Xrt'- Carolina T. B. Parker, " Ralelglv Director of .Farmers'' Institutes: T. K. Browne-- West Raleigh, Agricultural Exten sion Work. Tennessee East Teane ee, Pres. Fanners Institutes. W. D. Stokeley, Cleveland; Sec retary Farmers Institutes, Prof. H. A. Morgan.- Middle Tennessee Pres. Farmers in stitutes. RobU Gallagher. Spring 11111; See-i retary Farmers Institutes. T. U. Settle. Shelbyvtlle. West ."Tennessee Pres. Farm ers' Institutes. R. T. DeBerry; Secretary Farmers' - Institutes, J. D. Johnson, Jackson. Prof. 'Chas. A. Keffer, Knoxvllle, Director Agricultural Extension -Work. - Texas Hon. Ed.'St. Kone, Austin, Direct or of Farmers Institutes-Prof. C. M. Evans, College Station, Supt. Agricultural Exten sion Work. . . - South. Carolina -Prof. W. W. Long. Chief of Extension and Farmers Institute Divis ions, Clemson College, S. C -" ; Virginia . . - - , ;" V ; PERCENTAGE OP PLANT FOOD CONSTITUENTS IN FRESH ANIMAL EXCREMENTS - ' V':'-" ;.'v,'-:o'-:.1,'; ". Phosphoric " Kind of Animal . ; '. r. Excrement Water , Nitrogen Acid Potash 1 Portion Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. - r' Sohd.-.......,......... '80 75 0.55 0.30 0.40 ' Hotse. ... Liquid..... 20 , 90 1.35 Trace 1.25 Mixed ..... 1 78 0.70 0.25 0.55 Solid.... : 70 T 85 ' 0.40 0.20 0.10 Cow".,-... . Liquid...-...... 30 92 1.00 Trace 1.35 Mixed.. .- 86 0.60 ' 1 0.15 0.45 Solid...-. 1 60 - 80 . 6.55 0.50 - 0.40 Pig . " . Liquid... .. 40 . 97 0.40 0.10 0.45 - . : ' Mixed. .. . . . 87 0.50 0.35 - 0.40 Solid.- ......:.: 67 . :i 60 0.75 . 0.50 0.45 Sheep . . . Liquid. .v.,... 33 85 1.35 0.05 2.10 - Mixed.......... w 68 0.95 0.35 1.C0 Hen .'. lMfxedl.:....:....:...f. . 55 1.00 0.80- 0.40 STATE HEALTH OFFICERS Virginia Ennlon (k Williams, M. D., Richmond.' ... . . , '. ,. r . - North Carolina W. . S. Rankin, M. D Raleigh. - - ? - --. South Carolina Jamea A. Hayne, M. D., Columbia. . . - ...... Georgia H. F. Harris,. JM. D., Atlanta. Florida Joseph T. Porter, M. D., Jackson ville. , -Alabama W. H. Sanders, M. D., Mont gomery. v -Mississippi-W. W. Smlthson, M. D., Jack son. :'.- '-',' . Tennessee R; Q. Llllard, M. D., Nash ville. Arkansas Morgan Smith, - M. D., Little, -Rock. .- --j-- :;."v,.v.'., ;- Louisiana Oscar" Dowllng, M. D.,- New Orleans. ' . Texas Ralph Steiner, W. D., Austin. - Oklahoma-r-J. C. Mahr, : Oklahoma City, , COMPOSITION OF DRIED OR WATER-FREE EXCREMENTS PROOF THAT SHALLOW CULTIVATION At the Illinois Experiment Station all the roots within three fnche of the top of the ground were cut three limes during the season, at one foot from the stalk on all four sides. Seventeen rows on each of eight plot were root-pruned, while a like number of rows on these same plots were not pruned. "The year was an unusually favorable one for com, and the following yields per acre ' were obtained; - ' ) , - - Portion v."-':-- Phosphoric . Kind of Animal " of Excrement - Nitrogen Acid - Potash - . - m " ' - '' r - Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Horse . . . . V1. Solid 2.20 1.20 1.60 ' Uquid s 13.50. , 12.50 Cow Sblid.. 2.63 1.35 . -0.65 . , . Liquid 12.50 17.00 Pig .. . . . . : Solid. .. 2.75 2.50 - 2.00 Liquid . - 13.00 ' 4.00 15.C0 Sheep , .' ;.' . . Solid u 1.90 1.25 ' 1.15 Liquid. ...-.-;4 .9.00 - 035 UJ00 Number v Pruned "Unpruned Difference in of Bushels Bushels Favor of Plat Per Acre - Per Acre Unpruned 1 92.3 98.2 5.9 2 85.5 94.0 8.5 a 93.4 95.3 1.9 4 85.2 '. 