1163 (16) a Tennessee Judge sending his second order for Anglo Lamps, wrote September 29, 1914: My nse of the Angle Lamps from yon has In every vray been most '. satisfactory." - " ; flNGCJE MPS He wanted them and nothing else would do. He uses artificial light . .' a great deal, in studying, writing opinions, and conld well afford any so-called ' system" on the market. - But he wanted qnaliry anshad- . owed light without danger, heat, r" . smoke or odor that's the reason he (insisted on the Angle Lamp. Burns 16 "hoars on one quart of - . n ,t - a- j . f . - uu, ojci as eua you cacaioir . XNOi n , i ana get details. . lie Angle Mfg. Company 244-246 West Z3rd Stmt, New York City - Our: Farmers Union Page Devoted to Orrjanlzntloxi Cooperation and Marketing Contributing Editors 41. Z. CREEK, Orf aaXMl.wfr Nrr CaretlM Farrs UaUa , W. D ABBS. frMM( Cirdlu Farmer" ViUa - . C WRtQHT, Exaaatlve CaataiHtaaoMHi NitltMi Pf UaUa 1 to 8 Burners ShadeTrees Grown Right JT You can't get a toe from the woods thai, will develop into a goodepecimen, Afihade , or an evergreen tree must be trained Irom the seed. Berckmana trees are well grown, with roots and trunk that 'will support r . beautiful,' graceful top. ; ' Our planting Tielps tprintea In cut new' catalogue) will .tell you how . to. set .orna mental trees to get the results you ought to have. Write today for a copy. -5 vv P. J. BERCKMANS CO., DeaU E, Anjnita, Ga. progrcss'is needed, and start. definite , movements for achieving that prog ress, v , Cvi t ; A beantifnl andinspixirigttlnstrited co-page pampmet, omnrunity ser vice Week in North X3arolina,T : has just been issued at state expense ex-v olamincr the full oroffram. and ciavbe - EVERYNORTII CAROLINA LOCAL You know how it is whenour doctor had by any one -who. will show inter- ennmn m? mTcvrrrrc HTfVNTlt comes to see you: you, woman x nave est enougn to send a two-cent stamps , atlUULU libl5U5X UliyMyiUIi much Tespecr.for- hhn;;if-he went to W. C Crosbyji Educational; Sec-. : -.. , ' ahead and; fixed up i your medicine retaryState Farmers' Union,' Raleigh, It I "Union Rally Month" for Local without first asking your. Symptoms, - ; -;X y j ' . Union Every .Local Union 1 to' taking your temperature, and examm- We earnestly." urge .Tery Unioa Help f Community . Service WeeV ing your tongue. So the first thing member in North Carolina to get busy and : on r November 18-19 the State we want is to have a sort of census -and' lend this great " movement his Meeting Is to Be Held in Greenville -made showing just how the communi- ;help. 'V' .-Vp -M' V.c-:'' HIS is to he a, red letter month ;n.u,ui, ;vL;nffvKnm. r.---' : ":v ' . in the history of the North Car- .rrLLi:" T",,- Proirnim ;fnr :MfmmnnirvJprvirn' olina Farmers -..Union, and- .should '-4- -KtU0 (rruwZ r rv Df a red letter month m tnenistory nt to each teacher or nnTnco - " -'' vr? : ' : of; everyWl Union in the state. ome bhe:elS iri each School district. " TN ORDER,;tOfShow 3nst how practi has ;, been ; officially proclaimed . as : , . . - , . - : ; - cat and seful are : the plans-for "Union Rally . llonth throughout ; What : It to" ; BeV Done "Community ; "Community:Service VeekM-inlNortn 3kt-tlv r-irnlin!) annual i stnfp :- Service Week?? -V- rrif in ; fiiTnfiT . ? " 4 'it-- eiik meeting wui oe nem, at ureenviite, pHKN on f Thurs day December 3, - wit nerewitn a. copy ot tne othcial in the ,5Ute- is urged to . make plans gjgs Day,M 'the; people kre to dertaken or subjects iscussed at each some physical work for the improve- prog ment of roads, schoolhouses, church lie lUads, Crounda and Bunding ay. buildings, . etc They . may work on On this ay everybody in the neishbor- ua . a yV.f.V. -f hood, yoang and old. men and womn, ehoifld THIRST of all. let us mention briefly.: , , ' lYa" n.," "' actnai physical -ert toother .along P tt - t 11 r xi .1 scnooinouse, ciean on ine cemexery on ot the touowmg nnes? i- "Union Rally Month ..The idea . ' .mA -i :-, ui stuuut - umuuiUi plant i,t cts auu of "Community Service Week," De-' cemberS, 4, 5. ' - "Union Kally .Mn'tKw ail, le Rally tl ot improving Twada r (tsr tn? town, Tatter's Pecaii Treeis Are the Profitable Kind There !s as rouch dilference In Pecafi trees as In Tl Apple or Peach-trees, Be sure you get the right kind true to name, vigorous, grown by experts who knaw how to produce profit-making trees. Tabor's trees are -the kind yoa should plant. ,7-; . - ,;. v Send lor Our 1915 Catalogue - Describes