An n s GOU DISTRICT CELEBRATE DEGEmER-3 AND. 4fggo It " ' - . - 0 it V 11... a r N r rSr- m) U p LSI n In Q J TL?1 v. - r - ., ' m h v : ......... , , -S 3v I ni ax The ninaisiinia;Cf dria; arid Florida 16, AT RALEIGH. N. Ci :' Vol. XXIX No. 47 KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD $1 a Year;4 5c. a Copy 1 WO weeks ago this page carried the timely message, "Know Your Job. " This week we wish to urge every reader to know his neighborhood, what it needs, and what opportunities it offers for' impf ovement. The first thing a doctor wants to know when he; comes to see you is what your conditions and symptoms are. So if you and your people wish to improve your neighborhood, if you wish to make it really progressive and wide-awake, the very first thing you need to do is to make a diagnosis of it find out what its conditions and symptoms are. All over North Carolina thorough -going plans are urK der way for making : such a social diagno sis. A "rural cen sus' is to be taken in every school, district and reports made on "School and Neigh borhood Imp rove -ment Day,!'. Friday; Dec. 4. The head of every household in the district will be asked to kindly ans wer "yes" or "no" to each of the follow ing fifty questions. Of course, no names will be used at all, but if the head of the house answers "yes" a mark will be put in the yes column of the blank the census tak er uses; if he answers no" a mark will be . put in the no column, and then the yeas on each question will be added together and all the noes together. Then with this done the people of that district will know as never before just where they stand, and just what improvements they need as to farming methods, educational con ditions, marketing conditions, health conditions, etc Here are the fifty questions asked: 1. Do all your children between six and eight een attend schoolT 2. Is any boy or girl In your family attending college? 3. Do any of your boys study the school books on agriculture? ; v 4. Do your boys and girls study the health books f 5. Do your children read any library books? I. 6. Do you take a county paper! . -7. Do you take a farm paper? 8. Do you get the agricultural department bul letins? V 9. Do you own your farm? " Sft 10. Do you belong to a farmers' organization? 11. Does your tvtfe belong to a woman's club?y" 1 2. Do you attend the farmers ' Institute ? 13. Have you a boy belonging to a com club? v 14. Have you a girl belonging to a canning club? 15. Are you a church member? hi iiHW"1 1111 " an v V l1-. "Hi. tutf tl;' V L - - -, - 'mii H if WOODCREST PEGGIE JEWEL, OWNED BY P. H. HANES, WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. Good milk cows, either for milk and butter for home use or for the market are one of the means that will help solve the no-market- for-cotton problem. (See article on pasre 5) v V DON'T FAIL TO READ Pae A Farming Program for 1915 A Farmer Who Got Out of the Rut . . . . . . . Annual Address of President Alexander Foot and Mouth Disease Jdle Teams and Retting Land Nn Add to Gst of Farming. Last Call for Sowing Oat . More Reports from County Farmers' Union Secretaries OrfrstnSvntinn rf fVimmiinitv P' Breeders' Associations WaivTmeEconomies for Cot tonFaVmers . ... . . 16. Do the children attend Sunday school? , - j 1 7. Do you own any farm machinery In cooperation with your neighbors? 18. Do you cooperate with your neighbors in buying fertilizers, feed- stuffs, or other supplies? '.. 7 19. Do you cooperate with your neighbors In marketing your crops? 20. Do you have a garden all the year round? 21. Do you usually Have milk and butter all the year round? . . 22. Has the farm demonstration agent helped you this year? 23. Do you buy corn? 24. Do you buy meat? 25. Do you buy hay? 2 6. Do you raise corn to sell? 27. If you sell corn, are you able to get a fair price for It In cash? 28. Have you pure bred cattle? 29. Have you pure bred hogs? 30. Have you pure- bred poultry? 31. Do you sell any .r hogs, - Cattle, . pork or beef? . - - 32. Is there competi ' tlon beween the buyers of the farm products you sell? 33. Dp you keep in formed con cerning prices in more than one market? 34. Have. you helped your local bank by depositing your savings In It? 35. Has your bank ever helped you by lending you : money: 36. Does the buyer alone determine the grade of your cotton, tobacco, peanuts or other money crops? 37. Do you use patent medicines? 38. Is your house-screened? 39. Do you sleep with your windows open In winter? 40. Do you get R. F. D. service? 41. Would you favor a reasonable tax for road s Improvement? 42. Is there a telephone In the house? 43. Do you have to carry water over 1 00 yards? 44. Is your home Insured against fire? 45. Do the boys have Saturday afternoons off for baseball or other recreations? ., . . . 46. Is your house painted? 47. Are the outbuildings whitewashed? 48. Would you favor larger school with more children, more and better paid teachers. larger and better house and grounds? 49. Would you favor Industrial, agricultural and some high school subjects In your school? 50. Would you favor enlarging, the school dis trict by consolidation, with transportation where necessary, and voting reasonable local tax to secure these results? 16 13 7 6 17 12 10 r-V: r' 1 ' If" t