86.6 1.4 5 91.0'. 97.0 6.0 6 83.2 I 87.0 3 7 92.S t 95.5 2.7 8 - 83.2 86.9 f 3.7 PLANT FOOD CONSTITUENTS PRODUCED ANNUALLY IN EXCREMENTS BY FARM - ANIMALS PER 1,000 POUNDS OF LIVE WEIGHT . . Nitrogen . I Phosphoric Acid I . Potash Vahie of . . ' : 1, : 1 1 . Plant-Food Kind of Anhnal ' Solid Liquid Solid Liquid f SoKd Liquid fConstituentS Lbs. Lbs. j - Lbs. .1 Lbs. I Lbs. Lbs. Horse. ... r 79 49 ! 43 5& - -45 23.60 Cow . , ... . 7ft 80 38 19 108 29.60 Pig. . . ,101.- . 49" 92 . 12 73 . 55 80.60 Sheep.. . .- V 62 . 57 42 2 , 38 , 88 , .243. Hen 85 -1 68 f f 32 f f - 18.70 HOW A WEEDER PAYS. "A Tennessee farmer, Mr. A. O. Ring, of Franklin County, put the matter none too strongly when he wrote us some time ago. '- "When the ground Is in good condition and weeds and grass just starting, : one man and one mule with, e-weeder can . -kill more grass and conserve more mole- -ture than two men and teams can possi bly do with plows, or more, than four . men and mules can do with old-faBh-ioned one-hprse plows." State Veterinaries ak Livestock J Sanitary Officers . READERS of The Progressire Farmer wishing, information re garding any infections or contagious disease, the laws governing the ship ment or movement of livestock, or any other - matters relative to State livestock V sanitary . matters should write their officials as follows: . Alabama Dr. C A. Cary, State Veterin arian, Auburn, " k r- ' Arkansas Dr. R. M. Gow, State Veterin arian,' Fayetteville, ; i-" . . Florida Dr. Chas. F. Dawson. Veterina rian to the State Board of Health, Jackson ville. ''!, ' ;' ' -.. Georgia Dr. Peter. P. Bahnsen, State Vet erinarian, Atlanta. .., yV . , Louisiana Dr. EY Pegram Flowers, estate Veterinarian (Secretary and Executive Of ficer of State Livestock' Sanitary , Board), Baton Rouge, La. r ";' -:; ': ,'',.. Mlaslselppt H. E. Blakeslee, Pres. Live stock Sanitary u Board. Jackson; : Prof. A.' Smith, Sec. -Livestock Sanitary Board, Agri cultural College, Miss.; Dr.1 E. M. Ranck, State. Veterinarian, Agricultural CoUege. , North CaroUnar-Dr. B. B. Flowe, State Veterinarian.' Raleigh. ; - , . , Tennessee--Dr." Geo. R. White, . State -Veterinarian, Nashville, f- - : , - Texas W. N. Waddell, ' Chairmaia Live stock Sanitary Commission, Ft. Worth; Dr. E. R. Forbes; State Veterinarian, Ft. Worth, Texas. -; . . ; , . South Carolina Dr. M. Ray Powers,' State Veterinarian,. Clemson College. Virginia Dr. ' J. C. Ferneyhough, State Veterinarian, s. Buxkeviller Va , , of Congress) after the name of your Representative. . The following are the Senators and Congressmen from our territory: : Senators ' VirginlatCi A. Swanson, Thomas A. Mar- tin. - ' - ' ' North Carolina Lee S. Overman, P. McL. Simmons, " South Carolina Ellison D. Smith, Benj. R. Tillman. Georgia Augustus O. Bacon, Hoke Smith. Florida Duncan U. Fletcher, Nathan P. Bryan. . Representatives By Districts - Virginia 'First, William A. Jones; Second, Edward E. Holland; Third, Andrew J. Mon- taguer Fourth, Walter A. Watson; Fifth, Edward W. Saunders; Sixth, Carter Glass; Seventh, Jaanea Hay; Eighth, Charles C. Carlinr Ninth, Campbell B. Slemp; Tenth, Henry D. Flood. ' ' ' North Carollnfli First, John H. Small; -Second, Claude Kitchin; Third, John M. Falson; Fourth, -Edward M. Pou; Fifth, Chas. M. Stedman; Sixth, Hannibal L. God win: Seventh, Robert Page; Eighth, Rob ert L. Daughton; Ninth. Edwin Y. Webb; Tenth, James