Pecans, Peaches, Persimmons, Plums, 4 Oranges, Kid -other fruits fat the Gulf Coast; Hoses, Vines rid Ornamentals. . Free. A Grapevine 4 Special" r For the Home Garden i Vines that win bear big bunches, -and lots of them. You can have all you want, and some to sell, tor a dozen vines will start a paying vineyard. A Dozen Grapevines ; Sent By Parcel Post V. Thev are extra fine vtnei and varieties. TZ. R.ftvmsn. Joaoon, Oa., says "The grapevines set -out "this year are bearing grapes." Send today for the vines, and -sk for our catalogue and special offers on fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs and roses. , X S HOWARD NURSEKY qO' Dox 106 C, - : - ; - C StovallN. C 1 I Ymar (80 to 9 64) evsry ireA detDoMtratrngear 11 Vl Mdi eteel Atsnatl lidl.TL I Lifting and falling Jadk, Wire Btratohar, BpUoer aod I i Mender, Pot and Stamp Pnllar, Tlr Tlghtaner, Oabla i Maker, rraas, v ise, uoiat, w renon, era. - upsrom mw I matiealiy. Baa power or 40 nwn, 'Uaarantaaa aw am, I ! Spara tine r pemaaent work. i)woiu mtn I lamn4. CrodltadTe. Writ tortunmj agenor offer, here is that there are gTod men ont- clirilKi! . -,nAa nA n!Srvc streets and. sidewalks,; parks rand -public brought intD it if "we would go . after etc., etc On . Friday, December 4, to be- ob- Zr" School and JleighborKood- 'unK ' (2) For " improving' schoolhouses and grounds. .: (Women may ; improve interior of building, - - men exterior and ;i both -.on "the Improvement Day" in cveTy public -school from Currituck to Cherokee, the older people, as well as all , the boys and girls, are urged to meet to gether at very schoolhouse in the morning, hear the reports of the local survey, and discuss all needed plans for improving" the roads of the com (3) SJmUar work ia improving churches and burying grounds.;,';. - (4) Planting treeftif hjesTaad fldera:lil school- and church grounds,: along roads, and streets, parks, public -places,' etc. ;'Y ; - . aa4 Program for ' Friday, Dec. " 4 "School Neighborhood Improvemeiit Day. (All day meetings at every 'schoolhouse, for everybody men and women, hoya 'and girls, Jtminity, . the - schools, health COndt-, public picnic dinner. This day will be ob- and evening,. may, be given- over , to ' .some: program ; of recreation - and make a list of outsiders in the neigh borhood who would make good mem bers of theJJnion. Then one or more members are to.Ve asked to see each outsider who ought to beV a member and ask him to join. Moreover,-the names ot such outsiders are to: De sent to State "Secretary E. C. Faires, ii j r r i a tt : . ucructn, im. woio wm sam uuiw nno i;f tn- nA , aerved -. as North Carolina Day" - in ever literature ta these men and : an invi-' . t '-AuitfZ iu'tri,. ch0i-ln North Carolina hy- order-of the . . t r Cial conditions. Just What practica- State Department :of Education, .with. public tation to, join in trie, name, OI xne t rrktyrpcc ,t7P ,,4 j aneetings as indicated.-, 0?he roeram as fol- State Union. . , r- - - .: -i.-T .-:-.!--s lows:) . r - . - - Ti- : , This plan should bring in thousands the questi0n for all the people to con of new members to the State Union -,ider- together rand then strong com and very" Local should work it tog of mn and women wiu ;b the utmost. ' - - 1 named to prosecute -whatever plans Helprn? "Comiwunity Service Week" are approved, these committees to re- raV-trr- ' . -u t, -u Prt to subsequent community meet- P1oV Prnis vff' THE next.big matter about which ingJJ; . Then afta. the5e Sttbj Slm-f vy jcai ymuuxuoiui Vjects are disposed of- and a picnic lina should get busy this month is dhllier as well the later afternoon oommunuy service vvecic. ; jl c State, Farmers Union at; Its "meeting C!l h1t-tr trAn O i"1 f r t" Tl T rf4 ing these Community. Service Days,. tdUn& singing .tc something fJr ana uc sutue , ox Au uu au a evervbody young and oR rich;and been largely due to the work of the poor ? , ' . State Union and State Union:leaders on Saturd ; Dcccmber 5, Now every LocaHn the state is asked bounty Progress Day," the aim is to to get busy and see, that these Com- have in county, seat a great munity Service Days are properly county -mecting t0 consider the facts observed I m its. jieighbo;hood-De- of C(ranty Jife jm thesc'hooj 4is. cemoer o, 4, o. . t - w jrict -considers conditions in. the tiis- 1 In fact, the first topic, for discus- trict, with practical discussion of "The sion in every North, Carolina Local Needs and Possibilities oi Our- Coun- Union