M. Gudger, Jr. South Carolina First, Richard S. Whaley; Second, James F. Byrnes; Third. Wyatt Aiken ; Fourth, Joseph T. Johnson; Fifth, David E. Flnley; Sixth, J. Wlllard Ragsdale; Seventh; Asbury F. Lever, ,; ; . - Georgia First, Clark GL Edwards; Second, Frank, Park;. Third, Charles R. Crisp; Fourth, William Charles Adamaon; Fifth, William Schley Howard; Sixth, Charles L. Bartlett; Seventh, Gordon Lee; Eighth, Sam " uel J. Trlbble; .Ninth,Thost. M. Bell; Tenth, Thos. W. Hard wick; Eleventh; J0L1 R. Walker; Twelfth, Dudley M. Hughes. . " Florldav First, (?. M. Sparkman;" Sece V ,FranU CUrk; Third, Eramett Wilson; . t Large. Claude L' Eagle. HOW TO MAKE WHITEWASH. For Interior work:" Walls, ceilings, etc: 1. Slake-62 pound I bushel) quicklime with 15 gallons water. Keep barrel Covered until steam ceases to rise. Stir occasionally to prevent scorching. 2. Two and one-half pounds rye flour. Beat up in one-half gallon cold water then add two gallons boiling water. 3. Two and one-half pounds common rock salt. Dissolve in two and one-half gallons net water. " . Mix (2) and (3), pour into (1) and stir tUl thoroughly mixed. For exterior work: , Buildings, fences, etc.: 1. Sixty-two pounds (1 bushel) quicklime. Slake with 12 gallons hot water. . 2. Two pounds common table salt, one pound sulphate of zinc, dissolved in two gal lons boiling water. 3. Two gallons skimmed milk. " Pour (2) into (1), then add (3) and mix thoroughly. " A pound of cheap bar soap dissolved in a gallon of boiling; water' and added to about five gallons of thick whitewash will give it a gloss like that of oil paint. From Farm ers' Bulletin No. 474. 1 a m . ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 iiti W II ilUrUlf ..... ...... ' , t - II '.Villi, ,. T- at less than the cost or city gas or electricity. MILD URN "HOMECAS" PLANTS are adaptable to any size home from the smallest to the largest. TJiesejindependent plant are almple. conv ' pact and highly efficient: easy to operate ; re quire UtUe attention: few parts; don get , out of order; and require little space. ' . The gas has 1254 times the Ilium- iiiaung iwuc Ji uwi koji ana coses Jll less, than either coal gas or eleo fS$ UlUIJa . ; Write today for descriptive booklet. ''Individual Home List of OurSenstors and Represen- . tauves in Aiigrta "P TOU wish to write:to your Sen- ator or Rfinrfififintfttivft In Coneresfl. , a letter addressed to him: simply at Washington, D. C, will always reach him If yoii address your'Senator as SySenatorff!;, and, put C", .(Memhen DIRECTORS OF". FARMERS' INSTITUTEft AND AGRICTJLTUKAL EXTENSION DE ' PARTMENTft '. ' ''. . ..' Alabama Dr. C. A. Cary.Aabnrn, Direct- or ol Farmers' Institutes. Prof. L. N. Dun-f can, Auburn, Supt. Extension Work., 5 . Arkansas Prof. J. P. Wheeloekayette- Ylllt, Director of AgTicuItnral Extension WFlorida Prof. P. . Rolff, Gainesville, Director of Farmer InsUtute and Agricul tural Extension Work. , . r O, . ; SSlSSipl-Proi H. Pate, Agriculture TESTS OF "THE WILLIAMSON PLAN" OF CORN GROWING. 1. The Alabama Station tests, 1906 Re sult: Increased yield of one bushel per acre by Williamson Plan. 2. The J. C. Stribling tests. If Oft Result: Equal quantities of fertilizer. Williamson plan giving six bushel less per acre than ordinary plan. 7 : . . 3. The South Carolina Experiment Sta tion tests, 1907 Results: Test of nineteen plots, average loss ; per acre by Williamson Plan 4.28 bushels. Variety test, average loss per acre by Wil liamson Plan . buabels. Worn-out soils test, no fertilizer, average loss per acre by Williamson Plan, ft. 2 bush el. . . Worn-out soil test, using f 09 pound fer tilizer, average losr per acre by Williamson plan, 4.5 bushel. ' .' ". . BOY BEANS A GREAT BEEF FEED. At "the- Tennessee Experiment Station an ere of corn fed two steers 64 day and made 202 pound of beef. An aero ' of eowpea. fe4 two steer ' H day and made S27 pound of beef, An aero of oy bean fed two steer 8ft day and. made M0 pounds of beef, ' File away thli, issue of . Tho Progressive Farmer. Then when, you want omo Infor mation it contain you will not have to write a letter to-ffet It and w' week to boot. Lighting. ALEXANDER MILByRN CO. 1420-26 W. BabiMrs St, BALTIMORE. KD. mm n : T-,iT I 1 Cvph I lTAHWiInoll Jf ytlPMM INCIMATM Jf Means More Poultry Money Wise men and women ere making tremendous profits from poultry. Shortage of beef, pork and mutton means top prices for poultry and 4QQt Are you prepared to get your share? .-u- Incubators LwF o and Brooders : are World's Standard equip ment. Self-regulatinfir.seTf ventilating. Fireproof, in surable. Our big 244 iage catalog and poultry guide is fall of monty making' and timt aaving poultry facts. Write for it today. Address CYPHERS INCUBATOR CO. Dept 1 67 Buffalo, W. T, kyTOtih.i-.iati.rrwM. iti.i.ii; f poulbT build f a 112-PAGE POULTRY BOOK If you sr thinking ef bnylnr CDI7I7 sn incubator or brooder yon should Mna lor our Dig iai catalo at ona. DomertbM mTTmm'm PRAIRIE STATE Incubators said Brooders AUn Mitriiii ahnnt BA nan. of vahmhla douH ana pr a; n tui iter feed. eta. Just oat- today now. 1J rrairie State laeabator Co., 1 24Mia St. Homer Gty, Pa. Stable and Lot manure Composted is the best and most last ing fertilizer. Lfndiey's Compost Drill will pat it in the row where it will do the most good. Write a postcard for our catalogue with formulas. UNDSET & SOU, DEPT. 22, STATION A. ATLANTA, CA. Captdty 4M to 30ht Per Day MI: in 1 1 nln0 Vj1 IP c II -rrrm I r "X. Before yon boy get catalog. Describes every part. Send post' today HUSTLER SAW MILL Fastest, best mill mads durable, light run. has Hustler Tan able belt feed, steel head blocks and dogs iwire oablt ! drive. ( sUM IRON WORK! 0S S. Liberty St. Wiasten-Salem. M.O. Positions Guaranteed Our Graduates. PENMANSHIP TYPEWRITING - TELEGRAPHY Through our Course you can become an ex pert operator in 4 months. Salary from $60 to 1121.00 per month. Write for catalogue. Georgia School of Telegraphy, Richland, Ga. Hope's Mexican Big Boll Cotton The Great Leader Plant it once and you will plant no other. A wonderful yielder, extra early, largest boll known, 80 bolls to pound, 40 percent , lint, highest quality, very hardy. ' Almost a drought reslster. tested with 80 leading? ' varieties, yield was three to nine hundred pounds an aere greater. Place your order now for seed test it with your best and note tbe difference. Nothing but choice seed offered. Peck iLOO, bushel 12.50, 3 ' bushels 15.00, 10 bushels and up ll.M. JL D. Hope, Sharon, S. C. LET us tell you how to catch them where you think there are none. . Wa make the famous Double Muzze Wire Fish Basket Greatly Im proved this year. Write EUREKA flSII NET COMPANY. C RUTIN. GA. FISH Save this issue. You will have occasion to refer to It a hundred time before the year J 11 .over; -