this month is-. - How Can Our ty.' In both school district and coun- Local Union Help in the Observance ty meetings the aim will be to have a of Community Service Week?" ; frank . and ' candid comparison" with .. Now, let us see just what it is plan- other sections, find "out in what lines ned to do in every JN orth Larohna neighborhood the :week ending Je-' cember 5: , First of all, the plan; is to have. a survey made to . find out the facts about every community. Before.they-" can make much progress, the people must know just what conditions' are. ; -You have got to diversify, Brother Farmer. To plant eome fruit. . It wells at home, " : '.war or no vrar.: Quick returns you must have. .Then why not a''K-v.'-- -"iyji jdvu nun vii nun iivuoi wiiuiiuvujr riuuia : . .and all Mnds of Nursery stock by buying tlirwct fnm a mry that sells to you at whe4esal rates and places their 31 year's experience in Fruit tiro wing at your eom i in and to fra&r&ntee anceeas. Our NEVA MYSS PEACH rinehs In May. ,' Hsver ' missed a erob. Fruited 14 rears. Oar free cataloene erolains Whr it will never miss.' 1 ft trmtn mk two tsiti nlri . ft takt trHar IKati tther kinds. &nd tells of IMS who hm.-rm made ri .400 sn acre on it-. Our Never Stoo Strawberry fruits JLnril to Novem ber the first yen other kinds the ieoond year. Im psid $2,600 an acre, . .? CONTINENTAt. PLANT COMPANY, 203 Railroad Street, KittrelL K. . ' ''' ". One of the larcest snail order Nurseries In America. : i ' ; ' ' IT -Sfc SEASONABLE SEED, OHCnARD AND PO ULTRI SUPPLIES The Bt Only' la heap. ' Our wAn M estabttrihed la U7I end has frown to Us present size toy spec- lallxlnf lor eemtuem isrmera. simrwniwiMuu omuva ra Tour name on postal card will trln tmt riitnatrated catalog free. It Is beautifully Ulustrated and Tlllad with helpful hints. are f ask 1rN today. ; t- W m('I 1 ira McUla. and carry a full Hoe of lnaectlcJdea. pumps, etc. Our poultry Supply department U com plate. . . . ' . - .. - 1. i Meeting tailed to order. ' Election -of Chairman "and Secretary . ' - V 2. Report of Community Survey or Ques tions of Progress. , "t l' j , . "4 3. Discussion fled by two or Tnore le-d?i er3 previously named by committee 5 min utes, each.) ' " 4. General Discussion. " Sub.lectt Y What we undertake for Peonle and Section in each of, the Following Respects: ,, (a) School term. -Is it long enough, and if not, how lengthened? - - (b) Subjects taught: Should we hove more . industruit or Domestic Science fea tures? Boys' - and Girls' Corn, Can ning of - Industrial Clubs? ' .r , (c) Improvemehts of school grounds Should we hav.Bchool farms? . (d) ' Improving our public highways. -, (e) Sanitary and health conditions. - 4 " (f) Encouraging reading of more booka, - . papers, and bulletins by pupils and" our grown people. - A better school library. . v.. (g) Plan for teaching grown-up aiiterates to read. (h) Better industrial and marketing con-" - ditlons, and cooperation among farm ere. .;,...'.. u.-- - 'v :. . -- rr, Developing a richer . social ilfe and it, greater "get-together" spirit on the part of all our people. t 1 How can We develop a genuine "social - center; with auditorium and a com- plete community -school ? - Do we need a larger . center? - . r;'' k) Provision for parka, playgrounds, etc 5. Appoinment of a committee to pre- (1) 1 - i -j THE BEST WAY "ANY TAR HEEL CAN SPEND TWO CENTS - ' - . ' - . x - k- . ; j - ' j " V .... '.;.' .P ' e ' .; i ' ' ' ; , w . r. - s , ;, TpHE best Way any intelligent North Carolinian, man or woman, ' ;an spend two cents right now is to send it to W. C. Croshy, ' , ; ; Educational Secretary; Raleigh, N. C, and get a bpy ofthe t i handsome 86-page pamphlet, "Community Service Week in North - V Carolina.. It is packed from start to finisVwith just the sort pf 0? : maler ftat WP:fJn waking up your iieighhorhood and gettt ting it atartedjilqng new lines of progress. The state has had thi i i book printed at public expense and two cents only pays part of the -postage getting it to you. pimply fin out the following llanK put a xwo-cent stamp with it, and then get the book and study ill'' C W. C. Crosby, Secretary, Raleigh, N. C .Dear Sir:As per abore notice in The Progressire Farmer I inclose two-cent stamp and you will please sen e free the ' PeCom,nttnit3r SerTic Week in North Carolina t T: ''''0''''"::' - ' - Yow" truly, 'yO.VSfy: ' - - . 1,a,no' ..... ....'............ f -.. . I ; ; . . State . ; ...v h Frnrm.r- At An AM A